Congratulations Curt Schilling
Since our traffic today is roughly what one would expect if this were a Heart concert wherein the musicians played in the nude, allow me a short digression from our regularly scheduled program to continue bashing New York. The City itself, the horrible sports teams, the loathesome and nefarious creatures who populate those teams, and the belligerant and belicose pedarasts who root for them.
In that vein, I would like to congratulate noted Republican, World of Warcraft player, and Demigod of all Bostonians, Curt Schilling for winning the vaunted title of “The Big Apple’s Most Hated Opponents.” I can’t even imagine how excited Curt must be today. Nor how much disappointment must live in the hearts of sports fans from that execrable state. (Like my friend Bellavia.)
Other notables on the list include my boy Papelbon, the dreamy Tom F’n Brady, Jason Veritek (pictured below with the delicious Soxette Heidi Watney who he may or may not be competing in the olympic bedathalon with) and evil puppet master (a higher sith lord than even Darth Cheney) Bill Belichick. I suspect that they hate Belichick more because he keeps stealing New York women to add to his stable than anything else.
Congrats to the good guys for being despised by New York!
Category: Politics
Early days Heart or today? Meaning, traffic high or traffic low? Still love the music, and have to admire a group that made a hit out of a song about oral sex…
Late Heart.
Our traffic today is crawling.
I saw heart in like 1991 and it was horrific. They looked like the beachballs you throw around at Dead shows.
Perhaps a post about Barry Manilow or Cher would bring in a few extra/different readers?
Just sayin….
Jonn wrote: LT Nixon already reads this blog.
What’s a pederast, TSO?
Yeah, don’t google that…from the Greek, means Child Lover. I could have called all new yorkers Catamites, which is even worse, but I was feeling generous.
This post needs more cowbell…
I’ve seen The Big Lebowski too many times. I was bringing Teh Funny.