Dirty Olympia Hippies, God I hate Dirty Olympia Hippies

| May 4, 2009

The moonbats are striking in Olympia again, wonder if old LTCPFC Nurse Mooseknucle McCIB from a few weeks ago was there. I’m guessing he was. From the dirty smelly bastards’ own website:

Tacoma, WA – Activists staged a series of successful direct actions in several locations on the night of May 2, blocking striker vehicles bound for the Port of Tacoma from Fort Lewis. Blockades halted strikers at several points along Interstate 5, and 11 activists were arrested. Demonstrators have pledged to continue resisting the use of the port for war shipments.

The Stryker vehicles were heading to the Port of Tacoma for eventual shipment to Afghanistan in advance of the deployment of the 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, where soldiers’ skills and lives would be exploited in the name of the “War on Terror.”

At times police used excessive force against unarmed nonviolent demonstrators. One woman was choked on the strap of her messenger bag while another demonstrator was dragged across the road by his hair while he was shouting that he was nonviolent.

Wow, that really sounds horrible, imagine how many times this poor cop had to take the pumice stone to his hand to get the stink of hippie off him.

A few quick things.
1) The hippies will not stop the Strykers.
2) This will cost the city a shit load of money.
3) I hope a hippie gets run over, and they have a pancake breakfast for them.
4) The dirty smelly hippies are all the children of rich parents.
5) The DSHs are all selfish little shits, because the only thing this accomplishes is it keeps poor joe from getting to sleep at a normal hour because he has to wait for the cops to beat down the freaks.
6) This is the Police Dept of Olympia. We should look into an “Adopt a Baton” program. Place bets on the internet on which Baton is the first to crack a DSH up-side the head? Something like that?
7) Chief Michel clearly wishes he had Richard A. Gabriel’s FAR MORE MANLY moustache.

8) Guess where the DSHs are meeting up afterwards? If you guessed the IVAW Coffeehouse, you guessed right.
9) The only man I trust to deal with a fullscale DSH invasion is a cartoon.

Category: I hate hippies

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Nothing says stupid like standing in the road trying to block an armored vehicle. You almost have to think there is something in the air around here causing all this idiocy, except I havent felt any urges other than wanting to be behind the wheel of the Stryker.


“4) The dirty smelly AGPs are all the children of rich parents.” Fixed it for ya.

Spot on about their parentage…Can we make a slight name change? Hippies, they aren’t, Anarchist Gutter Punks they are.

Personalty, I’ve no problem with the back to nature granola heads. Am part of the prepper & survivalist bunch & a certain segment of the hippie crowd are tactical allies with us. The AGPs OTOH, are brats who throw tantrums that screw over blue collar & small business owning folks.


“The Stryker vehicles were heading to the Port of Tacoma for eventual shipment to Afghanistan in advance of the deployment of the 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, where soldiers’ skills and lives would be exploited in the name of the “War on Terror.”

Those vehicles and Troops could very well be the folks who work with guys from my state, including my best friend, who are in the ‘Ghan now…

I think we ought to ‘chute these AGPs up and drop them into the Paki Swat valley so they can meet the Talibastards they love so much.


Maybe they are secretly into bondage, that is why they like to get arrested all the time.


These smelly hippies are society’s fault, when did it become socially unacceptable for a hippie to walk around un-punched?

Jeanie Word

When did it became socially unacceptable to protest peacefully and to stand up for what you believe in?

Jonn Lilyea

May 4, 2009.


Five year zombie thread?

That’s gotta be a record.

And have you punched a hippie today?

Pinto Nag

Ending up face down and cuffed at the feet of a cop doesn’t scream “peaceful protest” to me. I guess I could be wrong, though.


To paraphrase a favorite book of mine

Chief Gary Michel: Do you know how much damage this Stryker would sustain if I just let it roll over you?

Dirty Stinking Hippie: How much?

Chief Gary Michel: None at all.


Yep I mean these guys just do not get it. These Strikers are part of the newer generation of AV that will bring our guys home safe. Granted this next example was in a MRAP RG-33.

While on a mission a grader hit a small anti-personnel mine and our vehicle was right next to it. The gunner was turned off to the side so the blast sent shrapnel on the left of the cupola and prevented serious injury. Now imagine if this had happened just ten years ago where the only shield protecting the gunner would be on the front, the results would be a lot worse. Becuase it put a big enough gash in the window that it had to be replaced.

And these guys are trying to stop these things from getting to the line. And then to try to act concerned about the soldier’s lives?


Sporkmaster, the DSH’s don’t care one whit about a soldier’s life. They never have, never will. They just want to go out, do what they do and have no consequences for their actions, unless it’s just to get on the news for 30 seconds. I despise those “people”. I despised them when I had to deal with them in my previous incarnation as a LEO, and I really despise them now. The only good thing about a DSH was their long hair made a great handle for moving them around.


Stryker vehicles were mostly conceived, promoted, and funded by the moonbats hero, John Murtha. Google “Murtha Stryker” and you’ll eventually find this sugar daddy’s ties to corruption. And these moonbats want to keep his cronies from building and shipping more out? Sure seems contradictory to me. Why don’t they just join up with Code Pink, who loves Murtha, and get him to stop making them? If the moonbats really believe they are slowing our involment in Iraq by stopping shipments, then protesting at the source would seem to be a better tactic for their misguided cause. Who would have ever thought the moonbats would honor Murtha yet despise what he builds?


You’d think the Tacoma PD could stop these protests. They happen every deployment (and post deployment) like clockwork. I shammed out of a detail to bring the Strykers back from the port only to hear they were being held up by protesters hours later. They threw some piss bottles at our air guards, too. And the idiots didn’t even realize we just got home – we weren’t going anywhere except a warm bed that night.


Guys, guys, guys! The TPD is Union…like every other LE outfit in this country. Difference is, TPD don’t like to get their hands dirty. HEH!

Their prolly the only agency to ever have a chief commit homicide/suicide (He shot & killed his wife in a parking lot over in Gig Harbor) lets see what else? Oh yea…..the only city LEO’s I’ve ever known of to lose weapons to civilians in a concert venue…

WE got them back but only after a real long battle on the main floor doing so. Your welcome TPD.

But if they need further embarrassing, it took an Army Stryker squad to quell gang violence in the Hilltop neighborhood. A twelve block rolling gunfight, ensuing the neighobrhood I lived in became much more inhabitable….without TPD’s help.



The score was Strykers 10, Gangbangers 0……TPD was fit to be tied. SWAT proved worthless by a squad of soldiers…

ssg dirtyal

Hey Ya’ll Love this blog site. About the DSHs I totally agree. I grew up, watching thier shite during Nam era, They made me sick then and they due now. Only GOOD thing about them was being able to see the female running around braless in peasant shirts. Otherwise they sould be to be LUBE kits for Stryker PMCS. Armor Up!


“another demonstrator was dragged across the road by his hair while he was shouting that he was nonviolent.”

The fact that you are acting non-violently does not mean that the police cannot use force to get you to comply with their directives.


Dsh would never put there life on the line for country they are nothing but whiny pussies and a stain on this country. There are brothers and sons, mothers and daughters, in the shit right now so dsh can sit there and disrespect our country I could go on all day. Love your country bring our boys home saftely!