Portland Shooter Killed – Vet Status Confirmed

| September 4, 2020

Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48 y/o, the suspect in the shooting death of Aaron Danielson, was killed by federal officers after an attempted arrest.

Reinoehl’s sister claimed that her brother Michael may have served in the Army for a bit but the Army could not verify that.

Racial justice protester suspected in Portland shooting death killed by law enforcement

While Reinoehl’s sister said she had a vague recollection of her brother being in the service, an U.S. Army spokesperson was unable to find any records connected to Reinoehl in an Army database.

But, when one of the TAH ninjas went to confirm, the following came up.

Let’s hope that Reinoehl did not have an NDSM to bring shame upon that brotherhood.


Category: Politics

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Combat Historian

Did this loon get an AIT trainee discharge or was he kicked out for cause after reporting to his unit? Either way, a total waste of oxygen…


Bowe Berdahl wannabe.


Probably a medical for “one too many times” having a Barbie Doll head stuck in his rectum.

This is a person who tormented his disabled mother for money to support his “lifestyle”, mocked her and even stole her anti-seizure medication. Odds are the family tipped authorities. His grave will be “watered” by many.


I’d guess the latter, CH. 453 days (see Claw’s comment below) seems quite a long time to be in AIT.

Combat Historian

Only possibility for the former would be if he enlisted in a technical MOS that required a lengthy AIT, and then got put on a long hold because of medical or other issues and then was eventually chaptered out after spending many months mowing grass and painting rocks. I doubt that was the case, because this loon didn’t seem that bright…


“seems quite a long time to be in AIT.”

Although I knew one guy who took a long time to finish. Nice guy, though. Unfortunately he knocked out the Company Commander and went to the stockade for a bit.


Michael Forest Reinoehl never even remotely knew me.


I do. I’m your brother Dontgiva.


Wow, only one (1) year of a four (4) year or six (6) active tour… sounds like a F*-up.


He was a washout
I don’t call that serving
Almost isn’t serving

Honor and Courage

He has to have a less than Honorable because his Statutory service Obligation was terminated!


How long until Pantyfa has comes up with their version of the “Horst Wessel” song for this shitbag?

How many more days will Portlandia burn?

Hopefully Michael Forest Reinoehl is residing at the appropriate level of Hell and having his squeakhole dorked by the Barbed Cock of Satan.

USMC Steve

The Boogaloo is starting off slowly but well. Three dead domestic terrorists/rioters, one crippled up domestic terrorist/rioter. only one friendly casualty.

Wonder how long it will take for the large children of Antifa/Soros to strap up and learn hard lessons, or get a bit more intelligent and quit this nonsense?



The scientific method is being engaged time and time again:

Step 1: Fuck Around
Step 2: Find Out


Of course, there is this..


Crap, looks like I might have fat fingered the report button, sorry Jay


Eh. I’ll live.

USMC Steve

There it is, buddy.

Some folks just don’t learn though.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


And on this day, the fourth of September, year of our lord 2020, not a single fuck was given for this miserable excuse of a man’s assumption of room temperature.


Less oxygen being stolen/wasted now.


Considering the state of his eyes in the photo I would wager he pissed hot.


Meth: not even once.


Clearly another unhinged Vet, victim of the MIC tried to serve a cause greater than himself and was cutdown by the same government goons./s
Or just a drugged out, mentally ill Marx-worshiping douche bag that f**ked around and found out.
I’m not advocating for violence, but when his brethren/sisthren/otherkinhren decide to get justice by retaliatory actions against the Feds and get laid out in the street like the dogs they are… popcorn, beers and a huge grin will be where I’m at.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Dumbfuck got himself killed by LE, that’s one fleabag won’t have to be fed, clothed and housed at taxpayer expense!

Daisy Cutter

One less vote for Biden.

Since the Democrats only seem to respond to the polls, maybe they will eventually decide that they need all the votes they can get.


Naah, he’ll still vote by mail, maybe more than once.

Daisy Cutter

Brings up an interesting ethical question.

If a SJW votes with a mail in ballot, then gets hisself kilt before the election, does that vote count?


At least twice.

Hack Stone

That’s where a certain “community organizer” was from, right?




It was a mostly peaceful arrest.


It’s a shame they are blurring out re-entry codes on 214s released by FOIA, if we ever get his 214 I would bet good money he had a RE4 code on his. Or maybe I’m just jaded, maybe he had a legit reason for clearly not completing his full enlistment…….naaah.


Bedwetting, public masturbation, etc.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone read somewhere that Marvin Gaye was kicked out of The Air Force for excessive masturbation. After reading that, Hack thought of a few guys who should be on death row at Leavenworth. And just how much masturbation is “excessive masturbation”? Would what is considered an adequate amount of masturbation in the sandbox considered excessive Stateside? Asking for a friend.


And just how does one document the aforementioned behavior? Witness statements?

Hack Stone

Tale of the tape. If the bicep on one arm is 18 inches larger than the other, that may be a clue. And hairy knuckles.


Also, don’t forget that Jimi Hendrix got booted for getting caught while spanking his monkey in the latrine at Fort Campbell./s

A Proud Infidel®™

Among a few other things, it was said that ‘ol Jimi Hendrix liked the wonder-weed more than he did the US Army!


Regular vision screening would answer your question.


One should attempt to refrain from doing it in company formation…


Or as described in Full Metal Jacket… “Crazy f*cker starts jerking off the waiting room.”:

Keepin' It Real

As HAMAS is to the PLO…


Achieving political aims through violence performed by a political proxy, allowing deniability.


If he does have an NDSM, here’s the noble eagle of the NDSM crying


NDSM w/ C*, M**, or R*** Device authorized, but certainly no Bronze Service/Campaign Star.

Your choice./s

* Crack
** Meth
*** REMF


Unfortunately, Gulf War I runs 2 AUG 90- 30 SEP 95 for NDSM purposes.

Hack Stone

Dylan Roof shot up a predominantly African American church, killing 9. Photos emerged of him with a Confederate flag, which was the catalyst that launched anything to do with the South and The Civil War must be cancelled, to include but not limited to The General Lee from The Dukes Of Hazzard. This guy had a BLM tattoo on his neck, and killed someone for the political stance. Can we start cancelling BLM now?

Hack Stone

So, does this mean that he is entitled to a military funeral?


He’s a washout…
he’ll get a BLM one for sure


As long as it’s burial-at-sewagetreatmentfacility and in lieu of Taps the theme song to The Three Stooges is played.
I got $5 on it.


Do not disrespect the Stooges like that!


Fair point, Entry of the Gladiators?
How’bout Cardi B’s magnum opus WAP?
(Do yourself a favor and do NOT google that)


No doubt Roh! If you ever thought Cardi or her fans have IQ’s above room temp, that song will change your mind.


Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby”…

Hack Stone

Seems more appropriate.


I messed up and googled it. Smh. Don’t forget, her and Biden are buddies.


I warned you.
“By their [trash] you will know them. Do you
gather grapes[drank] from thorns, or [weaves] from thistles?” Jay-Z 7:16

The Other Whitey

Reinoehl’s sister also says that he was a selfish piece of shit who habitually stole money and prescription meds from their mother. Real upstanding citizen, that guy.

Fuck him, and fuck his cohorts.


He took his 11 year old daughter to some of the Antifa/BLM “protests” and armed her with a ball bat.

Hack Stone

Ripped off his own mother. Sounds like the Vice President of a proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government would be interested in offering him a position. Birds of a feather and all that shit.


Burn in Hell while Satan devours your worthless soul you murderous piece of trash. Maybe we’ll get lucky and a large contingent of your buddies will soon join you.


You are dangerously brainwashed.

Which “buddies” are you referring to?

The people asking that black people be treated equally under the law and asking that the government stop leading the industrial world in extrajudicially executing citizens for disobeying?

Your complete off the deep end attitude about his “buddies” explains why there has been more than 50 indigents of right wing fucksticks ramming and running over protestors in their venicles.

Not to mention the drive bay pepper spray attacks. And the occasional potshots or “warning shots”.

Given your attitude toward killing innocent people you are much closer to being the kind of shitbag Reinoehl was. Maybe you are one of his “buddies”.

Turds of a feather.


Tell your friends to get out of the road. That is not a place to play especially since your friends have shown what can happen if you stop and the mob surrounds you. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt but I wouldn’t stop either. On a side note, who the f*** are you to impede on my travels? Think about that.


Protestors have been protesting in roads in the US since before the Boston Massacre.

That is how protests work.

You are the kind of authoritarian that thinks people should only be allowed to protest where the government gives them permission to protest.

Otherwise they should be killed or rounded up and arrested for not obeying.


How about airport runway protesting?
You good with that?


Protest? You call beating on cars and pulling people from cars and beating the s*** out of them protesting?


Most people would call that “rioting”. But Commissar and his ideological soulmates call it “mostly peaceful protesting”.


You have no right to impede the travel of innocents. Fuck off, commie and get off the fucking road.


Amen. All of us who pay gas and Federal taxes OWN those roads.


You call him an authoritarian, but it’s your side that is stopping people from going- wherever that are going, because ???????? Whatever!


Hack Stone

Extrajudicially executing citizens? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Since you are the king of the empirical evidence, why don’t don’t you compare the number of people killed in law enforcement encounters against total numbers? Last week the SJW idiots were harassing diners in Washington to show solidarity with BLM by raising their fists, when just a few miles away the previous week 20 people were shot and one was killed in Southeast DC. If they are really concerned about black lives, go to where all of the violence is occurring and demand that the hod rats put their (illegal) firearms down and let the residents live in peace.

And it bears repeating, statistically speaking, African American stand a better chance of surviving an encounter with law enforcement officers than an encounter with Democrat Fundraiser and friend of Hillary Clinton Ed Buck. He has at least two African American who died under mysterious circumstances in his residences, not to mention a number of others who overdosed while in his company.


US police officers kill more citizens than any other industrial society in the world.

Far more. Several times more per capita.

There are single departments that have killed more citizens than the all 28 EU countries COMBINED over the last 20 years.

And there are a few serial killer officers that have killed more citizens in their career than entire industrial societies.

Killing a citizen and getting away with it is a fairly formulaic procedure in law enforcement at this point.

We even had cops and paste ready use of force templates that we just had to add some details to and we already knew the language would justify any use of force based on previous case law.

If you are armed a police officer could essentially kill you at any time during the interaction whether open carry or concealed carry is legal or not. Just the presence of a firearm in your possession means there is almost zero chance he would be charged and zero chance of getting convicted.

And being unarmed is not safe either.

You only think there isn’t a problem because you don’t think it will happen to you.

Hope you never get pulled over by a serial killer cop in a twitchy mood.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Wow Major Moonbat, you really are addicted to your cult propaganda!!!


You are such a fucking retard. This retarded rant is the rantings of a frothing communist. Comparing low-pop countries with a country that has a pop in excess of 330 million is not a fair comparison.

Total number of police involved shootings in the U.S, according to yearly data from Wapo is around 1,000 or less. Most justified. But, please, continue to spew spittle out of your smegma orifice.


Not to mention that U.S. cops arrested 10 MILLION people last year and that blacks call the police 7 times MORE than whites do. STOP COMMITTING CRIME AND THE COPS WON’T BE CALLED.

Green Thumb

So do drunk drivers.

Hack Stone

You keep posting that statement. How about posting a link to where you located this information. And let’s get back to the gist of the conversation, Hack went on Al Gore’s Amazing Internet and did some research. Using 2018 as the baseline, statistic.com states that in 2018, police shot to death by law enforcement officers were 399 white, 209 black, 148 hispanic, 36 other, and 204 unknown. Per data provided by knoema.com, 2018 homicides (does not differentiate various types of homicide) had 16,214 homicides. That works out to police involved homicides for 2018 were 6.143%.

In 2019, Chicago had 510 homicides with 491 of them being classified as murder. The heyjackass.com website lists Chicago Police involved in 6 shootings and 6 killings. That works out to 1.22% of Chicago homicides involved law enforcement. Hack does not have a breakdown of how many of the killings were ruled justified, but even if all of them were unjustified, which is highly unlikely, 99% of killings in Chicago do not involve law enforcement.

Last weekend had 54 shot and 10 killed in Chicago last weekend. Does Lars want to lay down a fin on whether this weekend will be over or under?


Hmm. Seems someone is in a bad mood today and is defending an admitted murderer.

Could it be that Reinoehl was an honored Comrade and friend of yours, Commissar?

Hack Stone

The struggle continues. Between this guy and the idiot down in San Antonio who got popped by “pussy” in the Uber car, ANTIFA seems to be losing their military leaders. They will have to rely on people like Commander Red.


I say we initiate OP Stolen Tendies:
2. Mission: ‘A systematic and coordinated pilfer of all chicken tendies and hot pockets from all local groceries by Freedom-loving Americans’.
3a. Commander’s Intent: ‘By removing the main food source of basement dwelling anarcho/commies, thereby inciting them to full on Reeeeeeeee’.


Neither was a leader.

Makes sense you would think the leaders of BLM are white.

That is, after all, how you think the world should work.

Only white people being in charge.

Can’t seem to imagine it any other way can you?


Actually, by their own admission, the leaders of BLM are “trained marxists..


When I was a kid, commies were the enemy… and they still are!


Does he know “Comrade Dragonlord” of the Columbus, Ohio, antifa? Seems sorta similar anyway.


Anon, thanks for the Friday Funnies. Loved the video. Especially, where the Antifa Soi-boi has his Russian WWI surplus bolt gun in the background, which likely cost about $75.00 at Big-5.


Who is defending him. I called him a “shitbag” and “turd” in the exact comment you are replying to.

Jesé, Honda, you are not even trying to be credible at this point.

The fact that you were completely full of shit during your Obama travel cost updates for years has really weighed heavy on your sense of civic self. Turns out you never actually gave a fuck what Obama spent. You just wanted an excuse to spread a anti Obama narrative. Glad you have looked into the abyss that was once your sense of civic conscientiousness and realized that it was just an empty inky blackness of nihilism.

Now you are just lazily waving the flag is partisan solidarity out of habit. Your heart just isn’t in it anymore apparently.


You were replying to KoB, who had wished that Reinoehl would burn in hell and that a number of his similarly violent radical associates would join him. You took great umbrage to that. The logical implication of that type of behavior is that it (1) struck a nerve, and (2) you therefore felt the need to reply insultingly. Sounds to me like the proverbial “reasonable man” would conclude from that that you were siding with Reinoehl and defending him, your proforma badmouthing of Reinoehl and/or his conduct notwithstanding. And go get bent regarding my not focusing on Trump’s travel. If you had any memory – and any real intelligence – you’d remember from prior comments that I defended Panetta for flying home to his CA home nearly every weekend while SECDEF, even though that cost the government plenty. Why? Because a person has the right to go to their primary residence on their off-duty time – or to a vacation home, if they own one. Panetta was REQUIRED by DoD policy to make those trips on USG aircraft due to his duty position of SECDEF; he had no choice in the matter. Panetta also was required to reimburse DoD for the cost of commercial airfare for each of those trips – e.g., what he’d have paid if he’d bought a ticket out-of-pocket. I had no problem with that. The USG – specifically, DoD – made those rules; Panetta complied with them. Don’t like the outcome? Take it up with DoD, not the person complying with the rules in place. Most of Trump’s travel is doing precisely the same – e.g., going to his Florida second home on weekends. As was the case with Panetta, Trump has zero choice about what type of transportation he uses for those trips. My beef with Obama’s travels was twofold. One, virtually all of the time he wasn’t going home for the weekends; he (and his family) were IMO often being world travelers on the taxpayer’s nickel. And two: the sheer size of his foreign travel “entourage” at times was disgusting. There’s a reason I… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

“The fact that you were completely full of shit during your Obama travel cost updates for years…”

HERE you go projecting yet again, major Moonbat!


Screw you with a pineapple grenade you sissy punk asinine piece of sh^t. At least I have a brain that can be washed. Yours is so twisted from your hatred of your mother, your self, and President Trump and has been shoved up your ass for so long that you have a bad case of opti-rectitus, giving you a sh^tty outlook on life.

I have exactly 0 phuques to give about you or your asinine opinions. You don’t know me mofo, but I certainly would not associate with the likes of you and your chickenshit cowardly antifa murderers. This son a bitch shot down and murdered a man in cold blood that had made 0 threats against him or his.

You are highly delusional if you think that any of this is about some dumbass thugs that got themselves capped by the rare dumbass cop somewhere. Just because you claim that you served with bad apple cops don’t mean that all cops are bastards. You or no one else has the right to impede my vehicle progress down a public road, and you certainly don’t have the right to just walk up to someone and shoot them dead. When black men quit killing people for no reason other than the sheer thrill of killing one another, some of us might start taking their protest a little more seriously. Until then FOAD…Bitch!

You punks have been looking for a war, well now you’ve got one. Let it begin here and now. Mommy called, her and the UPS man made you a fresh cream pie for your lunch, better go eat it while it’s hot.






Snowflakes are white.
Therefore, by extension, snowflakes are racist and must be cancelled.

Commissar used the word “snowflake’. Snowflakes are white, and as we’ve established, racist. Commissar is white. Therefore, by extension, Commissar is racist and must be cancelled. This is called “liberal/progressive logic”.

A Proud Infidel®™


Major Moonbat is projecting yet again!


We looted it from you all.


Nice, response, fucknuts.


I was speaking of Commietard, just to be clear.


The first and most important step to being treated equally under the law is to live your life according to those very laws. You cannot have it both ways. You’re a fraud.


So you are saying black people are all lawbreakers and thus don’t deserve to be treated equally under the law?

Exactly how do you think the law is supposed to work?

Law is not about “enforcement”, “obedience”, or “compliance”…the law is supposed to create the rules of a just society; the law is about justice.

It is not justice to decide that a group does not “deserve” to be treated equally under the law, dipshit.


“So you are saying black people are all lawbreakers and thus don’t deserve to be treated equally under the law?”

Just 99.9% of the ones shot by police…EVERY one of the recent poster children of the left were criminals, and most if not all involved in criminal activity that did, or any reasonable person could believe pose an immediate life threat to LEO or others on scene. As usual, your narrative is a lie.


Didn’t say that at all, nor did I say anything about deserving justice. Fixing the problem you and your merry band call “systemic racism” gets fixed at the individual level, individuals of every race, creed, color, religion, sexual orientation, whatever fucking slot you want to put people in. Individuals are expected to behave in a responsible manner, and laws are in effect to ensure those that can’t or won’t behave are dealt with. PEOPLE have to change their OWN behavior in order for a greater change to occur. Rioting, violence, and looting serve only to perpetuate a negative stereotype. Everyone deserves equal protection under the law. That is a given, and the right of every American. With rights, come responsibilities. And every American is responsible for their own behavior, their own welfare, their own well-being. Burning down your own neighborhoods and aggressively challenging law enforcement just creates the slum that’s blamed on white privilege.


And looky there. Didn’t even call you a derogatory name.


Your patience and self discipline are truly epic.


And now I’m communing with Mr. Jameson to dull the pain of being patient with the Commissar.


Good thing I drink Bushmill’s. Your needs are bound to ceate a severe shortage of Jameson’s.


Hmmm… There has been a reluctance of one political party to condemn the unpeaceful protesters. I’ll just leave this here…

USMC Steve

According to the FBI Unified Crime reports, yes, black people commit more crimes as compared to their representation in the total public. And, yes, the law is about enforcement, compliance, and obedience. I don’t know of any states, unless they are blue ones, where it is not mandatory that you cooperate with police and do what the fuck they tell you to do.


You are so full of utter shit. There have not been “50 incidents of right wing fucksticks ramming and running over protestors in their vehicles.” That is an utter LIE. All of these were people terrorized by left-wing terrorists who threatened them and their vehicles. There has only been ONE confirmed “right-wing” vehicle attack and that was with a motorcycle. ONE.

Everything else is just bullshit.

Honor and Courage

I’ve read a good many of your replies, and was wondering if you could share some of that stuff you are smoking? You sound a little like a Democrat. Just guessing of course! I would also suggest that you don’t stand in the middle of the Interstate down South you will get run over! No Pedestrians or unmotorized Vehicles!


” was wondering if you could share some of that stuff you are smoking?”

Judging from the results I think you should avoid even second hand smoke from whatever it is. This is what that fried egg commercial was about.

The Dead Man

Seriously you wannabe Mikhail Kupriyanov, how much money are you being paid to spread actual bullshit around?

You’re either so hilariously delusional that I might report you as unhinged to the authorities or you’re being paid.

PS: I’ll ask you the same thing I asked LC who at least had the decency to admit he hadn’t looked at the statistics. What do the number of daily police interactions look like compared to police shootings? Have you ever taken a month’s shootings and actually investigated them?

I know the answer. You haven’t. I have. You’re a moron.


He doesn’t have Kupriyanov’s artistic ability, DM. Hell, Commissar here doesn’t even have the writing skills of Soviet Pravda’s editorial writers – though he shares their predictability.


As long as you and your buddies allow these shitbags to operate in your ranks, you own their actions.

You could exclude them if you wanted to. They are not excluded.

Own it.

A Proud Infidel®™

“You are dangerously brainwashed.”

HERE YOU GO projecting yet again, Major Moonbat!!!


Hey Dipshit,
We’re referring to the felon with several pending charges against him before he committed suicide by cop.
Those charges included drag racing his 17-yo kid at over 110 mph on a public street.


It is possible he didn’t wash out. During that time period (post Cold War) they were pushing people to the exits to reduce numbers. There were all kinds of weird programs to make it happen. Based on. His current behavior a little UCMJ seems likely though.

Hack Stone

Not someone with so much time left on a contract. Occasionally the military may release someone early if they are near the end of their enlistment and they had a pretty good reason to be cut early, such as enrolling in college, or returning from overseas with less than 90 days until EAS. Hack’s younger brother got out about 60 days early with terminal leave and some excuse (maybe Momma Stone wanted him to clean his damn bedroom). Not even sure if the Army was still using a 3 year enlistment option when he decided that wanted to be all that he could be, but they did offer a 3 year enlistment in the late 1980’s for a limited number of slots for occupational fields that had a short training period before being assigned a primary MOS. More than likely the Army ran out of rocks to have him paint to keep out of view of the Company Commander, and a decision was made that it would be in everyone’s best interest if he explored other career options.


Hack, I entered the Army in 92 having joined in 91 on DEP, I had a 3 year enlistment. They originally offered me a 2 yr for 11X, seemed kinda short and 4 years was too long, so I took a 3 year hitch.

Hack Stone

So even if he did enlist for 3 years, he only made it about half way before dropping his pack. And somehow, the Army managed to get along without him. His platoon mates were probably happy to see him go, given what his sister said about him stealing from his mother, he probably was a barracks thief.

Green Thumb

I had a three-year hitch as well.

But I did see some dudes with a two year, four year and even one clown with a six year.


Who you calling clown?

Green Thumb


A six-year hitch?

Yeah. Clown.

Hopefully you (or your friend that you are asking for) had a solid contract.

Just being CPT Obvious.


“returning from overseas with less than 90 days until EAS”

Yep, common during those “Vietnam Times”


Back in the 1993-1996 era plenty of people were released with years left on their contract.

Some were even paid to leave.

The army was cut from over a million to about 500,000.

I know soldiers who were offered early outs within months of graduating AIT.

After the wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed several MOSs were reduced significantly.

Though this guy seems more likely to have been a mental health, fitness, or UCMJ release.


Signal MOS’s were reduced so drastically that battalions could only field about 60% or less of its assets. Didn’t have enough troops to drive the equipment out of the motorpool, let alone operate it.


Same shit in Viet of the Nam.
We left everything behind. All of it.
Too bad Ebay wasn’t around then.


1993-1996. Ahh yes, the draft dodger Clinton years.

We couldn’t even get spare track pads, road & idler wheels for our M’1’s.
Ammo & fuel….good luck.

We trained 19K troops on static display M1’s in the motor pools.

Train the way you fight? Yeah, right.

Give Bill Clinton a ceegar for that brilliant move. /s Asswipe.

As for Reinoehl?
Never speak bad of the dead.
Sooo…. he’s dead. Good.


Yup. Had a huge exercise planned in 97, vehicles staged, everything ready to roll out and O-my-God-it’s-early monday morning. Battalion commander holds a friday afternoon formation. Tells us we may or may not roll out monday. We have enough fuel for 48 hours and that’s not gonna cut it. He says that “Big Army” says the check is in the mail, and be prepared to roll. Monday rolls around. No check in the mail. BC has a formation. Says two words; Park it.


I got to my first unit in early 93 and I think every month? they posted some memo on the bulletin listing MOS/Rank combos eligible for early out bonus. Of course we all checked it each time the posted a new one, but of course 11M was never on it.

The Stranger

Nope, they just made you 11B!


True, but as I recall not many of those programs focused on personnel during their initial enlistment.

I’m thinking either UCMJ or substance abuse program failure (or both) is far more likely. Either could have resulted in an admin discharge, and the former could have resulted in a punitive discharge. Headspace and timing issues are also a possibility.

Hack Stone

Maybe he had a paraplegic girlfriend that he needed to provide care for like Garrett Foster? Judging from his photo, he looks like one of those “hygienically challenged” individuals that the NCO’s had to have a talk with about washing his clothes and his ass.


Probably suffered a few “dry shaves”

A Proud Infidel®™

He likely had many a heavy-duty runny nose after a long weekend night behind the dumpster at a run-down highway rest area because he was FULL!!!


A whacked out on crack rock with lips.

His total “Time In Service” was only 453 days.


Wonder if had any accrued leave left over.


Was he one of those unique enlisted members who only signed up for 13 months of AD? I think not. Bet when we get a screen shot of his assignments we will likely see his last unit was a PCF (for the benefit of our non-military commenters, that stands for Personnel Confinement Facility aka the stockade).

A Proud Infidel®™

Kinda likely because by the early 90’s the US Army had done away with CCF’s (Correctional Confinement Faclites), places where some Units sent their screwballs in hopes of rehabbing them into Soldiers, but by then Big Army’s attitude was “Screw it, throw ’em out!”

Green Thumb

Those clowns with 13 months of AD are held in high esteem and sought after at All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, FL.


His total “Time In Service” was only 453 days.

I’m wondering how many of those 453 days were credible service. As I recall, lost time due to AWOL, confinement, excess leave, etc . . . . , doesn’t count as credible service.


That’s why I wrote it up using only the time honored Julian Date Calendar method.


Has anyone spoken to Professor Dr. JACK SHIT lately?
His commentary on some comments contained herein would be appreciated to the nth!


Here’s a small nugget I found that this DOD guy wrote on July 4th on Instageam.

“……I was in the army and I hated it. I did not feel like fighting for them would ever be a good cause.” Doesn’t sound like a stellar troop to me.


Green Thumb

“……I was in the army and I hated it. I did not feel like fighting for them would ever be a good cause.”


“I always claim to be a hero because that is what counts!.

The 4th stanza of The All-Points Logistics Creed.


Commissar does not know me.


The man, the myth, THE legend!
As always, your wit makes this situation tolerable!
Thank you so very much Doctor!


You know me, Roh-Dog!


But Jack – I thought he was your cousin Fulla . . . .


Hey Hondo, YOU KNOW ME!!!


Can’t claim to really KNOW you, but we have some mutual friends.


DO I know you?


Looks like like Lars wont be getting an alimony payment anymore.


Aw shit… I’m gonna have to go back to work behind the dumpsters again!


The sister of Portland antifa protester wanted for ‘shooting dead’ a Patriot Prayer member last week, responded when informed of her brother’s death: ‘I wouldn’t say at this point that this counts as bad news.’




Hey spapos, you finished your midnight snack of cream pie yet? Here’s some more evidence of your “mostly peaceful protester” video taped, laying in wait and ambush for his victim.



From the surveillance video at the garage entrance, it looks like the Antifa dirtbag (who was DRT yesterday)is lying in wait to ambush Danielson. When he sees the two of them, he immediately reaches for whatever was in that butt pack worn cross-draw style. In some states that would qualify the dirtbag for the death penalty. I think Danielson sprayed the bear spray because it was the only defense he had against dead dirtbag’s handgun.


Well, that makes sense. It explains that cloud seen on the video right after dortbag’s double tap. If a bullet ruptured the can while charged, that cloud is what one would expect.


Hmm. Sounds kinda like Psyops 101 to me.

Wonder if anyone might be advising them on how to do that?


He implies he knows who are the real leaders of Antifa.