Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Challenge Charles Schumer in 2022?

| June 23, 2020

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Photoshop or real pose? (The Maine Wirre)

A senior advisor to Senator Bernard Sander’s presidential run voiced hope with what Alexandria Cortez could do. She is one of the representatives of the Democratic Party’s far left. She is also seen as one of those who could quickly shift the Democratic Party further to the left. This advisor described the establishment Democratic Party as “do nothing, corrupt, and status quo protectors.”

From the Washington Times:

To the delight of some and disgust of others, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is no wallflower within the halls of Congress.

She has pushed Democratic leaders, inspired grassroots activists and drawn fire from Republicans with her calls for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez co-founded the “Squad” with three other unapologetically liberal congresswomen who rose up out of the 2018 elections from minority communities and have demanded systematic change.

Serving as a surrogate to Mr. Sanders, the 30-year-old flashed her budding star power on the national stage in the presidential primary race by attracting massive crowds to campaign events.

Before anything happens, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez must defend her seat Tuesday against three challengers, including Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, a former business journalist and CNBC host.

In her closing campaign ad, Ms. Ocascio-Cortez is telling voters that the fallout from COVID-19, mass unemployment and racism in law enforcement have exposed a broken system of governance.

“What if these broken systems weren’t built to last in the first place? What if a better world is possible?” she says in a campaign ad. “People are coming together in an unprecedented movement to build this better future and a better world.

“It is time to bring the movement to the voting booth,” she says.

Unlike her Democratic primary challenger in 2018 and the one that she is facing now, Charles Schumer has nourished a support network for a couple of decades. He would be a much tougher nut to crack if Alexandria Cortez attempted to unseat him in the primaries.

The Washington Times has more here.

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5th/77th FA

In politics, anything can happen. And they all have a voting booth target on their back. It is not as much to wonder that an AOC can run, the wonder is that they get elected. We are trying to wake up people to what the past elected officials have/have not done for their area. That can be a double edged sword. It should also be obvious that someone is bankrolling AOC and she is one of the useful idiots.

Four years ago people were predicting that Hitlery would beat Trump. How’d that work out for her?


I’m beginning to wonder if death is preferable to living during these times.


Take it from those of us who survived the 60’s – living is the only viable option. Living well is even better.


Maybe it’s because I’m older and “wiser”, but I remember the 60s very well, and I didn’t have the feeling of dread that I do now.

We are so divided that it just seems that another civil war is on the horizon.

Hope I’m wrong, but these evil bastards are not going to go away quietly.


That’s the media narrative.
Look around.
95% are living their lives,
and doing their thing.


It just seems worse, Mustang, because the lamestream media gives more attention to the wreckers than they do to the history being wrecked and trampled.

Unfortunately for the media, so much of this trashing of real history is getting more attention than the non-violent stuff, so that people who do NOT like what’s going on are very likely stepping further and further away from “liberal” stuff and towards more reserved stuff.

The media is getting a bit too full of itself.


Appreciate the points of view. Time will tell who is right. Hopes it’s not me.


Your tolerance for chaos is likely vastly less than in the 1960s, and your sense of ‘things to lose” vastly higher.

It is a bias of which to be aware, and the converse views in youth are forces with which to reckon.


I have something coming up tomorrow that you may appreciate. 🙂

Stick around.


She might as well try, the Dem party has made it clear they want to be rid of her.

And if she did run against him the dems/progressives/liberals would eat themselves. Her constituency is motivated by hate and they will turn it up to 11 if they think it will get her elected.

Not that it’s likely. She the cheer leader of politicians. Looks pretty(ish) and sounds intelligent until you actually listen to her speak. Once she has to actually speak on things of substance she is going to be revealed (yet again) for the vapid twit she is.


“Pretty(ish)” is a matter of personal taste. How many times on this site have we been reminded, “Beware of the crazy-eyed look.”? She reminds me of the old adage we used to spew over her type….”Beat me, f__k me, make me write bad checks, but love me in the morning.” BTW, your post and others on this subject were to the point and much appreciated.


Thanks but I’m far from the smartest one in these parts.


Another thing to consider:

NY is losing at least one, and possibly two seats in the House for 2022 midterms.

Even if she wins in November, she could well find herself out of a job anyway.

But another problem for her is that her shit might fly in her district, but in upstate districts? Schumer does manage to not piss off just enough people to win statewide elections with a decent margin of victory. AOC would have a much harder go of that.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

She has to first prove she can withstand a challenge to her current seat in Congress. She has a decent challenger who has raised a couple of million dollars to mount that challenge.

The reality is the census might prove that New York is due to lose at least one seat in the House and Democrats will make the one they lose hers.

The tax system in New York is getting so regressive that not only are upper middle class folks moving away, middle class taxpayers are seeking other options as well. Thus like many other Northeastern states like Massachusetts and Connecticut they have a negative net migration…and those leaving are taking decent incomes and thus decent tax revenues with them.

You can not tax yourself into prosperity regardless of what you dream up after a night of drinking.

People vote with their feet all over this great nation. And New York is reaping the benefit of that situation.

Comm Center Rat

I’m hoping the former CNBC money honey Michelle Caruso-Cabrera defeats AOC. Michelle always got me excited about stock trading. I’m hoping she’s got the financial and political support to win a Congressional seat.

My ultimate dream team (regardless of party affiliation) for a Presidential/VP ticket would be Maria Bartiromo/Michelle Caruso-Cabrera. For many years, CNBC was my favorite channel with those two sexy n’ smart ladies.


That exodus from NYC has been occurring for decades.

Florida is full of folks cashing NYC pension checks, living better on a modest pension in Florida than on their full pay and OT in NYC. Time and again, some former city worker boasted to me of living in a tiny dump feeding his kids mac and tuna and trying not to wind up homeless, imagining a pensioners spot in a cardboard box on a steam grate. Only to retire to Florida and live -well-.

Others ran Pizza shops and other small businesses. “Man I was killing myself for chump change in NYC. Here? Wow! I got it good!”

Hint. Hint.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed my sailboat and I are eyeing Florida as a very nice retirement option….my brothers are both there already and my cousins as well…problem is my grandkids are all here in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts…and to be honest they are a hell of a deep set of roots to leave behind….

But Florida has deep appeal, I won’t lie.


Wish I could vote for her to take out Schumer.
I despise that man and wish him deceased and
not buried at Fresh Kills landfill so the gulls
can render him el dente in the sun.


Clinton bodycount +1
Somebody forgot a parachute.


Occasionally-Conscious changes her mind (and her position) with whichever way the wind blows.
First, her NGD will cost $20 trillion WHEN implemented.
Now, she laughs and says it’s non-binding so it costs nothing.

Quote from that article: While the nonbinding resolution doesn’t dive into specifics or outline costs, one study suggested the type of investment needed to achieve the goals — including $36 trillion for universal healthcare — would be pegged at $93 trillion in the first 10 years.
Some on Twitter were left scratching their heads at Ocasio-Cortez’s defense.
“The best defense @AOC could conjure up for her #GreenNewDisaster is that it’s actually useless,” wrote one Twitter user.
“So it’s just Legislative Virtue Signaling? How appropriate for your most famous accomplishment,” wrote another. – finis

She switches positions more often than a pole dancer. Might be a good idea for her to look where she’s going before she steps in something unpleasant.

I think someone in her area has already started campaigning against Her Ditziness.


She’s absolutely devoid of intellectual substance. Comfortable with slogans and slacktavism. No deep thought or moral compass that will allow her to find her way in a storm.


Pole dancer just might be a good career move for her.


She would likely expect Fifties for pole dances.

Green Thumb

She voted out Amazon.


Can we say “Jobs”. Good ones at that with respect to the area that they were looking to invest / relocate in.


Cant have a Marxist Revolution if folks have hope and see upward mobility in their grasp.

And both exist.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I merely wonder just how quickly the D-rat establishment will go full throttle to bury her and her political career once they get her out of Office? She’s still doing all she can to piss off who she can and I wonder if even MSDNC will hire her afterwards?


I hate to say this but she actually makes Bernie Sanders look conservative and a whole lot smarter than she is, just by comparison. He at least knows when to shut up.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Maybe she could just go back to being a mediocre Bartender once she’s out of Office?

Hack Stone

She probably needs printed instructions to make a Rum & Coke.

A Proud Infidel®™

She’d consider an order of “7 and 7” a math equation and call whoever ordered it “racist”!


CNN, they’ll hire that idiot in a heart beat.



George V

It’s too bad that Ocasio-Cortez has more than one challenger as they will split the vote of those voting against her. Primaries can generate bad candidates this way – ideally there would be a run-off between the top two.


She definitely a water retaining sperm dump
Please run it’s time to find out we’re NY state
Sits with this bat shit crazy chicka

Hack Stone

What if a better world is possible? What if we are the children. What if there is a better future and a better world?

Sounds like she is channeling Lionel Richie. Well, there was that video of her dancing on a rooftop, and that sort of is like dancing on the ceiling.


I think what she would produce is the work of the kids in

Lord of the Flies


NEWS FLASH: AOC won the Democrat primary race in her district. Announced on the news this morning.

Someone please tell me we haven’t moved into the Twilight Zone just yet?

USMC Steve

Remember her district. Libtarded ignorant socialist slackers abound there. The one ray of hope here is that Pelosi was bankrolling the other honey-wa, and didn’t get what she wanted.


Seriously, she is so dim that she is exactly the kind of person who would spend this country into bankruptcy. She has absolutely no clue about anything, and she makes that clear every time she opens her yap.

RGR 4-78

Chucky and the Brain.

What a duo.