Blackwater rescues US citizens in Kenya

| January 10, 2008


Photos from WOOD TV8

In the Washington Times this morning Jerry Seper writes the story destined to be the most ignored story in the media today;

Three young women have returned home to Michigan after being rescued from an orphanage in a remote village of strife-torn Kenya by Blackwater Worldwide.

Yep, those border-line terrorists (um, sarcasm, folks) of Blackwater acting completely out of character (more sarcasm) stopped murdering innocent civilians (more sarcasm, in case you haven’t noticed a pattern yet) long enough to stage a rescue mission;

“I knew the girls were in incredible danger, and I was calling anyone and everyone I could trying to get help but without success,” Mr. VanderMey said. “Then Erik Prince called, asked about the situation and said he was going to do what he could to get my girls out of harm’s way.

“It wasn’t the image that most people have of Blackwater,” he said. “But I can assure you these are dedicated men, professionals who know how to help people in times like this.’ ”

Blackwater spokeswoman Anne E. Tyrrell said the “best thing” about being a company owned, managed and staffed almost entirely by U.S. military veterans and former law-enforcement agents “is that it puts us in a position to help people who need it most.

“These are three incredible girls who went to Kenya to help and ended up needing help,” she said. “We are delighted they are safe and at home with their families.”

My personal thanks to my fellow veterans in Blackwater for the countless other lives they’ve saved in addition to these. If all of their stories were told, maybe the country would have another opinion of them.

For more information on the situation in Kenya, I always check out Baldilocks first.

Category: Foreign Policy, Media, Politics, Society, Support the troops

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