To all you goofing on me at the Milblog conference…

| April 28, 2009

look ye on how cool my Level 80 Dwarven Paladin is, and despair!!!!

Yup, that is me on my cool Bear that I got for killing Thrall the Orc Leader, Bloodhoof the Tauren, Sylvanas Windrunner of the Undead, and Lor’thermar Theron of the Blood Elves.

BTW- That is Claymore playing as Dreadbeard.

Now you know why Caro wants me so bad.

Category: Politics

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From now on, any discussion of you and Caroline’s relationship must have one of these pictures in the post.


Are you the Rabbit?


I have no idea what he’s talking about.







“At least I have chicken!” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Dude… you must be running for mayor of Geekopolis. LOL


yea but a rogue sap ablity will still make you see stars. Legacy, what server are you one?


Claymore’s wife is our Rogue. And we are on Anvilmar.


I was on the one named after the territory of the new alliance race. I was a level 68 human rogue with subtlety and some combat. I doubt I will be playing anytime soon when I get back.


Sapped girls, don’t say no.


TSO – why does the “W” word keep coming up? You know…WEDDING

Airborne Injun

TSO…Only a true friend like Nixon would be willing to share his own wedding pictures with you and Caro!You are sooo lucky.

The Sniper

Nixon scooped me AGAIN!


I don’t know why he keeps slandering me and my wife with these wild accusations. Next he’ll be telling all of you how much we love watching Food Network or some dilusional crap like that.


yeah, I know you would never do that.

BTW- Did you know Blue Cheese is made in dishwashers or something like that.


Maytag…that Italian chick with the huge knockers and giant head told me…I mean, that’s what I heard.


The only reason I’m down with you guys is Family Guy (and we need a farm team).

The rest of this stuff is just whack.

Stewie for Guvnor!

The Sniper

Okay, I can now die a fullfilled man… I’ve lived long enough to see Uncle Jimbo use the term ” just whack”.


TSO and Claymore- The Food Network is awesome! Where else are you going to learn about a carwash that serves the best tacos in all of San Antonio?


If I were to watch Food Network…and I don’t…I would have to say that Rachel Ray…who I’ve only been told about in passing…might be the single most annoying person on the planet. No one with a mouth that huge, that abbreviates shit for no effin’ reason, who uses the words “de-lish”, “yum-o” and “stew’p”, and has breasts that only Hillary Clinton would covet, should be allowed on television. Assuming I knew anything about the subject, of course.


Hey that’s where I live, in what part of San Antonio?


I’m not sure, it’s called the cove, and this is their website I’m going to check it out next weekend! I’ll let you know if it’s as good as Guy said.

I’m also a huge fan of Food Network challenge, although I usually watch it while I’m at the gym which doesn’t seem to work since when I leave I usually have an insatiable hunger for whatever they were making.