Friday FGS

| August 21, 2020


Straight to the archives.

Man who broke into business shot by employee, police say

By Lindsay Moore
COMSTOCK TOWNSHIP, MI — When a man broke into a closed business at 8:25 p.m. Friday, Nov. 29 he was met by an armed employee who fired shots.

Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office responded to the business on River Street and found the suspect had a non-life threatening injury.

He was transported to a Kalamazoo Hospital for his injury. Police are not releasing the name of the suspect or the business at this time, Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Jim VanDyken said.

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Read the rest here: Michigan Live

“Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.” — THOMAS PAINE


Vehicle “Protest” Encounters: Politics, Legal Jeopardy, Defense
by Dean Weingarten

U.S.A. –-( In the seeming never-ending riots portrayed as “peaceful protests” by the Progressive left, including most of the Media, there are an increasing number of drivers/passengers involved in vehicle encounters with agitators/protestors.

There are numerous responses on Internet forums about how to handle a situation where a person or persons in a vehicle encounter, often unexpectedly, agitators/protestors who are aggressively blocking a public right of way.

Many of these responses are very dangerous. It seems to be precisely what is desired by the Progressive left, such as Antifa and BLM, their organizers, handlers, and political theorists.

This article explains some of the dynamics observed from the reporting of these events, and a framework of how to respond with the least risk to the driver/passenger(s) involved.

The design of many of these events is to deliberately block public right-of-ways, to inconvenience large numbers of the public, and to show the public the participants can break the law with impunity.

Part of the design is to trap drivers/passengers and provoke a violent response to further the Antifa/BLM agenda.

In nearly all of these events, the local government, which may include the local prosecutor, mayor, and or city council, are complicit, sympathetic, or compromised on the side of those organizing the event and the violence.

Those who create these events, or to be charitable, hi-jack them and take advantage of them, want confrontation, violence, destruction, and death. They want to frame the confrontation, violence, destruction, and death as being caused by “racists and or white supremacists”, which is newspeak for enemies of the party, with “the party” being the Progressive far-left as exemplified by the furthest left thinkers, planners and organizers.

Read the rest, including some thoughts on what to do and not to do if caught by a street mob, here: Ammoland

Category: Feel Good Stories

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5th/77th FA

Excellent editorial article. Read and comprehend.

Here’s some feelz good news for some of you whining, crying, no FIRST earning ‘weeds. Imma still off the net and may and or may not be available to continue the unprecedented march as the King of FIRSTs. Here’s your one chance Fancy don’t let me down. Good Luck.

I’ll be back! King of Battle…King of FIRST!


The ability to draw a sidearm while operating a motor vehicle is a useful skill. Some prior prep and planning prevents poor performance.

The habit of carrying strong-side, behind the hip, presents significant challenge when seated and belted, especially with a concealment garment.

One either has to move the weapon to another place, or maintain a second draw-friendly sidearm for driving.

Either way, practice (with unloaded firearm) is investment in survival.

Personal experience.

While driving home from dropping off a friend in his oh-so-shitty neighborhood, at oh-dark-thirty, I stopped for a light. There was a fellow “nailing up a sign on a utility pole”. Just as I stopped, I observed that he was hitting nails already set.

In the time to took me to glance left to see if I could run the light without a crash, he sprang for my passenger side window, hammer raised to bust it.

As I leveled my 1911, he froze, bugeyed.

I ran the light, and both of us went along our ways, wiser for the encounter.

Quite a bit happened in that one to two seconds. Had I not prepared for a seated/belted engagement, things might have gone… badly. Even as it was, that was too close.

Better a red-light ticket than explaining a shooting. Nuff said.

These days? Mobs target vehicles, because most folks don’t understand “3000 pound weapon” or “mobs will destroy you”.

Avoid mobs. Seriously.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

A B C D E F G H, I got a Gal in Kalamazoo.