Air Force The One’s tour of New York City
Yeah, if you think that fly-over that Air Force One did over New York City yesterday was no big deal, you probably need to watch this video that I found at Hot Air (see how I linked, Hot Air Guys ?), thanks to a Facebook link from our buddy, Renwaa.
Can you imagine the paranoia and conspiracy theories if President Bush’s administration would have done that?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects
I don’t think I would be able to identify the plane as Air Force One (yes I know its only called AF1 if the Pres is on board) because it is banking and all you see is the bottom of the aircraft. Jumbo airliner flying low over major metropolitian city being trailed by USAF fighter = panic.
And now, some low level AF officer will see his career in shreds because of this. As someone said on another thread, the President Urkelprompter and his staff never heard of photoshop?
How hard was it for the White House to figure out this scene would panic NYC?
Not hard at all.
Fastest Worst President Ever.
Somehwere in a cave in Waziristan, Osama Bin Laden is laughing his ass off knowing that A) America’s fear of another September 11th is still just beneath our collective skin, and B) Obama’s Band of Idiots has become a force multiplier for the terrorists.
If Obama’s “New Camelot” staff is making these kind of screw-ups on something as obvious as flying a 747 over Lower Manhattan with two combat fighters in tow, what else are they doing behind closed doors that will get us killed?
Has anyone been able to find out what the hell it was even doing there in first place? This is beyond stupid.
The White House said it was a file photo shoot for the Air Force One 747. They needed an updated file photo with the Statue of Liberty in the background.
Uh…and this is a priority because? They couldn’t wait until the President had to be in NYC for something? This is wholly unacceptable.
As a former New Yorker who was next to the WTC on 9/11, I can say one thing: VERY BAD AND STUPID decision.
The dumbest comment I read was from the WH press secretary Robert Gibbs. When asked about this Charlie Foxtrot he told the press they would have to get those details “from the White House”… uhh Mr. Gibbs, you DO know that YOU’RE the one you just told them to call right?
Wow… so incompetent in so many ways.