So….they cost me a day of work and a round of golf
So yes, once again the forces of evil are trying to force us off the internet. It won’t work. It did waste some of my time, and that of our legal team who had to respond to it, but it certainly won’t work. Also, it rather ruined my golf game yesterday. Actually, it helped at first (I had a drive of 280 when Jonn called with a head’s up) but then I couldn’t tone down my anger and was beaming sand wedges like 120 yards and throwing clubs.
Nonetheless, I spent the day writing a 4,453 word response today. Baldly stated, the entire document can be summed up by my second paragraph:
The Complaint represents the website hosting equivalent of a strategic lawsuit against public participation. Wickre is significantly less interested in any terms of use issues than he is in silencing free speech and veterans’ advocates operating within the law. To date, Wickre has commented no fewer than 118 times on the Blog, which is odd considering his aversion to the nature of what we write. Those 118 comments from his IP address are directly traceable to him. They do not include the numerous comments which were deleted by the authors because they contained social security numbers of bloggers, phone numbers and addresses for the bloggers and other commenters, and some indecipherable strings of letters and numbers.
The Complaint is full of obfuscation, misstatements regarding case law, and lies regarding easily verifiable facts. I will endeavor to respond to only the issues of import regarding the Complaint.
That said, if you guys could refrain from any comments that could get me in trouble for the next few days, that will suffice for my birthday gift (which you all owe me by Saturday.) So, instead of saying something about “hammer a six-inch spike through his penis” (looking at you Nik) or the therapeutic benefits of squatting on a traffic cone and then duck walking home (another classic noted in the complaint) how about blessing him with a million unicorn butterfly kisses, or a TV which receives only 180 channels of ALF reruns. Seriously, I need rest, and I can’t fight any more. Nothing that could be construed as a threat, pornographic imagery etc.
I agree with your unstated comments. Jonn agrees with them. Everyone reading this agrees. Just cut us some slack and don’t write it, at least until we get the all clear from Rackspace (which we will.) This is NOT a win for the bad guys, as I am certain their attorney spent much longer that 8 hours working on it, and costs significantly more than I charge, which is nothing. Besides, when this one gets tossed, we will be stronger even than we were before.
Jonn always ascribes the success of this blog to you guys, the readers. I agree with him of course. Collectively we have the smartest, most diligent, wise-assiest readers and commenters this side of the Mos Eisley cantina. So, use the brain and some restraint while 1SG is watching us *not* do our concurrent training tasks. Kapiche?
Also, please consider tossing Jonn a few shekels. Although the legal counsel stuff doesn’t cost him anything, server space for this house ain’t cheap.
I am taking tomorrow off to celebrate my Birthday a few days early by doing damn near nothing except playing Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants on XBox. It has to be the boringest game in history, which should be good for my blood pressure. SVT will resume Monday though.
BTW- Somehow we got derailed into music again, so answer me this one…the lady at 1:51, is that Susie Benjamin? Because it looks like a younger her to me.
Category: Politics
It’s been years, but I gotta say, Janet by far.
“He’s got more hurt than you got skirt, Janet!”
Yeah, I spent far too many HS and college weekends alternating between that and the midnight showings of Led Zepplin’s “Song Remains The Same” and “The Warriors”.
“Warriors…come out to play…WARRIORS…come out to plaaaayyyy–ayyy!”
Nik: yeah, in that case I can see why you’d be . . . happy she dressed for the part – so to speak. (smile)
I loved Warriors. Still watch it on occasion.
A retainer is a deposit made by a client to an attorney or law firm based on guesstimated fees pertaining to a pending legal case. The fees are billed against the retainer until it’s gone, and if the case is not concluded, another retainer may be required.
There is also contingency billing, in which a long-term pending action such as a class action suit will be billed to the client as hours worked/expenses incurred, which means the client pays the expenses such as faxes, phone calls, copying, docketing fees, etc., but the hours incurred are not billed until the case is concluded. Fees billed are based on the contingency or possibility/probability that the client will win. Usually, the client pays quarterly, but receives montly billing. The baseball teams are billed on a contingency basis, with the end-of-TV season as their final invoicing because it’s when they get paid by the networks.
(17 years doing this kind of A/R work.) Any questions?
3/17 AirCav, did they ever find the cache of beer that was supposed to be buried up at Khe Sanh?
@99 Ok you just TOTALLY lost me can anyone do a .mil to civie translation? 😛
@104 Ahhhh!! ok! got it! for some reason I always thought you got the final bill always at the end, but sounds better that way .. thank you!!!
I dropped by only because somebody told me there was free beer. However, I see ExHack drank the last one…*mutter, mumble*, damn kids these days. Ya send ’em to school and all they do is eat the books and beat the teacher. Oh yea! Happy birthday, TSO. Paul K. Wickre!(Goggle Hit) Behave yourself, ExHack or I’ll have to sick ol whats his name on ya. NIGHT YA’LL!
“Its just a jump to the left” Ah good times, getting off base on Friday night heading to the midnight matinee. Only time I’ve been searched going into a theater. “That squirt gun empty?”. “Only one piece of toast per person”.
Of course taking a pint into Pink Floyd The Wall also had its charm.
Did Psul name his wife as a plaintiff also? Your counter suit might just clean both of their clocks. They must learn that when they file a frivolous suit they get sued back for real. Grind his meat on the bar of justice.
@109, alas wasn’t an actual lawsuit, just a complaint to our web host.
Well ok, just to keep things mellow; I will not call him a Pathetic LOSER and a Proven LIAR. I will even offer to play with him. Hey Paul, pull my finger.
I’ll pit TSO, and his mighty beard, against any civvie lawyer all day long and twice on Sunday.
I am amused that Wickre went with a contract lawyer and not one that specializes in something more appropriate.
@ #106: I am not totally conversant in modern Army, but will make an attempt to translate for you. (Army would be a second, or third, language for me.)
In between assignments riding around in a helicopter, AC was briefly assigned a forward position where he was supposed to listen for bad guys. All the details are really not of much import to the rest of us – so the blah-blah-blah you heard is good enough. The punch line is that he unexpectedly discovered a Budweiser, warm, of course, behind a bush, not a Bush or a Busch. He retrieved it, and dutifully waited until relieved later to consume it after having lovingly chilled it.
The part of this story that I am questioning is the availability of ice!
Janet by far….
She’s the most naïve, yet wanting.
That’s where I’m at.
@113 AHHH AHA!!! yeah now that sounds more civie! thank you!! 😛
You know what? while we are all talking maybe we should get Ex-PH2 to give us some recipes .. I’m out of beer but I have strawberry moonshine (100 proof!) and Apple pie moonshine (75 proof) anyone?
@50 TSO,
Paul K Wickre would fake a letter from a “Lawer” quicker than a cat can lick it’s own ass. He has falsely identified himself as a LEO and someone with DHS and other connections.
It would be nothing for him to look up an attorney on the internet, get their address, fake a letterhead and send you some bullshit letter.
I would make sure the letter came from the person on the letterhead. That the “lawer” in question is involved in Real Estate and seems to be out to lunch on the issue of free speech is a red flag.
If it was a real “lawer’ if he was wise he would have taken an advance cash payment to simply draft a letter of complaint and told Paul K Wickre he insisted on payment in advance for any other services. Unlike pretend cousins in Europe real people need money for their services.
A fake letter would be no surprise coming from someone with an extensive, documented history of legal, criminal, financial and employment problems.
Being from a family that committed welfare fraud almost as soon as it stepped off the boat from Norway didn’t give him much of a moral compass either.
If it all comes down on his head I’m sure he can plead that his judgement was impaired by Alcohol, as evidenced by his incoherent late night rants on a blog he swore he was done with.
@110 – TSO – I’m shocked, shocked I say! Wasn’t it just recently that Psul was demanding your address so that the lawsuit could be served on you? But now, not only is there no lawsuit, Psul’s lawers won’t even talk to you? I’m flabbergasted! I can’t imagine a scenario in which all of this is even possible! 😉
BTW, happy birthday, counselor!
Personally, I’m of the opinion that we should all agree to make a road trip up to psaul’s place and host a barbecue and beer fest in his honor.
What better way to clear the air than by a hundred or so of us showing up and setting up the grills, making burgers 7 dogs, coolers full of beer, and then all sitting around and letting Psaul tell us all how we got him wrong, how he’s the aggrieved party.
Make certain that someone tapes the whole affair, from arrival until the last one of us leaves. Be nice. Bring some guitars and play kumbayah, and all that other hippie crap.
Then post it on the interwebs for all to see.
let’s give Psaul his chance to do some ‘splainin’ and “clear the air” as it were. heck, even invite ol monkey-azz to show up too. Maybe they can find someplace in the bushes for some “quality time” while we’re cleaning up.
But yeah……. the man obviously has issues, so let’s let him air them, in public, and on the record. If he chooses to wimp out and run like the little skirt-wearing corn-dog licker he is, then that’ll be on the record too.
Time for him to put up or shut up, as momma used to say. 🙂
I shall pray for Paul K. Wickre (Google Hit) and shall light a candle for our brothers and sisters who have fallen, in his name. With that said, I would like to share with you a Biblical Verse that I am reminded of whenever I become upset over the actions of others. It is something that I have read quite a bit, especially when I was angered with Mr. Wickre. He has inspired me to open my Bible and transcribe this for all of you, that you may share in the Peace and Wisdom of the Lord. Psalm 140, King James Version 1 Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man; 2 Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war. 3 They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ poison is under their lips. Selah. 4 Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings. 5 The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me. Selah. 6 I said unto the Lord, Thou art my God: hear the voice of my supplications, O Lord. 7 O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle. 8 Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves. Selah. 9 As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them. 10 Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again. 11 Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him. 12 I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor. 13 Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall… Read more »
Regarding server space, you should consider moving to Amazon AWS:
The company I work for saved $15,000/month over Rackspace, our up time is FAR better, and maintenance is far less onerous.
May you have a calm and serene birthday!
Psul K. Wikre is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
I want to have Paul K. Wickre’s baby
Lucky sperm and whatnot
Okay, I’ve looked all over the website for the donation button and I cannot find it! I have donated once before and it was easy to locate. Problem with the site at present?
PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS ISSUE: Paul wickre(?) and monkerass are some of my disgusting favorites.
Hmm, I wonder if monkerass’ Trident had ABN wings with two stars attached?
OH, how can I sufficiently praise Paul K. Wickre (Google Hit) in a manner that he deserves! Shall we send up burnt offerings to him and sing his praises so that the warriors in Valhalla shall hear of his deeds and weep as they find themselves wanting? Or perhaps shall I carve a statue that captures his essence in stone to last the test of time?
Sadly, can any mans hand capture the majesty and glory that is Paul K. Wickre (Google Hit)? Can the spirit of such a being be captured by a mortal such as I? No, it cannot.
There are some beings in this universe that words cannot properly do justice, that images cannot capture, and song cannot describe. Paul K. Wickre (Google Hit) is one such being.
Happy Birthday.
Oh, Lords of Cobol, please. let me endeavor to insufficiently praise the Wickre and all the the abominations of his loins and his vainglory.
Wait. That’s not what he wanted? Shitski. I’ll have to try again, when I’m less sincere.
@113 we went out for 7 to 10 days from phuoc vinh. Every 3rd day was resupplied water, c’s ammo, and a hot meal with sometime es ice cream packed in block ice. Thus the ice. When I came back in with my bud. Answer your question?
For the record:
I *do not* want to set Paul Wickre’s balls on fire and put them out with a hammer.
I *do not* think it’d be cool to staple Paul Wickre’s ear to a loudspeaker playing Justin Bieber’s Greatest Hits on repeat.
I hope the fleas of a thousand camels *do not* infest Paul Wickre’s genetalia.
May Paul Wickre’s path to excellence continue on its current track, and may all of the fame, fortune, and financial security that he deserves rain down upon his head a thousand fold.
Happy Birthday, TSO. Shame about the lost opportunity to pursue golf balls through the most covered and concealed path to the Ranger Objective. There’s always next time.
That is all.
An ode to Paul K. Wickre
For all the hard work and loyalty!
Undying devotion to friends!
Cunning and business savvy!
Keeping up the good fight!
Your words which inspire!
Only settling for the best in life!
Up our glasses will rise to toast you and drink to your health and happiness!
Peoples peoples, my family has been watching B movies for entertainment before there even was a term for it. I fondly remember watching the first Evil Dead on Beta with my mother fast forwarding to the good points. (I remember looking weird at my #2 pencil the rest of the day in school…)
Think of the classics! SHOCK! video brings a lot of them back. I just bought all the Trancers movies (Dry hair is for squids!), Split Second and Blind Fury (Rutger Hauer!), Forbidden World and its remake Dead Space (1991), Terror Within I and II, My Name is Bruce (Because BRUCE CAMPBELL GODDAMNIT!), Bubba Ho-Tep, John Dies at the End, Galaxy of Terror, Spiders and Spiders II (With Richard Moll), Spiders 3D, Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (A personal Favorite), A.P.E.X., Manborg, Arena, Ator, Crash and Burn, Robot Jox, Bad Taste, and Battle Beyond the Stars. You can find tons of these movies on AAFES in the Stars and Stripes centric online mall or 24/7 store for like 3-6 dollars and even in packs!
TSO, the blonde you were wondering if its Medea doesn’t turn up until the 1:54 mark, stopping it at 1:57, that isn’t her. Medea has a big nozzle….Oh this girls hair isn’t stringy.
Um, Paul Wickre is a… brilliant man with lots of well thought-out, practical, ideas. He is insuring the financial security of this company for years to come. Oh yes, and his personal hygiene is above reproach.
Bonus points for anyone that can name where I lifted that quote from.
I melted in the humidity last night. But before I completely dissolved into a puddle of goo, I did invoke the Gods and Goddesses of Justice (see above) on behalf of TAH, et al.
So here’s a little reminder to all who want to do silly things with no — uh, well, causative factor, shall we say — other than — um, hoohah, er… stroking –ooops, wrong word… running out of ways to sidestep what I REALLY want to say.
Oh, fiddle-dee-dee. Just remember this: Never sign contracts or take legal actions against someone when Mercury is retrograde.
Even the goddesses and gods of Justice will tell you that Mercury is the trickster and will send you to someone who is, at best, not well-versed in what you want. Mercury is retrograde now. Heed the Trickster’s warning: go get yourself a cold beer and put your feet up instead. You’ll get more done.
In regard to Lost @117 above, here’s a nice, cool recipe for a hot, humid summer day, in the cornfields or not:
Make a chopped salad out of garden produce: zucchini, radishes, onions – any kind – celery, cucumbers, yellow squash, green beans, fresh peas — whatever you can get, except eggplant. I detest eggplant. Add diced ham or leftover beef or chicken.
Do a coarse chop on all veggies, throw into a big bowl with the meat, add a vinaigrette of the juice of either one lime or one lemon, or maybe both, some coarse grind black pepper, garlic salt or plain salt, and EVOO. Add some chopped parsley and dill.
Toss nicely, chill in fridge with suitable beverages, slice up some good cheese and crusty bread, chill a watermelon in a tub of ice. When all is chilled and ready, plate the food, open the beverages, put your feet in the tub of ice, and enjoy your meal in the shade of a friendly tree.
Make sure the birdbath is cooled with ice, too. The birds get thirsty in hot weather.
@133, Herb Powell said it.
In other news I just spent 20 minutes after getting a new Blu-Ray disc drive in my care package to work in my old original PS3. Had to flip out circuit boards and crack into the casings, but in 20 minutes I had a working old beast that has made multiple deployments.
Screw you Xbox. This PS3 lasted all the way through four deployments and will make it to when its newer lineage the PS4 comes out. It shall get a place of honor next to my Atari 2600, the PSOne that still works (although only upside down and you have to give the disc a finger spin to make it work), and the PS2 that me and my son still drag out to play.
Hell I was wrong, it was a character voiced by Hank Azaria. It was the guy AFTER HERB that said it. Some engineer lol.
@131, I still have Evil Dead on Beta. It is in the same box that the Atari 2600 that I got for Christmas while I was in the 5th grade is.
If Obama had a son, he’d be just like Paul.
If Obumba had a son, he’d be just like Paul.
OK, I thought I had a PayPal “donate” button, but several months ago, one of the cartoons we used to run somehow wiped out all of our text links and I guess I neglected to put the “donate” button back in. So I restored it this morning. We had our hosting services on the cheap for years, but this latest move increased our costs significantly. There are a few thousand of you, so a coupla bucks a piece will help. Thanks for your consideration.
Thanks for putting that up Jonn, send a little for now, it would be under my husbands name Cliff. Glad to be able to assist.
“and some indecipherable strings of letters and numbers.”
Has there been anything else?
Good morning to all. Nice to be here and to positively contribute. As a matter of fact I heard something nice about Psul Wickre…..I was not there directly but someone told me something about Psul…and well, I thought it was a very lovely story, and and they told it so well, with such enthusiasm…I just had to share with *all* of you… ———— Wickre: DONE POSTING, TAH!!! TAH: WWWICCKKKKRREEEEE! Why did you post such meaningful and absolutely *brilliant* discourse and prose on TAH, WICKRE? Wickre: [confused] Phil and the voices in mah head told me to, TAH? TAH: Jesus H. Christ![looks at stopwatch] This is a new Internet record! If it wouldn’t be such a waste of a damn-fine elitist man I’d recommend you for Congress! You are gonna be President of the united States someday, Wickre, now please step back from the keyboard, have yourself a nice Hors d’oeuvre provided so generously by your friends at TAH AND a sip of a nicely chilled libation, before you dazzle us with your brilliance and acumen, then continue! ——— TAH: Wicker! What’s your sole purpose in this life? Wickre: To do whatever Phil Monkress and the voices in my head tell me to, TAH! TAH: God damn it, Wickre! You’re a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Psul Wickre. Listen up, people… ——– Wickre: One day, for no particular reason, I decided to go visit the TAH Blog. So I clicked on a link on the internet. And when I got there, I thought maybe I’d just read a few things. And when I got there, I saw that they were posting about mah boss Phil. And I figured, since I come this far, maybe I’d just post a little something about my great buddy Phil. And that’s what I did. I posted all over the thread. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I all over 3 or 4 threads. And when I got to the end of the… Read more »
Jonn and TSO,
Thanks for restoring the DONATE Button..I sent a few Shekels your way.
Love you all.
May I add ,, My buddy Psul knew everything there was about the tranny Business.
Psul “I knows eberyting dey is to know about the tranny business”
You get Tranny’s with spandex, Trannys in miniskirts, Trannys in sweats, old trannys, young trannys, white trannys, trannys with m/d 20-20 Trannys in rusty jaquars, trannys with toys,,,
dats’ albout all dey is I guess,
It is so funny when someone comes in here trolling, and then calls us trolls, wow moron
@147 wow if you had used Zepp you would have been the aviator friend of Sven Hasself on his book “Legion of the Damned” one of my favorite books!
BTW Psul is <3
Roger that. Weapons tight and acquisition radar in STBY mode.