Another phony Marine

| May 18, 2009

One of our newest readers, attracted here by our Rick Duncan post, wrote us about another phony Marine. At least this guy, Eric Piotrowski, actually joined the Marines, however he did his best to crap all over his service and his fellow Marines. He was also a police officer with Cal Expo in Sacramento (Police Link link);

A Cal Expo police officer was arrested by the FBI Friday on charges of falsely claiming he earned a Silver Star for gallantry in combat 18 years ago during Operation Desert Storm and then lying to FBI agents when confronted eight weeks ago.

Eric Gene Piotrowski, who is charged under the so-called Stolen Valor Act, made an initial appearance Friday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Dale A. Drozd, who ordered him released on a $10,000 unsecured bond.

Piotrowski, 41, bought the medal and certificate via the Internet in 2007, and created a citation on a personal computer, according to a sworn FBI affidavit in support of a criminal complaint.

So how did this bozo get busted? He claimed to his family that he requested his records from the Corps, and inexplicably sent him the citation along with the medal. So his family, being the loving, caring and proud people families can be, arranged for the California DVA Undersecretary to present it to Piotrowski in a surprise ceremony – that set off bells for real veterans when it was reported in the news.

It turns out that he had an exemplary record – a hard charging, well-trained Marine corporal. He’d just never been in a shooting war and made the rest up. He’s been featured over at our new friends at POW Network. What puzzles me is that his family must’ve known he wasn’t in Desert Storm;

Tremblay said Piotrowski’s story was made more believable by the fact he was in the Marine Corps and did serve in the Middle East.

But Piotrowski, after first insisting he was entitled to the Silver Star when he was interviewed by FBI agents on March 17, confessed in a second interview on March 20 that he was back in the United States when Desert Storm commenced and “did not encounter any hostile action,” according to Burgeson’s affidavit.

Sad and sorry bastard. He just got greedy. What did he think he was going to get out of it?

If some of you are still wondering about our own phony General, I’ll take this opportunity to let you all know that it’s been reported (finally) to the proper authorities and they’re working on it.

Category: Phony soldiers

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And he managed to screw his present day job too. How can he testify in court again, with the knowledge of every defense attorney, that he’s a fraud and a liar? Can’t do it.
Also, glad to hear that “Gen.” Baxter will soon see the inside of an FBI office and a court room.


These are the ones I don’t get. He served well. What more did he need?

Also, anybody who uses the phrase “so-called” and isn’t getting paid by the word should be shot.


Greed is a terrible thing. And, I suppose that when you have a “cause” to hate on something that others view as honorable, you need more clout. It sucks that the people who are anti anything always have to lie to make the “cause” or themselves look good.

My Gramp used to say, “Oh what a tangled web one weaves when one practices to deceive, because the truth always comes out.” A bit of his own spin, but no truer words were ever spoken.