Navy, Air Force continue search and rescue operations for missing Nimitz sailor

USS Nimitz CVN-68 (file photo)
Over the weekend a sailor has gone missing from the USS Nimitz, deployed to the North Arabian Sea. He/she went missing on Sunday. After scouring the ship and not locating the sailor, a man overboard was called. Since then, Navy and Air Force resources have been engaged in search and rescue ops in the area.
Here’s hoping for a safe recovery.
Thanks to Jeff LPH 3 for the tip.
Source; Navy Times
Category: Air Force, Navy, Search and Rescue, Search and Rescue
Did you guys see this stupid shit in the New York Times that the Marines are teh raciss for not promoting a balck Colonel to General?
“The Few, the Proud, the White: The Marine Corps Balks at Promoting Generals of Color”
The Gunny in that article has some real self-esteem issues if he’s offended and shamed by a photo of some 4-stars.
Ms. Cooper is an idiot.
And I imagine she knows jack shit about the USMC to include how it is quite a bit smaller.
Another NYT idiot with a license to print. Curious as if this idiot actually had a long sit down talk with the COL. The irony is that she has lived a tough experience. A though one early on. But she had a bad experience with another military. And yet her cousin was a Navy Officer of rank (LCDR) I believe, but that makes her no expert in military affairs.
I ran across another armchair military reporter a while back bitching about this very same thing (promotion).
I gave she/hers/hers (the reporter) the analogy of the platoon “designated marksman”.
I did not designate that position on color. Just accuracy and consistency.
She/her/hers never understood it. Never will. She kept arguing equal opportunity. I explained regardless of who was in there, those that were not qualified could folks of all races killed. She still did not get it. I tried to explain to her this was not like working in a business or a non-profit. She could still not get it.
She/her/hers has never been in that environment.
So what I am confused about is…she says there are no Black Marine Generals, but in her own article she says there are six black BGs and one black MG. She also states there have been something like eighty who have made it with none making it to four star. Is she saying to promote COL Henderson to four star?
General Officer is all about the politics, and who likes you. In the Army I was told there are two clichés and you side with one or the other. Depending on which you side with is whether you get the job you want at the time you want…or retire. David Grange was on the receiving side of this. He Commanded the Ranger Regiment as the seventh Colonel and moved up the ranks like his father. He pinned on early his second star and took Command of the 1st INF DIV (Big Red One). Completely shook them up and got them back to a fighting force. He was ready to pin on his third star (like his father) and wanted a Corps…but his peers told him he had to go work staff at the pentagon for a while (apparently it wasn’t their turn to Command a certain Corps). He wined and decided to retire instead of take the staff job (I recall an XVIII ABN Corps Commander saying he hated staff…to my face as his Intel advisor). His peers did not think much of his decision and because he pinned on early to Command Big Red One he not only didn’t make LTG he retired as a BG.
I think the article says a lot, but not correctly. The Generals in the Marine Corps (who decide who they want to work with) have said he needs to be more political and less demanding (sand off the rough edges). He has to learn to compromise and still get what he wants. Apparently he is standing his ground, and like David Grange he will retire without ever getting to fulfill his potential.
Been hoping to see a notice on the news feeds that the sailor was found. As we all know, the longer they have to look, the less likely we will have a good outcome.
I hope the Sailor is found. But if they are found hiding in a squirrel hole onboard as happened not too long ago, they should go overboard.
Did someone check the whorehouse at the last port of call, because, maybe someone was taking a nappy afterwards and the alarm didn’t go off, I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I didn’t have change for cab fare! I lost my tux at the cleaners! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!
She bought it, but we won’t, Chipster!
BINGO….Bro, Bruh, Broman!!!
My name Bruh Man…I live up on the fifth floor.
*Holds up four fingers*
Unfortunately, they’ve ended the search without finding him. Here’s to hoping that he’s just holed up somewhere on the ship (and then needs a trip to medical to get everyone’s boot out of his ass for that stunt). Or that he did go overboard and has put his water survival training to good use and will be picked up by a passing boat.
Damn! Thanks for the update Chief. I missed this or it didn’t show in a news feed.