Seven Years of TAH
Today is our blogoversary. Seven years ago I got booted from Right Nation and it was like the millionth time I’d been booted from various forums (including the History Channel) and I decided to start a forum that couldn’t boot me. It began as an opinion blog like the millions of others and became a military-oriented blog through about two years of knocking around until I found my niche in the military community. I’m truly humbled by the fact that thousands of you choose to spend a couple of minutes everyday with us. I’m truly humbled by the friends I’ve made over the last seven years.
I’m proud of the blog, but I’m always cognizant of the fact that I couldn’t have done it without you and the established bloggers who found some value in my idiot ramblings through the English language. We’d probably be just one of the countless voices in the wilderness without support from Matt Burden and Jim Hanson at Blackfive, Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, all of the guys (especially DrewM and Andy) at Ace of Spades and Michelle Malkin.
I guess it was five years ago that I took on COB6 and TSO as co-bloggers and that truly changed our direction and improved our success. We have about 20 others who can write here and do so occasionally when their muses poke them. I appreciate everything that they’ve done for me without pay over the years. Hondo being the most recent who has been a great help in both writing posts and research on phonies.
But, we’ve always been a reader-driven blog which is why most of the posts I write come from you guys so we can talk about the things that interest you, with some Stolen Valor busts mixed in. We write about ten posts everyday because I’ve found that to be the magic number – to talk about everything you want to talk about. But more than 10 posts leave nothing to talk about tomorrow. So that’s how I arrived at the number.
I’ve had a number of offers to work for other blogs and news folks, but my loyalties remain with this blog mostly because I don’t like to be told what to do and no one else offers me the opportunity to bust phonies. I treasure my friendships in the Stolen Valor business with Doug Sterner, Mary Schantag and Don Shipley, as well as Scotty and the Guardian of Valor folks who all fill my inbox with tips when I need them most. And the ex-wives and ex-girlfriends who also dish dirt on their ex-es.
The ladies at Victory Girls wrote to tell me that their first anniversary is also today, so stop by and throw kisses at them.
Category: Pointless blather
@99 his brain got rotted out a long time ago… actually I think they call it a “wet brain”, saturated with alcohol.
@96, Hondo, that is the PERFECT thing to say to MoNkEyLuSt41, +20 COOL POINTS for you!!
Hey Dullass Witlessfart, aka MoNkEyLuStEr41, like the video Hondo posted says: GO F*** YOUSELF!! BTW, I’m also in Florida!
@ 101 EX-PH2 … It is possible:
Here is how it can happen.
Woman A donates an egg with provision she would keep one half. A German scientist splits it in half perfectly not knowing it was a twin egg.
Woman implants half egg and has sex with cheating husband.
The recipient of the second half (what are these chances) is the hose bag whore girl friend of cheating husband.
Both woman A and hose bag whore girl friend give birth to little boys.
There you go!
Any questions?
I wonder if WitLessOne even realizes that “intrastate” and “interstate” mean two distinctly different things.
And by the way, Dullest: you can make up terms if you like, but the accepted term isn’t “incarseration picture” (sic). The accepted term for that photo is a “mug shot”.
Hondo, perfect!
@97–uh, DullASS? I’m not a lawyer. I don’t even play one on television.
But I know what a court proceeding looks like. I’ve also got a girlfriend who for a number of years did background checks on folks who is able to read these far more easily and accurately than can I.
Guess what? You’re fuller of shit than a Thanksgiving turkey. And I didn’t need her to tell me that.
BTW–you want to “swoop” in on me? Dude, I could find myself in about 5 minutes of Google-fu useage. Even someone with an IQ lower than retarded whale shit (like yours) should be able to find me with little to no effort. Hell, if you really want, I’ll post the address and picture of my house if you really need it.
Shit, I’ll even draw up a fucking crayon map for ya, like I gave to Wickre–just follow I-95 to New Hampshire, just before you get to Portsmouth, go left and start asking. But I’m guessing that like all else in your life of late, your bluff and bluster is just that.
Minor modification, MCPO: the egg would have to be fertilized before being donated (or fertilized in vitro), and the division would have to occur after the first cell division. Identical twins result from a post-fertilization split of the egg into two different embryos.
With that modification, what you suggest indeed would work.
@104 Master Chief, excellent analysis, including character analysis of silly wife and nasty girlfriend of cheating husband.
There’s also this: wife and nasty hosebag whore girlfriend are identical twin sisters and ovulate at exactly the same time.
I do like the petri dish idea.
Ah … no problem!
Nasty hosebag whore girlfriend has been smoking crack and her schedule is off wee bit!
Whether they are related or not does not matter much.
But it certainly adds interest to the story.
Where are you going with this?
Ooooooo! dumbasastick is investigatin’ peoples!!!
‘OH… OH… better tell him to watch out then… “IN-COMING”.
Mark C. Seavey..? I all ready explained to you that anybody affiliiated with you or Jonn V. Lilyea is to have their META are to be investigated…. Jim Hanson (Jimbo) Blackfive is all over the place with Blackfive attached to him…. Stop lying weenie.’
Eeeeeeewwww! dumbfuckit, are you investigating me, too? I will be SO disappointed if you aren’t.
Fair question, Master Chief.
Okay, it’s B&B #2, where SEAL Team 241 not only attends and participates in a tank triathlon, but also works with their trained sharks, adds members to the team, and heads to that magical land that was invented by the one-and-only secstate john skerry, Kyrzakistan, to find and destroy the lab that manufactures the scary black rayguns in a classic James Bond/Cubby Broccoli ending.
In B&B#1, witless’s character dropped dead of a heart attack while being interrogated, and a couple of bull sharks pulled him out of the zodiac and ate him for lunch. This is a few hours after he had fallen into the Red Sea and was latched onto by male squids who thought he was a breeding female because he was wearing a fluorescent pink jumpsuit.
However, because I am the inventor of this world, his illegitimate twin brother can now show up and make an ass of himself all over again. A lot of super-secret secret squirrel stuff in this one, too.
You have no idea how much fun this is!
Jonn, Hondo, TSO, COB6, and everyone else who contributes: I dropped in here to peruse the posts about Stolen Valor phonies and wannabees, and got hooked. Thanks for all you do here, and thank you for your service to our nation and its citizens.
Just a reminder to everyone, keep clickin’ those ads, so Jonn can pay the bills, maintain peace and domestic tranquility at home, and keep NDBFs like ShOrtBuS4EvEr41 on the skyline. I’m going to hit a few in just a minute myself.
@ EX-PH2 … I like you but this is crazy talk. Drop everything and drive to the hospital. No … take a bus. Don’t tell them what you have been doing, just ask to see a doctor in private!
@ HONDO … I knew that about ferdilization … just wanted to see if you guys would catch it! HeHeHe!
Master Chief, I write books in retirement. B&B#2 is the second in a series about women in the SEALs. The more twisted the plot and the sillier the villains, the more fun it is.
Ex-PH2: twin sisters boinking the same guy would produce a set of genetically fraternal twins. You’d still need to start with a single egg to have any chance above around 1 over the universe of producing a set of genetically identical twins.
What you suggest would have such a small probability as to be regarded as impossible. For that to happen, you’d need two identical sperm fertilizing two identical eggs. Chromosome pairs divide randomly when both eggs and sperm are produced. So it just ain’t gonna happen that you get two genetically identical eggs fertilized by two genetically identical sperm, even if both eggs come from the same lady or her identical twin and the two sperm are from the same guy. A rough cut at the odds is something on the order of 7.034 x 10^13 to 1 (that’s 2^46 to 1) .
I’d say stick to the crazy scientist/in vitro fertilization scenario. That could actually happen. (smile)
@97 – Hey, Witlessgelded, ONE phone call was all it took to ascertain that, a) you, of course, are full of it, and this is a regular criminal court date you have coming up; and b) Florida has a lengthy process for “totally expunging” a criminal conviction, the governor hisself is involved in the process (NOT just a “signing” by the criminal (e.g. you) and a judge), and there ain’t no such thing as expunging of an entire, lifetime criminal record.
Such as, again, yours.
BTW, please fell free to “drop in” (preferably under a streamer, but I digress…) on me at work any time. The MP’s haven’t Tased anyone into a drooling, urination soaked coma in at least a couple of weeks now.
@119 Currahee John,
*Polite Golf Clap* sir.
@119… Brilliant.
That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is called “pwnage”!
“The MP’s haven’t Tased anyone into a drooling, urination soaked coma in at least a couple of weeks now”
That made me giggle…. reminded me of LEO training where we would get the full 5 sec “ride” with a tazer. Frikken HURTS!! And “doing the Dolphin” after getting a tazer shot is always entertaining!
Fl law permits record seal and expungement, two entirely different things. Expungement is a one-shot deal. It can only be used once a lifetime in FL. The IF–and that’s a big IF–his record is expunged, he will be able to deny the arrest and court appearance EXCEPT when it comes to certain matters, including certain security clearnce issues. But, more importantly, an expungement does not prohibit or constrain any private person from recalling or mentioning the expunged matter.
Nor will it result in the removal of his mugshot from the hits when one Googles his name. And while I’m at it, expungement is never an entire erasing of a record. Why? Because even when a state (say, FL), provides for a destruction of an arrest record, that does not bind the Feds who, at best, will simply put the entry “EXPUNGED” beside the record, at best. Then there are the newspaper accounts, internet stuff–none of which are erased in an expungement.
Hey Dullass Witlessfart, Yeah, you, MoNKeyLusT41, I have the perfect idea for you on Halloween, just smear some chocolate peanut butter around your mouth, then you can go as an ASSHOLE and be yourself!!
I was once amused by your rants, but anymore, I look at you like others look at “that guy” who sits there on the corner constantly muttering to himself with a “bottle in a bag” nearby!
I think the Witless one is trying to communicate an internet threat so he can share a cell with Paul K. Wickre (google hit). Also, Dullass, perhaps you should invest in a free download to spell check as you type. It might make the vitreous vomit you can typing more understandable by the rest of civil society.
Oh, and with your age, if you did try sneaking in the bushes, the creaking would be heard for miles. Or, do you have a combat walker that you take on your special assignments?
Here’s a little tip for you, though. When you apply for your Certificate of Eligibility under Florida Statutes, s.943.0585 and s.943.059, you might want to remember that a Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles check is required and any charge of guilt related to DUI or Driving While License Suspended/canceled/revoked makes you ineligible for the Certificate of Eligibility. Without that certificate, you are not able to get your record expunged and will just be wasting your money. Sorry.
@Hondo, MCPO, and Ex-PH2,
There are 77.3 trillion possible genetic combinations from two human haploid cells without factoring in crossing over (which is random and does not always occur). Taking into account that the only genetic contributor to multiple births is hyper ovulation, the raise in probability for identical twins is negligible.
In short, a legitimate twin and an illegitimate twin being born to separate mothers without a diabolical plot by a fertilization expert is not possible.
*disclaimer: The initial 77.3 trillion was the commonly accepted number as of 2010. Findings may vary a few trillion by now.
congratulations from Australia, John. Great work and may you and your cobloggers reign on.
7 years, 3 days, and counting. Don’t see this place going anywhere anytime soon (except up.)
Thought Witless said a few days ago that we should all sit by the phones because big things were going to happen that afternoon. Can I leave my phone now?
Not just Witless Mc Monkeylust, but *COUGH* someone else has repeatedly promised that he would have TAH shut down ANY MOMENT NOW, hey, it hasn’t happened yet, time for a beer, a shower, a meal, and some sleep!
SJ, dullasastick doesn’t know that people can carry phones in their pockets now. He thinks everyone is still tied to a land line. He probably also thinks that TV is still free. (It is if you go with antenna TV, but otherwise….)
TAH must be on Broadway. It’s still takin’ names and kickin’ ass.
LZ: 2^46 = 70,368,744,177,664. To 3 significant digits, that’s 70.4 trillion.
I only did a quick and dirty calculation of the probability of the same 23 chromosomes ending up in two different eggs and sperm from the same man/woman combination (identical twin mothers are genetically identical) occurring at two different times. I also didn’t account for haploid relocation.
I’d be interested in seeing a cite for a source that details the calculations you reference that come up with 77.3 trillion possibilities. I’d like to learn what I missed – obviously I missed something if I’m off by about 10%. (smile)
LZ: for what it’s worth: it IS possible if the two women involved are identical twins playing hide the salami with the same guy. But at 70+ trillion to 1 against, it’s not exactly a particularly good bet. (smile)
Hondo, Enrico Fermi would say if you’re within 10% you’re getting closer to the truth and that’s often good enough in theoretical physics if not genetics….
MCPO NYC Ret, Hondo, and LZ – you have provided the solution to the impossible problem, and here it is.
The 1st bad guy/villain from B&B#1, who dropped dead of cardiac infarction (I love that word, it makes people think you’re saying something else) and was subsequetly eaten by a couple of bull sharks is out of the picture.
However, he has an equally evil twin brother who is a CLONE of the original villain, not yet named.
The original villain is from a previous history which I have not yet concocted, but I promise to do in the future, when I don’t have a succubus story to finish, or creepy black armored dudes with scary black rifles trying to evict people out of their own homes under instructions from Alec Halter, whose initials also mean ‘AssHole’. In fact, now that I think of it, the original villain may actually BE Alec ‘Asshole’ Halter, who breaks all the laws available and has himself cloned.
Thank you for your illuminating input. You have all given me many, many nefarious ideas.
For your amusement, and because I appreciate the USAD tazer video so much, I’m offering my favorite Marine video.
All I know is the guy’s name is Steve and he seems to be hard to scare.
And while you’re thinking about what it means to be cloned, picture yourself going into a restaurant, taking a seat at the counter, and you look around to find…
58 people who look exactly like dullass whipitnflogit, staring back at you, with that hangdog vacuous expression he’s so famous for.
Wouldn’t you run like hell for the nearest exit?
Ex-PH2: cloning doesn’t actually always produce a completely genetically identical copy. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down via the egg. Unless donor cells used in cloning all have identical mitochondrial DNA with the original source of nuclear DNA, the cells will all have identical nuclear DNA – but not the same mitochondrial DNA.
I seem to have read somewhere that cloned animals are apparently identical to the “source”, but sometimes have slight lifespan/other differences. It’s possible that differing mitochondrial DNA might be affecting that, and might also have an effect on other health/welfare issues.
If a single egg is used, then repeatedly subdivided as it divides to produce multiple embryos vice 1 or 2, the resulting offspring would be completely genetically identical. Dunno how many times that can be done in reality though – there may be a number of divisions beyond which a normal embryo would not develop.
No, they aren’t genetically identical, and technically, neither is the egg that splits to produce identical twins.
But clones can, and sometmies do, look exactly like their parent sample. It’s why people are now forking over serious cash to have their deceased pets cloned. But there’s that genetic flaw issue, which means that if I had save my cat Booboo’s tisues for future cloning, the clone might, or might not, have his defective cardiac gene for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Besides, we all know that cloning humans is illegal, which makes stuff like this a whole lot more fun. And what if the villain has an identical twin sister? You’d have to manipulate the genes and shut off the marker switch that generates the male YX side and turn off the marker switch that promotes the female XX side.
Remember, even women have the Y side. We just don’t use it a whole lot.
Congratulations, Jonn. TAH is an absolutely go-to website for veterans, military and, of course, stolen valor/poseur news. Keep up the awesome work.
Ex-PH2: actually, I believe that identical twins are indeed genetically identical. They develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two detached bodies during a very small time window after fertilization. The two resulting detached bodies each implant and go on to form viable embryos. The only exception would be if one or mutations occurred in an extremely tight time window to the cell that is the source of what later becomes the second embryo while it is still a single cell. Could happen, but I wouldn’t bet much $$$ on that chance. Clones differ in that – as I understand the current technology – a nucleus from one source cell is inserted into a viable egg from another organism after the target egg’s nucleus has been removed. However, unless the egg/other cell from which the source nucleus is inserted has the same mitochondrial DNA, the mitochondrial DNA in the clone will vary from that of the source. It’s a small difference, but testing (comparing mitochondrial DNA and cellular nuclear DNA between suspected source and suspected clone) it should provide a way to detect potential cloning of animals and should also provide a way to detect suspected human clones. Unless, of course, someone figures out how to use human stem cells as a source. In that case the resulting cloned organism could provide both source and target cells. The result would indeed be genetically equivalent to the source – barring mutations/other genetic changes in the source tissue used occurring during the source organism’s lifetime. The same is true of self-cloning a female organism using that female organism’s own eggs as the target. Regarding the potential cloning of a “female identical twin for a male” – Robert A. Heinlein actually discussed how that could be done in his novel Time Enough for Love. It would require a male source, then removing the Y chromosome and replacing it with the X chromosome from another cell from that same male source. All chromosomes would be identical between the two, with the only difference being the replacement of the original Y chromosome with… Read more »
“This is hell/ Nor am I out of it,” wrote Kit Marlowe, foreseeing the Obama Second Term. But, hey, I do make exceptions for getaways to Big Bad John’s. Congrats!
Hondo, you don’t actually have to remove chromosomes. The chromosomes all have switches that can be turned on and off if a genetic engineer knows how to do it. A chicken embryo has teeth in the shell, but loses them when it becomes ready to hatch. Human embryos have tail vertebrae, but lose them as they grow. Snakes have a switch for legs, but at some point, the switch is turned off.
It explains why dullasastick is a turkey and wickrebill isn’t much better, operating on the level of silly goose.
Actually, you can have yourself cloned if none of your DNA is undifferentiated, and stomach cells have the least damage that does that to them. I once wanted to have myself cloned to see if I could do a better job of raising myself than my parents did.
Hondo and Ex: You guys have WAY to much time on your hands…
HONDO was never in the US Army, he is actually a Nuero-Surgeon and Genetics Scientist who is employed by the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York.
This whole mil blog thing is a cover!
Oh … and EX-PH2 is just a HOT crazy chick!
Would have commented some time ago that a clone does not equal a twin, but the conversation seems to have gone somewhere beyond that already so never mind.
Hondo – would you like to try to figure the odds in PH’s mythical restaurant filled with witless clones that one of them might actually have enough sense to put the syrup on the pancakes instead of pouring it in his shoe?
Does anyone besides me ever wonder how dumberthancannedair whuupitout actually manages to walk around upright?
Yeah, Hondo, I’d like to see you pull off a ‘Spock’ and give us those odds myself. Also, is there a possibility in that muddled brain pool that both psul the uncool and witlessandwandering could sue each other or themselves?
I’d like to see that!
OWB, thank you for the hysterical laughter!