Tales from the Powell side

| May 23, 2009

The Washington Post is reporting this morning that Colin Powell is going on CBS’ Face The Nation to explain to the rest of us Republicans how we can be more like Colin Powell. Like Dick Cheney, I was surprised that Powell still considers himself a Republican after supporting the most anti-Conservative candidate to run for president from the Democrat Party.

Some of the quotes from Powell in the article are staggeringly ignorant coming from a person I formerly considered fairly bright;

The appearance will come just days after Powell, one of the country’s leading black political figures, told an audience in Boston that a new Republican Party is “waiting to emerge.” Earlier this month, he said the party is in “deep trouble” because “Americans are looking for more government in their life, not less.”

The party should realize that the country has changed, he said, adding: “Americans do want to pay taxes for services.”

In April, he appeared on liberal host Rachel Maddow’s TV show, telling her, “I am a Republican, yes,” but saying the party should reduce its emphasis on cutting spending.

But even if you think these quotes from Powell are based in ignorance, you can’t look away from that car wreck called the Republican Party as they plant their lips firmly on Powell’s ass;

“We are not going to get to a majority if we weed out people who disagree,” said Rep. Mark Souder (Ind.). “I’m very conservative, but we need people like him, even if we disagree on some issues.”

Sen. John Thune (S.D.), a member of the GOP leadership in the Senate, said Powell is “one of the greatest leaders of our generation, and he is at heart a Republican.”

I’ll admit, I haven’t liked Colin Powell as a Republican ever since he coined that stupid “conservative with a heart” phrase. Conservatism is compassionate in that we think you can do better for yourself and your family than some heartless bureaucrat in Washington. For Powell, or anyone else, for that matter, to think that we need to qualify our individual conservatism with divisive labels, they’re missing the whole point of Conservatism.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I didn’t join the Republican Party because it has a cool-sounding name. I looked at Jimmy Carter’s Administration, counted his lies to the American people and watched them drive poor people further into poverty and dependence. I decided that Democrats and government is not the Big Answer to our problems. A landslide number of Americans agreed with me when we voted Ronald Reagan to replace Carter and his band of ignoramuses.

If the Republican Party isn’t about smaller government and lower taxes, it’s the Democrat Party with a different name. We don’t need Colin Powell in the Republican Party, we don’t need to drop to our knees every time he walks in the room. As Dick Cheney says in the Washington Post article;

I didn’t know he was still a Republican.

He’s not and we need to stop acting like he has anything of substance to add to the discussion.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects

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I could get on board the moderate train if he was talking about really polarizing social issues that keep finding their way into the party platform (abortion, gay marriage, etc.), but I don’t understand this business about Americans clamoring for “more government” in our lives. Can any rational person deny that states like CA and NY with huge government spending are going tits up because of all the kooky promises that a social safety net run by union thugs entails? The GOP needs to propose alternatives to these runaway entitlement programs that don’t involve the nation borrowing trillions more from the Chinese. It seems Michael Steele is starting to understand that, but I don’t think Colin Powell is…

Country Singer

Someone recently (may have been Rove or Morris) said, “Colin Powell is in the Colin Powell Legacy business.” I don’t think Powell realizes that he is tarnishing that legacy with the military…


Nixon, you left out Michigan in your description of states that are “tits up” because the unions run the dems and the dems are spending us into bankruptcy. I still think that the states listed are the program the 0 is following, and the rest of the country only has to look to us to see how the other 47 will end up. We just graduated 87 State Troopers and now Granholm will lay all of them off, while continuing to fund the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the Michigan Arts Council. Now those are some great priorities..
So, Mr. Powell, no I don’t want to pay more taxes, and I certainly don’t want “more government in my life”, thank you not so much.


Powell ought to remember Marshal Phillippe Petain, once one of France’s Great military leaders, he died in disgrace because he made a foolish choice and became the leader of the original Vichy Republicans.


Powell never impressed me-there are too many RINO’s running around with their own ideas of what constitutes conservative.


Powell came along when everyone needed a token and he hasn’t progressed beyond that status.

Tom the Redhunter

I’ve had it with Powell myself. Not because he’s moderate, but because he seems more comfortable attacking Republicans and conservatives than Democrats. He actually thinks that his endorsement of Obama is something we on the right can just overlook. He may have been a good general, but his political instincts stink.


He wasn’t that good of a General.