The plot against Joe Biden exposed

| May 1, 2009

I’m sure by now, you’ve all heard about Joe Biden telling the Today Show that he won’t let his family on planes, trains and automobiles because of the pig flu. Quoted by the New York Post;

“I would not be, at this point — if they had another way of transportation — suggesting they ride the subway,” Biden told NBC’s “Today” show when asked about his family.

“I would tell members of my family — and I have — that I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined spaces right now,” Biden went on. “It’s not just going to Mexico. If you’re in a confined aircraft and one person sneezes, it goes all through the aircraft.”

Time Magazine quotes the travel industry;

“Elected officials must strike a delicate balance of accurately and adequately informing citizens of health concerns without unduly discouraging travel and other important economic activity.

“According to President Obama, swine flu is a cause for concern, but not panic. President Obama’s measured and responsible comments are appropriate and should provide useful guidance to other elected officials.”

Wonkette writes that the travel industry wants Biden dead. At first, I thought that might be a bit of hyperbole, but TSO uncovered a photo that might lend credence to Wonkette’s post.

Knowing how much Biden can’t resist kissing babies, especially, little blond, blue-eyed babies, I think the travel industry has hit on the perfect weapon to silence our gaffe-prone VeePee, God love ‘im;

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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I think Biden’s hair plugs were screwed in way too deep. I wondered how long it would be before this bloviating windbags mouth got him in trouble.


Help! that white blue eyed baby caused the global financial crisis and now he’s plotting to end humanity! It’s Biden’s grandchild named Damian, you say?