Biden will block troop increases

| December 27, 2006

According to a Washington Times story, Senator Joseph “Can you notice my hair plugs” Biden will bock troop level increases in Iraq;

 …he will try to block President Bush from sending an additional 30,000 troops to Iraq, calling it “the absolute wrong strategy.”
    Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware plans three straight weeks of congressional hearings on Iraq policy next month in hopes of persuading the president to abandon a plan he is thought to be seriously considering.
    “We’ve already broken Iraq. We’re about to break the United States military” by sending more troops, said Mr. Biden, who is seeking the 2008 presidential nomination.

So what does he know? When is the last time Biden made a correct call on any foreign policy we’ve conducted during his Senatorial tenure? And if his advice is so critical, why is he waiting until next month to propose this grand strategy of his? Joe, sit down and shut up. Let the grown ups win the war.

Category: Politics

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