Gay songs subsequently made not gay, top 5 answers on the board…

| May 6, 2009

This post brought to you by the fine folks at Hooters (delightfully tacky, yet unrefined) and the Guinness Brewing Company (100% of the US Recommended Daily Allowance of everything a growing boy needs.)

There are just some songs that are so gay that even a dude in a Jeep Wrangler* will stop you on the street and say “Dude, act less like a sissy.”  Over lunch today, my buddy and I came up with four that were just Liberace gay, but which were subsequently made kinda cool by a different artist.  Can someone come up with a fifth?

*Out Magazine’s Gay Mobile of the Year, only thing gayer than a Jeep Wrangler is watching Show Tunes with Richard Simmons (or Superbowl6Romeo) in one behind a bar called “Dick and Peters.”

#1, Faith, by Limp Bizkit

#2, Smooth Criminal, Alien Ant Farm

#3, Land of Confusion, Disturbed

#4, Boys of Summer, The Ataris

Anyone have a suggestion for #5?

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Suggestion for #5, “Photograph” by Nickelback. God those guys blow. And this particular song makes It’s Raining Men sound like Slayer.

TSO Wrote: My favorite version of It’s Raining men was one done by Patrice O’Neal on the Opie and Anthony show. Stick with it to the end.


Anything by Simple plan.


How about Tainted Love by Marilyn Manson? He/she/it actually did a good job with it

TSO Wrote: Hell yeah, that ain’t bad. Plus, he got busy with the Charmed girl, so he gets +7 geek points.


You have a message from Congwessman Bawney Fwank about your obvious mocking of men in touch with their feminine side:
“Stop it, stop it stop it, bitches!! If you don’t stop it, I will twack you down and beat you all up. Weally! As soon as my special fwen Pewes and I stop off at the morgue for a couple of cold ones.”


I’ll take a slightly different take.

A song that LOOKS gay, but sounds pretty damn good.


TSO Wrote: Someone needs to get the lemon suit for Jonn, because that would be just money.


TSO, the music video he did for the song wasn’t bad either, the Punk/Goth girl eye candy was a morale boost, at least for me!


Check out Infected Mushroom if you like a good bass beat


Billie Jean cover by Chris Cornell of Audioslave/Soundgarden:

NR Pax

“Careless Whisper” performed by Seether is my vote.


I’m with NR Pax. Groovin’


The Lemonheads cover of Mrs Robinson


I present to you throwdowns cover of baby got back:

The Sniper

Manson: Sweet Dreams. Remake of the Eurythmics. Kicks ass. Hands down. Sentence fragments. Need coffee.

The Sniper

Or check out “Tragedy”. They’re a Bee Gees cover band that does all of their songs in heavy metal. They pretty much rock.