Interview With Dan Crenshaw

| August 19, 2020

Looks kind of like I’m posting interview videos today, but I’ve got a full “sheddyool”, so here goes: an interview with Dan Crenshaw re: politics and WDC and opinions about stuff.  Sent by AW1Ed.

Good interview with Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Tex) and former SEAL, who AW1Ed likes a lot. There is a text of the interview at the link below, and the video itself is embedded about halfway down. It’s a one-hour deal, so grab a beverage and a snack.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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I’m near but not in Dan Crenshaw’s district. So far, I like what I’ve seen when he’s been on the ground in DC


Wonder how long we gonna have to wait before we can vote for Dan on a national office?

Cool Linky…Thanks!