Los Angeles solves poverty with $1k a month for doing nothing

| May 20, 2021

Go west, man. LA will pay you for your sign-making skills!

Poe sends in this article. More brilliance from the Left Coast. Los Angeles was, just a few months ago, facing a $550 million budget shortfall. They were preparing to stop paying their bills. Well along comes the Democrats’ massive COVID stimulus, which greatly benefited cities and states that poorly managed their finances (which, surprise, are overwhelmingly Democrat ?). In a month they went from being a half-billion dollars behind to three-quarters of a billion dollars in the black. Mayor Garcetti was “ecstatic” they reported. I just bet he was.

Los Angeles, flush with cash like a sailor going ashore, have come up with some winners from the Good Idea Fairy. Like this one, they’re now going to give the poor $1k a month for three years, just for being poor. Doesn’t sound like there are any requirements to receive the money. Nothing requiring them to look for employment, go to school, take a money budgeting/management course (ironically, they could attend this class with the LA City Board of Supervisors), not use street drugs, and so forth.

From the article;

Democrats in Los Angeles County established a “Guaranteed Income Program” pilot project that will provide 1,000 poorer citizens with $1,000 per month of taxpayer money for three years. The program will cost at least $12 million. [Editor’s note; Author’s math is way off. It’ll cost at least $36m.] 

The measure was passed 4 to 1 by the city’s Board of Supervisors. Democrats Holly Mitchell and Sheila Kuehl co-authored the proposal, arguing that “[p]rior to the COVID-19 epidemic, the safety net failed to address the structural issues that have been keeping many children and their families trapped in poverty.” Mitchell and Kuehl cited a 2019 study by the leftist think tank Center for American Progress to argue that economic differences between blacks and whites indicate inequity.

“Racial discrimination by employers continues to be a significant factor,” the measure states. “Housing discrimination and exclusionary zoning have kept Black families and other families of color locked out of neighborhoods from which good jobs, good schools, parks, and community amenities are easily accessible. We must fundamentally shift the idea that people who face financial insecurity have somehow failed, and instead recognize that it is the inequity and lack of access built into our economy and government assistance programs that have failed us.”

One good thing about the American system of federalism (at least in theory) is that most issues are dealt with at the lowest level. In the case of housing and property zoning that is universally the city. I don’t know why LA admits they are discriminatory and racist against Black people in their own zoning. They also apparently don’t build parks, build community amenities, or ensure quality schools for their anti-Black neighborhoods. That seems wrong to me, but then I’m not a racist.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Liberals suck

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

[Editor’s note; Author’s math is way off. It’ll cost at least $36m.]

Indeed you are being most generous here…there are very few federally funded or state funded programs that payout a million a month without costing a significant sum to administer those disbursements…

In reading the actual memo from these two the number of interacting departments they mention along with the hiring of consultants to monitor and advise I’d not be surprised to find out it costs a million to give away a million resulting in nearly double the costs estimated….


I’d be interested to know what LA is going to do with the rest of the $750M.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You were supposed to be distracted from asking that by the story about free money for the poor…


Employee bonuses, which will get kicked back via union donations. Not to mention consulting contracts to family members.


They are confusing helping with enabling.


They ARE the confused helping the very enabled.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO they’re also encouraging con games, how many will enroll in that under their name and multiple aliases like many do with welfare and other handouts?


Subsidize anything, you get more of it.


On a side note when Dustoff is approached by said ‘Homeless Vet” in public with one each cardboard sign bearing the inscription: ‘Homeless Veteran”, I always ask : “What was your MOS”? Alas this usually has the effect of garlic and sunlight at a vampire convention. They unass the AO very quickly.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone was at a drug store down in Southern Alexandria VA a few months back. There was a panhandler at the traffic light, but then he had to avail himself of the drug store restroom. Bonus points to him for not urinating/defecating on Richmond Highway. Anyway, as he passes Hack inside the store, he asks Hack “Can you help me out?” Hack responds “Sure, do you want me to pass your resume around to my associates?”

Well, Hack didn’t say that, but next time he will. Feel free to use it, with attribution, of course.


Faced with a similar situation the other day – really gnarly looking dude followed me in a store and respectfully asked me to help him out so instead of offering him a hand-out, I offered to buy him dinner. Only ‘fast food’ joint around was Whole Foods – took him there, told him to pick out some chow(w/ a budget of ten bucks). Got himself quite a feast(incl corn bread for desert) – when we got outside he thanked me for ‘saving his life’. I said No prob’s whereupon he said No, had you just given me some money, I would’ve gone and bought crack with it. Might’ve been a BS sob-story but felt it to be the better option. There but for the grace of God…


Resumes are only for you high-class executive types. We of the lower orders fill out applications and get a five minute interview. The whole process takes less than an hour (excluding waiting time if there are a lot of applicants), assuming basic literacy. That assumption is all too often overly optimistic. Went to Basic with a guy who asked me how to spell his civilian occupation for the initial paperwork; he was a “roofer”.


As a resident of Colorado, I support this 1000%.

I may even start buying one-way bus tickets to LA and handing them out to our increasingly aggressive population of “urban campers” here.

“Hey, didja hear LA is giving homeless people $1000 a month for nothing?”


I always mention the nearest state where recreational dope is legal.

But now with that $1000 a month on top of that it is Cali or bust! Now you can spend the whole day stoned for free. Just sleep, shit and fuck right there on the sidewalk.

Hack Stone

In the words of Nancy Pelosi, with this stipend, they are now free to pursue their passion.


One can only imagine the flowering of the arts this will enable. Perhaps giving them even so meager a stipend they can afford materials to create with other than urine (“Piss Christ”–Andres Serrano) and shit (“The Holy Virgin Mary”–Chris Ofili). Their performance art is also becoming rather stale.


Give junkies free money. Fucking brilliant.

Like Skid Row, Venice, et al, weren’t bad enough.


Shocked to learn there are only 1000 poor people in LA.

Hmm… So who decides which 1000 get to receive this windfall?


Easy.. if you’re white, you don’t qualify

Hack Stone

Maybe some type of gladiator contest in the Los Angelas Coliseum? You know, something about bread and circuses to keep the population distracted.



I’d buy THAT for a dollar!


Why, everyone who applies, of course. That’s the only fair way.


What about we transresident citizens? I live in CT but I identify as a Los Angelenx.



Ol’ Poe suspects we’ll soon see a lot of America’s homeless “vets” self-identifying as non-binary, transgendered people of color.

And heading west…


Bottom-line – NO such thing as a ‘free lunch’. Sooner or later, it costs…


Watch for overdoses to $pike. Seattle has tent cities downtown where dealers live amongst them while taking in hundreds of dollars a day. One “homeless” addict bragged about owning 4 RV campers, renting out 3 by the night. Also criminal penalty free shoplifting followed by exchanging goods for ca$h to get their drug of choice for the day.


Now they can afford better tents.


More free sh&t for the free sh&t army. Folks are screaming for employees that can you know…work!

I have eggsactly ZERO (0) Phuques to give for the “homeless”.


Many of them are mentally ill, likely cuz they fried what few “leetle gray cells” they had with dope.

A Proud Infidel®™

And as soon as the freeloaders get their monthly “free” $1000 I bet it’ll be blown in less than 24 hours!