Nathan Phillips Explains His Side – Nick Sandmann Speaks at RNC

| August 26, 2020


Nathan Phillips

“Returning hate with love – Walking in prayer – Singing for America – I didn’t see the MAGA hats.” That was a summary of Nathan Phillips’ recollection of the event that unfolded with Nick Sandmann.

Sandmann (L) and Phillips (R)

“What I understood that day was returning hate with love”

Native Americn activist Nathan Phillips is sharing the story behind his now-infamous confrontation with Covington High School student Nicholas Sandmann, who secured a speaking slot at the 2020 RNC.

It is not clear when this video was recorded and if it was a response to Sandmann’s speech at the NRC, but it was just posted on Twitter about 15 minutes ago by NowThisNews.

Sure sounds like Phillips fancies himself as the adult in the room that day.

Phillips had a few articles about him claiming to be a “Vietnam Times veteran” but in a few clips claimed to be a Vietnam veteran doing recon.  His official records showed him to be a refrigerator repairman and never went to Vietnam. He had several instances recorded in his record of being UA/AWOL.  Here is a compilation of claims in the media.


Here is Nick Sandmann’s speech at the RNC on Tuesday 25 August 2020.

Category: Politics

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Shitbags gotta shitbag… and Nathan Phillips is a shitbag.


Leftists gonna shitbag. Close enough.

Green Thumb

He is just a weak old dude who got exposed.

The media is pushing him to say something to counter Sandmann. Fucking weak.

I cannot imagine may on the left want hi to open his diseased, cankerous suck.


He’s a legend in his own mind. What a jerk. He’s a patriot. He loves the country so much, it’s why he had to repeatedly leave the Corps without authorization to go out and do good deeds (I assume, what else would he have been doing?).


A lot of Native Americans have a ‘fire water’ problem.

For a long time I worked a gas station, third shift. Saw the problem quite often.

Is AWOL being used to hide the ‘fire water’ problem?
Opinion : yes.


He must have also smoked a crapload of meth as well


So, what I took from this is: “Oh shit, Sandmann is on. Let me throw a video up so people don’t forget about MEEEEEEEEEE.”

Hack Stone

He probably wants a cut from all of those settlements, and when you think about, the young lad never would have received those funds if not for the Vietnam Times Veteran Chief Runs From Duty. Should make for an interesting Judge Judy episode.

Daisy Cutter

Chief Ten Beers.

I wonder why the DNC didn’t invite him to speak?


These are great.
Keep ’em coming…. with the
Dances With Whackjobs
indian names.

RGR 4-78

Chief Snaggle Tooth.

Chief Alky Haul.

Chief P P (professional protester)


Hey, you beat me to it. I think I am the one who came up with “Chief Snaggle Tooth.”

Guess we can’t expect a life long drunk, valor thief, and attention whore to miss out on a chance to get on TV.

RGR 4-78

I was going to type, Chief Lying Sack of Shit, but it doesn’t sing.


Running Mouth

Green Thumb

Nathan “I take it in the ass” Phillips.


The old Indian classic:

Two Dogs Fucking


For inspiration… and suggestions…
Here is the (legit) cast list from the
Dances With Wolves.


How about Chief Nocornonthecobforme?


Self-centered jerk and attention whore.

That’s some combination.


In his speech last night, Sandmann said the videographer who recorded the event said to Phillips, “Okay, we got it,” when he quit filming, indicating the whole confrontation was a setup for the lefty media to make Trump supporters look bad.

Imagine that…

5th/77th FA

Maybe someone should show ol’Nate Chief Snaggle of the Tooth Viet of the Nam Times the same videos that the rest of the world saw? And send him a copy of his military record.


You’d think he was a rich mofo with all those toothbrush royalties he’s pulling.

How do I know it’s him? Cause anyone else would have called it a teethbrush.

Keepin' It Real

I wonder if Phillips will eventually realize that he was just a puppet for the Main Stream Media’s false narrative.

It should dawn on him that he’s not gonna get paid like Nick did, so he should consider looking at CNN as his adversary instead of an ally.

Hack Stone

Nathan Phillips got ejected from the reservation for wiping his ass with teepee.

Green Thumb

He got ejected from All-Points Logistics work touching Phildo’s pee-pee…


During “Vietnam Times” we often referred to traveling outside
the wire for whatever…PX run, sandbag beach party, pick up
a new guy etc. as riding thru “indian country”.

Nathan Phillips reminds me of those “times” in that something
like that would obviously be considered racist today.
In fact, I was called out for using the term recently and had
to explain the meaning to the person. They were not amused.

I don’t see it as racist. Unless all Westerns are now racist
and need to be banned. I guess you had be there…..

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s been said that Nathan Phillips is also a “Professional Protestor” part of a “Rent-A-Mob” that “protests” the cause du jour in front of media cameras.


If Nathan decides to get his rotten teeth/tooth worked on I might be able to help him out.


Gunny HVAC telling stories about Heartbreak Fridge again?



Hack Stone

“Back in the Old Corps, we had none of that “frost free refrigerator” shit. We had to go into that reefer and take out that ice by hand.”

Nathan “Frosty” Phillips

Buckeye Jim

Now that there is funny. I don’t care who you are.


Don’t forget his version of “Full Metal Freezer”

and “Hot Point Down”


Firebase Frigidaire… We had Frosts in the coils.

Gawd I love the smell of freon in the morning! If I told you more I’d have…well…you know…

Ex Coelis

Two twots *shrug* two different complexions…
Don Shipley outted Philips for what he truly is, ages ago. Nathan Philips is nothing more than a liar and a valor-thief. Nick Sandmann is nothing more than a self-entitled little man that needs the smarm smacked off his face. Sandmann proves how gullible and utterly vapid he is in this and other videos he posted elsewhere. Philips only manages to prove that one shouldn’t lie about their national service and then try to outrun the internet and Don Shipley. Both Philips and Sandmann have had their fifteen minutes of fame – both are now very easily forgettable…


Big difference is that Nick Sandmann isn’t a fraud. He’s a kid that got run over by the liberal media. He didn’t ask for his 15 minutes. CNN and their liberal brethren thrust him into the spotlight with their digital lynching. I’ll take a thousand Nick Sandmann’s over one David Hogg.

Ex Coelis

Then, by all means; have at it and have my democratic share of both. I didn’t say Nick Sandmann was a fraud, I said he was gullible and vapid but I probably should’ve also included DISINGENUOUS. Philips and Sandmann had their moment, the whole thing has been absolutely Monday-Morning-Quarterbacked to death and time and tide have moved on. NEXT!!

Green Thumb

What? You ain’t been paid yet?

Ex Coelis

Not by you

The Other Whitey

I still remember the priceless words of one of my firefighters dealing with a drunk asshole from his own tribe:

“Just because you’re an old piece of shit, don’t make you an elder!”

Daisy Cutter

And let’s not forget Ricky Bobby of “Talladega Nights” quoting Col Sanders: “I’m too drunk to taste this chicken.”

Green Thumb

All-Points Logistics need to create a work holiday on May 5 of every year to honor their friend and mentor, Nathan Phillips.

Green Thumb

Actually, the more I think about it, I wonder if Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points logistics) and Nathan Phillips are from the same tribe…..?

RGR 4-78

Chief Phildo Phillips Day.

Green Thumb

Chief “Phony” Phildo and “Philoneus” Phillips Phartbox Day.

Hack Stone

Hack was meaning to post a comment on Nathan Phillips hopping on a Greyhound bound for Merritt Island, Florida. He can teach Phil Monkress on how to be Native American, and Phil Monkress can show Nathan Phillips how to keep stalling a DUI case in the Florida Judicial System.

Green Thumb

For sure because neither one of those turds could teach each other one to be a Solider.

Green Thumb

Sandmann should make a donation to Phillip’s reservation.

To show no hard feelings and to help true, hard-working Native Americans (a very vulnerable population) and send a message to that ass-clown Phillips.

USMC Steve

What, you mean they need anything while those indian casinos rake in hundreds of millions of dollars annually? I thought all that money went to the tribes?

Green Thumb

That money is generally squandered.

i was thinking Sandmann could create a scholarship at a local tribal college.

Totally make Phillips look like a fool.

Green Thumb

Actually, the more I think about it, it would hard to image a tribe wanting a loser such as Phillips on their tribal rosters.


Anything Philips says is suspect, to say the least.


Phillips is about as honest as Philo Sandeen.


Jim Rockford’s buddy?


Imagine Phillips saying to Sandmann, “Cowabunga, AWOL”, and then explaining AWOL means Additional Wampum Or Leave. “I curse your refrigerator and make a Custer out of you and your group. Me Viet Nam vet and know plenty ways to ambush your freezer. Mess with me and I put claymore on your butter dish!”