This ought to give John Grant seizures

| May 20, 2009

The other day, I wrote a post about how John Grant, communist sympathizer and Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands member complained about the Army Experience Center which made Army life seem like a video game. Well, according to the Stars and Stripes some units in the area of Heidelburg, Germany had the their own “experience center” for middle school kids;

Students donned camouflage headbands, watched military working dogs from the 529th Military Police Company sniff out C-4 and drugs, and learned first aid basics from the Heidelberg Medical Activity. They also did physical training and gobbled down Army chow in a Meals, Ready to Eat buffet.

PT, putting on camouflage paint, eating MREs all the stuff we miss from Army life, huh? Well, it seems the kids still loved the experience;

“It’s pretty awesome,” sixth-grader Clayton Glauner said. “Dressing up in the armor was kind of cool.”

Glauner, 12, who had his face painted in camouflage colors, said he also liked the Army grub that about 60 of his classmates got to sample.

Sixth-grader K.J. Parker called the whole thing “good fun.” He said he liked hopping in a 5-ton Army truck. His mother, Staff Sgt. Anja Parker, is deployed to Iraq.

The fact of the matter is, no matter how you present Army life to kids, it still comes out pretty cool.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Anybody got a spare Chicken a la King laying around? 🙂 Trade you for a….
Yep, it was pretty cool, no matter what the village idiots say.


I had to read that a couple of times before I picked up that it was in Heidelburg. I took my kids out to some displays they had out in Copperas Cove TX, just outside of Ft. Hood when I was stationed there. They loved seeing what daddy did in the Army (Ok they were kids, they don’t understand MOS’s)

Can you imagine if they had tried one of these AEC’s in Pelosi’s district? The code pinkers would be having “die ins”.


I would rather my kids learn about honor, courage, commitment, and discipline from our military personnel than watching all that crap about me, me, me, that seems to waft from the narcissists in the entertainment industry.