DOD, Biden Transition Team Dustup

| December 21, 2020

Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller has delayed planned meetings between Defense Department officials and Biden’s transition team. Or has he cancelled them? Biden spox say he has brought “an abrupt halt to the already limited cooperation” and accused the Pentagon of making false statements.
Pentagon officials pushed back, saying the pause was a rescheduling of meetings due to “competing priorities” for officials.
He said, she said.

Tensions flare between Pentagon, Biden team over transition meetings

The meetings planned for Friday were postponed due to “rapidly changing priorities here,” said a defense official.

The tension between the Trump administration and President-elect Joe Biden’s team spilled out into the open on Friday, as officials traded accusations over the status of a series of Defense Department transition meetings that a Biden spokesperson called “invaluable” for national security.

Biden transition executive director Yohannes Abraham directly contradicted acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller’s claims that the two teams “mutually agreed” to pause the interviews until after the holiday, after Axios reported that Miller had abruptly ordered a department-wide halt to cooperation with the transition team.

“Let me be clear, there was no mutually agreed upon holiday break,” Abraham said, adding that the team hopes the Pentagon will resume meetings and answering requests for information “immediately.” “That our agency review teams will be able to have access to the sort of information that is invaluable for keeping the homeland safe.”

Mr. Abraham clearly has never dealt with the government’s civilian bureaucracy before. Federal Holidays are inviolate, and “59 minutes” is just assumed, meetings or not.

Read the entire article here: Politico

Category: Biden, Pentagon

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You’d think that, with all the government retreads in Pedo Joe’s team, one of them would have reminded everyone involved that the government basically shuts down for a week during the Holiday they don’t recognize.


$225 million for Palestine (Fake country) is money in my pocket.


They want Federal Employees to work during a holiday? And after 40 years working in DC Joe thought that was going to happen how exactly?



Jebus, such idiocy.

ALSO, (dun dun DUN!!! conspiracy theories) they’re doing it to prep for the Trump Transition to a second term. Some deep PATRIOT folks are in the know, NOT swamp people.


I would feel much more secure about national security if I knew that the Pentagon Peeps who actually manage the military’s affairs are doing what they think best.


Hard to work with the transition team when you’re enacting Plan 685, the military takeover of all Democrat controlled states to crown Trump the God Emperor of the United States.

A Proud Infidel®

You mean the execution of Order Number 668 as well? LONG LIVE God-Emperor Trump!


Awww. The widdle babies got their diapers in a bunch??? Too bad, so sad. Uh-huh. Sure thing.


If you don’t give that homeland transition secret info right this second, then You you ain’t black!…… C’mon Man!


Don’t forget that this “national security” team is made up of the same people that gave the fishing grounds of the Philippines and Viet Nam away to China in an agreement that called for the PLA Navy to withdraw but then did nothing when they did not.

From that point on, both VN and TP have basically refused to trust us or work with us.

Coincidence that they all also received big money from CCP interests?

I’ll draw no conclusions except to say that the money always tells the story with those who claim to be such ardent leftists. My own opinion is that Comrade Dumkopf’s heroes would sell the whole nation to the CCP if they got personal money from it.

But, what can one expect from such pedestrian human waste?


Screw Biteme and the socialist commie fuck-tards
Working for him

Slow Joe

But, think of the children.

They need to know what’s going on so they can sell the info to China. All for the greater benefit of the USA, of course. An unipolar world is not good for us, or so they say.

USMC Steve

What happened was, they tested the traitors by giving them a tasty tidbit of fake info the Chinks would be interested in. less than 24 hours later, that information showed up on Chink monitored sources. Mole passing info. They said, nope, no more intel for you.

The Dead Man

You’re the second time I’ve seen this come up, but can’t find a source for it. Any chance you can throw one my way? Would make my week.

USMC Steve

I have seen it reported in a couple of places, normally reliable. I also ran it past a couple of NSA folks still in the business, who informally confirmed it for me.


I’m calling bullshit on this one. Yes, intel types do this sort of thing all the time – typically with a slight variation to the intelligence, in something called a ‘canary trap’. But if China had highly placed people getting information from an incoming administration like this, they’d go dark until after the transition was complete, so as to avoid this exact type of compromise. The only way we’d know if they know our high-level stuff is if we have a high-level source who is in whatever compartmentalized team is managing the asset, and we wouldn’t fucking blow that by leaking it right now.

Either China and the US are being incredibly stupid by unnecessarily blowing the kind of high-level sources you get very rarely… or this is false.

Also, the folks I know in intel wouldn’t confirm shit, informally or otherwise, because they know about OPSEC. Yours should read up on it.


After four years of sabotaging Trump’s administration, comes the predictable hypocrisy of Donks demanding smooth cooperation.

You may recall, they pried the W keys off keyboards when handing over to Bush in 2001. Among other dipshit stuff.

Nah. Fuck em.


As wrong and as childish as it was to pry the W’s off the keyboards, I still thought it was funny as hell. Yes, I’m 12 years old sometimes.


What IMO would have been even funnier if the incoming Bush administration had (1) looked up the occupant of every workstation with a damaged keyboard, (2) sent that individual a bill damage to government property, and (3) if/when the bills weren’t paid, turned the debt over to the IRS for collection. (smile)


Paint over the W

Put a “G” sticker on the W

Both leave working hardware and no bill to the taxpayer.


If I were a betting man, my money would be on Hanlon’s razor as the root cause.


Mason and I discussed a bit back about the number of deepstate former Klintoon, Oblowme, and Creepy Joe staffers were being appointed to high level positions in his proposed admin. Whoe’s to say that those career pols didn’t already have deepstate career civil servants that have been feeding info to the domestic and foreign enemies of our Republic.