Portland Mayor Gets No Help

| September 4, 2020

This could have been predicted.

Sheriffs in Oregon counties say they won’t help the Portland mayor with his “problem”. His was a direct “request”.


CLACKAMAS, Ore. (KATU) — The sheriffs of Clackamas and Washington County say they will not send staff to help with protests in Portland after Oregon Gov. Kate Brown unveiled a plan to address the violence at protests.

The plan called on several local law enforcement agencies to help, including the sheriff’s offices of Washington and Clackamas counties.

Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts said the governor didn’t approach his office before rolling out the plan, intended to address the violence and arson while also protecting free speech.

“Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder,” the sheriff said. “The only way to make Portland safe again, is to support a policy that holds offenders accountable for their destruction and violence.”

Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett cited several risks that led to the decision, including “the lack of political support for public safety, the uncertain legal landscape, the current volatility combined with intense scrutiny on use of force.”

Brown’s plan also said Gresham Police would help with the protest response. KATU reached out to Gresham PD, and they said they are “currently in discussion” on whether or not they will assist the Portland Police Bureau.

The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police also spoke out Monday, saying it too “cannot dedicate our limited resources away from the communities we serve.”

KATU reached out to Brown’s office for a response after the initial statement from Roberts was released. They said the plan “is meant to allow for this kind of flexibility in supporting each other as we all collectively deal with the difficult situation in Portland.” – article

A day or so later, the same response came through: the Sheriffs of two counties rejected the Oregon governor’s plea for help in ending destruction.


PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Sheriffs from two counties in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon, on Monday emphatically rejected a plan by the state’s governor for their deputies to help patrol the city following last weekend’s deadly shooting of a right-wing supporter of President Donald Trump.

Their decision threw into doubt a plan announced a day earlier by Gov. Kate Brown to keep the peace in Portland by adding nearby sheriffs deputies and Oregon State Police troopers as the liberal city struggles to regain its footing in the glare of the national spotlight.

Brown, a Democrat, announced the security plan for Portland after the fatal shooting of Aaron Danielson, 39, on Saturday as Black Lives Matter protesters clashed with Trump supporters who drove in a caravan through the city. No one has been arrested in the case.

The rejection by the two sheriffs, elected as nonpartisans, increases uncertainty about Portland’s future just as Trump puts the chaos in Portland in his campaign crosshairs as part of his law and order re-election campaign theme.

Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts said inundating the city with more law enforcement would not work because Portland’s newly elected district attorney has dismissed charges against hundreds of protesters arrested for non-violent, low-level crimes.

Roberts and Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett also said the liability for their deputies would be too great amid worries deputies could be sued for actions they take outside their home jurisdictions. – article

And unless things have changed recently (haven’t seen anything so far), the maire of Portland, OR, a slacker who looks good in a suit, is getting his comeuppance.

If I recall correctly, that happened some place else a long time ago. History repeating itself?  Ask Robespierre.

Category: ANTIFA, BLM

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IS1 (SW)

I really have a bad feeling that Hiden will get elected and then pussies like this will take over the government. I legitimately have a bad feeling about this and it makes me sick. That’s how close we are to anarchy. The Leftist tyranny machine will destroy the country to push its agenda.


Having everything given to them for courting favor is how they got their jobs, why shouldn’t everyone? Commie bureaucrats always think that way.

Combat Historian

These sheriffs wisely understand that deploying their deputies into Portlandia is akin to throwing additional human piñatas into the circus to be beaten and pummeled by antifa stormtroopers with zero consequences. As spoken by WOPR in “War Games”, the Best Strategy is Not to Play…


I’m sure the irony of the leftists asking for more law enforcement to deal with the “mostly peaceful protests” is completely lost on them.

And then having law enforcement tell them they just need to uphold the law vice getting more cops is deliciously hilarious.

This whole shit show is almost a Monty Python skit.


Local law enforcement in the Portland metro area has told both Teddi Soi Boi and Brown to go pound sand – they see it as sending their people into a situation that has already shit the bed and with no immediate prospect of ending anytime soon.

From The Columbian (Vancouver, WA fishwrap – across the Columbia from Portlandia)


There are a couple of regular libtards that comment on the story… Larsian type comments.


I tend to look at things in terms of two groups of people, with shades of gray in between.

When you have a large population of people that form a society, there are those that see the benefit in forming some order, creating rules and laws to benefit everyone as a whole, etc. “The BUILDERS”

Then, there are those that see benefit in ignoring or destroying the rules, bucking the system, tearing down things that were built, etc. “The DESTRUCTIONISTS”

Most of us want to work hard, vote in a fair election, pay our taxes, and retire with a small sliver of the pie, get social security and medicare, etc. so we play by the rules laid out for us.

Others, for whatever reason, don’t see that path for themselves. Maybe they see it as too difficult or are offended by it? They would rather take and destroy. It is much easier to tear down and destroy than to build something, but the people that spend their time building are somewhat beholding to those willing to tear down and destroy. They hope for order and calm, or spend time protecting what they have built.

The Roman Empire is always held up as a model of highly functioning society and progress in government, architecture and learning. However, it was brought down when the Empire failed to enforce its rule, corruption and creating an atmosphere for the barbarians to take over.

It is easier to destroy then create.


Democrats love that sh*t and want to keep it going (they think) for the election:

USMC Steve

The people of Oregon voted these fools in, I have absolutely no sympathy for them. And they will continue to mindlessly support the socialist democrat agenda, as is done in all the blue states. Given that this is almost exclusively happening in those states, I applaud their politically inspired stupidity, and this is now my entertainment, given that sports was always bullshit and didn’t interest me.

If they won’t learn from it then they deserve to reap all the benefits of their dumbassery. A high price to pay for being trendy and hip.



A Proud Infidel®™️

The Portland Mayor has and continues to shit in his own bed, thus I’m absolutely fine with others making him continue to lie in it!


Let’s see: The guv plans to pull leo’s out of their own jurisdictions to stir the pot in Portland. The thugs fomenting anarchism, destruction, and violence will use them as target practice; the people of Portland apparently are OK with the violence and destruction; and with fewer leo’s in their home jurisdictions, their own communities are at higher risk.

A resounding “NO” is the only sane response from the sheriffs.


If I was one of the county sheriffs, why would I send one of my officers into a mess made by others that could result in one of my deputies having to use lethal force and the Portland prosecutor charging them with a crime? Not just no, but hell no.


This “import deputies” was to free up local city LEOs to guard the important people in city government, right?


Off-topic, but couldn’t resist:


Come On Man! “We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”
Joe Biden, March 10, 2020

“the way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact [unintelligible] in in fr- in in in in open trade and making sure that we’re in a position that the world uh that that we deal with WHO the right way that in fact that’s when things begin to change”
Joe Biden, August 5, 2020


And this gem:


Plus this one (which even the LGBT crowd knew was just mis-speaking, but he still said):

5th/77th FA

^All of the Above!^ “You made your bed, now you can wallow in it!” My Granny, all 4’7″ 92 lbs of her.

spapos seagull showing up to spew ORANGE MAN BAD and whipping out his empirical evidence proving that you are all wrong.

“Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett…” Wonder if he knows a kid named Billy?


Find it interesting the governor thinks she can order in sheriffs to take care of the problem. She doesn’t have that power, but she does have the authority to employ the National Guard. Maintaining peace during violent insurrections is half their mandate and reason for existing. Calling in the Natty Guard must not have focus grouped well…


Why doesn’t the Governor call up her state national Guard or militia to help out. That is clearly within the prerogative of a Governor.


That would be an admission by Oregon’s governor that (1) there are real problems in Portland that are beyond the ability of local officials to handle, and (2) that those so-called “mostly peaceful protests” in Portland are in fact riots which pose a serious threat to public safety.

Don’t hold your breath waiting.


They said the plan “is meant to allow for this kind of flexibility in supporting each other as we all collectively deal with the difficult situation in Portland.”

Translation: The dipshit mayor’s refusal to act, coupled with the leftist DA’s decision to prosecute these scumbags is now everybody’s fault. As an incompetent leftist defect, I, the governor, intend to spread the misery in Portland to every corner of this state. IT’S ALL OF YOUR FAULTS!

Trump 2020

Green Thumb

“Tear Gas” Ted et al. just ain’t having a great day….


Someone needs to tell SoiBoiTed that it’s not the number of cops, but the ROE he hamstrings the PPD with that causes the surrounding jurisdictions to say, “Not only no, but fuck no.”

Green Thumb

If he moves out of the city limits, can he still be mayor?


Why we allow such a small minority of protesters to continue to bring this country down is beyond me. We can sit on our collective a#@*s and watch them destroy us, or we can realize there is a time and place to make our so-called “leaders” realize, “You work for US, not the other way around”. Damned straight this is a starting point we all should consider. This lady has a big set of balls!
