Al Jazeera draws targets on troops

| May 5, 2009

Al Jazeera is trying to stir up the Afghan population by misrepresenting events at Bagram Airbase last year;

In other footage captured at Bagram, Sergeant Jon Watt, a soldier set to become a military chaplain, said during a Bible study class: “I also want to praise God because my church collected some money to get bibles for Afghanistan. They came and sent the money out.”

It is not clear that the Bibles were distributed to Afghans, but Hughes said that none of the people he recorded in a series of sermons and Bible study classes appeared to able to speak Pashto or Dari.

[Brian Hughes, a documentary maker and former member of the US military] said: “The only reason they would have these documents there was to distribute them to the Afghan people and I knew it was wrong, and I knew that filming it … documenting it would be important.”

Yeah, however, according to the Stars and Stripes, it is clear whether or not those Bibles were distributed;

The Bibles were confiscated before they could be distributed because that would have violated General Order No. 1, which prohibits proselytizing, said Spc. Mary L. Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for Combined Joint Task Force 101.

“The servicemember was not aware of that at the time,” Gonzalez said Monday.

The Bibles were not paid for or translated by the U.S. military, she said.

Of course, even though it happened a year ago and the military prevented the young sergeant from distributing the Bibles, Afghan officials are calling for an investigation and getting their 12th century panties in a wad.

Now it gives Obama something else he can blame Bush for while Al Jazeera paints the war as a religious occupation.

Added: A frequent, but silent, reader tried to convince TSO and I to go easy on Al Jazeera based on the obvious superficial content of this video. You don’t even need to turn the sound on to see why this particular reader begs our sympathy for the news service.

Um, how many are “zerty” seconds?

Category: Media

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Michael Moore is running with this crap too.


So is just about every other left wing outlet, from Huffington Post to CrooksAndLiars.


“Michael Moore is waddling with this crap too.”
It has been years since Michigan fats has run, let alone seen his feet. Fixed it for ya!


Hey…where’s that bitch’s burka?


Michigan Fats, LMAO. Fortunately for us, he moved to Hollyweird, unfortunately, he comes back every year to pollute the Traverse City area with his “film festival”. Rumor has it that Fats has to use a mirror to take a leak.

longtime lurker

It seems to me that the rule of 5 applies to the born again brigade: If the command caught them doing it once and stopped it, they probably already did it five times.


Meh. I’d still hit it as long as I didn’t have to listen to her afterwards.


“Oh yeah…bend over and pray to Mecca, baby.” Bow-chicka-bow-bow.


“Rumor has it that Fats has to use a mirror to take a leak.”

Channeling the ghost of Sam Kinnison: “AUUGH-AAUUGH-AUUGH”
That’s a visual I can’t even comprende, dude!

Traverse, mmmm… CHERRIES! Ever eat at that Welsh themed restaurant off the main drag. The pasties were kick ass last time I was there. MI immigrant, FYI.


Indeed, the example of mooslim ‘tolerance’ is quietly ignored, but does anyone else notice the glaring oddity of this one facet?

In a culture where any man may, at his whim, behead, throat-cut, disembowel, rape, mutilate or beat, a wife, sister, daughter, niece or any other woman who has ‘dishonored him’ by being raped, or by not wanting to give in to a depraved incestuous brother or degenerate horny uncle – in a land where ‘family entertainment’ involves taking the kids to see the bodies of accused homosexuals hanging from steel cables attached to construction cranes in the town square – a place in which executions are often done in sports arenas for the amusement of the hoi polloi – a land where adulterous individuals are still buried in sand up to their necks and religious officials and local ‘community organizers’ take turns hurling rocks at their heads until their skulls finally fracture enough for brains to spill out – in a place where human life is meaningless and murder is the order of the day –
General Order Number Uno is NOT,
‘don’t kill civilians’, ‘don’t rape’, ‘ don’t steal things’, ‘don’t mention that Moohammud was a camel sucking, child raping pervert’ but rather –
do not give a Bible to anyone???? THAT is the biggest fear of a murderous race of pagans, and that is the one area which our military minds are most afraid of offending them in???? WTF??