Daniel A. Bernath; phony CPO

| December 11, 2013

Editor’s Note: Daniel A. Bernath passed away on January 21, 2018

Daniel Bernath

Scotty sent this to us over the weekend and I was holding on to it for a drought, but our own Ex-PH2 was excited that Daniel A. Bernath was a PH2, too. Just by looking at the rank on his sleeve, you can tell he’s a phony since, instead of laying out the bucks for new rank, he had a stripe embroidered on the sleeve. He has service stripes for twenty years of service, but his FOIA tells a different story;

3 years and change in active service, and a couple of years in the Reserves. Now let’s do some math – you’ll need most of your fingers, he’s wearing seven awards in the picture and the FOIA says that he has five. Well, finally we got a Navy phony who is not a SEAL.

Bernath portlandia medals

DSCF0759.jpg~original Bernath Caddy

Bernath portlandia medals close up

Bernath crash

ADDED: Look familiar? Courtesy of Sparks to whom I bow for his superior Google-foo belt.

John SheppardDaniel Bernath

From MCPO;

Bernath photos 3

Category: Phony soldiers

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Toasty Coastie

Hellooo Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath!
How are you doing you perverted smegmatic slimey piece of excrement? Are you already for your debut?
I hope so. I hear it will be spectacular! Just make sure you have cleaned off all that santorum from your nasty beard…It tends to stick and stain from what I’ve heard.

Anyway, have a loverly night and if you have trouble reading, maybe you can find some good reading material.

Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.
Daniel A. Bernath is a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.


Daniel A. Bernath, we’re still here and we won’t forget what you did. Ticktock. Your time is coming soon.

Toasty Coastie

Judge Hyatt~
Thank you for dropping by and for filling us in..I know I am late to the party on this, but I been catching up on some reading…

Anyway, I hope things are settling down for you now and that you are happy in all parts of life. I also hope that
Daniel A. Bernath, a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement, gets what he deserves and that you and us here at TAH are the ones to give it to him.
Best wishes to you and hope to see you here often.


This is a perfect example if Bernath’s reality. Here are few quotes from Bernath’s interview for the Library of Congress, Veterans History Project, April 19, 2007:

Quotes # 1: Daniel Bernath – “We can project power anywhere we need to. One of the true questions is who said, “Where are my aircraft carriers?” Every president since Theodore Roosevelt “Where are my aircraft carriers?”

Comment: Really Bernath? Do you know anything about about American and Naval history? Do you know when T. Roosevelt served as President? Have you ever heard of the USS Langley (CV-1)? Do you know the history of the Langely, where it came from and her years of service? NO YOU DON’T … Your perception of what reality is … IS ALL LIES and MADE UP BULLSHIT!

T. Roosevelt: September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909.

USS Langley (CV-1): Commissioned in 1922 – Scuttled in 1942.

Quote # 2: Daniel Bernath – “If there was a crisis he goes, “Where are my aircraft carriers?” That’s the first thing they do. You think, “Well, gee, they look like they are so easy to blow up, but they’ve always been the key, the first instrument the president uses.”

Comment: Wrong! Often the use of an aircraft carrier is the last thing a President would do, if they were available. In T. Roosevelt’s case … they were never available because the term “aircraft carrier” was not developed until the early 1920’s. In addition, there are far more effective diplomatic and military strategies available for a President to use. The positioning of an aircraft carrier is not done lightly and only exercised when the use of military force is truly warranted and needed to protect the interests of the US. In short, as in comment about quote # 1, Bernath just makes up BS as matter daily practice and he has no true knowledge of US and naval history.

KMRIA Bernath!


I love how he references TR. Aviation in warfare wasn’t even proven until WW1.

And in WW2, the other Roosevelt (FDR) in the aftermath of the Attack on Pearl Harbor was basically thinking, “crap, all we have are aircraft carriers?” The Pacific theater in WW2 was where the carriers proved themselves.

Of course, Bernath is an expert in aviation: His expertise is in Barely-Controlled Flight Into Terrain.

What’s that, Bernath? Ran out of fuel? Well, that didn’t stop the Gimli Glider or Air Transat Flight 236.


Here is the only HCPO that was conferred during MCPON Campa’s tenure (same period Bernath claims): http://goatlocker.org/resources/cpo/eberhart.htm


http://web.archive.org/web/20020612093318/http://www.aspecialdayguide.com/yorktown/chiefs.htm I just read his ode’ to US Navy Chiefs and this is my response: Bernath you are a worthless disgraced former below average Sailor who clearly never amounted to much in life as evidenced by your need and desire to portray yourself as somehow related to the CPO Mess. Daniel Bernath is a failure and we Genuine Chiefs neither want, entertain or associate with failures. Daniel Bernath claimed to be a Honorary CPO (HCPO). He claimed that he was conferred in October 2006. The only HCPO to be conferred by then MCPON during his entire tenure from July 2006 to December 2008 was Honorary CPO AO1 (AW/SW) DAVID ROBERT EBERHART, USN HCPO Eberhart died three weeks after his HCPO Pinning Ceremony! Go here to see what a Genuine HCPO looks like. http://goatlocker.org/resources/cpo/eberhart.htm BIOGRAPHY OF AO1 (AW/SW) DAVID ROBERT EBERHART Jr. (HONORARY CHIEF PETTY OFFICER) Date of Birth: 19 APR 1973 Date of Death: 07 JUN 2008, Tripler Army Medical Center ADSD: 03 AUG 1993 Career History: Pinned Honorary CPO on 15 MAY 2008 MALS-24/AIMD Kaneohe Bay – 10 AUG 2006 to 07 JUN 2008 NAVSTA Pearl Harbor 24 MAY 2006 to 10 AUG 2006 CV-63 USS Kitty Hawk 01 DEC 2003 to 24 May 2006 NANAVMEDCEN 08 NOV 2002 TO 17 NOV 2003 CV-63 USS Kitty Hawk 29 OCT 2001 to 27 SEP 2002 NAVCRUITDIST PHILADELPHIA 18 OCT 1998 to 03 SEP 2001 CV-62 USS Independence + DECOM 21 MAR 1994 to 01 AUG 1998 David R. Eberhart Jr. enlisted in the Navy on 3 August 1993 in Philadelphia. He entered the Navy at the paygrade of E3, due to his four years of participation in his High School Navy ROTC Program. He successfully completed Recruit Training on 6 October 1993 at RTC San Diego, CA and AO “A” School on 25 February 1994 at NATTC Millington, TN. He was first diagnosed with cancer in 2002, at which time he transferred to the National Naval Medical Center for treatment. After one year of successful treatment, he returned to full duty and was re-assigned to the USS Kitty Hawk, forward… Read more »


If anyone had a question about that Apollo 8 coin which bernutsless says was ‘awarded’
to him by the Apollo 8 peeps — it wasn’t. He bought it from one of those memorial coin manufacturers.

And that ‘proud member of the Radio Shack battery club’ thing that he’s got in his bio? Radio Shack is closing all 4,000+ of it stores by the end of March, going belly up.

Where you gonna get those free batteries now, bernastypants man?


Keeping it alive!

Bernath will be “Banks” famous soon!


MCPO …. we keep getting teasers!


anxiously waiting, … out.



Hey, Nasty-Pants Bernath, dishonorable non-CPO, still no subpoena at my front door, and I’m just down the Coast from you. You sissy boy!

Bedwetter phony.


I just want to remind all of us that this crotchsniffer, hairymanasshunting sleazonomia bernutsskybutt should be the SV Tourney winner this year.

If he isn’t, I will be sad. 🙁


at least the Final Four.


Let’s not forget this part now.


He was taking lessons all along from Dullas Whipitnflogit. They were actually cloned and grown in the same petri dish.


Yes, but to truly be Whipitnflogit’s twin, he needs to unlearn to properly capitalize. See what I did there?

They both have falling out of the sky pretty much down pat!

Mr. Blue

Arose from the same septic tank is more like it.


He will have to sue every future, current and retired Genuine USN and USCG CPO to get any relief … ah what the hell … all USA, USMC, USAF personnel and all US Navy and USCG E-6 and below as well …

Let’s not forget all officers of all branches (including Merchant Marines, USHS, NOAA and civilian Astronauts) and … DoD civilians, Gold and Blue Star parents, spouses and children, every living good hearted and God fearing American Patriot!

Go ahead Bernath … sue them all (including all sport and professional pilots) … because the word is flying (no pun intended) through military and vets communities on what you have done and your particularly indignant and nasty disposition towards virtually everyone you encounter.

Go ahead …


Let us only one he is his own attorney. He can have a fool for a client AND a lawer!


I really like your shoes, bernutsless. I say I like them, but I would not want to be in them now, or any time in the future.

You still have time to clean up your act.


I am mildly annoyed. I posted earlier this afternoon about my day’s tangential encounter with Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath. I slept in and woke very late and proceeded to make myself a huge breakfast – eggs, bacon, sourdough toast, a spicy Virgin Mary (spiked with fresh ground peppercorns, Penzeys English Rub, Worcester sauce, and Jardine’s Teas Champagne), and washed it all down with a huge steaming mug of black coffee of a strength Master Chief and Ex – my favorite ol’ salts – would heartily approve of.

All that good grease, combined with the salutary effect of strong coffee, means a good old fashioned colon cleansing. I’ve already dropped four Bernaths today – nasty and stinky, of course. The first and rankest one, I could swear spoke to me as I was flushing: “I’m gonna SUUUUUEEEE ….”


(My annoyance is that my comments seemed to have disappeared. Those damn new format bugs!)

A Proud Infidel

You’re saying that the blog ate them?


I think so! But it changes nothing. Bernastyass is still a LSOS who’s getting power flushed!


Since I do not drink coffee, I can only say that anyone who does drink it should also have a pinochle deck in his pocket and a permanent callous on the second joint of his middle finger.

The rest of the breakfast sounds good. I have photos of my best productions of breakfast: two eggs sunnyside up on toasted shredded wheat, surrounded by nice crispy bacon, and very lumpy strawberry preserves on the side, hot tea, V-8 or real OJ, and no poofters.

But for what to drink? Hot tea or hot cocoa or hot apple cider with a slice of lemon in the wintertime. Then I can watch people stuck in commuter traffic on the news and be glad I’m not doing that any more.


Even after I’ve just eaten, your commentaries always make me hungry.

Coffee keeps me alert, wired up and productive, and it flushes the Bernaths out of my system. Win, win, win!


Here to serve, ExHack.

If it’s correct, as someoe posted elsewhere, that bernutsless is actually dependent on his wife’s income and is wasting his time and her money making a nuisance of himself in the legal system, isn’t there someone to put an end to his shenanigans once and for all?

His ego is so inflated that you really have to wonder just how much it will expand before it implodes.

And I’m curious about the short length of time he was on active duty – less than 3 1/2 years total – and then shuffled off to the reserves at a time when people were actively being recruited and drafted for the Vietnam war. That seems like an odd length of time.


Have to wonder. Could have been malingering – after all, he’s claimed he “caught the PTSD” from his tour. Or maybe he was such a pain in the ass to everyone in his CoC that they happily rid themselves of him early.


I would vote for PIA on that, ExHack.


It would be in character for him, so to speak. Gods know he’s pissed off everyone else he encounters.


Hello all!


Hi Master Chief! I’m 2 weeks away from my final departure of the USG. Gonna shoot you a work email to say hi! 🙂


Not letting this thread die away, bernutsless, not in a million years.

Not even if the sun explodes and makes global warming a reality.

What!?! No witty repartee? No empty threats? No whine that we’re all dissing your claim that you’re a CPO when you are not, never were and never will be one?

How come you got shuffled off to the Reserves with less than 4 years of active duty when everyone else put in a minimum of that at a time when there was a demand, huh? Just how much DID you f@#!ck up, bernastypantsman?

Inquiring minds really want to know so that we’ll have something to read at the grocery store checkout stand.



Go ahead and send away.

Jonn has my email address … you are hereby permissioned to do so!

BTW. As a RM, what the fucth did you do on a boat while submerged?

Just askin’!

It is kinda like at BT (I am a BT) getting orders to the USS Constitution.


Even back in my day Chief we had methods of copying radio signals while submerged. Plus there were plenty of other duties. 🙂 I have your email addy, you’re in the “department” phone directory. lol


Not sure where my other comment about Daniel-san’s Ode to the Chief wandered off to, but here goes again. Turd ball “borrowed” that from former bubblehead Dex Armstrong. That part about Chiefs comes from this writing by Dex http://www.olgoat.com/substuff/dex207.htm

I’ve seen variations on what Dex wrote show up elsewhere. But if Daniel-san is claiming that as his own, it somehow doesn’t surprise me.

If you want to read more by Dex, all of his stuff can be found here.


At least Dex has a disclaimer on that page: “If the going rate for bullshit ever goes to a dime a pound, all diesel boat sailors will become zillionaires!”

Daniel-san, you aren’t worthy enough to even carry Dex’s toenail clippings.

Mr Blue

Fer crying out loud! Can’t Danny Bernath do one creative thing without having to steal from someone else?
Hell, even his crash was unoriginal- he got that one from the “Big Basic Book Of How NOT To Fly”…


The only thing that makes Phony Chief Bernath so interesting is his vast catalog of fakery and forgery, and the brazenness with which he does it. The forgeries themselves are just unutterably banal, like the creature himself. He, himself, is a very, very dull boy.


Is that a trick question? The answer is a resounding ‘NO, he can’t’.


I wondered where that came from. It was too articulate for bernastypantsman’s train of thought, so I figured he did a copy/paste event with all of that.

Glad to know the REAL origin, and the REAL author’s name.


Not sure if this has been here already. Looks like the Oregon State Bar sued him back in 2001.


Kinda old ET1

Nice find Chief, that one is new to me.
Just another example of Daniel A Bernath being a lying, thieving, piece of shit.


Hmmm. Wonder how many other times he used that trick (registering a domain name similar to that of an existing business or organization in the “.tv” domain) and then made a buck or two by selling the name to the business or organization?


Got to love those mad Lawer skillz that Danny-boi has… Hamilton Burger could probably beat his ass in court.

Posted by a GENUINE CPO, Danny-Boi!

Green Thumb

Hamilton Burger.



The hits just keep on coming, don’t they?

What else is going to come up to be exposed to the light of day? What other dire information is hidden but wants to be seen?


Can’t wait to see Danny Boi on the ole Tee Vee


Hey danny-boi how is that bed you have made. It looks like it is getting very comfy. 1800 Thread count sheets will stay with you a long time.

If a FAKE POSer crashes his plane in the woods, do they make a noise?


They make a sound like a loud fart. But no one cares enough to come to their rescue.


Not going to let this die away, bernutsless. You may think it will, but you are still fresh in everyone’s mind.

Toasty Coastie©™

Heeeyyy Danny Boi Bernasty you pretentious wombat! Just dropping by to tell you how we all miss your intellectually bankrupt tangential tirade spittle spewing self..NOT!

Are you ready for you big debut?

Make sure your that Santorum stain is cleaned off that nasty beard of yours and make sure your drawers are clean mm’k? Good..

Have a nice week you boob!


Daniel A. Bernath Just some Sunday love coming your way. Don’t want you to feel that with all the other, more recent Posers to deal with that you are in any way forgotten. Oh no. Not ever. It will never go away. You still have to face this crap you created. You WILL have to stand tall before the man and answer for it.


Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath … how DOES it feel to know that even though you tried (and FAILED) to steal Shep’s photos, valor, his very image, that he still stands taller from his wheelchair than you ever will from your squat-and-gobble?

Helping deliver the love this fine Sunday to you. No one’s forgetting, and Master Chief may have another surprise or two for you yet.


Oh … It any just me!

The number of people who want a piece of Bernath is growing everyday!

A Proud Infidel®™

OH, IT’S STILL COMING, Daniel A. Bernath the FAKE CPO, there’s just NOOOOooo tellin’ when!!!

Tick, tick, tick,…..


Note the © mark, bernutsless. It’s the copyright mark. It’s on everything I say and do. And it’s not going away, any more than I am.

I sleep REALLY well at night, bernastypantsma, because I have a clear conscience.

How’s yours? Oh! That’s right, I forgot. You don’t have a conscience.


Anyone else see the irony in Daniel-san comment on this article?


Danny boy’s comment in case he deletes it (too late if he does, I’ve screenshotted it):

Daniel A Bernath · Top Commenter · Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili High School
Isn’t that in the first day of “Jumping out of Airplanes” class? Don’t jump in front of trains, into lakes and rivers and especially not on runways where an airplane is practicing “touch and go’s”.


P.S. That comment was made today March 10, 2014


Yep. I can’t decide if the guy is too stupid to realize how idiotic he’s making himself look, or if he just doesn’t give a sh!t.


At this point, Daniel has nothing to lose in his life. What is he? 60s, lied his way through life and pretty much been at the bottom rung. He probably feels he can’t fuck up his life anymore than he already has.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s never really accomplished anything, thus he just wants to piss on and tear down whoever he can, just look at his juvenile tirades on Judge Dan Hyatt. I see a streak of narcissism too, he never accepts fault, like his lawsuits against everyone he could think of when he was too stupid to refuel his plane before he took off. My Dad’s a retired State judge, and he’s told me of cases he’s had that were like Bernath’s lawsuits, and he threw them right out of court!


Yep, I agree with that. Since all of Daniel A. Bernath’s dirty launfry…a load of shit pretty much is all out there for us to see. He never really did have anything to lose.

Something that we seem to misunderstand about Daniel, I don’t think this man ever had a Moral compass. Which is why he has narcissistic and believes he is perfect.

His post in that forum about his plane were just off the chart ridiculous. He accused people of being immature (kinda like he is), I dealt with some people like that. Including a phony who claimed to have served but never did (tried to use it to get a job with Florida Corrections. I don’t know if he ever got it or not.)

People like Bernath had broken moral compasses and no moral fiber probably since an early childhood/teens at least.

His life is so fucked up, he will just continue trying to fuck up others lives so they can be on his true level of patheticness.


Somewhere back in the earlier comments, I pointed out one of his own quotes about altering his birth date on his driver’s permit to appear to be 18, so that he could enlist in the Navy. He admitted to doing it, and was denied entry, so he is a self-confessed compulsive liar, right from the get-go. He’s spent his entire life lying about everything and blaming other people for what’s wrong. I doubt that will ever change.


PH-2 – Wow, that is a true sign of someone with character issues from the start. He is a person living in denial as it is. I guess if you re-arranged denial it is daniel.


Phony Chief Bernath needs to point to others’ mishaps in the sky to draw his own introspective attention away from his own episode of KNOWINGLY FLYING A PLANE WITH EMPTY GAS TANKS – then (as Ex points out), blaming others.

He and Dullass Whipitnflogit really need to hook up … in so many ways.

Denial to Daniel … good one C2!


I left him a nice little reply.


Did you see his replies? Wait….. For Ex-PH2 take a long pull on whatever brand of firewater you prefer. Set the glass down.
Deep breath
Ok, now read *dives for cover*

Daniel A Bernath · Top Commenter · Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili High School
Michael Maynard They don’t teach that in parachute school.
Tell that to Ex Ph2
Reply · Like· 2 hours ago.

Daniel A Bernath · Top Commenter · Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili High School
Michael Maynard I got the dishonorable discharge papers about Ex PH2. She was caught in the exact GPS center of a Lesbian Pile Up, she yorked a Cosby Sweater onto the MAA and was prompted marched to the front gate and a set of boondockers kicker her back into civilian “life.”

Kinda old ET1

Oh F*#&!!

Fucking Assbag… Bernath you are one low cock sucking slime. I’m going to enjoy even more the hammering you are going to get.


Now, now, ET1, we must try to be understanding of those less fortunate than we are.

Remember: Aitsu wa usotsuki da.


oh, HELL NO!

the Al

Methinks someone is about to have a boot broken off in their ass about hip-deep


Two things:

1. EX-PH2 … Do not reply to Bernath’s comments.

2. Some very powerful people are lining up to take a shot at this POS.


Master Chief, did you enjoy the oysters and shrimp this afternoon?


Please tell us the Shipley Trinity has agreed to do a video on him! They are overdue to release a new one.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Cowards. All of you. Lets have you prove it all to a judge and jury. Cowards. I’ll find you and you will be served with summons and complaint. Play time is over.


I’m guessing Bernath is attempting to goad Ex-PH2 into making a defamatory public statement.

Of course, he’s also just made one himself. Publicly. In a way that IMO will be difficult to pass off as “a joke” or satire.

(Edited to add) Listen to MCPO, Ex-PH2. His advice is sound.


Yep, exactly. But what he did makes no sense. Because what he wrote was defamatory. Something he hates people doing to him.

I wonder what powerful folks are coming to reply to him.

Damn shame I can’t see the post on government computer.


Well, Hondo, as I have sometimes said before, nach er schnellen Nummer mit dem Auto, konnte man deutlich die Hobbyflecken auf seiner Hose sehen.


Ja, und auch die Kratzer/Schorf/Narben auf seinen Schwanz. (Lächeln)


Hondo, you naughty man!!!

Mr. Blue

A classic from the Wickre Playbook. Attack, threaten, and insult the ladies, but cower in pants wetting terror from the men.
APL Exec material right there, as Green Thumb likes to point out.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

“Dear fellow cowards,
Just post anonymous defamation about people and then hide.”

Mr. Blue

Perfect example right there.


Bernath I noticed your post:

“Dear fellow cowards,
Just post anonymous defamation about people and then hide.”

“Dear FELLOW COWARDS”…now was that a Freudian slip or what?

You are the only COWARD I have read here. You and ONLY you.


Damn…but it will be all the more satisfying when the bootheel of truth grinds him into an ugly stain in the dirt.

Green Thumb



Él es tan aborrecible en lugares públicos, que nadie quiere estar cerca de él.

Green Thumb

Where is this site?

the Al

Aitsu wa sugu kireru mon.


Nani itten da, Ex-HP2? Anno hito ga honto ni usoutsuki da yoh! Sonno yoh-na hito wa zenzen “ningen” janai~n dayoh. Shinpai nai yoh!

Usoutsuki ni iutai: Teme konoyarrro! Kao wo aratte denaoshite Koi. Konchikushou!

(now I feel better)



I bet that someone who was able to practice law could see that comment as libel.


I left another post pointing people to this thread. he wanted attention, he’s gonna get it.


Laughed so hard I startled the cat out of a perfectly good nap!


Ooooo! I need to check something! Be right ba-a-a-a-ack!!!!


OK, so I went and checked to see if those comments on the KGW website in re: the specified article would work as screen captures, and they do, and they are now screen captures, which are on their way to Jonn Lilyea and Master Chief.

I think dandan buttblaster is just jealous because I’m prettier than he is. Smooooooches!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Just An Old Dog

Im not Surprised with Birdbath Bernath coming up with some bullshit story on a comment section.
Im sure he was able to get a FOIA using just EX-PH2 that got all the lurid details of her service.
Not surprising though, him using the Lesbian rumor line.Im sure many a woman who was propositioned by that smug, pot-bellied snaggle tooth bastard said they were lesbians to get him to stop hitting on them.


More likely, after they soundly refused him he called them “dammed lesbos!”



Mr. Blue

Wonder if this is before or after he tells them he was the basis for the Ed Harris character in “Apollo 13”?


Hence the use of his e-mail address all over the site designed to troll for prostitutes near his home. I forgot which one of our google-foo black belts dug those up, but they were priceless.


Well, Old Dog, don’t you think putting something like that in a local newspaper is going to get him exactly the kind of attention he doesn’t want? When you read the comments on the paper’s website, no one has any idea what he’s talking about, and they do tell him to keep his feud to himself.

And it’s all because he got the title of big ol’ poopyhead.

Just An Old Dog

Exactly, I mean who the hell would read his comments and have any idea whatsoever what he was refering to?
He’s just playing out another one of his bullshit games, where he thinks he actually controls something and calls the shots. The guy is a failure a thief and a liar. His greatest accomplishment will be assuming room temperature .


I am so upset by this news. So EX-PH2 you turning me down doesn’t have anything to do with “You don’t swing that way” I feel so, so hurt. Hah!! (joking!)

I had to say something but due to being asked to play nice this is all I could come up with.


Naw, it all about peanut butter chocolate bacon mac & cheese. And I just could NOT resist the busboy and his busun. (Sigh)


So I must cook for you. Got it!


I was hoping for a chance to participate in a full-blown wickre party, but I guess not tonight.


Sadly, I don’t think he’ll get hopped up on hooch and start typing while he drinks to oblivion, a la Paul (of the Ballsack). Those were the days.

However, we know he comes here and reads every word. Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath, make fun of the lady all you want. She’s laughing at you, asshole. SHE’S LAUGHING AT YOU. We’re ALL laughing at you!

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Daniel A. Bernath THE FAKE CPO, how does it feel to be the butt of nearly every joke here?


Or to just be a butt?


In before 2000!


I tried to see if this has already been posted or not but reading almost 2000 comments was getting a bit tedious… Regardless, this pisses me off.



Thanks Ed,

I heard about Oregon refusing Daniel A. Bernath’s entry to the Bar, but had not read the judgement till now.



No problem. The more I find/hear about this shit-stain the more he disgusts me.

Kinda old ET1

A normal and common reaction…


This is new to me, as well.

Photographers Mate Petty Officer Second Class Daniel A. Bernath at 56, newscaster, lawyer and again a photographer.

2006 update Bernath, 35 years after Apollo 8, again serves his country as an officer with the US Department of Homeland Security with the Transportation Security Administration and then again as a lawyer for disabled people and before the US Department of Homeland Security-Immigration.


How was he ever an officer with DHS and TSA? Don’t they vet peeps?

OCCUPATION: Officer, United States Department of Homeland Security, TSA PDX; Director, USS Yorktown Association http://www.USSYorktown.com, Tigard-Tualatin Veterans of Foreign Wars http://www.PatriotHall.com; Chairman, VFW “Voice of Democracy” speech competition for Tigard-Tualatin students.; Owner, A Special Day Photography http://www.ASpecialDay.com; Editor, Oregon State Bar Reporter http://www.OregonShyster.com.
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lawyer, US Supreme Court Bar, Court of Appeals 9th Circuit Bar, covering Oregon; Journalist, awarded Contributing Most to the Community, etc.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Doctor of Jurisprudence Southwestern University.; BA University Wisconsin
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Petty Officer 2nd, Vietnam Medal-two battle stars, US Navy Unit Commendation, Cold War Service Certificate,; Recovery team Apollo 8; first Astronauts to Moon.; Judge pro tem LA Superior, Municipal Courts.


Ed: TSA does now. In the early days, not so much. I was on the job for 6 months before they pulled me in the office for questions about the background check I filled out when I was hired (I have a half-brother I was estranged from, had no contact info for, and I had to explain why not.)

Kinda old ET1

Yep,this is known. Very telling about his character. Or lack there of. But always good to review his shenanigans.


lol I figured people already found much of what there is to find… However, this thread had dragged on so long it’s hard to find 😀


I kind of had fun last night going back through everything and seeing some posts that had me laughing myself silly all over again.

It’s a lot like looking at someone who wants to pull a wickre, but doesn’t really have the chops for it.

You really have to have that kind of thing ingrained in you. psul the pustule was/is an original birdbath bernustless bernath is a mere wannabe, just like everything else he’s done with his entire life.



(By the way, once I became a Master at Arms, I noticed that there was an IBM card on each sailor on board in the MAA Office and any “Chits” that had been lodged against any sailor stapled to it. I saw that I had a chit for going onto the Navy base at Subic Bar with spots of paint on my pants and got a chit for that. So, I just pulled that chit off and tossed it overboard-reborn a sinless sailor!)
Daniel Bernath PH2 1966-1970 USN


Just more backup for a lifetime of being a chronic, compulsive liar, liar, pants on fire.

That confirms it in spades. Daniel A Bernath a/k/a dandan the bernastypantsman a/k/a bernutsless a/k/a unfortunately phallic hedge sculpture is indeed, a big ol’ poopyhead.

As I have said elsewhere, when he’s asked by a real, genuine judge why he’s showing up in court (again), he will say ‘They called me a big ol’ poopyhead’.
And the first witness called will answer, ‘It’s true, your honor. bernastypants here is a big ol’ poopyhead’.

I’m quite sure there’s room for more.



So I waited a wee bit of time to respond to your cowardly comments about our friend EX-PH2.

While on business in DC I had the opportunity to inform some very powerful people of you antics … They like thousands of others are licking their chops and have plans for you.

You are a POS and your day(s) will be here soon!

A Proud Infidel®™

*”Jaws” theme playing in the background*…

Daniel A. Bernath THE FAKE CPO, it might NOT just be your paranoia…


I now hate the nest comments format. Damned if I can find the Bernasty post that caused this latest flap.

the Al

EX-PH2…..don’t feel bad….I’ve always said I’m a Lesbian trapped in a man’s body. I Love me some wimmens. 😉


OH, I don’t feel one bit bad, ChipNASA. It’s just that sex with men is so nice, so pleasant, so… well, HOT! that I had no idea.

How do lesbians have sex, anyway? I’ve been trying to figure that out. The plumbing is all wrong. It would be like trying to get electricity out of two sockets joined together, wouldn’t it?

Kinda old ET1

Do I need to leave you some links PH2? 😉


OH, God, please don’t!! 😛

Send them to big ol’ poopyhead bernutsless, the unfortunately phallic headge sculpture sparkley excremental swamp donkey. (Thanks TC)


So sorry Ex that Bernath dragged you into a discussion completely irrelevant to the subject being discussed in the article. What a lame ass liar as always! I am glad someone called him out on running out of fuel and then looked up TAH. Couldn’t have happened better for him! Now the link to here is all over the news article. Too funny! Kinda backfired on you there didn’t it Daniel A. Bernath? Loser. TURD to borrow from my brother Green Thumb. Remember Bernath, you mess with one of us…you mess with all of us. That is the code of true and honorable veterans. Something you wouldn’t know about.


So Ex-PH2 is Lebanese… did your family live in Beirut or are they from a small town?


Damn Senior, I just sprained half the muscles in my body from howling in laughter.

People are going to think I’m nuts when I laugh at any news reports involving Lebanon.

Toasty Coastie©™

Anytime my friend lol ♥

Green Thumb

Dan likes having sex with men as well.


And possibly with vehicle grilles, Green Thumb. A new way of looking at autoeroticism.


Wasn’t there supposed to be something written up in some publication about this whole adventure? Did that ever happen?


Geez, Chip! Not this early!


You my man ChipNASA. Cool photo and very apropos!

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Helen Wait. Are you really Ex PH2 or did you lie to me. If you say that you are unafraid of me then give me an address where I can serve summons and complaint on you. Otherwise, you would have been lying and are afraid of me.
Contact your homeowners insurance policy as slander is covered in your policy and you need a lawyer.
If you don’t want to post an address for service of process, or if you would like me to serve your attorney instead of you, then please tell me that and/or send your address to ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com
Unlike some people, I actually file within the statute of limitations.

OIF '06-'07-'08

You have got to be out of your mind Dannii-Boi. Shit, you have some gaul to come back here, and from everything that is happening regarding you. You are the one to “receive summons” DICKHEAD.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

All these slanders, which shall be proved to be false, shall be presented to a jury in a slow, lawyerlike and deliberate fashion. Contact your homeowners insurance policy because slander is covered and I will name everyone of you that said a false “fact” about me.
The law says you can call me “poopy-head” without a problem and it really doesn’t bother me too much.
But all the demonstratively false statements of “fact” that you made are actionable and you get to prove them all before a jury of 12.

You reference “the demonstratively false statements.” I can tell you that the common legal term is demonstrably or demonstrable. Second, what is this demonstrable evidence? As an observer, I only see two things: 1) someone posting as Mr. Bernath is stoking the fires; and 2) the evidence posted here indicates that Mr. Bernath is not entitled to the title and did indeed steal the photo of PHC Sheppard. As such, a reasonable person would come to the conclusions cited here, and the ire is particularly reasonable due to the flames being stoked. Also, are you actually voluntarily advertising your intent to file frivolous lawsuits by referencing a motivation to sue people covered by insurance, or otherwise seeking to intimidate or extort the commenters by threatening “win or lose” it will cost you money? Finally, are you trying to accuse the commenters of “libel?”



JAGC: one minor correction. John Sheppard is a retired PH1, not a PHC. Phony Chief Daniel A. Bernath could have probably found a retirement photo of an actual Chief Photographer’s Mate and pasted his face onto it. Instead, he took PH1 Shep’s picture, pasted his face on it, and (in a rare display of excessive industry for him, if witness accounts are to be believed) also added an amateurish gold rocker onto PH1 Shep’s crow. Why you ask? Well, maybe the Phony Chief will answer, but we do know he has a personal history with PH1 Shep. The Phony Chief attempted to steal from PH1 Shep before this latest incident, by crediting PH1 Shep’s photos as his own. Draw whatever conclusions you like – the facts are what they are.

What? Not serving me, nutless?

I’m hurt. Shocked and hurt.

‘The law says you can call me “poopy-head” without a problem and it really doesn’t bother me too much.’ quote from (not a CPO) dan bernath here http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38816&cpage=37#comment-1159079

You forget one thing, pissant bernastypants. There’s an ocean of difference between calling someone a poopyhead, and stating on three different occasions, in three different places, that someone is a child molester and a registered sex offender with no basis for that other than your dislike of being exposed as a fraud and a lifelong compulsive chronic liar. Those are much more serious things to say than anything anyone here has said. And they came from you. They have YOUR name on them, in plain view.

But not to worry: it’s all recorded now and all in the hands of the right people.

Have a nice day.

How about this response, dandan bernastypantsman?

:p 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Again, call your homeowners insurance policy issuer and tell him that you are being sued for slander, etc. A recent survey says that lawsuits for slander will cost you $30,000, win or lose. If you have a job then I will take l/2 our wages. If you have a house, I will take all equity over and above the homestead exemption. (If you just filed a bankruptcy, then you can’t do it again and discharge this.)
Helen Wait, what is an address to serve summons and complaint on you AND if you have an attorney can I serve it on him on your behalf.

OIF '06-'07-'08

You need to check your policy ASSHOLE.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

If you weren’t such a coward, you would post slander using your real name.
Prove that you are not a coward:
send your brave internet name, then your real name, your real address and send it all to ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com
Otherwise, you are a coward. I will find you through the use of private detectives but ultimately you will pay that bill as it is legally refereed to as “costs that loser pays for winner” in a lawsuit. Come one. Unless you are a coward. or call me 503 367 4204 Just ask for CHIEF DAN.

OIF '06-'07-'08

The only one guilty of any kind of slander is you Dannii-Boi, and you know it. So put the bottle down and go sleep it off.

Why would someone want to call you, “Chief Dan”? Who made you a CPO and when? Unless of course you are talking about a native American tribe, in which case it would be which tribe.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Call me Chief Dan because that is what the Navy Photography Association named me. Now, you get to pay the prize for slandering a trial lawyer. You get to be honored to defend yourself and your comments, of which you say are truthful statements as I prove that your statements are false. Also, your wanted poster AND threats of getting a “piece” of me. Call your homeowners insurance company and lawyer up. But first give me your REAL NAME, not a cowardly fake name and a real address so I can serve summons and complaint on you.


Really? I’m far from being an expert on the Navy. But I was under the impression that only the MCPO of the Navy could award that honor. If it didn’t come from that office and the Navy Photographers Association says it doesn’t award that title, then how can you explain it? Simple question. Either you aren’t being honest or the Navy Photographers Association isn’t. As for your lawsuit threat. I’m not terribly worried about it, seeing that all I did was ask a question. But if you really want to talk about you can call me at 1-800-382-5968. Make sure you ask for Chief Generalisimo King of the World.


Well, Dan? Are you going to answer my question? I didn’t think it was that hard, and we are talking about getting to the truth, correct? So I’ll ask again. If the MCPO of the Navy is the only office that can award the title of honorary Chief, and the Navy Photographers Association says it doesn’t award the title, then who’s telling the truth? Are you going to sue the Navy Photographers Association also? According to you they awarded the title and are now lying about it. So did they or did they not? C’mon, Dan. This is pretty basic stuff for a “trial lawyer.” I mean, we all want the truth, right? If the Navy Photographers Association did in fact award you the title of Honorary Chief and everyone here is calling you a liar, then you have a case. If the Navy Photographers Association didn’t actually award you the title of Honorary Chief as you are claiming, then everyone here is correct and you are a liar and a valor thief. So which is it, Dan? Did the Navy Photographers Association (and by that I mean the National Association of Naval Photography) award you the title of Honorary Chief or did it not?


Daniel A. Bernath. I offer you one thing, just one little thing, to defend if you could but you cannot. Here it is.

Why did you steal the retirement photo of PH1 John Sheppard and photoshop your head onto his uniform then do a very poor job of adding in the Chief’s Stripe? Why?

There it is in a simple nutshell Daniel A. Bernath.

Why did you do that?

Why did you steal the integrity and honor of HIS service as represented by HIS uniform and claim it to be your own?

A Judge and 12 jurors, good and true, as you like to refer to for your “suit”, would be quite interested in hearing your explanation of that theft.

So, do you want to start your “suit” here and explain your theft of PH1 John Sheppard’s photo? Do you? If so we are all waiting with bated breath. I am at least. Please explain that theft if you can.

Do not bother contacting assclown Dan.

He does not respond.


Yep, never answers his phone or emails. Guy is just all talk and I am starting to think he is sick and senile.


He reminds of the little schoolyard bitch who, after starting shit always cries, “I’m gonna tell the teacher on you!!!”

I have a surprise on this, but Master Chief already knows about it, as does Jonn, and it’s what REALLY HAPPENED with the alleged honrarium.

However, until Master Chief gives the go-ahead, I will hold that in reserve so that you can all have a buildup and a fair ‘Spew Alert’ warning.

And NO, dandan the bernastypantsman is NOT, NEVER HAS BEEN, AND NEVER WILL BE, a Chief Petty Officer of any kind, honorary or otherwise.

I know the truth about you, birdbath bernutless, as do many other people. You are WET, BURNED TOAST IN THE TRASHCAN!!!!


Oh Ex-PH2 you are truly m’lady! I am anxious and can hardly wait! (These are the sounds of my giggling with glee you can;t hear! HeHeHeHeHeHE)

Bring it Bitch!

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Valkyrie, Did I make you cry? I need your real name and address. Lets man up here. send it to ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com

The only way you could make me cry is to stand naked in front of me. You don’t even have to “tuck” it do you? I’d invent lies and stories about myself also if I was as pathetic and a sad little man like you. But that’s just my opinion. Smooches darling.

Just An Old Dog

Shit Valkriem that image made ME cry,,


God!! That image would make me gouge my eyes out.


Thanks Valkyrie. NOW. I. NEED. EYE. AND. BRAIN. BLEACH!!! 😀

Here’s my phone number, nutless:

(603) 867-5309

Not a hair on your ass to call it.


NHSparky, I’m your shortest fan. Can I call you and breathe heavy into the phone?


Ex I’m getting jealous over here. 😀

Daniel A. Bernath, you want a name? Okay here it is. I am Keyser Soze. I live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Dallas, TX 75215 Phone 214-EAT-SHIT.

Does that help you out Daniel A. Bernath? I only use the full Daniel A. Bernath to add to your internet Google fame. Everyone deserves their 15 minutes of fame I guess, or so they say. You will have your 15 minutes of infamy Daniel A. Bernath…and then some!

Crash any more planes lately Dani? Get disbarred again recently? Photoshop your head and alter someone else photograph trying to pass it off as yourself again lately?
Still rocking the story about being an honorary Chief, despite all the numerous denunciations by those who are the real experts on that.

LOL nice name, Daniel. I see you tried to correct your fake rank now.

Muscling for rank.

You really are an awful lawyer if you think you can bring suit for “slander” for written communications.

Also, a hallmark of thugs who don’t like free speech is to make threats and talk about how they’ve been “slandered”, but never actually specifically detailing what is and is not the “slander” in question. Oh and the nice touch about the $30k figure on legal costs. That’s the lawyer version of, “nice business you have there, SHAME if anything were to happen to it…”

The First Amendment of our Constitution, that many here actually signed up to go defend personally, extends very broad protections to what we can say about you. More so, if you are a public figure. But suffice to say, our opinions, like “Bernath is a douchebag” are protected speech. Even exaggerated opinions like “Bernath is a traitor who hates our free speech rights” are protected.

And of course, truth is the best defense, as in “Bernath is a phony”.

You go ahead and file your little lawsuit. We’ll be happy to make you more famous than you can ever imagine. If you think TAH is bringing you unwanted attention, just wait until some First Amendment lawyers get on the case. Google “Popehat blog” to see what that’s like.


TM, I kind of like to use things like ‘big ol’ poopyhead’, ‘brown liquid splattering execrable marsh warthog’ and ‘Fettsack’, because they are so very — well, colorful.

If you were even half the lawyer fit to practice in any court – including Judge Dan Hyatt’s – you would know that TRUTH IS AN ABSOLUTE DEFENSE AGAINST SLANDER CLAIMS, you dipshitterous doddering old fool.

You have claimed (and continue to claim) you are a Navy Chief. You stole the image (but for the face) of your former coworker, PH1(AC) Sheppard, and used his retirement photo without his permission, for your own scummy ends. You harassed Judge Dan Hyatt ceaselessly because he held you accountable for your poor performance in his court. You crashed an airplane because you were too reckless and arrogant to fly it with enough gas. You’ve admitted all these FACTS, or the words are out there under your name for all the world to see. So what do you plan to sue for, genius?

That you come here to bluster and try to collect a quick payday from better women than you through a little scary talk is what we expect from you. Judge Hyatt told us that was your MO in representing your clients.

We notice you are sticking to attacks on the females here. That reminds us a lot of a certain individual based in Maryland, who like you drives decrepit old luxury barges and fancies himself a connoisseur. Like him, you seem to be hitting the T-bird hard and fast tonight.

Eat shit and die, you maggot.

Chief Daniel A. Bernath (Hon) Navy Photography Association

Your address please. I hope I didn’t make you cry.

OIF '06-'07-'08

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In order for you to sue anyone for slander you have to prove it’s not correct. So far everything printed here is the truth. You are a liar you are a fake and you are an asshole! Discovery is a bitch as are you!

Crash any more planes lately Dani? Gte disbarred again recently? Photoshop your head and alter someone else photograph trying to pass it off as yourself again lately?
Still rocking the story about being an honorary Chief, depsite all the numerous denunciations by those who are the real experts on that.

Even that crappy law school that you attended should have mentioned something about discovery in one of the classes. Do you really want to go there?

How much is your lawyer going to cost Dan? Since you aren’t allowed to practice anywhere, I’ll have to assume that you’re going to have to hire someone. I know a smash up guy in Maryland who has some experience with threatening TAH with law suits. He’s a real estate attorney, but boy is he good.

Bernath, I just sent you my phone number. You may call if you wish, and I will provide my name, phone number and address that you can serve as regards the blog.

Here’s my number:


Go fuck yourself, you Hobbyflecken slurper!

And stay away from the front ends of large SUVs. Someone might be there with a video camera to catch you and put it on YouTube.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Damn Dannii-Boi, you hittin’ the MD 20/20 hard today?


Thunderbird. Maybe chasing it with a little Colt 45.

gas tank

is that where my fuel went?


He’s drinking the plane fuel, that’s why he crashed the plane. That and he’s just an idiot. IMHO! haha!


Too bad he doesn’t chase it with a Smith & Wesson .45, eh?


Hey…..don’t rag on the Colt. Remember, according to the smoothest of the smooth (Billy Deep Williams) it “Works Everytime!” Unlike the object of our affection here.


Damn auto correct on this misbegotten phone! It’s Billy Dee Williams everyone. Essayons Publishing regrets the error! (Hat tip to Hack.Stone)


Just last night I said I didn’t think he’d go “Full Wickre” on us and start firing back while hitting the sauce. Boy could I have lost some serious money if I were a betting man!


I wonder how bad ass Old Fake CPO is going to be when the news reporters stick a camera and a microphone in his face?

Want to talk smack about that soon-to-happen event there Dan?

OIF '06-'07-'08

Who took a big shit in Dan’s Wheaties today? Maybe, the press has just done that today!


Uh….actually it was me. And they were Cheerios. *Slinks off in shame*


Well, well, well. Lookie who’s back, and as ignorant – and as obnoxious – as ever.

Seems to me I’ve read somewhere that a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.

Seems to me I also remember reading somewhere that lawsuits have this little formality called “discovery”. If I remember correctly, one of the things that happens during discovery is that defense counsel gets to question the person filing suit – under oath. And I also seem to remember that questions answered evasively or falsely during such sessions are technically perjury.

I don’t think you want to go there, Bernie-boi.


I agree, Hondo, especially since the physical evidence contradicts everything he says, not to forget witness statements.


Spammer or troll? He does look like a troll after all.


Epic lulz.


Ha!! Now that’s funny right there.


Ga-a-a-a-a-dammit! ChipNASA, I was planning to fix SPAM hash for supper tonight. You just put me off my feed.


Love it ChipNASA. You’re on today my man!


Do trolls let rats crawl onto their faces and nest there?


Yep. And “blue meanies” are usually crawling out of their beards.


Geezo pete, people, I go away for a few minutes and this hairymanass hunter shows up, and nobody told me?

Scheisse! Was mache Ich hier mit diesen fiesen Fettsack?!?!? Er is ein solch hässliches Schwein!!! Und das ist eine Beleidigung für Schweine!!


Ah … Looks like Dannyee Boyee just represented himself as a practicing lawyer in and around State of Oregon.

The IP data will clearly show when and where.

Well that is a problem in and of itself. He is not permitted to do so since he is not permitted to practice law in Oregon.

So everyone here should just take note of that.

Furthermore and in reference to his representations, he actually threatened several and or all of us to specific legal action and penalties … Oh … Bad move Bernath.

On to his claims of slander … BS!

We have used your own words and claims and have PROVEN that you are a bonafide and prolific liar.

Any questions?


All we did was unearth the facts.

How is that slander?

I know: it isn’t, but I had to throw in that rhetorical question for this SUVgrille-humping troglodyte ratsass bastard.

Former 11B

Fuck you Birdbath, nobody is scared by your threats you valor thief piece of shit.


Birdbath went back into hiding now. I am guessing he is fuming still after MCPO and Jonn told him off.

Another embarrassing but funny mark left by Superstar Dan.


Bernath. I just forwarded your representations and threats to about a half a dozen REAL lawyers who have YOU in their sights.

So good luck with sueing EVERYBODY.


Two of them have been monitoring your mid day meltdown.

In my world we call that data collection.


Master Chief, I’ve done another screen capture of his unfortunate postings on the KGW site. He also labeled as a child molester someone who questioned his pissing match.

Will forward to you end of day.


That was me. I took a screen capture of it also.


That last comment he made was just out of nowhere and ridiculous. It was so stupid that I almost died laughing. Strange, I wonder if he made that story up.


ArmyATC, did you get all of those comments bernastypants made? I did screen caps of all of them and then sent them to TAH, MCPO, and TSO.

This loon is way out of control.


I call it “Behavior Observation and Analysis” in my small corner of the bidness.

“Behavior Resolution” comes next.


dansy-boi, running low on cash looking for another pay-day. I know chasing ambulances at your age and physical condition(with all that combat you saw and all) is not as easy as it used to be. How is that plane lawsuit going? I am sure the defendants in that case would love a copy of the transcript to your lawsuit against an entire blog. One that discusses that crash with links to known experts. My number is 1-800-Real-CHIEF. My FAX is 1-800-NO-FAKES.