Trump Sets “Systemic Racism” Trap
“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.
Poetrooper sends us this opinion piece, exposing the Dems push to make an anti-white racist ideology the norm in Big Government, and how the Trump administration is subtly countering this attack.
By Thomas Lifson
A memorandum from Russell Vought, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, has opened a new strategic front in President Trump’s re-election battle. In 461 words (full text below, annotated with my comments), the recently confirmed OMB director virtually invites pushback from the Democrats’ ticket and their media allies, and that’s a battle they can’t win.
Don’t worry about me clueing them in. They are so arrogant that they don’t take seriously anything that conservative websites may write. Moreover, the opportunity to pummel the Trump administration as “racist” is irresistible.]
The only people who like the “anti-racism” training are the consultants who make out like bandits and the executives who order them foisted on their helpless employees, thereby proactively defending against charges of racism and potential litigation. The obnoxious anti-white struggle sessions are right out of China’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and, when exposed to the light of day, are indefensible. Ask Goodyear.
Within the federal government, the exposure of the abusive training regimen imposed on managers of Sandia National Laboratories , which builds and manages the nation’s nuclear weapons, revealed highly abusive practices.
Christopher Rufo, a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation… writes, participants were told that the “roots of white male culture” consists of “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work,” and “striving towards success” — which sound good, but are in fact “devastating” to women and POCs.
In fact, the trainers claim that “white male culture” leads to “lowered quality of life at work and home, reduced life expectancy, unproductive relationships, and high stress.” It also forces this “white male standard” on women and minorities.
The seminar also asked white males to recite a series of “white privilege statements” and “male privilege statements.” It concluded with its white male participants writing letters of apology to marginalized people whom they may have harmed, according to Rufo, who made the documents available on his website.
Vought’s letter is phrased in language that will lure Democrats and their media allies into defending the indefensible.
Go here to read the letter, and more: American Thinker
Thanks, Poe.
Category: 2020 Election, Democrats, Guest Link
I’m sure we’ll hear Major Moonbat the spastic Seagull chime in on this!
Why should I bother? It is completely bullshit.
I have to agree.
Critical Theory, in its many manifestations including but not limited to Critical Race Theory, is complete and absolute Socialist bullshit.
Maybe there’s hope for you yet, Lars.
None of this is true.
More opinion not facts.
Explain lack of action to fix black mold in government housing –
explain lack of movement to fix chemical contamination in water to service bases throughout CONUS
explain millions of vet med appts not automatically rescheduled throughout VA
explain for DOD budget for next year still not approved
explain 190,000 Americans dead from a virus that is still got the potential and reach out and grab seniors, fat people, diabetics and the answer so far is hope on herd immunity or a possible vaccine
here is a wish –
for every( weak ill thought out psychopath) on this site that jail rape is a good thing – vote twice
and if you get an orifice stretched – you got your wishes fulfilled, I guess
old98z, I’m sorry but I read your post three times and still cannot see the link to the thread topic. If I am missing something, please help me out.
Every post is supposed to the link to a concept with the original thread topic, right?
None of my points did, but were posted there to get your attention, mea culpa. That doesn’t make the issues any less important and I didn’t feel like waiting around to the next open topic post.
That being said, how your relationship with goodyear is relevant escapes me.
If you think values are being twisted, or re-aligned – I agree.
I keep thinking it given any EEOC training I got in the Army can be twisted – depending on my current point of view –
give me the hours back in EEOC lectures
Heck, I can’t see the the link to reality.
timactual – I have to concur.
old98z’s post does not appear to have a link to reality.
Perhaps he’s a few too deep into some PBRs for the weekend?
Condolences to your recent losses.
I don’t PBR and THC not available where I am, much to my disappointment.
That being said – if you wish I can make a case for each post I’ve done here –
also note that I do not insult posters as a policy or sling labels –
insulting and labeling are lazy ways to address any issue.
have a good day
Wtaf was that? PBR? Thought that came in a can, and THC in a joint.
Don’t get your can out of joint? Or don’t get your joints out of the can?
I’m not helping, am I….
@11B –
Let me explain –
put some joints in a can, seal it up, mail it to me.
Many thanks in advance.
Do you actually have a quality response to post?
Please specify what you found to be unclear.
Hi, Ex-PH2
and I’m assuming your one word response is actually a “ditto” of Sparks comment.
I explained my rationale above and don’t apologize for being off-topic.
I normally respect forum rules, but given the number of other off topic responses lately, did not see the harm in asking a few questions.
No, you did not explain anything, 98z. You posted a rambling comment that references nothing and makes no sense to anyone.
If you have a complain about something, fine, but since you have no subject referred to, you just seem to be a malcontent without even a bone to pick.
If you’re unhappy about the content of the blog, that’s your business. These are tough times for military news, although we post what we can here. In case you had not noticed, most of the world is shut down in fear of Covid19. That cuts into military news, too. New Zealand, for example, had a -0- rate of infection, lifted the restrictions, and immediately, things went sour, including the loss of cash when a transport ship with 3700 head of cattle bound for Japan capsized and sank a few days ago.
If you don’t like what is posted here, you are certainly not being forced to stick around.
Well Ex
As you can see I’m usually not here much anyways.
Any stop by is driven by curiosity and nostalgia for the old board that was more focused.
*Thanks for the invite out, though.*
Although I think more of the posts are treading towards pointless noise –
I stick around because I supported to Military Phonies and TAH in the past.
It’s kind of the sunk cost syndrome at this point.
I’m pretty agnostic when it comes to most subjects and willing to debate from either side of the isle… but detest name calling and careless, and indiscriminate use of labels.
As far as this site goes I act however I chose and won’t let you or anyone else try to silence me because you don’t like how or why I respond to a post.
TAH could address issues of military and veteran care more than it does… but instead plays partisan games and drives for dog whistle click based articles. I note the declining responses to more of the posts over time.
I used to really respect the wisdom of the posters on this board in the past; not so much anymore, unfortunately.
Well first, I haven’t bought Goodyear tires in centuries but I would run them on my cars now if they were giving them away. The truth that they put that shit out to their employees shows a lack of balls and backbone that has become all too common and sickening.
the “roots of white male culture” consist of “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work,” and “striving towards success” — which sound good, but are in fact “devastating” to women and POCs.
What do I even say? So everything I and the POC I was raised and schooled with was bullshit? Really!?!
The work, sweat, stress, uphill battles, failures, and successes I and POC I know went through was actually just white male culture. Who knew?
All the hard work, losing more than once, pulling myself up, and moving forward through difficult times was my white privilege and not really anything worthwhile or of value. I did it all just because I was white, right?
Well, fuck that and they can kiss my ass in the County square!
The purpose of all this insanity and it is insanity in my mind is to tell people who WILL NOT WORK TO MOVE AHEAD that they have been right all along and anyone asking them to take advantage of great opportunities made available to them are just white cultured racists.
Truly, the patients are running the asylum in corporate America. They are scared of their shadows and see the boogeyman (sorry, that could be a trigger word) behind every desk and in every cubicle. Here’s to….
TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“but I would NOT run them on my cars”
Gee whiz, Sparks, don’t hold back. You’re far too mild, Big Guy!
Somehow, I have never met any spoiled brats in the work world, but I have met people of all SPECIES who busted their backsides to do a good job and maybe even get a nice raise or a promotion. That had to do with doing the job, and nothing else.
So I think that, from now on, I will no longer refer to anyone by some manufactured label, especially if it refers to the amount of melanin deposited in their skin by genetic dispensation.
Nope – I’ll refer to people who don’t look just like me as belonging to another SPECIES.
Anything’s possible, don’tcha know.
This is all hogwash, and we all know it.
I guess we gonna whip this dead horse of perceived RAAAAAYYYCCCIIIIISSSS for another 50 damn years. Bull cookies! Stub out your Camel, get off your ass, pick up your shovel and go to work. You dumbazzes are creating perceived racism where there is none, or rather wasn’t, until your constant screeching for more free sh^t has made the working people sick of hearing it.
Imagine, if you will, a world where Whitey sat on his/her ass and took no action to not only better themselves, but to do something for the betterment of mankind. OH, wait, we’ve already been told that the invention of the light bulb, and telephone was actually by a black person. Was Robert Fulton’s Steamship actually made by Huck Finn’s Buddy N****** Jim? Did the guy sweeping up around Wilbur and Orville’s Bike Shop actually make the Kitty Hawk Flight? And that was only after he spent the day picking cotton. Oh, and speaking of which, I guess Eli Whitney is the biggest RAAAAAAAAACCIIIIIIIISS because he invented the cotton gin, causing all of those ships built in the South to raise their ANV Battle Flag, sail up the Congo, and steal all of the natives to pick said cotton for the gins. /s/
I could go on but won’t. If Whitey has done so much to hold back the different races, why hasn’t there been more progress in areas where there are very few to 0 white folks? I don’t owe anybody anything or a portion of the fruits of my labor. I never owned you nor did my ancestors. Now get the hell out of my travel lane, I got provisions to go buy.
@ Kob/5th/77th
to summarize
para one – not much.
para two – whites are racist for being inventive and etc
para 3 – I lost interest in my post
To JACK SHIT out there –
I meet your twin WEAK SHIT –
can’t tell you guys apart.
as bon jovi says – have a good day
*met* – edit due to fat fingers
There used to be a lot of old service insight here that was interesting to read.
It was a daily check in when Jonn ran it.
The problem with MP and TAH not being able to run with valor posers is acknowledged due to lack of resources to verify claims.
Old timers lurking here already know were this is going…
You off your meds or too deep in the booze this weekend old98z? You are not making any sense at all.
Maybe graybread is too stale to understand simple English.
I don’t insult or label posters as a rule because I respect the service of members here.
Thus I would not start a conversation by calling someone out as intoxicated over a post.
Which part of the last post did you not understand?
Maybe graybread is too stale to understand simple English.
I don’t insult or label posters as a rule because I respect the service of members here.“
And yet, in your second sentence, you insult Graybeard. Please, take your meds.
Note I said “as a rule”
Graybeard has continued to imply I’m somehow off due to my posts – he insults my character by referring to intoxication as why I worded my responses as I did.
I say he is too lazy to respond with more than one line cast-offs or insults.
Since you don’t know my medical condition, what caused the wording of your response?
You violated your own rule. And your writing is as incoherent, rambling, and pointless as someone either overly medicated or in need of medication.
I’d address you as “dr sfc d” if I knew your medical qualifications. Else you are just spouting your unqualified opinion.
Garbage in – garbage out.
As an occasional lurker on this board, I haven’t read a lot of posts, but I’m generally opposed to what graybeard and you have to say on any number of issues.
I’ve often considered calling out some of your responses and simply decided it’s not worth the effort.
My responses, seemingly chaotic, are more a lack of caring to take the time to write a more through response. as someone once said – ‘it is was it is’.
Your concern trolling attempt is at least as weak as Lars’ grasp on reality chief. This board’s never been as focused as you’re claiming with posts from Jonn covering all sorts of topics that interested him.
That’s correct, Dead Man. When Jonn Lilyea gave me the “GO” signal to start posting articles, I asked him what subjects he wanted me to cover.
His response was “Anything you like”. There was no limit to it. That was in 2013, so I don’t know what 98zero thinks has changed, nor do I intend to post stuff designed for one single person to approve.
His claim doesn’t hold water.
Serious question:
What’s the origin of the phrase “This ain’t hell but you can see it from here”?
Pardon my ignorance…
I recall seeing it embroided on a cheap boonie hat in Viet of the Nam.
As I remember it, Jonn said it came from a conversation between 2 US servicemen watching an Iraqi unit being pummeled by some massive firepower during Gulf War I. The one looked out at the destruction and commented “Well… This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here”.
I’m sad to say I don’t remember if Jonn was one of those guys or not.
RIP Brother
First Goggle mention appears to reference a book published in 1992…
Kamala Harris: Victim of Systemic Racism
Only in a country fraught with systemic racism can a multi-racial child of immigrant parents be running as a candidate for the second highest office in that country.
Only in a country fraught with systemic racism can a multi-racial child of immigrant parents be elected one of two Senators of largest state in that country.
Only in a country fraught with systemic racism can a multi-racial child of immigrant parents be the Attorney General of the largest state in that country
Only in a country fraught with systemic racism can a multi-racial child of immigrant parents can that woman marry a white man…ya know cuz of racism.
Her and the rest of the race baiters and liberal elites can phuque themselves.
Big Up Vote!!!!!
Big up vote, as well. I would just add that she married a very wealthy white lawer who is owned by the Chicoms, along with the rest of his law firm. So, we have two family members of candidates where the Chicoms have figured out what they are and their respective prices.
Lars dates Asian women to prove he is not racist.
You mean he asks them for dates. But I suspect only after he first traveled to Thailand or the PI. But first he has to talk to Mamasan.
Nah. You guys have no idea what a gullible dingbat he is. They find him. They all come from ChiCom China. They’re looking for a sucker like him.
Use your imagination a little, willya? 😉
Ask any of the multitude of successful folks I currently know and have known throughout the years. Some of them are/were white men, but a bunch of them are other-than-white-men. Every one of them worked hard, learned their craft or profession, and kept at it until they succeeded.
We used to just call it “the American way.” Some of us still do. And it does still work.
Honey bring me a Bottle of Jack Daniels, and a Heineken! I got to figure out what the hell is going on!
Critical Race Theory originated with Karl Marx. There is only one Marx (and his 2 brothers) worthy of following…