McCain/Lieberman; The Surge Worked (Updated)
Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman, perhaps the Administration’s best allies in the Senate wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal this morning proclaiming the The Surge Worked;
It was exactly one year ago tonight, in a televised address to the nation, that President George W. Bush announced his fateful decision to change course in Iraq, and to send five additional U.S. combat brigades there as part of a new counterinsurgency strategy and under the command of a new general, David Petraeus.
At the time of its announcement, the so-called surge was met with deep skepticism by many Americans — and understandably so.
After years of mismanagement of the war, many people had grave doubts about whether success in Iraq was possible. In Congress, opposition to the surge from antiwar members was swift and severe. They insisted that Iraq was already “lost,” and that there was nothing left to do but accept our defeat and retreat.
In fact, they could not have been more wrong.
The two continue on saying that the war isn’t over, that it’s still our battle to lose. They praise the troops, their commander and their chief, but warn us that the job isn’t over. How could we lose? Simple.
When Congress comes back from their vacation in two more weeks (poor, tired dears) and the Democrats start shooting off their idiot mouths again about bringing the troops home, ending the war, cutting off funding and that incessant blathering that we’ve been subjected to over the last four years, and they start encouraging al Qaeda’s sociopaths AGAIN, it could reignite the whole process. AGAIN.
If the Democrats want to resurrect their credibility, they should get on board, ignore the nattering nabobs of negativity (h/t Spiro Agnew) and put the best interests of this country ahead of their own petty political goals for just this once.
But we know the course they’ll choose. And we shouldn’t question their patriotism.
Update: Bookworm at Webloggin and the Bookworm Room thinks that this is McCain’s way of positioning Lieberman for a VP slot in a McCain run. Actually it was my first thought when I saw the piece, but I certainly hope not and here’s why;
McCain already has a reputation for being a squishy Republican, he doesn’t need a squishy Democrat/Independent for a running mate. The only things Lieberman is right about is on the issue of Israel and the war against terror. I remember he traded in his principles on abortion for a VP slot with Gore in 2002.
If we want a solid leadership team in the 2008 election, a McCain/Lieberman ticket ain’t it.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics, Support the troops, Terror War
Oh god, how I wish Joe would cross the isle (officially) and run for President.