The stupid season

| April 29, 2009

There’s just too much stupid stuff going on out there. You haven’t noticed?

Arlen Specter left the Republican Party yesterday – well, actually, he left the party long ago. But now, Joe Biden, that softspoken, humble guy (who is also our Vice President in case you forgot) claims he’s the reason Specter switched parties;

“I have been working on [Specter’s party switch] in earnest for the past four years and double time for the past 100 days [as vice president],” Biden told a Democratic fundraiser in Houston on Tuesday.

Ya know, that just reinforces this good feeling I have about Specter leaving. I certainly don’t want anyone in my party that takes advice from the plagiarizer, braggart buffoon that is Joe Biden. This revelation from Biden just highlights Specter’s poor judgment.

Drudge has been running a headline all night that the FAA knew they’d cause a panic in New York City with their photo-op overflight (which cost us nearly $400k, by the way), but went ahead without notifying the public.

Federal officials knew that sending two fighter jets and Air Force One to buzz ground zero and Lady Liberty might set off nightmarish fears of a 9/11 replay, but they still ordered the photo-op kept secret from the public.

So, we should be asking who was on board that flight that would have caused all of that secrecy at the expense of the public’s sense of well-being? How many people will die in the next REAL terrorist attack because of this false alarm?

Here’s another bit of buffoonery from the administration – apparently calling it “swine flu” is unfair to pigs and pork producers.

At a news briefing, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack took pains to repeatedly refer to the flu as the “H1N1 virus.”
The Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health also objected to the name, saying the virus contains avian and human components and no pig so far has been found ill with the disease.

A flu by any other name will make you just as sick. This flu comes from pigs, just like bird flu comes from birds…see how that works. Maybe if people think they can get the flu from eating pork, it’s because the administration isn’t doing a good job of getting the word out. They can get the word out about all of their political aspirations – why can’t they use their poltical machine to benefit the public?

Maybe it’s because they WANT a panic – like the one in New York City.

Finally, the media has found a single death in the US from swine flu (I’m still sayin’ it) in Texas. The number of confirmed cases has now “rocketed” (using language I learned from Fox News yesterday) from 64 to 65.

I’m hiding in my basement until this stupid season blows over.

Added: Wesley Pruden asks “Are We Dead Yet?

The medical researchers say it might mutate. Or it might not. If it does, it might, possibly, maybe, potentially be the worst killer since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Or it might not. Researchers are working on the vaccine, and the media is working on the panic. We may not get a vaccine, but soon there won’t be a dry pair of pants on six continents.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Media, Politics, Usual Suspects

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The media can’t help it. This was a great Godsend to the COW, one more distraction for the public, so we aren’t paying attention to what he is really out there doing. You know?
Swine flu, swine flu, swine flue….
It’s much more “flu”id than H1N1 virus….


So if this one person who died in the US of the swine flu was a baby from Mexico who allegedly caught it in a border town…are we still responsible?

B Woodman

You’re going to be down in your basement a LOOOONNNGG time. I hope you packed a large lunch.

Kt D

If anything, “swine flu” is far easier to say than “H1N1″…but, yes, I’ll have to agree with you there. Who cares what they call it? They just need to stop it before it actually does get much, much worse. It is now a “level 5” pandemic and everything. Shouldn’t that at least be of more concern than the name of the thing? There’s an interesting video that summarizes a few different perspectives on this whole name-switching thing–most importantly, whether it’s important or not. I’d say no, but maybe that’s just me. It’s short and well put-together, take a look:

e file

That is common misperception.
A Dec that prohibits African Americans or Jews, for example, would be illegal and unenforceable. I say that only somewhat tongue in cheek because most modern decs do not. Yet a Dec contains covenants not all may be enforceable. At one time, covenants were actually written into deeds and you can still see these in the public records (once in the public record they are there forever, just maybe not enforceable). Some of the deeds as recently as the 40s had provisions that the buyer could not sell to “Negroes” or Jews.