Bernath’s CPO claim
Editor’s Note: Apparently someone has broken into TAH past our multiple levels of defense. I assume it is satire, but we are looking into it. I only know that none of us did this. And Satire is apparently an absolute defense to all libels and slanders. One of the greatest legal minds of any generation told us that, so it must be true.
We’ll work on finding out who it is.
NOTE: Do not say anything that could even conceivably considered threatening. Bernath is allegedly filing restraining orders under this statute that Oregon has to protect disabled people. You could have a restraining order issued before you even get a chance at due process, and that could cause problems especially for anyone in the military if there is a Lautenburg problem. So, be careful in word selection.
I’ve received probably 100 emails from Daniel Bernath in the past 3 days. He’s threatening lawsuits that will go all the way to the Supreme Court. He’s alleged everything under the sun, including that we put a hit out on him. (Newsflash: we didn’t.) But some things are coming into focus.
He’s clearly a deeply troubled guy. Like, more than we even imagined. His wife filed a declaration that may put some light on it:
32. I sort out his VA supplied medication and give him 4 pain pills each day. Even with the many pain medications, Mr. Bernath fells such strong pain that he at times will fold his arms and rock back and forth until he can take the next course of pain meds and the results kick-in.
34. Many of the medication he takes warn him that they will affect his mental abilities and warn him about driving, using machinery and making important decisions while on the medication. As he is so disabled, he has depended on me. I saw the need to step into his law office practice, educated myself to law office procedure, disability law and procedure and took over for him.
Now, ignore those issues, I only bring them up to point out this observation. I’ve actually come to the conclusion that he isn’t lying about being named an honorary Chief Petty Officer in the conventional sense. But only because he has such a tenuous grasp of reality that he actually believes it. (NOTE: Others are telling me that is bullshit and he’s just acting. I don’t know the dude, I can only base it on these erratic emails. You guys may be right and he’s just acting crazy. Sort of a retarded Murdock from the A-Team. Only Murdock usually checks fuel levels. I seen him do it.)
He’s not an honorary CPO, that is clear from what I will show you. No rational person could believe that he actually is an honorary CPO. Which is why when confronted with all this info, he can’t even recognize it for what it says, leaving me to conclude that he’s just not rational.
Over and over he keeps saying the he will prove in court that he’s an honorary CPO. He can’t. And I’m not overly eager to either wait for that to happen, or get dragged into a court halfway around the country. So, I am going to prove it now for all of you, with Bernath’s own documentation. I fully suspect he’ll delete all his stuff, so I’ve screen capped it. He’ll still drag us into court probably, but it will give me some peace of mind while I wait.
The graphic above shows that he is claiming to be a Chief Petty Officer (Honorary.) Additionally, he sent me pictures of a plaque to prove it. Here’s the problem, NONE OF IT SHOWS HE WAS NAMED AN HONORARY CHIEF PETTY OFFICER. As noted before, the only one with the authority to do so would be the MCPON, and he hasn’t done it. So, let’s go to the videotape here:
In 2006, Daniel A. Bernath was named “Photographer’s Mate Chief Petty Officer” (Honorary) by the US Naval Photography Association for his contribution to United States Navy Photography through the years. US Naval Photography Association
Both the plaque that he sent a picture of to me, and the memo from the US Naval Photography Association don’t use that language. Instead they SPECIFICALLY STATE that he was named an “Honorary Chief PHOTOGRAPHERS MATE.” You see what he’s done? Everywhere it says “Photographers mate” his mind translates it as “Petty Officer.”
What I am going to do now is highlight the stuff that proves what I am saying. Everything in bold is what Bernath self-identifies a document as. And then everything in italics is what the document from the person ACTUALLY says. So, Bold = Bernath, italics = actual document. Bold + Italics = prove he’s not in touch with the objective truth. All this currently located AT THIS LINK. I encourage you to click through and look at the original documentation before it gets deep sixed.
Chief Petty Officer Putnam Nominates Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
Because of all that Photographer’s Mate Bernath has done to support and honor our Country, our Navy, Naval Photography and Photographer‘s Mates, I unhesitatingly recommend him for selection as an Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate.
Captain Potts Recomends Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
[Memo regarding] Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate Nomination
Petty Officer Freund recommends Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
I heartily endorse the nomination to make Photographers Mate Daniel Alan Bernath, “Honorary Chief Photographer’s Mate.”
Lt. Commander Ralph Lewis Nominates Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
At the request of PHC Milt Putnam I heartily second Daniel Bernath’s nomination as Honorary Chief Photographers Mate.
Chief Petty Officer Giberson Nominates Daniel Bernath to Chief Petty Officer
His efforts with the USS Yorktown website, alone are enough to qualify him for the high honor of Honorary Photographer’s Mate.
But let’s even assume that these recommendations were for “Chief Petty Officer” which one of them appears to do, that honorific not only doesn’t come from the recommendations themselves, but doesn’t appear to have actually been awarded. Leaving aside the issue that the Naval Photographers Association doesn’t have the ability to actually grant honorary CPO status, both the plaque and the letter allegedly awarding the honorific specifically state that he’s being awarded status as “Honorary Chief Photographers Mate.”
In case you needed further proof, as if your lying eyes deceived you, here is CDR John W. White, USN (Ret), President of the National Association of Naval Photography:
The National Association of Naval Photography (NANP) has never conferred the title of “Honorary Chief Petty Officer” upon anyone. Therefore, we would have no official records substantiating Mr. Bernath’s claim concerning the title. Please note that only the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy has the authority to confer such a title.
Further, as we’ve shown before, Bernath then took another guy’s picture, and photoshopped his head on it. He is correct when he notes he doesn’t have a copyright problem (since the copyright is probably the US Navy’s, and the Gov’t can’t copyright pictures) but he later argued that the photoshop was a sort of joke which he only posted to a private blog to share with family. Except that is not what Bernath’s website is. in fact, what it does is shill various sight-seeing excursions in Portland Oregon. It’s not a private thing to keep family members in the loop, it is a commercial enterprise.
Bernath is a public person by his own admission on his website. He appeared on TV shows, was a radio talk show host, a hero who stands up for the little guy in Social Security Hearings in Oregon, and has been in the paper numerous times. (Usually for stuff like being a monumental jackass.) He’s also engaged in Stolen Valor (he’s pimping a fake military honorific on a commercial website) which is an issue in the public sphere.
But he’s also CLEARLY a very troubled individual. Enough so that in any other circumstance I might take pity on him. But he’s sending me the most truly bizarre and ridiculous demands that any pity has fallen by the way side. For instance, today he emailed to ask if I would accept service on a lawsuit against someone I have never heard of. He’s accused me of sending letters/emails to the VFW when I’ve never contacted them. He says we threatened to kill him, he’s allegedly filed restraining orders, he keeps calling me a “dickless lawyer” and says I will be disbarred:
You and others defamed me, committed the criminal act of solitation to murder or harm and you did it by sending a mail through your computer.
VFW is cooperative.
I’m filing a police complaint now as you and Hyatt encouraged murder/harming me. You admit the wanted poster is yours as part of the threat and menacing.
Wow, you didn’t stay a lawyer very long.
So, pity is running a little short.
I know people hate lawyers, and Bernath would be proof positive that some of them really do suck. But I’ve been on the phone with nothing but lawyers for two days now, and not a one of them has been anything but fully supportive. Not a one is asking for any payment, and all of them are offering their support.
I’d be tempted to just let this fade away, in fact, I wish it would. But Bernath sends me new legal threats every time I turn around. I’m pretty much done playing with him. I asked him repeatedly to stop contacting me, and to do his talking through the courts, but that didn’t work.
Some lady in the Oregon article I linked above refused to go in a room with him anymore. And she pegged him perfectly:
“His outbursts are unprovoked, explosive, and disproportionate to the proceedings,” she wrote. “He appears to have difficulty gaining control once his emotions escalate, and the escalation is rapid.”
Well, he’s forced us to fight now. Because if we cave on even one lunatic like Bernath, it will only give license to the rest of these Stolen Valor guys to act insane.
Category: Phony soldiers
Anybody feel like pointing out to Dan who the stupid one is? This is another news article and it looks like he just recently commented on it.
Daniel A Bernath · Top Commenter · Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili High School
This is how stupid you Orgites are. Obama says, “wow, what a mess. I wonder who’s fault that is?” Now your version of Obama for Oregon spends $32million and doesn’t sign up one moocher and Kitz says, “WOW, those people over there, that I HIRED and are charged with SUPERVISING messed up. Fire them! Sue them! But don’t blame me…the guy who hired them, supervised them and let them steal the public’s money. I’m only THE GOVERNOR. You expect me to GOVERN?” Stupid Orgites. You’ll reelect him too.
Get a load of this:
Daniel A Bernath · Top Commenter · Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili High School
Jasonn Glass The illegal aliens are the turds. Their “anchor babies” don’t belong here either. Illegal aliens-brown. Turds-brown. Coincidence? I think not. Go back to Mexico and mooch off of your Spanish derived masters and not us White European Americans. What? No macho pride?
So on top of everything else, he’s a racist? I’m of Mexican descent, born in the USA and proud to wear my country’s uniform. I try to live up to the standards set by those who came before me like LCpl Emilio A. De la Garza and MSG Roy Benavides and like the various members of my own family who have worn the uniform of this great nation over the years. You will find no one more vocal in their opposition to amnesty for illegal aliens than I. However, Bernath’s racist screed requires an answer. Listen, motherfucker, there are a shit ton of these “inferior brown people” who are your betters in every way imaginable. The two men I mentioned earlier both earned the Medal of Honor in Vietnam, posthumously in the case of de la Garza, whose father and uncles had previously served in WW II. Your attempts to tar all Hispanics with your xenophobic brush is beyond contemptible and further serves to illustrate the point we have all been making…..
that Daniel A. Bernath is a fraud, a liar, a racist, a bully, and a coward. You are not a man in any sense of the word and, upon your demise, I hope that your passing will be marked with the contempt and derision that we have seen on this blog today regarding the death of Fred Phelps. May the rest of your days be filled with frustrations from not accomplishing your dreams and may you get your comeuppance at the hands of the justice system.
Mustang well said!
Bring on the heat to this maggot, racist, homophobe, hate baitor … Stay within the law … Bring him the attention he is attracting and deserves.
Pull all favors, dig deep into your resources, make calls and send emails, stay professional and lay in on him the way he wants it but does not know how to it … In the court of public opinion and in the court of law!
Bernath … I am not amused or worried.
File a RO on me you fool.
I am disabled VET of 32 years.
You are a failed vet of 3. whatever!
Rudi Hernandez.
One of the Finest Men who Ever wore the Uniform.
It was reading the accounts of men such as these that set my path and those of my two younger brothers. I grew up in East Chicago, Indiana and in our library was a small glass case which displayed the Medal of Honor awarded posthumously to LCPL Emilio A. de la Garza for actions in combat during Vietnam. In addition to the Medal itself, the original citation was displayed as well. Reading the account of the actions of this young man who died at the age of 20 saving the lives of his squad has influenced my life profoundly. Honestly, how often can you say that something you read at the age of 6 or 7 has impacted you life for almost 35 years? Yet, that is the power and impact that one person’s courage can have on the lives of people he or she never met. This is what we honor and protect from the evil, yes evil, designs of men such as Bernath. Those who would seek to make up for their inadequacies by stealing the glory and honor of their betters, much like a leach sucks the life’s blood out of its host. For if we were to allow these fraudulent actions to go unanswered, not only would we be letting ourselves down, we would in a sense be betraying the memory of people like CPL Hernadez, LCPL de la Garza, and all those of every race, color, and creed who have sacrificed for the idea that this nation is indeed humanity’s last, best hope.
Beautifully said, Mustang.
I watched that video of MSG Benavides getting the Medal from President Reagan, then speaking at a school somewhere. I think that may be the only video I’ve watched where I LMAO’d AND teared up while watching.
I’m guessing this is the video. The first part when President Reagan presents the Medal of Honor and reads off the acts that led to the award made me think “Man, this guy can’t be human! Nobody can keep up the fight under those circumstances. ” Yet he did and it becomes more incredible when you get to his speech when he tells of his previous injuries during his first tour in Vietnam. Being told that would never walk again, beating those odds to RETURN to Vietnam and perform the acts of heroism that led to his being awarded the Medal of Honor. This is a soldier’s soldier and the embodiment of all that we hold dear. RIP MSG Benavidez, descanse en paz, Sargento Benavidez!
Forgot to post the video. Here it is.
MSG Roy Benavidez speech 1991:
Yep, that be it. I think my LMAO moment (or the biggest one) was when he described how when they unloaded the chopper, there were 2 or 3 dead VC or NVA on board. “I made sure EVERYBODY got brought back!” This is what Americans are supposed to be made of. The Phony Chief is everything we don’t want to be.
The comment I just copied here is in the same thread as the one you just posted, in case that wasn’t clear.
Bernath clearly has some hate issues. Too bad that every time he says and or writes something … The entire world has access and the following communities are monitoring: legal; Vets; CPO’s; Portland area residents; aviation; VFW; US Navy; concerned Patriots; children; parents; shop owners; the mailman; and anyone else who did not get the memo written by Bernath that he is attracting and wishing this attention upon himself and he is going to get it.
PS: Bernath, I have been soft on you … Generally focussing on the challenge you directed at me and the MCPON. However, your hate and unwarranted attacks are going to be very difficult to defend when delivered as evidence in front of someone 10 x more credible … Like a judge!
You are not, have never been, nor will you EVER be a Chief!
Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it!
All of Daniel-san’s comments on that news site in one consolidated search.…4362.10985.0.11534.….0…1c.1.37.hp..16.8.914.fMu4a5zaWEw
Ok, you’ll have to copy and paste that link to your browser.
I hope this one works, if not I give up on trying to embed a vvideo
The first link you posted works for me… I am listening right now… HILARIOUS! Awesome find!
I know right? I almost pissed myself. He is such a fool
I’d sent something to Michael Berry when I found that video a while back, but I never heard from him.
In light of the new level of BS coming from Daniel-san, we should flood Michael Berry’s inbox telling him who Agent Dan is. That will be a fun episode to tune in to.
I couldn’t watch more than the first 30 seconds. When Bernath started speaking, in that rich, oily (slimy), creepy voice of his, I had to turn it off. I just can’t listen to the guy, he’s … Wickreian in his sleaziness, it just oozes through the speakers.
He lit up my radar when he appeared to be the first phony TSA “Agent” (really, screener). Now that we know he really (probably) was a TSO, honestly that makes me hate him even more. He is a fucking disgrace, not that we didn’t already have our fair share, to a lot of good people I have worked with who are now “absent friends.” Those ghosts are watching you, Bernastyass. And they all think you’re an asshole, too.
I got through exactly 2 minutes and 12 seconds of that before I had to stop listening. I will have to have sustenance before I can listen to the entire diatribe.
One thing stands out – there were many complaints lodged against Agent Dan. He said so himself.
Now that I have released the Kraken (Kraken rum that is) another thought has come to mind.
Daniel-san has been accusing everyone of being a child molester, right? And the suggestion has been brought up that he’s been projecting his actions on other people. Daniel-san for a time was Agent Dan of the TSA. Did he enjoy himself a little too much when patting down children? Makes you wonder why he left the TSA, eh?
T suspect that Daniel A. Bernath THE FAKE CPO and snotweasel was FIRED from the TSA. Just look at the losers and boobs they employ, and he looks like the kind of Mega-class pathetic loser that couldn’t even fit in with them!
More than likely, Phony Chief Bernath whined, bitched, Blue Falconed his coworkers, and in general made everyone’s lives miserable. If I had to guess, however, he probably didn’t get fired – I’d bet you a pint of good craft beer he tried to pull some kind of disability scam. Especially if he was working in baggage. Baggage TSOs rack/ed up a lot of OWCP claims – many legit work-related injuries, some not so much. Bernath has demonstrated an aptitude for shammin’ and scammin’ everywhere he goes. Bet he either got himself a nice disability check for an imaginary injury, or tried his worst.
All THAT said: he has a vibe about him that would make me keep him at least a mile from any children entrusted to my care. As GT would say in one of his eloquent single-word comments: “Ticklemonster.”
He’s a freaking moron. I was working at Anchorage Airport for an airline when 911 happened. About a month later, I am standing outside waiting for the crew bus and I see someone left a laptop computer case leaning up against a bench outside… AN ABANDONED BLACK BAG [shudder]. I know if I report the bag, the entire airport will probably be shut down. So, I pick the bag up, take it inside to the airport police office and tell them where I found it. The officer at the desk opens it up and says “Huh, a laptop. Thanks.” The end. Later I transferred to LAX and worked there… what a bunch of bullshit. I was there when the TSA emptied a terminal because of corroded batteries in a flashlight. I used to attend LEO meetings about theft of passenger property at LAX. In that venue I heard several stories about TSA agents stealing shit, stories that I never saw in the media. Onetime I got a headsup call from LAXPD that Rep. Pelosi would be arriving on another airline and she would be driven directly to our jetway and would board our A/C via the jetway stairs. I asked, “Will she have been properly screened by the TSA prior to boarding our A/C?” because if not, the TSA might unload the A/C and dump the terminal. I couldn’t get a straight answer, so I called the TSA… no bright ideas from them either. As luck would have it, Pelosi made other arrangements. Bernath is delusional in thinking that he is protecting our lives, but what should we expect from a FAKE CPO?
Actually, Members of Congress, state governors, cabinet secretaries, etc., are exempt from TSA screening procedures. However, their staffs are not. She could’ve been bypassed, but her retinue of staff weenies would have had to be screened.
Read Dans comments. A few weeks ago I would have thought sarcasm. Now? Im not so sure.
Spew Warning
I don’t think spew warning was the right one, more like puke all over the keyboard warning. I need a brillo pad for my brain now.
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Danny me boyo….
Document everything!
There will be a call in the future for info collected in the public domain.
Bernath will eventually have to answer to the courts … If he wants to play in the big leagues … He should thought twice about the whiffle ball bat he strolled in here with!
Screenshots saved, Master Chief.
Bernaths Comment from here
Eric Dillon Oregon lawyers are despicable cowards. When California admits only 30% and Oregon admits 60 or 75% it isn’t because Oregon has smarter people taking the bar. The ugly truth i s that half the people walking around as lawyers in Oregon would have flunked the California, Texas or NY bar. The Oregon State Bar is a disgrace to the people of Oregon.
Reply · Like · 1 · October 28, 2013 at 12:55pm
This from a guy that was refused membership to the Bar in Oregon.
Um Birdbath seems to be a bit miffed at the Oregon BAR,,, perhaps because this is what they had to say about him when he petitioned to prractice there.
“In a bar admission proceeding, this court’s primary responsibility is to the public. Our charge is to assure that those who are admitted to the bar possess the ethical responsibility and the maturity of character necessary to enable them to withstand the many pressures and temptations that will confront them in the practice of law. The record contains overwhelming evidence that applicant does not possess that requisite good moral character and fitness to be a practicing attorney in Oregon. Applicant’s brief to this court does little to resolve the doubts raised by the Board about his character. We conclude that applicant has failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that he is a person of good moral character and fit to practice law in Oregon.
Admission denied.”
Ouch! That most definitely left a mark. No wonder this fella feels so inadequate.
Bernastyass is also (to a point) incorrect in assuming that the harder the bar exam, the better the quality of lawyers passing it. States with tough bar exams (in at least two cases I’m aware of) are operating an incumbent protection racket. California is by no means short of lawyers, and the incumbents have an interest in keeping their turf for themselves. Although I love the state I presently call home, it has these kinds of scams running for the legal industry and several others.
But again, Oregon (which may indeed have an easier bar exam) knew a stinker when it saw one.
Read the Article, then read the comments from Dan.
This guy is a real fucking sicko
Do you remember his e-mail address all over the web site set up to solicit sex? I’m sure that he sees himself as that middle aged guy whose wife won’t put out.
I have to go to the local sewage treatment plant and take a bath to freshen up after reading that tripe.
/That boy ain’t right.
I guess my son would be an anchor baby in your beady little eyes Birdbath. Tell you what, he is about 6 foot 210 pounds and plays wing on a pretty good amatuer rugby team.
Take your flabby ass out on the pitch, catch a rugby ball and run at him calling him an “Anchor Baby”.
You ever see a Prius collide with a Mack Truck head-on?
Check out his Disqus comments:
Just a few samples gleaned by scrolling down his profile:
“All that is true but by voting for him twice you have absolved yourself of all ‘white guilt’ because southerners 160 years ago had slaves (l/7th as many knee grow slaves as the plantation owners on the continent of South America and Caribbean islands) AND
you got to part of this huge History Event-vote for our 1st knee grow (actually mulatto) President.
Isn’t ruining our health care, losing all our allies and having our enemies have and use the bomb, all worth it?”
“If you can’t feed em, don’t breed em.
what be-s da color of da babies? Just axing.{why did this website delete my comment? The male portion of 13% of the population causes 59% of the crime and 75% of the bastards]”
“Remember Sec. of Ag Earl Butz joke that got him fired? John (the snitch) Dean quoted our Secretary of Agriculture. What are the three things black want in life?
1. Loose, shoes,
2. Tight puzzy,
3. and a warm place to shyt. Got him fired. Why was such a joke funny? Based on troof.”
The number of eyes on Bernath is growing every day. He wants attention by his own words … he has it now!
The more layers of the rotten onion we peel back, the more it looks and smells exactly like Paul (of the Ballsack). He liked to use the word “mulatto,” too.
And what is Danny boy up to today? Has the Pres. of NANP quit like Danni demanded? Has anyone been served? Has Dan called anyone else a molester?
I see he changed his page to yellow.
It’s as if the unabomber learned a little HTML.
Why does he keep dumping more stuff on the same “resume” page like it’s a big drawer full of mismatched socks. Mixed up topics, fonts, and colors. It just screams crazy.
Man up and admit that you screwed up and pissed off a lot of veterans. Man up and admit that you now don’t know how to stop making yourself look even more dumb with every passing moment. Man up. Just… man up.
You call us cowards, but you try to sue everyone who offends you.
You talk about honor, but that word coming from your mouth sounds like the punchline to a joke. Wait, you are the joke. Honor…a careful review of your comments on various websites shows that you are a racist. I hope your name becomes a part of everyday conversation, much like the name Judas, Benedict Arnold, Hitler, or Bin Laden.
You claim to be an honorary Chief Petty Officer.
I went back today and re-read the Chief Petty Officer Creed. Phrases like “caused to humbly accept challenge and face adversity”. Words like “fellowship”, and “responsibility”.
You are the opposite of everything that is in the Chief Petty Officer Creed.
You are not worthy.
I received a letter from lawyer Bernath. I read it and almost fell down because I bacame light headed because I was laughing so hard. I will address it later but there is one thing everyone should know. When you talk to him can not speak ’till he says “over”. This is a no shitter and this is what happened in the first minute of the second call after he hung up on me during call # 1.
I called back to tell him that I needed to answer his demand.
He said, “I will talk to you if you don’t yell”. I said, “fair enough”. He said, “no, no, no don’t answer until I say OVER”.
MCPO: what?
DB: I said, don’t answer until I said OVER, like in aviation communications.
MCPO: what?
DB: I am serious!
DB: I did not say OVER!
DB: NO, I talk … when I am done I say OVER!
DB: If you want to talk do what I say!
MCPO: Over?
Yes … This is how it went.
He is a certified MORON of the highest order!
This is a NO SHITTER!
PS: Bernath … I WILL see you in court!
By the way he believes SREYWAL are some kind of specialized team that I have assembled to do him harm. Argh … He is not only a really bad lawyer he is not very smart!
This really happened!
See, this is the part where I’m expecting to see someone post the cockpit introduction scene from “Airplane!” Since nobody did 🙁 and since I don’t know how to do that on this phone :(, here’s a link to the end of that classic:
Funny cockpit scene – AIRPLANE!:
Daniel A. Bernath THE FAKE CPO makes Frank Drebin look like GEN Patton!
When a child, or other person of adolescent mentality, has no argument to make his point, he may choose to make things up, such as falsely accusing his protagonists of Child molestation, of of being caught masterbating.
When the child, or other person of adolescent mentality, reaches that point in the argument, one can see that he is done, toast, finished. Such a flippin’ joke.
Some more of his handywork
I’d call him an addict, but I don’t know of any drugs that’ll fuck up your mind that badly.
Like ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkEr69, I think he’s been drinking that wood alkiehol.
I wonder,,, what would Cafe Express think of Daniel A. Bernath misusing their name? Falsely accusing them of displaying a graphic with his face on someone else’s body.
Each entry below is an entry in an e-mail to me:
You have used my face to sell a product on Café Express and Café Press.
…inspired you to use my photograph at Cafe Express/Press.
Did Dan R. Hyatt inspire you to place a wanted poster of me onto Cafe Express and/or Cafe Press?
Dan R. Hyatt’s creation on inspired you to do what you did with Cafe Express.
Did reading what Dan R. Hyatt said inspire you to contact Cafe Express and publish the wanted poster.
The evidence against you; you stole my copyrighted picture of my face and displayed it on Cafe Express.
How am I to believe that on your own you just decided to take that graphic to Cafe Express?
You must answer this question truthfully: What inspired you or caused you to take that graphic and put it on Cafe Express?
OK. I get statutory damages. You admitted you stole it. You admitted you put it on Cafe Express.
It takes a special kind of stupid to rate a seat on ThE sHoRtBuS #41, and Bernath has a window seat, where he sits with arms folded, rocking back and forth, leaning over to lick the big glass window.
Not everyone rates having me designate them as a MEGA CLASS PATHETIC LOSER, but he damned sure earned the title.
It is people like him that caused me to do this graphic; (which by the way, sells quite well):
If I could figure out where Cafe Express lets us vend out designs, I would put this up in their place as well as in Cafepress.
If any readers see a place in Cafe Express where I could sell my designs, please link it back to me. Thanks Y’all.
Now, off to do some “Masterbaiting”, the Bass in the pond are calling me.
They only sell sandwiches, FranklyO.
Sticker is priceless.
Daniel-san is in a rocket assisted mental powerdive now.
What the… he…
Oh fuck, here: *major spew warning*
Certainly is desperate, isn’t he?
Nice of him to steal the images and property of other people just to try to frighten them.
Seriously, this clowndog is so completely out of ammo that he’s now firng blanks.
*kssshhhh-crackle* Redball this DB1 I am out of real ammo. Am switching to blanks.
I didn’t save OVER yet dammit! OVER
Negative DB1 blanks will do no good. Return to base.
DB1 did you copy?
You didn’t say OVER Redball!
Sorry, Return to base DB1….OVERRRR
But the blanks make scary noises and they will think I’m all powerful. OVER
I say again DB1 return to base you’re low on fuel as well.
DB1 respond.
This is DB1 I’ve got them in my sights now. And my fuel state is fine I’ve calculated it myself. I’m going in for another pass. Firing blanks. Oh…oh god, my engine has stopped. MAYDAAYYYYY…
End of Transcript
Yep. Horrible pilot trying to complete his CAS mission when he is Bingo and Winchester! See, I can talk real, gee whiz fighter pilot lingo. Maybe I qualify for Top Gun!
Oh wait, I got no hands. I can’t even slink off into the corner because I don’t have legs either. Somebody get me outta here!
Honestly, the ugliest thing on that page (as far as you’re concerned) is his using Chelle Spankerella’s picture to represent you. That should earn him a special helping of bad karma.
OK, I need brain bleach and eye bleach again, but I have screenshots of all of that crap by that crap weasel.
Ho-lee $h!t.
He has gone full flipping Wickre.
Ah Dan, I see you got help in web design.
He has went way off the deep end. All he has done is to set himself up for three major defamation lawsuits, and if the Wittless one is on this. Well hell. I’m popping some major popcorn for this one.
The thing about coincidence is there is no such thing.
You got that right.
Ladies and Gentlemen we have a Contest. I see the Bernath got some coaching during the time out. Dennis is still plugging away at the lies like the fake trooper we all love to hate, but WOW Bernath has tacken the fight for the trophy to new level. Wait Wait We may have breaking new?
Yes it has been confirmed, Bernath is walking around his house now, wringing his hands Saying DID YOU SEE THAT Bush, it Moved? He is muttering something about Molesting a Horse and I tell you I am a Chief, They gave it to me, I am I tell you I am!”
We will be back, Regular programming will continue monetarily. We hope to have a word From Master Chief and EX-Ph2 soon.
Somebody get me out of this place! There’s some clown in a purple jumpsuit getting Bernath all wound up! Seriously, dig me out and drive me away.
Bush, IS it true that the cheese did in fact slide off his cracker? Can you see the cheese from your vantage point?
Actually the cheese was stolen by a Bullet-headed fat man wearing a Civil Air Patrol uniform who was mumbling something about having to hurry up because he left his C-130 running. There was also some clown in a purple jumpsuit who got his parachute tangled up with my cousin The Tree. This purple – suited moron must have been some kind of Ornithophobe because he was ranting something about Valor Vultures coming to get him. In the meantime, there was this secretive squirrel hiding out by me taking pictures of all of this. She seemed pretty cool and reassured me that someone would rescue me and take me to a good home. Really, you guys gotta get me outta here! If I see some drunk ass hole wearing Spandex show up, I’ll light myself on fire! It’s getting to be too much around here. This used to be a quiet neighborhood.
Bush, this is what you trained for, Remember the SREYWAL team has your back.
The Secret Squirrel Recognition Code is
Bush, is it true that Bernath Has been yelling at the Squirrel OVER Dammit You Must Say Over
I have been advised they we must still say Over,
He was yelling at me, my brothers Jeb and Neil, the daffodils, The Tree, the climbing ivy, and everyone else. The main thing he seemed to be saying was “You have to let me say OVER!”. I got the codes 5×5 but I may need to bury the hatchet and have The Breeze blow me down the road to the LZ because things are going to shit quick out here. There is some dude named Goodluck or Spitup flinging shovels around like there’s no tomorrow. Oh Shit, it just got real!
I’m alerting y’all from my undisclosed underground location the password has changed, It’s now “HOOTY-HOOTY-HOO!” best used when yelled into the trunk of a hollow tree, that’s where the secret transmitter *COUGH, HACK!* might be stashed, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT disturb the bushes during communication!
Sorry I piddled a little on you while I was taking pictures.
Drop me an Email Please.
Bush, Remember your Embedded.
No can do Bush. He’s filed restraining orders against everyone in the world.. You’ll have to extract from the flower bed on your own. Once you can get to a safe area away from the house we’ll use the Fulton Skyhook system to rescue you.
See below.
This is the Real Story
Make sure you get screen shots of all of that, E4U.
Right now, I need brain bleach, eye bleach and fresh air.
I have them all captured as HTM (To Preserve coding) and as PDF
The Other Real Story,
I think its odd the Dan Left the Real Repoters Name
Real Story
Being the crack Lawyer that you are im sure you are Familiar with this word “plagiarism”
All of the articles you posted are copyrighted and protected. But then again what do you care about the Law.
I cant help but wonder if this is you throwing down the gantlet or the parting shots of a coward .
Is this Dan??
No this is
Bernath, I have been debating what I’m about to say all day. So listen up and read every word. I am convinced that your demons go way beyond just wanting to be a Chief. You know what? No one would have given a rats ass if you had said I was made an Honorary Chief Photographers Mate by the Chief Photographers mate round up. But what you Claimed instead was to be a Chief Petty Officer (Hon) and you have stuck by that claim. Well you are not. But we have gone so far beyond that now. You have taken the names of good and honorable men and with no Basis claimed that they were all child molesters. You faked news stories, used real reporters names and changed the names of the real criminals to those who confronted you. You just proved beyond any doubt that you are in fact a fake, you are a thief, you are a plagiarist, you are a coward. Now, you took a disagreement to a level that is unbelievable and then to top that you besmirched Ex-Ph2 by posting that vile untrue information about her. That shows me your true opinion of women. This had nothing to do with what sex a person was until you did that. What will your daughters think? Or do they as I suspect already know about you. So to the meat of my thoughts about you. I have put two pedophiles in Jail. Search Hany Awar Habib, I had a .45 between his eyes and had he blinked I would have pulled the trigger. I believe from your actions and comments that you are a predator, That you are the molester, That you are the pedophile. I think you project onto others that you know are better than yourself what you hate most about who you are. I wonder what Melanie and Nicole will say when asked if they were ever touched, fondled, made to sit on Daddy’s lap when they didn’t want to? What about the grand kids? The Daughters Friends? If it happened it will be… Read more »
Hey, E4U, he can ATTEMPT to besmirch people all he wants to. It does not work all that well.
Like everything else he does, it is a pack of lies. He has a documented, self-confessed, lifetime history of lying, and repeatedly puts the blame for things on other people, refuses to take reponsibility for anything, and oddly, those are things he describes as characterisics of the sexual predator.
Hmmmm….. is this a blatant display of denial? Or does it go deeper than that?
I don’t know. He’s boring, weak, lame, stupid, and not real bright.
I know you can stand up to any attack he throws at you.
I think my way of thinking may be to old fashioned sometimes.I was raised to respect Women.
He is nothing but a Bully, I hate a bully.
Here is Dan as a sock puppet….
Here he is again, Man he just pisses off everyone he meets
I was thinking that about the alleged youtube recording of him calling into a radio station to defend TSA’s honor. He seems to go against any grain and enjoys being the enemy.
Bad habits are difficult to get rid of.
These Guys have his number
Seems like he loves to run aground of anyone and everyone who’s against him. Enigma…do what needs to be done!!
Here’s Birdbath from the article:
“‘All I want to do is have Bi-Mart learn the lesson that you can’t violate the law,’ he said. ‘You have to treat handicapped people and wounded war veterans with respect. That’s all I want.'”
To the casual reader he is passing himself off as a “wounded war veteran”, not merely a disabled veteran.
Nice play on words shit-stain.
Didn’t he violate the law when he vandalized their display with his vehicle and endangered the lives of the nearby employees?
He was cited for wreckless driving by the cops. There were other open handicapped spaces right next to where he was at. The store was wrong in putting displays on that ONE space, but Birdbath, as usual is about getting attention and law suits, not fixing problems.
Oh, isn’t that just precious?
More Bi-mart photos courtesy of Daniel-san. Saved for prosperity.
Dan Dan Dan, Buddy dont you know that the IRS frowns on Shill companies? How is it that your Minor Daughter Nicole was the sole owner of A special Day (Photography) In the year 2000?
I bet it was so you could escape the judgement against you.. You know the one you lost in CA? The one that was probably the reason you bolted to Or? Destroyed all your Records?
Buddy this is only me looking for an hour on a Sunday night.
You are pathetic,
I kind of wonder why of all the pictures your kids post why there is not a single one of them and Daddy? ID it because there is no such thing as getting clean enough after you touch them?
Your Own Daughter ask you not to post on her facebook? Wow.
I don’t think they want anything to do with him or his stupidity, plus I think they are probably his Grand kids.
They have nothing to do with his asshattery, but I’m sure he will drag them into it if he can benefit.
Not working Birdbath. As of now they are just unwilling pawns in your fucked up game, no one here has anything against them.
Why is your aircraft (Tail Number 102HA) that you chest bumped the planet with registered in a family members name?
Danny Boy wouldn’t be hiding assets in a sad attempt to dodge losing them in lawsuits would he?
Why was it shifted over to their name on Dec 14, 2012?
It seems you have a new plane Dan. Whose name is the RV-12 listed under?
Wonder how the rigors of long distance flying affect his disabilities? I’ll wager those were all lies also. No one in the shape he’s claimed to be in could take flying that distance with the hours involved. A god thing to know when a lawsuit against him cones around.
My guess… DADDY ISSUES!!!
Counting your Chickens Crash? Were you going to pay for this one with the law suite? I bet your insurance on the one you crashed didnt pay due to Pilot Error?
Looks like Danny-boy spent $69.5k on his new toy
Look at the bottom of the page
Wonder if he got his allowance from the Mrs. to get his new toy to move to Fl. Plane has legs for 540 miles, but we know how Danny-boi is such a whiz at fuel calculations.
That’s good to know. It shows he has assets that can be taken in a defamation lawsuit.
For the lawyer types here. If the airplane is registered to someone in his family, can it be taken in a lawsuit if it can be proved that he is the actual owner (flies the bird exclusively) and paid for it?
Remember – he was able to extricate himself and appeared unhurt…but, where were his crutches???
Both newspaper articles report that Danny-boi “ran out of fuel”… and he still hasn’t talked to the NTSB or FAA about it?
Also, he told the investigators that he was 53, not 63 (his birth year is 1949)… so he can do math, just when it’s convenient for him, like getting himself out of a jam.
Former PH2 Bernath, you Claim that the NANP made you an HON Chief, Why would that same organization refer to you as PH2 not Chief?
Dont Believe me? Look Here
Dated March 12 of this year.
Liar Liar Bush on fire
Notice his listed phone number ends with the sign of the devil?
(506) 639-6666
It seems you have a second Photobucket account.
For a man who claims to need to have a cane or crutch or you’ll fall right over, there sure were quite a few pictures of you standing or crouched over there without one.
Delete all you want, the incriminating pics has been saved.
I wondered if his home is for sale, and checked out Zillow (it’s public information, Danny-boi). Here’s what’s listed for the property:
Washington County Tax Info for the home is here:,%2097224&TLNO=2S111CB01748&Account=R1495876&GoNav=2
I saw that the property changed hands in March 2010 and again in October 2012… the price both times was for $200k. There is an earlier sale in 1994 for $199k… just wondering if Danny-boi has been changing the title on the property to his wife’s name or another family member to keep it out of the hands of others that are suing him (I’ll defer to the crack team of TAH Legal Eagles and realtors for that answer)
And it looks like there is a lot of equity in there based on the Zillow valuation (506K), if he hasn’t been using it as an ATM. Hmmmm. Sure this is the right house? Judge Hyatt described his house as a “squat and gobble.”
Used the info from the FAA files on both aircraft he owns and it’s the same as on the “legal documents” he puts out on his website. Go to the street view on Zillow… yard looks like a jungle compared to the others in the neighborhood.
He may be a poor housekeeper. I share this affliction. In any case, wonder if there is equity for his enemies to seize.
Is arrest warrant for you Dan? It’s the right birth year for you.
I wonder if it is for him… and what for???
I think the best thing about reading all these updates is picturing these hero wannabe types staring at their computers as they stomp their feet and throw tantrums as they insist to the walls that they are what they say they are…
Practicing self-acceptance is truly the best path to inner peace.
Here’s a video of FAKE CPO Bernath practicing self acceptance (H/T ChipNASA):
Falls off chair laughing, scares cat.
There is another version with subtitles that make it even funnier. My kid would have worn that keyboard wrapped around his little head.
I said it before, and I will say it again… Bernath needs to be Section 12’s. His cheese slipped off the cracker long ago, and he is now quite clearly completely unhinged. Additionally the comments by his spouse about his mental state and “medication issues” should make him being comitted to a VA Psychiatric Hospital a slam dunk.
I was going to post bernutsless’s horoscope for today, but I changed my mind.
First of all, while it does offer some common sense advice, he wouldn’t heed it. Second, why should I, or anyone, give him advice when he is so hateful toward people who are simply digging up the truth? And that’s just the part that we see.
I can only imagine the shrubbery outside his houses, trembling in fear. “Will he come out and use that shovel on us again? Oh, no!!”
I have to wonder, why is Bernath doing all of this?
If he thinks he’s got a good defamation case, why is he serving up a counterclaim to his targets on a silver platter? And especially when the counterclaim would be more viable than the main action. (Calling someone a “fake” or a “phony” is a protected opinion, there’s plenty of case law to that effect. But falsely accusing someone of being a child molester is clearly defamatory.)
And I’m wondering why he’s doing this, after so recently re-activating his law license. He should know that making false accusations like this could put his law license in jeopardy (I’m assuming that these latest developments will be brought to the attention of the California bar.)
What the hell? Has something happened in his life that he realizes that not only does he not have a defamation case, but he’s also not going to have any use for a law license, and he may as well just try to get his revenge any way he can?
I have a feeling that DanDan is getting a lot of encouragement from no other that the purple jump suited one known as ShRtBUsRiDeR41, or aka Dallas Wittgenfeld. Dennis Chevaliar has also admitted to being in contact with DanDan. The Synergy that all of their idiocies are feeding each other is,,,,,,, well, we will just have to sit back and watch the outcome of this one.
No Phildo or Paul (of the Ballsack)?
I had thought of Psul also being apart of this, but I will not make any allegations that are not admitted to by the parties above due to the legal climate of the said above parties.
Never make allegations. The alligators could (or at least try) bite back!
No, not psul the uncool. No finesse like his.
Engaging in a battle of wits against Daniel A. Bernath THE FAKE CPO and Witlessfart is like dueling against Ren and Stimpy!!
It could be that no one is bowing down to his (empty) threats of lawsuits that he knows will never see the inside of a courtroom. So in true immature Danny Bernutsless fashion, he goes full retard and attempts to insult people in his usual grade school fashion.
Think CAPT Queeg in “The Caine Mutiny”… “geometric logic” is what he is using against us.
Think Nixon during Watergate. He lost touch with reality as the crisis persisted, and made some really stupid decisions as the whole thing chugged on.
Pretty much Bernath.
I’m summing it up in one sentence on why Danny-boi is going full retardo:
“Only a fool fights in a burning house”
All Danny-boi sees is that his “honor” has been slighted by a group of vets that don’t “understand him” and his “issues”… he’s fighting for all of those who have been wronged by “the Man”. That, in his mind, makes him a “chief”, and all of us a bunch of losers for attacking his claims. He sees ChevyCheese and ShOrTbUsRiDeR41 fighting the same battle against those of us that have called them out, and believes that they are right. With their encouragement, he’s decided to go for broke, and make the claims that he has against Scotty, Jonn, Ex-PH2 and others. The only way that all three of them will possibly learn is not just by exposing them here and at other websites, but in court… and it won’t end well for them.
What won’t end well for whom?
Daniel A. Barnath…How do you figure you will get away with posting false, libelous accusations of people being child molesters? Calling you out as a phony and bringing the light of truth to your world of lies is one thing. The first most important thing it is, is protected free speech according to the SCOTUS. But accusing good and upstanding veterans or any citizen for that matter, of being a child molester…is not only beyond the pale of decency but if I am correct, it is an absolutely illegal and a libelous action. You really did not think that through before you committed that act. Bummer being you now! It has all been captured and saved. The proof…stands.
Daniel A. Bernath…Something tells me you might have a couple of new friends hiding in your bushes. One is Dallas Wittgenfeld and the other is Dennis Chevalier.
What was it momma tried to tell you about the company you keep?
Either of them alone is a kind of trouble you don’t want and certainly don’t need at this point. However the two or three of you together…that is just weapons grade asshattery right there! Very poor choices being made. Very poor.
Cue The Three Stooges music and if Psulio the Foolio and/or Phildo show up it still works! Somebody has the be Shemp and Joe. Man, I hope I have some time during PRE-MOB to keep up with this shit. While these poo flinging monkeys may be throwing serious accusations, the crap they are coming up with is so ludicrous on its face that it is hard not to laugh. I don’t know who’s the driving force here, but these three incompetents are definitely egging each other on.
Can anyone spell RICO?
Not sure if RICO applies….I think it’s more for organized crime and would cover conspiracy for crimes such as blackmail, drug trafficking, labor racketeering. Plus, these guys aren’t in anything that could be considered an organization. Just my opinion.
(Pssst, Lew: it can be used in just about any criminal conspiracy, and applies more often than you might think, especially across state lines. But don’t tell anyone.)
He’s a professional litigant and October of last year was a banner month for him:
Bernath v. Flight Design USA et al,
United States District Court for the District of Oregon, Case No: 13-cv-01778, filed 10/7/13
Bernath v. Yelp, Inc.,
United States District Court for the District of Oregon, Case No: 13-cv-01796, filed 10/10/13
Dr. Allen Panzer et al. and all others similarly situated v. Yelp, Inc. (class action complaint),
United States District Court for the District of Oregon, Case No: 13-cv-07805, filed 10/22/13
Daniel A. Bernath and Martha Wong v. Carolyn Colvin (Commissioner of Social Security Administration),
United States District Court for the District of Oregon, Case No: 13-cv-02209, filed 12/16/13
He may have been busy, but he hasn’t won anything yet. He’s barred from repping people for SSDI. He’s tossed in that child molester thing in the Flight Design case; it’s in his correspondence with them.
He’s grasping at straws. He’s the kind of lawyer that gives real lawyers a bad name.
little known fact about bernath, he fell in the ocean, sharks every where, left, right underneath, never even came close to him, why you may wonder? Sharks don’t eat shit
The old joke is that sharks don’t eat lawyers due to “professional courtesy”; but to call Bernath a shark gives him too much credit, in my opinion. I think your characterization is more appropriate.
Did you here about Bernath’s Lesbian client?
He went to court and the Judge looked at Bernath, then looked at the Lesbian, the looked at the clerk and said, I see I have two people today that dont do dick.
I OBJECT YOUR HONOR! My informants tell me his cocksucking skills are quite good! They tell me he bought an iPad app that allows him to suck a dick, land an airship, and keep an eye on his quivering bush at the same time!
OBJECTION YOUR HONOR! Counsel is trying to delve into the truth here and we are, after all, talking about Mr. Daniel A. Bernath are we not?
Judge: “Objection sustained! No more truth Mr. Bernath. You have to be consistent in your testimony of lies. I would also advise Mr. Bernath’s counsel to keep his client in order and continue the ongoing perjury. The court recorder is having a hard enough time keeping up with all his crap.”
How does Bernath Sleep?
First he lies on one side, then he lies on the other.
What Happens when Bernath takes Viagra?
He gets Taller