To be blunt….
Yeah, I knew that the President couldn’t make a speech last night that didn’t include a reference to the war in Iraq. And the Washington Post couldn’t mention his speech without a reference to his peace prize.
“To be blunt, we went down that road in Iraq,” Obama said, referring to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that was done without United Nations approval. “Regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and nearly $1 trillion. That is not something we can afford to repeat in Libya.”
Obama has sought to link American values with his foreign policy priorities throughout his presidency, and the arguments he laid out in his address Monday echoed those he made on “just war” when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in December 2009.
To be blunt, Obama doesn’t have to deal with Global Exchange shipping human shields to Libya. I don’t see any Congressmen standing on the roof of Gaddafi’s palaces telling the American viewing public how Gaddafi is more trustworthy than Obama. There’s no one accusing Obama of rushing to war. No one is taking at face value reports of Libyan civilian deaths, or mis-aimed bombs. Code Pink is “standing with” the Libyan people like they never did with the Iraqi people. No one is calling the three-nation coalition “anemic”. No one is complaining about Joe Biden being on vacation in Aspen, while the troops fight the war. No one is complaining about the president’s golf while the troops are engaged in Libya.
The public opinion deck, for some reason, isn’t stacked against the military action.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Poor Cat IV commando doesn’t quite comprehend the hornet’s nest he’s poked here. FOIA, perhaps then?
At least you correctly identified me as brainiac, even if you meant it in sarcasm.
You’re so cute, in a 14-year old troll sort of way. If I wasn’t so apathetic to your drivel, I might give a shit and do a Who-IS DNS on your worthless ass, but it’s all good.
Sorry, I’ve been re-reading the Federalist Papers, so I’ve got Madison, Hamilton, and Jay on the brain.
“I’m sorry “an SFC” that you’re so jealous of my service especially compared to yours.”
This sentence makes no sense. Are you taking issue with my mention of the rank I retired at? It’s nothing crazy to be an E-7 at 20 years. And you’re partially right, I would have liked to have served in Vietnam and Desert Storm too, but age kept me out of the former, and Army divisional structure out of the latter. What I take issue with is your posturing like you’re better just because you were in Nam.
But I am glad to see that my tax dollars are being expedited to your worthless ass, and without wasting paper either!
Oh, silly Dick, it isn’t necessary for me to talk about how much of a badass I am. If you’d care to go through my posts you’ll see that I’ve never claimed to be anything of the sort.
You, however, ooze….well, you just ooze.
PUBLISHED works please! Still waiting…..
melle–something tells me you’ll be waiting a while.
>Sorry, I’ve been re-reading the Federalist Papers, so I’ve got Madison, Hamilton, and Jay on the brain…
Are you trying to make yourself sound intellectual, since you are so much more so than us unenlightened one..
Quick question: Why does James Madison fear factions in the 10th federalist paper?
(Horshack voice) Ooooohhh!!! OOOOOOHHHH!!!!!
Might Madison’s fears as he wrote in the 10th Federalist paper be actually realized given the nature of the people we’ve elected to represent us?
Don’t hold your breath, Melle. I’d think you’ll turn blue, then gray long before you see it.
That too, but he feared that factions would create power structures and power bases.. He ultimately feared the splitting of the federal government and the succession of the states… Any one “reading” and “studying” the federalist papers should know theses things as the 10th and I believe the 2nd(but don’t quote me on that one) are the most important papers published.. 😉
Once again, I’m not really in a rush to give out my personal information, which would include my published works and pseudonym.
Melle: Factions are often able, especially in smaller states, to dominate political discourse even when the faction itself is in the minority.
I’m not trying to come off as an intellectual. I consider myself something of a history buff, but I like to save the I word for more “Academic” types. I skimmed through the Federalist papers years ago for a class on the Constitution. With next year looming large as easily the most important election in my lifetime since 1980, I thought now might be a good time to look back to the Founders for inspiration. Especially on matters such as the limits of government, which a certain administration doesn’t seem to understand.
I’m not trying to come off as an intellectual.
Good, cause you’re failing at it miserably. Shit, I’d settle for you not drooling all over yourself, but it looks like that might even be a bit much to ask.
And BTW, the bullshit flag has been thrown on ya, Scooter.
Again CW89, exactly how did you manage a ‘short term enlistment’?
Interest argument construct:
“I’m not trying to come off as an intellectual.” you’ve succeeded in proving that. As a debate tactic, it’s the standard ‘I’m not special’ maneuver meant to disarm an opponent into thinking s/he’s dealing with an equal, all the while hiding the killer suasion.
“I consider myself something of a history buff…” Who’s history? The stuff taught now doesn’t resemble what many folks here studied back in the 1980s and previous. The academic malpractice that passes for scholarship created two generations of citizens without the basic grasp of American civics, history, and rhetoric. Too many folks come on here, type smack that doesn’t square with eye-witnesses, and toodle off again.
“With next year looming large as easily the most important election in my lifetime since 1980…” Elections are “most” anything. The consequences of elections are what qualifies as ‘more,’ ‘most,’ and other such statements. Every election is called ‘the most important’ and is nothing more than entertainment for wonks.
Who looms anymore? Lurch on the “Addams Family” – now THAT was looming. Redlegs loom large too. Weavers use large looms.
Another argument that’s all so very loomy-toon.
You can throw the bullshit flag on whatever you want asspark. I’m still winning this engagement.
Jacobite: I worked in S-1 at the time, and I made a few things disappear of a few promotion packets. I cashed in those favors in exchange for an early-out. Go ahead and get on your moral high horse about that, but some good NCOs came out of it.
DaveO: Didn’t realize that labelling oneself as a “buff” meant that I was talking about the BS being shuffled about in textbooks to kids today.
I worked in S-1 at the time, and I made a few things disappear of a few promotion packets. I cashed in those favors in exchange for an early-out.
(cough)Bullshit(cough). Only if you were busted making “things disappear” and got chaptered.
No need for me to get on a high horse, you doing a perfectly good job of outing yourself without any need for me to point out the obvious. It’s people like you, if you actually did serve, that give the organization a bad name.
Keep up the good work.
What Jacobite, you never bent the rules? I believe that, like I believe John Murtha’s war record.
Bent the rules? Dear boy, you do of course realize that you’re admitting to offenses under the UCMJ that would have gotten you a rather longish term in the Kansas Gravel Factory had you been caught?
Integrity isn’t a situational choice, dipshit. Anyone who has ever served more than 10 minutes in uniform knows that, which causes me to be even more suspicious of your claim of achieving NCO status.
Oh, and final question–which STATE are ya posting from, Cat IV warrior? C’mon, it can’t possibly hurt to say which one, could it?
@ #171: Ok, Gunny Highway….er, I mean Diamondback 🙂
Look CW…I was engaged in a one sided debate with a pea-brained twit. Now, maybe you know her or maybe you’re just trying to boink her by defending her, but taking my words out of context then saying bullshit like “I’m trying to come off as a badass”, “I denigrated your service” is just ignorant. Please show me where I did, anyone’s service. Also, in all the time I’ve been here I’ve never even mentioned LZ Carolyn or any other battle I was in. People that have known me here for quite some time will tell you that I’ve NEVER come off as “better because I was in Vietnam”. And, just fyi, I spent 30 years in the VA and DOD system helping veterans of all era’s. But you come in here not knowing anything about me and starting a gun fight with only a dull knife as your weapon. I think you got pissed off when I denigrated REMF’s that stole our shit before it got to the field. I didn’t denigrate all REMF’S, just the thieves and probably druggies that ripped our shit off. As they say, “if the shoe fits.” I never saw anyone do drugs in the field…but sure it happened somewhere. In WWII and Korea you had guys ripping off morphine for personal use. You don’t think there are guys using drugs in today’s military? Or even during your tour?
I have found most who just come blowing in here speaking out of their asses have absolutely no reading and comprehension skills. For a “writer” I’m shocked at your ability to not read and comprehend. I would say that if you would have come in here, (read and comprehended first), none of this would have happened. Or had you come in here and talked with me about the issues, real issues, you had with my posts I would have gladly discussed it with you along with the others that post here. Too bad you chose the method of communicating that the twit did. You reap what you sow.
Honor and Courage
Nice try Sparky, I’ve met my fair of share of NCOs who lied, cheated, stole and got away with all of it. And I sure as hell know that the Navy’s got their share too. I did some dirt in those early years, but I paid it back to the Army in full with interest. I get up and look in the mirror every morning and I’m damn proud of what I see. I got my rank honorably and I never fucked any one over who didn’t deserve it.
My team lost the Holiday Bowl. We’ll get ’em next year.
I could care less what you believe, I’m not the one that came on here uninvited and disparaged another’s service while claiming my own moral superiority, you are.
By admitting you undercut established official methods, thereby denying the military an honest result and potentially screwing other more deserving soldiers, you have effectively killed whatever dubious credibility you may have had. Given your lack of age and experience at the time you claim to have done this, it’s was the height of arrogance that you believed it was acceptable to do what you did, an arrogance you continue to display today. That you used the results of that misdeed for personal gain is even more deplorable.
All that being said, I still don’t buy your explanations. Being a career soldier myself, you just sound and ‘smell’ like a poser. If you’re not, you’re the most unprofessional career NCO I’ve ever heard of. The excuse that you’ve seen plenty of misdeeds in the military in no way excuses your own behavior. It’s the middle schools students’ equivalent of “But he did it!”
I’ve met my fair of share of NCOs who lied, cheated, stole and got away with all of it.
Shitbags hang with their own.
@ 156- “But I am glad to see that my tax dollars are being expedited to your worthless ass, and without wasting paper either!”
Do believe you are definitely playing with a double edged sword there, sonny boy…er “SFC”. I do know where my tax dollars have been going for years, that one puts you on the business end of a riot baton, *asshat*.
I didn’t realize I needed an invitation to speak my mind on a blog that professes to be dedicated to the military I served in. The same military tasked with protecting the rights enshrined in our constitution.
Aircav denigrated the service of two young people he doesn’t even know. Sorry I replied in kind. Guess you guys can dish it, but you can’t take it.
Call me a shitbag all you want, but the most unprofessional career NCO you ever heard of? That’s a bit of an exagerration, isn’t it. I mean I’m sure Calvin Gibbs was intending to do a full career. Then again you guys seem more concerned with the boneheaded antics of Matthis & co, then real issues like civilians being flat out murdered by own men.
@ 177- “(cough)Bullshit(cough). Only if you were busted making “things disappear” and got chaptered.”
I’ll place a bet here. CW realized the errors of his ways, knelt and blew his way back in to becoming a “born again” good citizen in the US Army. rofl!
@ 182- “like civilians being flat out murdered by own men.” Tossing the bullshit flag now. You’re painting everybody with your broad brush strokes, sonny boy.
Then again you guys seem more concerned with the boneheaded antics of Matthis & co,
Oh, NOW we’re getting somewhere.
Streetsweeper, you are a fucking idiot. I’m guessing your handle is an accurate description of what you do for a living? The guys in that squad are “our own men”. That doesn’t imply that anyone else who can also be called “our own” has done the same thing. In addition to the major moral failures and outright evil on the parts of Morlock and Co, there was a systematic leadership failure in that unit. I’m just curious as to why you guys seem more concerned with celebrating John Browning or trashing the Spanish Army and some Old Leftards?
Yes NHS you’ve figured me out? I am an agent of Matthis. He has eyes everywhere.
I guess sub crews aren’t so dumb after all.
I’ve been following this all day, and I think where it’s headed is that comedy routine Jonn mentioned awhile ago (after 200+ posts, the last time). What you’re dealing with here is a “shape-shifter”, if nothing else.
I rest my case on this asshole. I asked him one simple question…too simple for the simple minded. Show me where I denigrated anyones service including his…which he also said I did. His answer…. wait for ittttt!
“Aircav denigrated the service of two young people he doesn’t even know. Sorry I replied in kind. Guess you guys can dish it, but you can’t take it.” I know he was a pogue REMF who really is jealous that in his big time 20 years of service..where he only made two stripes above what I did in 2.5 years, who can’t man up and say…”sorry, I was wrong”.
We can dish it out…especially when it comes to pussy cunts like you..REMF boy. We just haven’t seen anything yet we can’t take from you. Writer my ass. By the way…does you take a check from the government or direct deposit? Please tell us you don’t except pay for your big time 20 years as a pogue. Fucking cunt. I’m denigrating you now pussy.
Honor and Courage….something you have neither of.
Yup, pretty much, PN. He’s a poseur of the worst sort.
So tell me, Cat IV Warrior, how’s the weather in Nashville today?
Break… Break… Break… Why would this dude coldwarrior or anybody else who pissed you guys off want to give you guys there info? So you can write a scathing expose on how this guy got out of the Army 6 months early in the late 70’s? Do you guys have jobs? If so I am not sure your employers would like kindly upon you noodleheads talking shit on the net, and as for the guys still on active duty go do some hip pocket training and get joe ready to deploy.
Would you guys like my home address, credit card information and telephone number of the 1st girl I finger banged in a bowling alley parking lot also?
Nah, if we wanted it we’d have it already.
Cold, kind of like your wife’s coot when you try to fuck her.
This is getting too funny…
Hey AirFag, I was 11 Bang-Bang and making SGT in 2.5 years ain’t exactly uncommon during wartime. Now take your shake and bake ass and go snort a line or two.
@ 186- Streetsweeper, you are a fucking idiot. I’m guessing your handle is an accurate description of what you do for a living?
Got you to rise and take the bait hook, line and sinker, sonny boy. Who’s the fucking idiot again? *cackle*
@ 192- “telephone number of the 1st girl I finger banged in a bowling alley parking lot also?” Nah, if you were dumb enough to it in the parking lot bowling, she probably kicked your ass to the curb soon after.
Great come back pussy. Don’t count on making a living writing those books. Juss keep takin’ that gubmint money. What a fucking moron! And jelous too!
Honor and Courage
You reeled me in there pretty good. Funny though, how can a bottom feeder like you get out of the pond and cast a line?
Lol, they’re like a tag team comedy routine PN.
Ordinarily I’d ignore them, but I needed some comic relief and twirling the loons on occasion is fun. 🙂
200! Rats missed it.
Actually cunt…I got out after 2.5…made Sgt. in 13 months. You were still an E-deuce after 13 months…I’m sure. I never went to any NCO school…either. Stick that one up your ass “SFC” in 20. Bwah, ha ha ha. “11 bang bang”, yeah, right. Stellar performer, you weren’t.
Honor and Courage
@193 Nah, if we wanted it we’d have it already
Oh yeah butt plug? Just like last time when you cretins were telling me my career and liberty were flashing before my eyes? I am still waiting and tell Old Trooper I will see his fat ass in Minnesota in August, try to layoff the big macs unitl then hoss I don’t need you croaking on me before then.
@ 200- “You reeled me in there pretty good. Funny though, how can a bottom feeder like you get out of the pond and cast a line?”
Oh wow….is that the absolute best come back you can dredge up, sonny boy?