Fresh Bread, Anyone?

| October 15, 2020

This is about making your own bread, in the simplest possible manner. It does not require a working oven. The video shows you everything you need to do, including oiling the proofing bowl and the skillet. I’ve added the ingredients list and quantities below. The video producer/cook is Italian, so the ingredients list and instructions are in Italian, but turning on the “closed caption” feature on your desktop will give you the English version.

Also, note that the bread baker has a flame diffuser on the burner she uses to bake the bread. This is easy to find on the internet. It’s just a steel plate that spreads the heat on a cooktop burner which makes what you’re cooking more evenly cooked – or in this case, baked.

The Perfect Refuge stovetop bread video on 9/23/2020 on YouTube.

This is a video with instructions in Italian (turn on closed captions for English) making bread on the stovetop in a skillet, without an oven. She has a flame spreader or heat diffuser on the burner, which can be found online at a very modest price. She’s using a two-handled skillet, although there are also instructions for doing this stovetop bread production with a Dutch oven.

Note that she does not appear to be timing the length of time in the skillet on the burner, but if you pay attention, the scent of freshly baked bread should alert you.

Let it cool for a few minutes, then slice off a piece. It should smell and taste good. Look at the texture: that is the way bread is supposed to look when you slice it off the loaf.

Ingredients list:

4oo grams of flour

2 teaspoons of sugar

7 grams of dry brewer’s yeast

200 to 220 milliliters of water – pour in at little at a time (Watch her technique.)

1 teaspoon of salt

She does coat the the dough with extra virgin olive oil before she puts it in the proofing bowl. Cover it and let it rise for about 1.5 hours befor you put it in the stovetop pan to bake it. This is rustic bread, but it is free of all the preservatives and artificial stuff that we’re finding is bad for us.


Category: Cooking

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5th/77th FA

Very good Mi’Lady, and very timely. Good for sopping up orasted beef beast pot likker that has percurlated, lowly for a number of hours. Plus it will help take away the taste of that burgoo AND seeing that no ‘count Cory Booker bloviating on the Amy Show. I swear them sumbeeches is talking to hear themselves talk. “I could fill a hundred ditches with them lying sons of bitches…that should die!” Very few of the questions, and there have been damn few real questions, have had a damn thing to do with the interpretation of the Constitution.

I like fresh breads.


Now you’ve gone and done it- two recipes on one day. Bad precedent, Ex. Now the nattering nabobs will not be satisfied with merely one.

5th/77th FA

“Nattering nabobs?” Indeed!! Why, I never!

Just further proof that Ex-PH2 loves us unconditionally and wants us to be happy…and well fed.


And here I was going to make squirrel, rabbit, some kind of noisy flying thing, or nothing and dumplings on the propane burner should the substation get hit by these knuckleheads. I got about 150 lbs of toted up and sealed flour.

Yeah, we are a little bit like THAT. Couple of hundred pounds of kosher salt, lots of freezer bags for salting. 30 gal of cider vinegar. 25 lbs of honey. A Crown Berkey water filter that alleges I can drink my good neighbor’s pond water, with extra filters. I think I’ll still be boiling Heaven forbid. Pez dispensers with lots of pez to hand out to nastier trick-or-treaters. I better check the olive oil. There’s a lot, but maybe I need more. There is some stuff you can actually just eat too! Need something for fuel with all that work.

Okay, maybe we are a LOT like THAT.

Hot bread and olive oil are the comfort food pair of all comfort food pairs. This one goes in both the book, and the tote. Thanks Ex!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Could be done on a cast iron griddle. I have a 9 X 9 cast iron one that I do franks and eggs on. Also have iron covers over the electric burners that you can put a pot on top so it cooks evenly. Maybe I’ll give it a shot to keep me loafing indoors during the china virus.


Here is my new favorite rye bread. Takes a long proof but no kneeding