Veep makes exceptionally tone deaf tweet. It’s a swing and a miss for Kamala.
A couple weeks back the Vice President and her husband kissed while wearing masks for some absurd reason. She’s also been declared the “Border Czar”, but has yet to visit the border and her solution is to implore American businesses to create more jobs. More jobs in Central America. God I miss “America First.”
Anyway, with such a track record of political brilliance, it’s no surprise that Harris would dip her toe into the world of honoring our war dead on their holiday of Memorial Day.
Enjoy the long weekend.
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) May 29, 2021
Ah yes, a long weekend. That’s what all those tens of thousands of men and women died for in service to this country. Thankfully, the self-described “Momala” has been called out for her blithering idiocy. She posted a more appropriate message yesterday. Make no mistake though, her first thought come Memorial Day is “Three day weekend! Woot! Woot!”
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Liberals suck
Nice. Not a word about what the day and weekend are for. Bitch.
“the self-described “Momala”…”
Excuse me while I go puke.
I’m offended she is in White face /sarc
She’s a bimbo. She will last about as long as a used tire.
Or another type of used rubber product.
Sarge, you could post a spew alert when you do that.
LOVE that pic at the top, Joker Kamal-a.
Skrunt! Never thought I could despise any bitch worse than Hanoi Jane or DasHitlerbitch, but damned if this one ain’t neck and neck with them two.
Saw this article all over the inherwebz news feeds over the weekend. The Fox linky had over 12K comments…and growing. And to think she is one stopped heart from being the CinC.
But it is absolutely not tone deaf to turn Memorial Day into an opportunity to spread partisan hack outrage porn over a meaningless and apparently thoughtless tweet.
I wonder if any other political figures said, posted, or tweeted something stupid or tone deaf this Memorial Day weekend?
But it is absolutely not tone deaf to turn Memorial Day into an opportunity to spread partisan hack outrage porn over a meaningless and apparently thoughtless tweet.
I will never understand your continued reluctance to discuss actual issues that have been brought up, but instead revert to attacking the writers and the blog itself.
No one is twisting your arm to be here.
And frankly, you seem to have the deserved reputation of being a partisan hack yourself so maybe you should work on cleaning up your own act before going after others. Wouldn’t that be the correct, decent and moral thing to do?
I wonder if any other political figures said, posted, or tweeted something stupid or tone deaf this Memorial Day weekend?
If you read the twitter feed, it is obvious that is the case as there are examples of others who have done something stupid or tone deaf.
However, that doesn’t dismiss what Harris tweeted.
The idea of “they did it too!” left the thinking of most people in second grade.
The point is if we are better or worse off for mindless and tone deaf tweets like this and if worse, shouldn’t voices be raised to say they are mindless and tone deaf?
Or are you just being a partisan hack for trying to defend the defenseless in Harris?
I don’t get terribly worked up over idiot politicians saying idiotic things. In fact, I expect it.
It is completely unrealistic to expect privileged and pampered elites to see Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Independence Day as we do. They live a completely insulated life from sacrifice, service, and brotherhood.
People like Dummissar who allow themselves to pretend they are somehow part of that elite demographic are prone to forget this important lesson as their labial grip on the glutes of the elite tightens around any fecal emission from them. While it is fun to wind his clock to get his predictable vomit, in truth he is merely a minion of despicable people, long down a path to becoming despicable himself.
In the end, Dummissar is worse than any of these privileged elites because he pretends to be one of them while also pretending to speak for all of us. It is transparently BS, but he cannot see that.
This is why I pity him. His usefulness to these elites will end and they will simply discard him (if that has not already happened and his screeds her are simply tantrums at finally realizing his actual value).
He knows better, but he can no longer live without lapping up their fecal stew. He’s addicted to it now and is likely just one step from working as a clean up boy at Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in rear).
He will be broken, but we will simply shake our heads and remember that we told him so.
Ya gotta understand, the Soviets and CCP propaganda machine is exceptionally good at “whataboutism”.
Logic and rational, coherent thought? Not so much. Case in point, dipshit there.
It’s quite obvious that Major Moonbat has dedicated himself to being a “useful idiot” of the left just like the minions who followed the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and others only to be occupants of mass graves as soon as they were no longer deemed useful.
Commissar is one of the people I have ran across on internet forums that is piece of shit Coward who NEVER admits he is wrong.
That he actually once held a Commission in the Military blows my mind.
He must have been a joy to work around. I’m betting he constantly try to blame others for his mistakes. One could only hope that his betters took him out to the wood line and tuned him up a few times.
If I was in his unit I would have snatched him up and slapped that Cock-pleasing grin off his face when he lied about tasks he failed to perform and shifted the blame.
Don’t expect a reply. Lars is a coward and a shit heel.
It absolutely is not. If we were “tone deaf” regarding this particular tweet, we’d be celebrating Ms Harris’ celebrated fellatio skills. Maybe you could take lessons, your political masters will be pleased. Just be sure to put some chapstick in your medical kit. You’re a fraud.
Perhaps is Kamala pondered the photos in this article from the WARZONE for a few moments, she might have a glimmer of an idea as to what this “long weekend” is truly about:
Or to criticize people for having an opinion.
Ironic, coming from a guy who bought into and posted the disproven and completely unfounded reports that Trump called troops “‘dopes’, ‘losers’, and ‘suckers’.”
Not only did Kamala post this from her official @VP account, but she posted it with a giant picture of herself.
Major Moonbat, kindly go out on the freeway, then cut off and brake check a big Chapter of Hells Angels.
Anyone else? Yeah.
Oh, he made up for it since, in excess,
AFTER all the grief the VP picked up for being an ass.
Look up Biden’s Twit account as of May 29.
It’s WORSE than the VP.
It’s Creepy Joe.. up the ying yang.
President Biden
May 29
United States government official
[Stay cool this weekend, folks.
(With a picture of Biden glaring at a very young female.)]
And how many of those other alleged (but never actually cited) feckless politicians are the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY? God, you are the only person on the planet who can almost make me ashamed to have been an MI linguist. I used to think Claudia Kennedy was the worst MI officer I knew… till you started disgracing your rank, your branch, and yourself.
Glass house…stones…I’m sure the irony escapes you.
She is clueless and does not care. She was taught to willfully disregard reality and to never have to face the consequences of her words or actions. Just another special snowflake, arrogant, self-absorbed and entitled.
Oh, well. She’s just one among many.
And, no, the color of her skin has nothing to do with it. Plenty of the same sort among all races, creeds, and whatever other characteristic one might select.
Actually, OWB, the color of her skin has EVERYTHING to do with it.
We all know if it weren’t for the color of her skin, she wouldn’t be there.
I thought it was the quality of her bedroom skills that got her there?
Probably a combination of both.
Ever notice she never wears hoop earrings?
Her high heels would get caught in them.
Hey, be nice to Horeo, she’s got a tough life, she’s still trying to figure out which direction south is, and how she finds a border.
My criticism of her has nothing to do with her skin color. That she may have been selected due to her skin color by avowed racists is certainly more than possible/probable.
Oh yeah, wiping her hands on her pants after shaking the hand of the Korean president. Trump/Pence/Pompeo did this, it would be worse than Watergate. Also, she gave the commencement speech at the Naval Academy & probably confused the hell out of the newly minted 0-1s w/ her spiel about solar panels. This is the Vice President? Good lawd. Yep, I so desperately miss Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Stephen Miller, etc. America first patriots.
Bimbos gotta bimbo…
I swear that I felt myself LOSING IQ points as I listened to that roll of tripe.
Geezo Pete, does she HAVE to let the entire world know that she doesn’t have a freaking clue about anything?
Is it just me or does that photo at the top of the page look like The Joker?
In her case, Bill, a clown-face is more apropos.
Jokers are clever…
If it doesn’t, someone wasted some Photoshop or filter time.
24K twunt.
Not as bad as Biden comparing the loss of his son with those that actually died in combat! Not sure if I can add a link here, but if it doesn’t work, just go check the ap feed.
No mention of Hunter Biden’s distinguished Naval career. Beau always was the favorite.
Yeah, Hunter Biden who got a Navy Commission while exceeding the age limit while his daddy was VPOTUS, only to get booted for piss-testing hot for coke, AND HE NEVER completed a damn bit of Military training before he got his Commission, “white privilege”, anyone?
This is my shocked face.
Of course she doesn’t care about the plebes she feasts upon.
What is her reference to “Momala” about? Last I heard, the only thing I heard she squeezed out of her vajayjay was something attached to Willie Brown.
Well when you get start in politics on your knees honoring those who died on their feet is something that’s hard to understand for her and the team I’m sure.
I know I know…Willie was “separated” from his wife at the time…but where I come from that means he’s still married…after all lots of 30 year olds date guys in their 60s simply because they enjoy the company of old men…
I’m fairly certain she wasn’t on her knees in prayer, although I’m willing to bet that Ol’ Willie may have been crying out to the almighty 😉
Regardless of Brown’s status, she still sucked her career out of his dick, among others.
It strikes me that Kamala wishes she were personable and funny and nice and she just isn’t. It’s so weird watching her try to fake it when she does her fake laugh routine and the bizarre speech pattern where she stops every few words for emphasis. It’s going to be fascinating watching the tech oligarchs try to shove her across the finish line in 2024.
It’s really scary how she’s just like Hillary. Same condescension, same maniacal cackle, same inability to act like a normal person, same changing accent depending on audience, same made up childhood stories, and so forth.
Maybe she IS Hillary, has anyone ever seen the two of them together?
Probably thinks Border Czar has something to do with an out of business Mexican Restaraunt.
What a loathsomely, black, fuckhole and I don’t mean as in african-american (whatever the fuck that means these days) but as a celestial object that just sucks EVERYTHING into it, annihilating it into nothingness.
Sinkhole, bottomless got-damn PIT!!!