Obama tax hikes loom

| October 1, 2012

Remember those “Bush tax cuts for the rich” we heard so much about for eight years? Well, it seems that now that they’re about to expire in the New Year, it’s the poorest working Americans who will suffer the most, according to the Washington Post;

For most taxpayers, the bulk of the increase would be triggered by the expiration of tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 during the George W. Bush administration. The expiration of President Obama’s payroll tax holiday, which shaved two percentage points off the 6.2 percent Social Security tax, comes in a close second.

But the lowest earners would be hit hardest by the expiration of tax breaks enacted as part of Obama’s 2009 economic stimulus package, the study found. The stimulus includes a temporary expansion of the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit for working families. And it temporarily bumps up a two-year, $1,800 tax credit for college tuition to four years and $2,500.

“The fiscal cliff turns out to be quite complicated,” said Donald Marron, director of the Tax Policy Center, the result of “an accumulating snowball of temporary tax provisions.”

Yeah, not complicated at all by calling them “tax cuts for the rich” when they were really tax cuts for working Americans. Some people who were exempted from paying taxes because of their low wages will have to pay taxes for the first time.

Just like those stupid Obama ads I see that say that Romney will raise taxes on the middle class while cutting taxes for the richest Americans. There’s not a bit truth in that, either, but you can use the the Bush “tax cuts for the rich” catch phrase as an example of how truthful the Democrats are when they talk about taxes. Like Clinton’s middle class tax cut which became the tax hike on all Americans, even Social Security recipients. Yeah, it turns out that we’re all rich according to Democrats.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, Taxes

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MCPO, did sippy have a last request, or did he just go “Gackkkk” and expire?
If you’ve lost Prissy Matthews, Larry O’Donnell and Bill Mohair, er, Maher, you’ve pretty much screwed the pooch this time around. I have to believe that the White House will demand, and get, the questions before the next debate. Or, it’ll be Romney 87, Obama 12 and a tie 3.
Lehrer tried his best to protect Barry, but he wasn’t up to it, either.


And, Martin O’Malley slipped when he was talking to Larry O’Donnell and called Romney “President Romney”. When asked what he’d recommend what the preezy do different, O’Malley responded, “uh, I don’t know”. Heh.


Sen Rob Portman is Romney’s sparring partner for debate prep, and has a reputation for brutality and ruthlessness. He will pound you into the ground and step on your neck everytime you stumble with facts or give a garbled incoherent answer. This debate prep apparently goes on for hours and hours – a torture chamber. I hear Romney and former POTUS candidate Sen McCain lost their cool a few times and walked out of practice sessions.

Otherwise, Sen Rob Portman is a competent, decent, genial junior Senator from Ohio.


If that’s the case, Devtun, he more than earned his money. And, he did exactly what needed to be done for Romney.


@ Up North … the passing of Sippy was quite sad. Early in the debate, without a telepromture’, the President almost immediately knew he was about to be spanked, he began to look down … he could not look Romney in the eyes … he pandered to every lobby, old person, welfare recipient, young person, college student, unemployed worker, and even the Chinese lobby … as he “gives tax breaks to companies that ship their plants oversea”.

Sippy just stopped breathing … wide eyed … he choked not on what Romney did to the President … but what the President COULD not do to Romney … use facts and articulate his way FORWARD. You know the way FORWARD with this HOPE and CHANGE thingy.

Sippy will be missed!


R.I.P. Insipid

Okay, that’s over with. On to the next hill.


I think we will not see Insipid around here for a few days.


The massive buildup of cognitive dissonance was finally more than Insipid’s nervous system could handle. It’s a mercy, really.

Yat Yas 1833

I called a friend, with HR, who gives a class on ‘interviewing’ and she said omammy did everything wrong. Head down, rarely looking at the “interview panel (the camera), not looking at the other candidate in the eye, mumbling, stammering, etc. She said “Gov. Romney kicked a$$”, granted she’s a ‘right thinker’!


He obviously studied at the William Jefferson Clinton School of Neurolinguistic Programming.

Honor Grad too, based on that performance.

Yat Yas 1833

In memory of instupd,

Alas, poor Instupid! I knew him, Hondo a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy:
Modern interpretation: “a fellow who was a clown, of most excellent fantasies”.

With apologies to William Shakespeare!


And yet there are those so steeped in the KoolAid they think either Obama won or Romney lied, or both–further demonstratind denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.