Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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“Maybe the Iraq war will last another 20 years so that you and your children will have an opportunity to stay off the unemployment rolls.”

Thanks for the clear evidence that you PeaceNicks do NOT support the troops. Before they were veterans, they were troops. People who bastards like you dispised and told each other were the deregs of society that couldn’t hold a job other than the military.

Your statement above is a window into the “peace” movement’s diseased, lying, anti-American soul.

Comrad Stoli

Amerika. Wat a country! I love dis plaze. Only plaze you can yell at each other an not go to gulag. You elekt Kenyan Poser for Premier. Enjoy!


PeaceNick, you are obviously a product of the U.ES Publik Skool Sistum. Before you go making comments like you just did, I suggest you do your homework, or is that something else Maobama will do away with by doing it for our children? Your comment about Rumsfeld is baseless: Ever heard of Google? Use it once in a while: “Military service Rumsfeld served in the U.S. Navy from 1954 to 1957 as a naval aviator and flight instructor. His initial training was in the North American SNJ Texan basic trainer after which he transitioned to flying the Grumman F9F Panther fighter. In 1957, he transferred to the Naval Reserve and continued his naval service in flying and administrative assignments as a drilling reservist until 1975. He transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve when he became Secretary of Defense in 1975 and retired with the rank of Captain in 1989.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Rumsfeld As for Cheney: “He was granted 3-A status, the “hardship” exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Cheney And, finally, George W. Bush: “In May 1968, Bush was commissioned into the Texas Air National Guard.[26] After training, he was assigned to duty in Houston, flying Convair F-102s out of Ellington Air Force Base.[27] Critics allege that Bush was favorably treated due to his father’s political standing, citing his selection as a pilot and his irregular attendance.[28] In June 2005, the United States Department of Defense released all the records of Bush’s Texas Air National Guard service, which remain in its official archives.[29] In late 1972 and early 1973, he drilled with the Alabama Air National Guard, having moved to Memphis to work on the unsuccessful U.S. Senate campaign of Republican Winton M. Blount. In October 1973, Bush was discharged from the Texas Air National Guard and transferred to the Air Force inactive reserves. He was discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974, at the end of his six-year service obligation.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush Show me a draft dodger among that bunch! None! What… Read more »


We should not demean the service of Obama. He did afterall consider the possibility of enlisting. It was unfair of the military to not offer him the MOS of O10 to young Hawaiian of great international intrigue.

Considering his great accomplishments since that moment, can you imagine the utopia the Military would be if he had been given the post of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs back then? Granted, he’d have been looking for his next job in months since he’s never finished any of his contractual obligations, but by now, we’d all be bowing down to Emperor of the World Obama.

(Be careful, the dripping sarcasm is forming a flash flood.)

Atlanta Patriot

For anyone who doubts the veracity of this story, here is a weblink from the U.S. Department of Defense public website:


The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball is co-sponsored by multiple veterans and civic organizations, not just the American Legion.

The President’s failure to attend this function is what we call “bad staff work” by some campaign scheduler who did not know any better. I am quite certain that the President would have attended had he known of the function. NO CIC would be so foolish as to intentionally skip this inaugural event. Obama may be a lot of things, but he is NOT stupid.


I am quite certain that the President would have attended had he known of the function.

Bullhockey! Do you presume to speak for “The One”.


I am quite certain that the President would have attended had he known of the function.

Bullhockey! Do you presume to speak for “The One”. Obie was simply giving the finger to the MOH recipients. Not the first time he’s done that to those he derides.


Maobama didn’t know about the MoH Ball just like he didn’t know his close friend Bill Ayres was an America-hating domestic terrorist. If he is that ignorant, God help us all!!


I think you all should give him a break…..I did not vote for him but he is our president and that is that. Try and see if you can find some thing good to say of just don’t say any thing…is a good motto.

Jonn wrote: Where were you for the last eight years?


I am quite certain that the President would have attended had he known of the function.

I feel much better now knowing that it was Obama’s incompetence rather than a personal slight.


“409misy Says:
January 26th, 2009 at 3:14 pm
I think you all should give him a break…..I did not vote for him but he is our president and that is that. Try and see if you can find some thing good to say of just don’t say any thing…is a good motto.”

We should give everyone a trophy and a new beret. That will make everyone feel like a winner and elite.

Yes, Obama is the New Commander In Chief, duly elected by the people of the United States to serve as President. While Our Troops *must* obey his orders, as Citizens we are not forced to silently endorse his arrorgance nor ignorance in policies, decisions, and associates.

And when he chooses to slight the Most Honorable, the Most Proven, the Most Heroic Men in this Nation, his closest associates should point out the error, his most ardent supporters should be able to admit his hubris.

If his advisers are too afraid of him to point out his nakedness, then they are too weak to be advising the CINC or he is too arrogant to be the CINC. If his supporters are too entranced to admit his error, then they need to re-assess their feelings of “hope.”


As a Nam vet. I would be the first to pass judgement on President Obama and Vice-President Biden for their obvious oversight.
But, as an American and just a average joe. We all MAKE MISTAKES.
I am positive if the authour of this moronic letter would stop this and get in touch with the proper personel. I am sure the administration can right a wrong.
Of course by the way this letter was written. The author is not fond of Obama/Biden. No matter what might come of this. The letter writer will never be satisfied.
If in fact this can be corrected. It is a possibility the Medal of Honor receipients might get a better party and reception from our Commander ‘N’ Chief.


Passing Through

From the American Legion:

“The American Legion, as it has on every inauguration evening since 1953, hosted the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball on January 20th. The quadrennial event is co-sponsored with fourteen veterans service and military service organizations and honors recipients of the Medal of Honor. Forty-seven of these heroes attended this year’s event which was held in the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel.

President Obama was invited but did not attend. Vice-President Joe Biden did appear, however, and was very warmly received. The new President’s absence was understandable considering the unprecedented logistical challenges presented by the vastly increased number of visitors to this inauguration and the necessary attendant security measures. The American Legion, as an organization, does not feel offended or “snubbed.”

Thank you,

Craig Roberts

Media Relations Manager

The American Legion

1608 K Street, NW

Washington, DC 20006

202.263.2982 (direct)

Jonn wrote: Thanks, I haven’t seen that email in the last ten minutes or so.


In 214: A thought Said on January 22nd, 2009 at 2:31 pm “Herk and Defend- 88 I guess I just feel let down by President Bush because I didn’t want to go to War, but when we did I hoped we had made the right decision and anxiously awaited the discovery of WMD’s only to be disappointed. After that I felt duped. I can understand your admiration for Bush since he never gave up and treated the troops with respect, but admiring someone for valiantly attempting to clean up his own mess is really faint praise.” a thought… and everyone else. All I want to add is a comment to be thought about and kept in the back of our minds anytime we look at someone else be it a President or the kid next door. No-one is perfect and no-one can execute perfection every time. Sometimes we get it right and other times we fall face first into a puddle. The issue in the case you site as well as the case that this blog is about is not so much whether either man made a mistake that highly disappoints me or you… But how a person recovers is the measure of a person. I am a human and I am subject to failing and disappointing people at any given moment. It is the condition of being human. Well… just like me, George W. and Barrak H. wake up in the morning with bad breath. They are human too. I am not in any way defending Mr. Obama as I do not think he will be willing to put forth the needed effort to make a recovery from this slight. But I will say that Mr. Bush did admit he was wrong for believing there were WMD’s but he was willing to follow through to try to bring this to some semblance of a respectful closure. As for throwing a time line with a solid date give everyone a target. We only have to stay there that long and they only have to keep hiding that long. Then we… Read more »


This is interesting….why did they have the ball at that location –

for security reasons, it made it impossible for Obama to attend. I did not vote for Obama. As a mother of a purple heart and bronze star, I wanted to find out more. I was really angery – it was on the 16th floor of a public hotel.
Maybe they really did not want him there? HM????

read this: http://isaacs.newsvine.com/_news/2009/01/23/2345799-obama-blows-off-medal-of-honor-recipients-not-exactly

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I’ve read that – as you’ll see if scroll down to the comments. There’s an ordinance in DC that doesn’t allow any buildings higher than the Capitol dome – 12 stories is the max.


Is it just me or is this thread going in circles? The deniers came back, followed by the Legion PR email and whatever other links turned up last week.
It’s done, it happened, he didn’t show – the last 10 Presidents did.


I was not on the 16th floor, it was in the sub basement. And Biden came. Nice try though.

GetReady It's Just Begining

It is just a shame to me that the President of the USA, the Commander in Chief, has no, not one iota of consideration for the military. It saddens me to think of their (and our) future. Who’s protecting him? One week down 204 to go.



You’re my hero. Obama has had to peel off a lot of troops sent to destroy Joe The Plumber to cope with your expose.

You’re like Patton coming to the aid of Bastone…


Passing Through,

Nice try, but Obama FAILED. An EPIC FAIL.

Every other President over the last 54 years passed the test, all 14 inaugurals. And each of those President came to DC as a first term President, so much for the “new guy” excuse.

Cheney and Bush at their last inaugural told the audience that the MOH ball was their first stop on their agenda and that it was the way things oaught to be.

I’ll give you a frame of reference you’ll understand. It’s like you going to Moscow and not going immediately to Lenin’s tomb.



Dissent Is Patriotic.

Remember that.

Passing Through

Raoul said: “Dissent Is Patriotic”.

When Bush was president, dissent was “unAmerican”. What changed? It’s a serious question.


this is just a remarkable thread. jonn, you and TSO are the best.

Skip, Viet Nam Vet

What do you expect from a politician from the Corrupt Goverment of Chicago Il. Grt rid of the electoral vote and with the grace of GOD WE WILL BE ABLE TO GET RID OF HIN IN FOUR YEARS,

Skip, Viet Nam Vet

What do you expect from a politician from the Corrupt Goverment of Chicago Il. Grt rid of the electoral vote and with the grace of GOD WE WILL BE ABLE TO GET RID OF HIM IN FOUR YEARS. bESIDES HE WAS TOO BUSY VISITING HIS ILLEGAK RELATIVES, TO GIVE A WAVE TO THE HEROS OF THIS COUNTRY


Biden was the only one who took the oath correctly and swore on the bible. Maybe the real President show up to the ball afterall?


typo: showed


Disgraceful! A slap in the face of the True American Hero’s. He should be ashamed and owes them a PUBLIC Apology!


Passing Through,

“Dissent Is Patriotic”

Learn it, live it, love it!

And…”Somewhere in Kenya, A Village is missing it’s cannabil.”


412Ray Says:
January 26th, 2009 at 7:22 pm
As a Nam vet. I would be the first to pass judgement on President Obama and Vice-President Biden for their obvious oversight.
But, as an American and just a average joe. We all MAKE MISTAKES.
I am positive if the authour of this moronic letter would stop this and get in touch with the proper personel. I am sure the administration can right a wrong.
Of course by the way this letter was written. The author is not fond of Obama/Biden. No matter what might come of this. The letter writer will never be satisfied.
If in fact this can be corrected. It is a possibility the Medal of Honor receipients might get a better party and reception from our Commander ‘N’ Chief.


OK… 1st things 1st… this is obviously a different “Ray”:-) But… to respond to his post. Swing and a miss. Obama had one shot to go the the Salute to Heroes Ball and he flubbed it. Hopefully he will never get another chance.


All’s I can say is: Shame on Him and this is just the begining of alot of changes we will not like…

I am so flaming mad right now…Who in their right mind wouldn’t attend this ball?
Did Mr. Obama ever think once that if it wasn’t for our Hero’s PAST,PRESENT AND FUTURE he wouldn’t be in the place he’s in now? I know, I know that dosen’t matter to him anymore either…


Just A Grunt…Kudos to you…Yes we will not be getting the money we need from the Obama adm., but us home owners of GA will be getting an extra bill now..they are thinking of taxing us home owers twice a year on our property, and they are going to take the home stead ex. away from us at the same time,so……..our taxes are going up in a big way for me it will be about $1000.- $1,200. more a year on my home and property. yep thats helping the americans hold on to what they have alright, not to mention they are also thinking of taxing our groceries even more now as well. Thank You so much Mr. Obama

Passing Through


My question to you was (and is) very specific: Why is dissent “patriotic” now, but it was “unAmerican” when Bush was president?

I’m not looking for an argument – just an explanation.


Just in case anyone missed the letter from the P.R. Man at the american legion,Obama was indeed invited but chose not to go so he could attend “Other Functions” ,,V.P. Biden,,However Did attend,But this function calls for the C.I.C. (President) to be there to Honor the M.O.H. and Order of the Purple Heart Ball,,The President people,NOT The vice president,Its been a ritual thats been performed for 56 years and now it has been broken.Just so Mr. Obama could hang out with rappers,hollywood hotshots and singers.Totally shameful and definately disrespectful to those surviving M.O.H. Men that made it to the ball,even though most are in ill health and will not see another M.O.H. Ball,THEY MADE IT,WHY COULDN’T HE ? Simple question,No Simple Answer except that he does not care about them or their service and sacrifice to this ungrateful nation.


Passing Through,

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!


I love the defenders of obama who have jumped in eyes stapled shut at every opportunity.
Just like the Landsthul visit that did not happen during his world tour…
A Ball that has been held since Eisenhower, attended by every president since then, and people claim he could not have known/was not invited, did go (but that was not even the Ball in question), and then defame the character of men who have proudly served this country who were in attendance….

John, keep up the good work. Haven’t seen you around the DZ in a while, and just stumbled onto here I am ashamed to say.

TypicalWhiteWoman, Albany, GA

Just stopped by to thank all of the men and women who are the backbone and heart of our Country.


Alright, ALRIGHT. I like how ‘blowing off the medal of honor recipients’ is the equivalent of ‘oh fuck, we are absolutely screwed, the world is OVER’. Are you STILL crying over spilt milk?Can’t you finally begin to accept reality? So he missed a meeting that nobody, not even that failure Bush had missed. It doesn’t look good, damn right. He should’ve f**king been there, but he wasn’t, can you stop trying to undermine the man? Can you stop using this garbage to fuel your disdain and get behind the president already? It’s like watching a team of conspiracy theorists after they’ve discovered what looks to be Rosie O’ Donnell’s face in the smoke rising above yearly California wildfires. PROOOF! FINALLY, YES! WAHAHAHAHA. NOW WE WILL EXPOSE THE TRUTH. No you won’t, and you’re still batshit insane. Maybe someone would notice you if you cut your wrists or, better yet, hung yourself. Give it a try.

Jonn wrote: A bit of drama queen, aren’t you?

Rich King

Personally this bastard is the biggest BULL SHITTER that we have seen in years….. Nothing more that a Black Pied Piper.

Remember all those people in GERMANY that FOLLOWED HITLER..

WHY in the hell doesn’t the constitution require that anyone that seeks the presidency of the US be required to serve a MIN of 6 Years of milatary service…. This separates the men from the BOY’s…..


this chick could be right



“better yet, hung yourself”

There was a plastic surgeon that hung himself.

“Maybe someone would notice you if you cut your wrists or, better yet, hung yourself. Give it a try”

I understand it cures BDS…after you.



Obama is the Worst President Ever in the shortest time ever.


All I can say is – how do you expect him to honor the most honorable men in service, when he can’t even tell you how many states make up the USA. At one point campaining he made some comment about already visiting 57 states or something close to that. How in the world do you expect him to find the Ball, he was probably looking for it in one of the other states that the rest of us know don’t even exist.

Personally – I find it majorally objectional that as much money was spent on this occassion, when 50,000 people were laid off from their jobs yesterday, and many states don’t have enough money to provide much more unemployment money. That money could have and should have been better spent than so many parties! Why not try to use what little funds available to feed our own unemployed and homeless. And I don’t mean 3rd world countries. Let Brad and Anjolie do that. They have a good start, and can afford it – if that is their biggest priority. But I think America’s priority should be “Charity starts at home”, and not with millions spent on parties, china, or any thing else.

But as Dennis Miller says “That is just my humble opinion!”


I wholey heartedly agree with you Rich King, ANYONE who runs tor that office should have served in our military.


My heart goes out to our Medal of Honor Veterans, and their families. These few, are American’s Finest Heros, and deserve to be treated with the Upmost Honor by all Americans, beginning with our Pres. I have lived overseas, and our MOHs are treated better by other countries, and here at home, at the beginning of our new administration, they are not recognized by their own. This treatment of our MOHs, is seen for what it is, dishonor. The Americans that understand this dishonorable treatment, have shared a a common bond to those that have faught, and those that have fallen.


well what did yall expect i mean he has already let out the people who were caught being terriest out and their country wont take them back so get ready it is going to be a long 4 yrs. he is in it for the money not for the well being of the people.

airborne injun

i”m ready to move back on the rez. awsome blog. we are in for one hell of a ride.God bless our heros and veterans,our nation and patriots.the best part of our new CnC obviously ran down his mamas leg. please keep up the good work Jonn.youre an OK white man in my book.


Please see the American Legion’s official quote below. Specifically pay attention to the fact the Obama attended the Commander in Chief’s Ball which the military attends.

“The American Legion, as it has on every inauguration evening since
1953, hosted the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball on January
20th . The quadrennial event is co-sponsored by fourteen veterans
service and military service organizations and honors recipients of the
Medal of Honor. Forty-seven of these heroes attended this year’s event.
President Obama was invited but did not attend. Vice-President Joe Biden
did appear, however, and was very warmly received. From The American
Legion’s point of view, the new President’s absence was understandable
considering the unprecedented logistical challenges presented by the
vastly increased number of visitors to this inauguration and the
necessary attendant security measures. The National Adjutant of The
American Legion states that, as an organization, The Legion does not
feel offended or “snubbed” by the President’s failure to appear.”

Mr. Wheeler’s message as of noon today (January 26):

“We extended an invitation as we always do. There are numerous Balls
and we know he can’t attend them all. Of course, we would have loved
for him to make an appearance, but he didn’t. It’s a logistical
nightmare. He did meet with the troops at the Commander In Chief’s
Ball, and we are grateful for that. Our Ball wasn’t about the
President; it was about the Medal of Honor recipients and the veterans
and families who were there. We are grateful that the Vice President
appeared, and our guests were very appreciative.

“That having been said, there are much more important issues to dwell
on, which we intend to do. We look forward to working with the new
administration on ensuring full and guaranteed funding for VA health
care services, and the very best treatment for our service people who
have been wounded, and on the quality of life of all members of the
Armed Forces and their families, as well as the maintenance of a
national security force that will deter any enemy from considering an
attack on America.”


I’d like to point out a huge Blessing…

President Obama did not attend.

Think this through folks. I, for one, wouldn’t want that man to come within five hundred feet of any military function I was part of. While it’s true that the Office of the President is what should be represented, it’s overshadowed by the fact that this man’s Executive Orders, Policies, and speeches indicate that he intends nothing less than the final tearing down of our Constitutional basis in this country.

So look at the positive and be glad our Heroes had a chance to enjoy a nice evening without it being tainted.

Pity U. People

Source Blackfive, which I read occasionally for military pieces, confirmed that President Obama did not come to the inaugural ball. So I became curious because the only two sources were two blogs and one source that consisted of initials. Therefore, I did what any rational person would do: I contacted the American Legion to get the straight story from the people who would know. I was put in contact with a very pleasant gentleman named Craig Roberts who is the American Legion’s Media Relations Manager and after our conversation he e-mailed me this statement which I will include in its entirety: In answer to your inquiry: The American Legion, as it has on every inauguration evening since 1953, hosted the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball on January 20th. The quadrennial event is co-sponsored with fourteen veterans service and military service organizations and honors recipients of the Medal of Honor. Forty-seven of these heroes attended this year’s event which was held in the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel. President Obama was invited but did not attend. Vice-President Joe Biden did appear, however, and was very warmly received. The new President’s absence was understandable considering the unprecedented logistical challenges presented by the vastly increased number of visitors to this inauguration and the necessary attendant security measures. The American Legion, as an organization, does not feel offended or “snubbed.” Thank you, Craig Roberts Media Relations Manager The American Legion 1608 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 202.263.2982 (direct) First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Roberts for taking my call and taking the time to compose this statement so that I can share it on behalf of the American Legion. So to those fellow Obama supporters that think this ball did not happen, it did. It was omitted from the media outlets it was omitted from because of logistical challenges due to the extraordinary number of people that flooded Washington D.C. to see Barack Obama be inaugurated as the 44th president and it is not yet on the American Legion’s website (as I type this at 8:30 A.M. on 1-23-09)… Read more »

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