Seven Years of TAH

| September 23, 2013

Today is our blogoversary. Seven years ago I got booted from Right Nation and it was like the millionth time I’d been booted from various forums (including the History Channel) and I decided to start a forum that couldn’t boot me. It began as an opinion blog like the millions of others and became a military-oriented blog through about two years of knocking around until I found my niche in the military community. I’m truly humbled by the fact that thousands of you choose to spend a couple of minutes everyday with us. I’m truly humbled by the friends I’ve made over the last seven years.

I’m proud of the blog, but I’m always cognizant of the fact that I couldn’t have done it without you and the established bloggers who found some value in my idiot ramblings through the English language. We’d probably be just one of the countless voices in the wilderness without support from Matt Burden and Jim Hanson at Blackfive, Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, all of the guys (especially DrewM and Andy) at Ace of Spades and Michelle Malkin.

I guess it was five years ago that I took on COB6 and TSO as co-bloggers and that truly changed our direction and improved our success. We have about 20 others who can write here and do so occasionally when their muses poke them. I appreciate everything that they’ve done for me without pay over the years. Hondo being the most recent who has been a great help in both writing posts and research on phonies.

But, we’ve always been a reader-driven blog which is why most of the posts I write come from you guys so we can talk about the things that interest you, with some Stolen Valor busts mixed in. We write about ten posts everyday because I’ve found that to be the magic number – to talk about everything you want to talk about. But more than 10 posts leave nothing to talk about tomorrow. So that’s how I arrived at the number.

I’ve had a number of offers to work for other blogs and news folks, but my loyalties remain with this blog mostly because I don’t like to be told what to do and no one else offers me the opportunity to bust phonies. I treasure my friendships in the Stolen Valor business with Doug Sterner, Mary Schantag and Don Shipley, as well as Scotty and the Guardian of Valor folks who all fill my inbox with tips when I need them most. And the ex-wives and ex-girlfriends who also dish dirt on their ex-es.

The ladies at Victory Girls wrote to tell me that their first anniversary is also today, so stop by and throw kisses at them.

Category: Pointless blather

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Ex-PH2 – I say that the guy,that was eaten by the sharks, has an evil assistant and he scoops up the shark shit and uses it to clone the “evil twin”. I mean it is closer to the truth, that Witlessone was made by a pile of shit instead of someone bumping uglies. Plus this story does seem to favor crazy unreal possibilities happening in it that couldn’t happen in real life.


OWB, Ex-PH2: certainly, ladies. But I’m afraid I can’t express it in normal 1:(some number written out) format.

To answer OWB’s question: I’d guess those odds at about 1:(googolplex). Unfortunately, Carl Sagan has estimated that there isn’t enough space in the physical universe to fully physically write out a googolplex in standard form (1,000,000, . . . ). Or enough time remaining in the universe’s estimated lifetime (34 billion years per one estimate) to write it out at 2 characters per second, either – or for that matter, at 2,000,000 characters per second.

In other words: I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting to see that. (smile)

Ex-PH2: I’d estimate the odds to your question in comment 151 at around even money. I could be wrong, though. (smile)


Maybe it could be expressed as a smidge less than infinity?


OWB: probably as good a way of putting it as any – though even countable infinity (there are indeed multiple classes of infinity, and countable infinity is the smallest class) is far bigger. (smile) The number googolplex is so huge that literally nothing in the physical universe is of that magnitude.


Hondo, I think you’re right. Trying to actually express those odds in written math would probably make the universe explode at the speed of light, which nobody wants just yet.

And I like Valkyrie’s idea — the eviller twin of the original villain being cloned from shark doots, so he’s not a real twin, after all. More like a doppelganger, except he’s probably not left-handed. Au droit, as opposed to au sinistre.


Ex-PH2: au droit? Wouldn’t au scheisse (or if you prefer, au merde) be more apropos? (smile)


Oh, yeah, and the replicative fading would also be a factor, since that was mentioned on both “Star Trek: Next Gen” and “Farscape”.

I could probably make such a foofah out of the eviller twin villain that he wouldn’t know where his shoes are, never mind pour syrup into them.


You see … Mad Scientist and Wacko Babe.


@157 – Hondo, mais bien sûr!

She Who Will Brook No Pigmen

Hey, heads up, everbody! We’re supposed to see everything gone, per witlessandwandering on FB. It’s all still here, and it’s a whole day later.

Oh, dumbbunnyass, do you even have a clue what META is?


Ex-PH2, please email me with your books name. 🙂


I don’t know why “a” was put in front of my screen name.



She Who Will Brook No Pigmen

Twist, will do thru admin.


Awesome. I figured that went without saying.


Twist, I sent the info to Jonn and asked him to forward it to you.

In case anyone is wondering what a ‘pigman’ is, take a look at the mug shot at #97 up above. ‘Pigman’ personified.

A Proud Infidel

Ex-PH2, Val, why not have him eaten by pigs, and the same lab assistant rescues some DNA for cloning from the hog poop? Of course, there would be degredation from the hog’s digestive enzymes, thus you could end up with a Dullass/Wickre-type hybrid!


Well, I would, Proud, but he was already munched up by the bull sharks in the first book, so in the second book, if he’s revived as a clone, he might run into the scary black non-existent rayguns.

A hybrid of whuupitnflogit and psul the uncool? Are you trying to bring back the 7 Plagues that even Ramses couldn’t fight? Proud, that would end life in the universe as we know it!

A Proud Infidel

How true, Ma’am, any creature eating something that foul would surely die a hellish death from food poisoning, even its corpse could make a vulture retch and puke!!


Twist, I sent the info about my books to Jonn. He doesn’t have your e-mail address. Please send it to him. ThankS!!!!!


Seven years, four days, and counting. Ain’t no dickweeds gonna stop this place.

You can’t stop the signal, dickweeds. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.


Jonn my email is attached to this comment if you could please send me Ex-PH2’s book info.