More on the Kokesh for Congress run

| May 5, 2009

The other day I offered interviews to the Santa Fe media for background on their newest aspiring congressman, Adam Kokesh. They didn’t take me up on it, but they wasted no time interviewing Kokesh;

Adam Kokesh of Santa Fe, a registered Republican who backed Libertarian candidate Ron Paul in last year’s GOP presidential primaries, said Friday that he’s not sure what party banner he might run under — Republican, Democrat, third party or independent.

“I represent a wide range of people from parties who are clearly disappointed with the current Democratic Party line,” Kokesh said in an interview.

While he supported Paul, Kokesh, who served in Iraq, also praised U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a liberal Ohio Democrat who, like Paul, was a critic of U.S. military actions during last year’s presidential campaign.

A wide range of people, indeed. From Ron Paul to Dennis Kucinich – actually probably the same people. The people who don’t have a clue. I’m not familiar at all with the demographics of New Mexico, but I’m sure there’s a large number of sane people. But Kokesh knows how to work the media;

Asked for comment about the potential challenge and Kokesh’s statement that Luján just wants to be “part of the club,” Mark Nicastre, a Luján spokesman said in a prepared statement, “Rep. Luján is focused on his work in Congress and throughout New Mexico’s 3rd district. Since January, Rep. Luján has worked with his congressional colleagues to pass legislation that cuts taxes for 95 percent of American workers and puts us on a path to economic recovery, provides health care for millions of children, protects valuable and treasured lands in New Mexico, and moves us toward a clean-energy economy.”

His opponent, Lujan, appears to be a moron – why defend the charge that he’s a “part of the club” by regurgitating the Obama State of the Union Address? But, Adam has a few things to overcome, too.

Kokesh said he doesn’t have a full-time job. Though he said he does graphic design “on the side,” he described himself as a full-time activist.

That’s not a real relatable resume` among working Americans. But, then there’s always Daddy;

Kokesh is the son of venture capitalist Charles Kokesh, a co-owner of the Santa Fe Horse Park southwest of the city, which earlier this year defaulted on its $2.25 million mortgage.

Ooops. Maybe Dad can get a bailout from the feds before Adam pisses off his Congressman.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Don’t forget Charles Kokesh’s role as an international arms dealer.


Wonder if Adam has mortgaged his polo pony for start up cash?


While it’s been a while, I am a graduate of Farmington HS (about 3 hours from Santa Fe), or as we measure distance, at least a six-pack. I can tell you that from a demographic standpoint, the 3CD of New Mexico covers the upper 40 percent of NM, including Farmington, Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Taos, and with the exception of San Juan County (Farmington, Aztec, Bloomfield) the 3CD is HEAVILY Dem.

Santa Fe and Taos are chock full of the California ex-pat moonbat hippies that were just too friggin wierd for San Francisco. As we used to say, we used to hate Texans until the Californians showed up.

That being said, no self-respecting Republican of ANY stripe would support this clown. Republican, but supports Kucinich? Are you joking? The state GOP has much better candidates in local folks, and it’s not likely that the district will go Republican anytime soon.

I mean, what the hell? Val Kilmer is considering running for governor there, for Chrissakes.

Just A Grunt

I’m sure the RNC is just going to be rushing in with all kinds of campaign cash for this spoiled little rich kid.

Hmm, wait they did support Specter.


You idiots should actually look at his website and see what he supports. Look at the person before the party. It seems all of you are just voting for whoever has your letter next to their name. Sad.


“You idiots should actually look at his website and see what he supports.”

His self admitted drinking and drugging habbits remind me of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, hence the lack of support from this Libertarian.