Art Leal and PTS

| January 8, 2016

Art Leal1

According to Your Basin News, there’s a fellow by the name of Art Leal who is handing out these cards to business owners when he sees someone carrying a weapon openly in their establishment in Odessa, Texas;

Art Leal PTS Card

It says that Art is a combat veteran who suffers from PTS and that he won’t be back to the business to spend his pennies because the sight of a gun triggers his PTS. I’m sure that the business owners are relieved that he won’t be back in Art Leal’s case. See Art is a Democrat politician who clearly has an agenda – to pander to the anti-gun nuts. I’m guessing that there are a few of those in Texas.

I was going to do a FOIA on Art, but there’s really no justification for that. He claims that he was a tank mechanic on an M-88 tank-recovery vehicle in the 24th Division during Desert Storm and that he’s 30% disabled. It would surprise me if someone lied about that and then made the blatantly disingenuous claim that the sight of a handgun triggering the PTS. In the article, a therapist takes up for Art;

“The mental scars and the mental recognition people have from that traumatic event the battle field and can go on for years and years,” [Dr. Sudip Bose] said.

Those scars are the reason why Leal’s passes out small cards to businesses allowing open carry. He wants to remind them and gun owners he suffers from PTSD and open carry could be a trigger for him or others with the condition.

I dispute that. It seems to me that Leal is just being a Drama Queen. Yes, he’s a combat veteran, in a very remote sense, but using that for his own political purposes doesn’t help the rest of us when he uses it to be a big crybaby. These guys are as bad as vegans who use their dietary choices as the first topic of conversations with new acquaintances. I’m not a big advocate of “open carry”, but bed-wetting Art Leal and his phony microagression doesn’t do anything useful for anyone except advance his own name-recognition and not in a good way.

Art Leal2

ADDED: This triggers my rage;

Art Leal open carrying

This beret triggers my rage:

Art Leal beret

This triggers my rage;

Lail war story

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Guard Bum

I just spent about 40 minutes reading the comments on the link and it was the funniest thing I have seen in years…seriously.

If you are a little down today go to the link and cheer up…its hilarious!

HMCS (FMF) ret.

I thought I saw something in the comments section that the local DAV is not real happy with him right now… dude is a professional SJW and media whore.


Dude, that shit was HILARIOUS! I could not find a single comment supporting this fucking pussy but I did find one of the funniest comments on his “PTSD”

I firmly believe he suffers from PTSD. Pretty Tight Suit Disorder. The suit being that tight can cut off circulation to his brain causing him to slightly hallucinate what he has done.


PTSD in this case stands for Post Traumatic Selective Disorder


Sorry, bumped the report comment button in error. Disregard.


An Astroturf. I seriously doubt that this shithead had any motivation to serve in the military except to play the brain fucked veteran afterward for his destructionist ideology.

This piece of shit is an outstanding example of why every time some thumb sucker starts whining about needing the military draft for whatever mind numblingly stupid rationalization the destructionist propaganda has pumped into him, I get a serious urge to stomp said fuckstick into a bloody mud puddle.

Yeah, sure, lets just fill up the military with fails like the degenerate piece of destructionist shit this article is highlighting.


Word ,^^^^^^^


Go figure another fruit loop leftist it’s not going to end until they get what they want well enough is enough they have wrecked our health care system
They have made it a point to degrade our law enforcement and now to takeaway our means of defending ourselves WTF is wrong with this pic


Hope and change Skippy, hope and change…………



Carlton G Long

Given the girth of this khumguzzler, every all-you-can-eat buffet in town is now likely to quickly erect an “open carry welcome here” neon sign.


“Trigger” uh huh.
SJW agent provocateur more like.

His bro’s taint that happy with him no more…

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Bet you that things won’t be all hugs and kisses at the next family get together!


Well if weapons trigger his PTS, let’s just say I am glad he is not in the military now.

What a pussy!

FOIA his ass … betcha a ‘bag of Brooklyn bagels’ … discrepancies WILL be found.

PS: The ‘bag of Brooklyn bagels’ reference above no doubt triggered a rumble in the fat ass’s belly!


From the looks of him, the toughest fight he ever took part in was opening an MRE without a knife.

fox adler

Flagfag…what a Cover of a name…Art uses his real name ! Dumb Ass !


(Sneezing because of a dirtbag here)…Clean Up needed in the Toy Department, please. A Circus Kit lost one of its clowns that goes by the name of adler….YAWN….


But you don’t. Doesn’t that make you the dumb ass?


Art there is a lot of folks here in Odessa that really don’t care for your stunt
Maybe sticking with real issues would work


What a fat bag of fug. Seeing him triggers my eating disorder, and makes me want to vomit (I really was bulimic in college). So I propose a similar card that I would hand out to business owners so they don’t let him into their establishments, because it triggers my bulimia.

Data Dawg DV X

Hell, this dude would have been laughed at by every mother fucker in both of my units, training and duty. My Drills would have ground this bastard’s nuts into shreds and fed them to him.

fox adler

Join the VFW and do some good, dumb ass !!


Clean Up in Aisle 12 please….some fox left its trolling turd here…

fox adler

Clean after me, Pat…just like a good boy should…


Clean up needed in the Little Boys Bathroom, please. Some child name adler forgot to bring her toilet paper…yawn..


Fox…Really? Join the VFW is the only “fix” you have for the turd stain claiming PTSD being triggered by open carry. That wont fix anything, Might cause some fights to break out in the middle of the VFW hall but it sure wont “fix” it. A great many of us TRUE combat vets who actually did close with and kill the enemy are disgusted and angry that someone like Art would use a very real condition to try and further a political agenda and act as though he is doing some greater good.. Since you “personally” know him, Tell him to STFU and quit coming across like all vets feel the same way his weak hearted self does.


A lot of us are members and you are a joke !!!!
Stick with real issues and stop the stunts


He’s staying pretty busy scrubbing comments off his FB page right now.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

I would like to think that his days of being “a pillar of the community” and running for local office are over…

It also looks like there are a whole bunch of people looking into his claims of military service – he’s made claims of serving either 5 or 8 years. They are all over him like a pitbull on a pork chop…


Like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat…


Well the DAV is blocking my posts.

Fox Adler

Could it be that Mr. Leal is a Disabled American Veteran and you’re talking Silly ? LOL


Clean Up needed in Aisle 13.

fox adler

Notice Pat that you’re the Clean – Up Mexican Lady…There’s more vomit to Clean Up….LOL Please do hurry !!! Ha !!


Clean Up needed in Aisle 20. A Farm lost one of its hens by the name of adler…


Talking silly? I suppose it’s possible, but after giving your comment an appropriate amount of introspection I have to say that no, it’s really not probable.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

The DAV and the VFW don’t look like they’re real happy with him right now…

Guess that’s what happens when you go media whorin’…and I’m sure that it’ll be used against him in his campaign for mayor of Odessa.


So he go now????

Climb to Glory

This dude is just a fat ass bag of gas. Pussy.

3/17 Air Cav

I’ll say this who ever took that photo of him and his fat twin holding the rifles, has more guts than me! Those buttons on their shirts are ready to fire for effect at anytime! Smile


In the Navy, we engineers call them ‘safety relief buttons’.

Like ‘safety relief valves’.


Been reading this blog for a long time and finally had to comment; I was crying tears of joy at that comment. Too funny!


I think he was one of the Original Pogey RANGERS in the US Army…

“I Wanna Be a Pogey RANGER…”

“I Wanna Live a Life of Danger…”

“I Wanna Go to the All-You-Can-Eat-Buffett…”



Third paragraph from top on this article. Click on: He Claims. This is a reminder why I do not do Face Book. On his F B page I noticed a short video which I had heard but never seen before now. It is the in-depth explanation of who Jack Shitt is. What’s the purpose? One look at the story about this POSER and everyone knows who Fullashitt is.
BTW, when you click on the link to his F B page, not far down from the beginning is a very short video about some woman whose name must surely be Cantsingforschitt.


I take people who do this kind of thing seriously, enough to question their history.

As has been regularly pointed out over many, many instances of people who get into the spotlight with their claims of service, real or not, there is stuff rumbling around under the surface that says the opposite.

Since this stumpsucking clown’s claims are a blatant lie, as shown by those pictures of him holding a gun and wearing a beret he never earned, I think it’s appropriate to ask ‘What else is he lying about?’

I’d move to Odessa just to keep an eye on him, but I like being where I am now.


Shawn Armstrong

Shawn… comprehensive read on PTSD my eyes have seen in a long time. Just as you, the rating we share hopefully gives us better insight into the behavior of others. May or may not be relevant, but under his three listings it only said 30% disabled. Made me wonder if that rating is specific to PTSD. These days when I see most anyone wearing his ribbons/badges on civvies, my mind starts looking for inconsistencies. Nine out of ten times they come to light with the slight inquiry, mental or verbal. Seems to me I wrote about some biker sitting out in front of a gun show in Marianna, Fl about six weeks ago; so I won’t repeat the event.

This fellow’s little card amuses my warped mind. Maybe I will have my own cards made up to hand out to pet shop owners saying “You do not require the use of condoms when mating occurs in your facility. This scares me as there are already too many unwanted puppies and cats in the world as is. I will not return for that reason.” As a side note, it shall also read, “Obviously you do not care about cat STD.”

fox adler

One thing for sure, this fellow is not a pussy ! He puts most here to Shame. He doesn’t hide and run. He can be found at the VFW and ain’t scare to exercise his right to Free Speech
! lol


Clean Up needed in Aisle 14. Have a Juvenile on loose here….

fox adler

Pat !! Thanks !! I found a puppy to lick my vomit !! lol


Clean up needed in Animal House, please. Flounder has finally found a bigger loser than him that is name adler. yawn.

A Proud Infidel®™

BITCH, PLEASE!!! I bet your parents hated you to the point that you only had a toaster and a hair dryer to play with in the bathtub when you were a kid.


Hmmm, seems exercise is something he is lacking indeed. He maybe should go somewhere besides the VFW and partake in more than 12oz curls & free food.


Hey Fox Adler….Can I join? Surely Jonn, myself and every other swingin’ dick on this site could join and do some good. For starters, we’d expose this Leal fellow and let him be the club dog catcher. Next we’d go through the ENTIRE membership roll and eliminate every damned phony and poser in it. I’d like to think that at most there may be one or two more members in it that are delusional like Lead, and would hope that few could not spoil every apple in the barrel.
You claim he’s not a pussy yet you offer no proof.Remember Richard Nixon? He did not hide, and only became more embolden to try and convince the world he was not a crook!


Excellent article, Shawn. You nailed it. Thanks for making Art Leal or whoever he is MORE famous.Don’t think he will be able to scrub comments here as he is doing on his Facebook.


I guess you really do have to be careful what you wish for.

Leal wanted attention, but went at it the wrong way, and now, all he’s doing is pissing people off at him and making them wonder what his real story is. Well, he bought it. Now he pays for it, I guess.


Well the DAV and his Marine organization are outwardly scrubbing any comments about him no matter how civilized the phrasing. Perhaps, behind the scenes they give him the appropriate wall-to-wall counseling.

fox adler

Mr. Leal is Not alone…He’s a Member of the VFW and DAV… Maybe some of you should Join and do some Good !!


Clean Up needed in Aisle 15. A Kindergarden Class is missing a 5 year old that goes by the name of fox adler.

fox adler

Go to Sleep Pat !


Clean up needed in Aisle 23 please. Someone name fox dropped a jar of pickles on the floor…

fox adler

There’s more here, Pat…


Clean up needed on Fraternity Row, please. Someone name adler has a man crush on me…Yawn.


That was a jar of pickles? I thought it was a steaming pile of Phil Monkress. Or was it a steaming pile of Art Leal?


Pretty sure it was both, Eden. 🙂


VFW Post 7108 – Life Member.

Bite me.

Kinda old ET1

Just being a member of one of those fine organizations does not make you a good and decent person.


That fat fuck wearing what looks to be an IDF Shayetet SEAL shirt triggers my fucking ass. I had the distinct pleasure of jumping with those guys once and they were all business. Knowing your country is in the cross hairs at all times tends to do that to you.


The red shirt with the ‘wings’ on it? It’s a United Farm Workers union shirt.


Now I would think if one is a tanker with PTSD the sounds of construction equipment, or a semi truck would be a trigger for him,,,but this cat went full potato and claims the site of a hand gun triggers his PTSD, It must be true that common sense is a dying art form.


Tank mechanic…not a tanker according to the other reads I have seen.


This was just posted on the FB Page.

“Permian Basin Marines:Im with you all the way Art…your actions as a veteran. ..friend…and community volunteer…says more than anything on paper…Semper Fi Sergeant!”

LOL…a piece of paper? You mean offical documents like DD214s? Or maybe his pathetic stress cards?

Meanwhile they scrubbed every comment I made about Leal’s conduct and finding the truth….and No, that didn’t surprise me.


The Permian Basin Marines posted “any attack on one of our members will be reported to the proper authorities”. LOL! I’ve been looking for the proper authorities for years, all I’ve found is improper authorities. But enough about my visits to the bars in Olongapo…

Climb to Glory

They are in full on circle the wagons mode over there. I can only imagine what they’re doing in that circle. Those turds are probably giving each other tongue baths as we speak.


OK, standard offer: if anyone can come up with the required info for a FOIA (firstname/middlename/lastname, place of birth, date of birth – we already know service and approx dates) – I’ll be happy to file the FOIA.

SSN will work in place of place of birth and date of birth. But I don’t recommend trying anything shady or illegal to obtain it.

Fox Adler

Well it appears that this is a Communist Site where Only one side is Accepted.

Climb to Glory

Who the fuck are you.

fox adler

Fox !! Dumb Ass !! Who the hell is Climb to Glory ?? Is that your Cover ? Be a Brave Boy and Come on Out and Play !!


Clean Up needed in the Garden Center, please. A farmer who goes by the name of adler dumped his fertalizer here…

Climb to Glory

Some DRG level trolling there. Surprised your butt buddy Art Leal let you off your leash. Its nice that Art Leal gave you some free time from plugging his orifices to come on here and grace us with your presence. I can appreciate how you came on here to defend your pearl clutching pussy of a boyfriend. Way to stand by your man.

JarHead Pat


HMCS (FMF) ret.

You must be a “Call of Booty – Anal Buttsekks Warrior”. You and your buttbuddy Art like cockmeat sammiches and tubesteak????

Tell your buttbuddy when he done with his appointment for his manginitis to show up here and tell us why he’s afraid of those big bad guns people have.

Your buddy is an attention/media whore.

Dave Hardin

I knew it, you Commie Bastard.

Pinto Nag

Your keen sense of perception will prevent you from becoming our newest chew-toy. Well done, sir, well done!


Have you met Lars yet?


Even Lars would probably point and laugh at this crap.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lars is FAR more mature and intelligent than that thing is, hell, so is *SLUUURRP!*41!

Dave Hardin

You just defended Lars, get a grip on yourself !!!!


Then why are you here? Or are you planning to “card” TAH as LHO doing?


Now that I think about it, Fox Adler must be a Communist since he is trolling TAH.

fox adler

There’s more Vomit ! Pat… I’m just a fightin’ Brother !!


Yawn…Clean Up needed in the Ladies Room, please. Some fox overflowed a toilet…

JarHead Pat

Dont feed the gay transgender troll.


I think She/He/It went back to a Troll Doll Collectors Home. Another Aisle worker was calling for assistance in recovering a wayward Troll Doll name adler….


I’m a red diaper baby. That’s why I served, to undermine moral from the inside.
We are devious like that. Now I take my marching orders from Bernie. #feelthebern

fox adler

Here ‘s some red meat with grained glass boy !! Enjoy !!


Clean Up needed in the Lost and Found, please. Some Village lost an Idiot name adler. Yawn…


What does that mean? I think you may be the worst troll ever.


yeah, i suck at being a troll. I have known Bernie since he carpetbagged his way to Mayor of Burlington. He is actually pretty strong on Veterans and supporting them. Of course, he is a Communist on everything else and only a knothead would vote for him but he is an honest Communist and doesn’t hide his beliefs.

Just An Old Dog

Fox, that is why your comments aren’t being posted,,,, oh wait… they are!!
Lets get something straight. Art Leal isn’t being put on blast here because he is lying about serving.
Pretty sure no one is going to lie about being a grease-monkey during Desert Storm.
The crap that is irritating folks is that he is going around pushing an anti-2nd ammendment agenda and running for office using PTSD as a catalyst.
It seems like he has you hypnotized. You also are assuming the folks here haven’t served or don’t belong to VSOs.


Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:

I was going to do a FOIA on Art, but there’s really no justification for that. He claims that he was a tank mechanic on an M-88 tank-recovery vehicle in the 24th Division during Desert Storm and that he’s 30% disabled.

On his site, he claims to have been a SPC. He left the Army as a PV2 or PFC. He may be lying about other things as well. He does appear to have served.


Not just an SPC, but an SPC P.

I’m sure we could find some other meanings for that P other than Promotable.

A Proud Infidel®™

THAT would NOT surprise me, it’s quite obvious that Art Leal (GH!) is an extreme dickstepper, thus it would NOT be even a tiny surprise if it turned out that he was a less-than-mediocre Soldier. I have a hunch that this is merely the beginning of his trying to make a celebrity of himself among candyassed liberals, I predict that he will soon go on social media bawling “OOOOOOH, POOR ME!…” portraying himself as a victim because of all the negative attention he brought on himself with his transparent attention whoring and as soon as any lefties that hook up with him are done they’ll dump him along with the previous day’s trash. UP YOURS, ART LEAL, I think I see right through your con game!!!


Art Leal (Google hit!) Permian USMC group said he’d give out a copy of his 214, that is “registered” at the county clerks office with him standing there. So, anyone that wants to FOIA his 214, go for it. Turd is born and raised in Odessa, graduated from PHS in 1997 (clue) and enlisted from there. Screw that social justice, Chavez beret LaRaza tshirt wearing POS member of L.U.L.A.C., Odessa. VFW & AL Odessa may kiss my skinny ass right along with his Marine group buddies.

Peter the Bubblehead

If he graduated HS in 97, how the heck did he serve in Desert Storm in 91??


It’s a typo. He claims to have graduated in 1987.


My bad! 1987! Throw the veggies now…. !


It’s all good. 1987 was also the year my twin sons graduated from high school and went into the service (Army and Navy).


Oh and they said it’d cost a buck, sooooo spend the ten and get his 2-1…fahk him


Did anyone get the screenshot of him saying he loves the sound of artillery? He posted it on Nov 27…

Green Thumb

He strikes me as the type that likes the sound of semen splashing in his face.

I thought he had an honorable discharge?

Am I mistaken?


Hey Fox Adler….Can I join? Surely Jonn, myself and every other swingin’ dick on this site could join and do some good. For starters, we’d expose this Leal fellow and let him be the club dog catcher. Next we’d go through the ENTIRE membership roll and eliminate every damned phony and poser in it. I’d like to think that at most there may be one or two more members in it that are delusional like Lead, and would hope that few could not spoil every apple in the barrel.
You claim he’s not a pussy yet you offer no proof.Remember Richard Nixon? He did not hide, and only became more embolden to try and convince the world he was not a crook!


Green Thumb….What he meant was he enjoys swallowing an honorable discharge. Should have been in the Navy had he enjoyed semen that much.


Here’s an article about an Art Leal stepping up an odessa mayor campaign:


Jonn, saw the same thing…did a WHAT?????ARE YOU SERIOUS….Talk about misleading folks who are not familiar with the M-88 and the MOS 63..APACHES? Right….


Maybe he mean’t the formerly well known horse back fighters of the Great Southwest…


What he meant to say was that his maintenance team and the M88 tank retriever were all set to do a frontal assault on the Republican Guard, but when the TC told us he had somehow managed to lose the Headspace & Timing Gage for the Ma Deuce, we halted in place and called for the Apaches to bail our asses out.


Tell me, mostly because it seems an odd statement to me – tell me, is it NORMAL for a tank mechanic to suddenly switch to aviation mechanics without going through school?

Just trying to understand here. It seems like an odd statement that he made.

Just An Old Dog

Actually the way I read it is claims that he wanted to switch MOSs to Aviation but it didnt happen.


Well, I can’t speak for the Army, but just changing from working on A-7s to F-18s required a whole new batch of schooling and classes for the guys that moved over.

Me, I was getting out so I didn’t give a crap.


E-PH2 Sounds as bout as normal as an iguana becoming a telephone.


Wasn’t gonna happen at all.

Yep, that’s what I thought. Well, since that is not a surprise, I don’t think he’s delusional, nor do I think he has post-traumatic stress, period. The hard evidence (e.g., photos of him w/guns) contradicts that claim.

It would be wise for him to back off everything he’s said, right now, and get out of politics. Period.

JarHead Pat

Good grief, what a sack 0 shit.


Is that him posing with his big bad long gun alongside his buffet-buddy? Maybe only bad handguns scare him and he’s OK with long weapons. And advertise that he suffers from PTS/D? Not so much. Someone above nailed it: He’s a media whore. Well, he got the coverage he wanted, only not in the way he hoped. Congrats, Dingus.

Mario Ortega

Hack Stone

Damn, that was funny. Made up for watching that stupid Bernath produced video that I saw the other day.


His Facebook buddies say his DD-214 is “recorded” at his local county courthouse. What the hell does that mean? Why is some random schmuck’s 214 kept at the courthouse like it’s some kind of valuable archival material?

Just An Old Dog

Some folks have important papers “recorded” at a court house. The advantage is that it will allow you to get a notarized copy if you lose your original.


I know it was an option when I left active duty to have a copy of your DD-214 filed at the county courthouse of either your home of record or the county where you were going to reside after separation. They told us that it was a good way to have an extra, certified copy in a safe place that is (theoretically) reasonably close to home, should you need it. I had mine filed (although I’ve never checked for it).

In his case, I would like to know whether HE filed that copy at the courthouse, or whether the Army did it when he separated.

Just An Old Dog

The Army doesnt do it.


Maybe the Air Force doesn’t do it anymore, either, but they did when I left AD.


They keep it on file when you file for vet license plates.

Dave Hardin

I recorded mine at the Jacksonville Court house when I got out. I was already there anyway so I figured what the hell.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto. Where? Let’s see,.. I THINK I did that at the Washoe County, NV Courthouse.


I’d rather see what the FOIA request digs up. The DD214 at the courthouse could be one he “corrected”.


He just posted on FB that, “I love my Comrades. I know you’re just venting. And if it helps you to comment then I’m here for you. Glad I could help. Have a great weekend.”

So apparently he’s not deleting comments anymore.


Animal…..You may have stumbled on to the prize for the best addition/tie to a story.
Professing in public that he “loves his commrades” (wonder if he does that at Confession?) scroll back up a bit to Commrade Fox Adler’s comments where Adler suggested, “Well it appears that this site is a Communist web site where ONLY one side is accepted.” Good work my friend.

And for you Adler, you just dig yourself in deeper every time you open your mouth.


The irony is he still has the post up, but he’s deleting all comments now. It’s really too bad he can’t get a syringe full of PTSD and have to really live with it.

Just An Old Dog

Leal is a fart in a whirlwind politically The City is about 75% Conservative according to the 2012 Election.

Dave Hardin

Climb to Glory

Finally found a bigger pussy than LTC Robert Bateman and his name is Art Leal.


Here’s some thoughts that are worth at least what you are paying for them. In RVN I was in fact a tank commander. This in no way lessens the job that maintenance personnel did when needed. Primarily they were back in the rear Company area doing their thing. Every so often they were needed to come out and drag a tank back home. RPG damage, blown engine, some of the reasons they were needed. They were always heavily protected as we needed them to bring us back up to speed. They were not out to fight, but to reclaim and return with damaged tank to repair it. Of course, even back in the rear area we were attacked with mortars and other killing ammunition. So back there, the mechanics might have been exposed to much of the same we tankers faced, although that was not nearly as often as being out in the boonies. Just have to get this off my mind. About six weeks ago my wife and I were at a gun show in Marianna, Florida. Near the door entrance to the building was this dude trying to look like a tough guy biker laying back on the seat of his bike, keeping an eye on who went through the door. On his jacket were patches, including a VERY LARGE ONE with VietNam written all over it in addition to other USMC labels. Sensing a phony I asked him if he had served in RVN and he said he had. When I asked what his MOS was, twice he answered with the reply of “tanks”. When I asked him a bit more forceful for the third time and told him I wanted to know what his MOS was, he finally spit up something OTHER than the correct 1811, USMC tanks. To make a long story short, I left the parking lot, got out of the driveway and turned around to out this phony. I went inside the door and asked if either of the two taking up door fees had served in the military. One had, and I… Read more »


Life magazine? Which issue? You should have asked her that, Jarhead. Those are archived somewhere.

Green Thumb

Nice story.

You should post in on Veterans MC site that knowingly protected Phony Phil Monkress and the Big Turd Riley Keeton.


Proud Vet

Awwwww… He pwinted his own wittle stwess cards. How cute.


He looks like some kind of Che Guevara wanna be in that freaking beret. What a sack of shit.


Naw, it looks like he’s hunting for his easel, so that he can start another rendering of coffee and donuts, in the style of Monet.


HAHA – you’re right Ex, that is quite an artsy look for sure. I’ll bet he’s out looking to do some sketching, something like a little dick doodling. Hey dingus, step away from the tamale platter. What a bag of whale blubber.


Open message to Leal and his minions:

Your days of fooling people with your lies have ended. While you may have the temporary backing of your local VSO’s, you do not have the support of the national organizations. Many of us here are life members of those organizations which have local (to you) deluded members now supporting you. You (and those supporting you who are also embellishing/lying about their service) will most definitely be held accountable for your falsehoods. It’s a pretty simple concept – we police our own. Continuing to allow fools like you to besmirch our organizations is not gonna happen.


What’s with the “Marine” group out there? My local Marine group doesn’t recruit Army guys into it, much less support embellishing fools.


Having a gun is theraputic for my PTS which leads me to a question. If my pro carry PTS comes into contact with his anti-gun PTS, will there be a catastrophic explosion like matter/antimatter that woulf in turn give onlookers PTS?


Only on alternate Tuesdays during new moons if you happen to have heard that proverbial tree fall in the forest. Otherwise it’s just a two firecracker type of event.


What OWB said, plus the ions will immediately polarize each other and become runaways.


I love what someone posted on his FB: Does the sight of a tool box shake you up?


Wait a sec, this guy is in Texas and is skeered of the sight of guns?


Fox Adler

Most of you guys sound phony. And your names seems like names for Truck Drivers. No real people here… Ha Ja Some people have to Work. I better get back to Work . You Boys get a job


Yep Fox. You better get back to work. There’s a lot of lonely truck drivers waiting for you in the back lot.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Fox gives a new meaning to the term “Full Service Station”


Don’t ya just hate it when the trolls get on here, talk their shit, and then say, well gotta go. I have a job (implying that we don’t) that I gotta get back to.

Then supposedly, they are away from the computer or smart phone or whatever, but the minute you tell them to GFY, they are instantly right there talking more shit.

So, Fox Troll, GFY.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

CHeckedout his FB profile… when to school to study “Animal Science”. He probably knows all about “animal husbandry”, IYKWIMAITYD….


Yep. Sure do. Especially when you see him in a saloon on Saturday night wearing knee high irrigator’s boots when there ain’t no water running in the canal.

I’ve lived in both Texas and Wyoming. Some of the early morning dates aren’t half baaaaaad, especially the ones named Maaaaargaret.

HMCS (FMF) ret.


Are ewe my daaaaaaaddddyyyyyy!!!


Yeah. You guessed it. We’re all phonies. That would certainly explain why so many of us are getting military retirement checks. And maybe why so many others are reporting to “work” at military installations around the world. Yep. Uh-huh, we’re all phonies. Sure we are.

Must be dreadful to anticipate that the local VSO’s will likely all be receiving very careful scrutiny by their national headquarters. Some of us will be keeping a tally of just how many doors are closed, officers summarily dismissed, and if any criminal charges are filed against those found to have submitted forged documents.

Trolls and phonies: Pitching infantile fits, holding your breath, and threatening stupid stuff doesn’t really intimidate any of us, but does call attention to your own immaturity. Not that there was any doubt.


Again, the worst troll ever. You really need to take some lessons from Lars on how to piss people off.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Flops-boy, how many plankton did you consult with to come up with that?


Yawnnn…oh, me.. the 12 year old Communist kid is back. Clean up in Aisle 74, please. Got a loose nut running around that needs a diaper change.

fox adler

Okay Boys !! Who has been sniffing my manure here in Alpine, Texas !!? ? lol is the week-end…so my workers only work half-a-day…Ha…you guys stay here 24-7, huh ? Lying to get VA Checks I bet !! You Liberals are something else…Imposters and Actors …pretending to be Conservatives and Patriots but really like the Bull-Shit ! Ha…I might enjoy this Site Boys…getting in the swamp once in awhile can be fun…

Green Thumb

You strike me as a very soft-spoken, ball-working dude.

The only sniffing that is going on is the “taint check” you execute on prospective employees.


His name is Commissar. Seriously. Look at some of his past work.

Dave Hardin

Thank the Gods, someone else is finally on to you people around here.

Gun Nutz, Bible thumping, ultra conservative right wing wackos.

Welcome to the Swamp FA, watch out for that Hobo guy, he is the worst of the lot.


Alpine? And going to VFW in Odessa? Post 7207 in Alpine shut down? Long way to go


Alpine, TX? Wasn’t there a polygamy scandal there a few years ago that involved a guy named Alder in some capacity?


Just as I said. Ole Fox has a Man Crush on all of us. Clean Up in Aisle 63 please…

fox adler

BTW: Like Chris Lyles used to say: ” It takes a good Sniper to get a whole bunch of rug idiots go crazy with the sound of one bullet !! ” lol

A Proud Infidel®™

Really, Flops-boy? Is that all you can come up with in between your rounds of blowing winos behind bus stops for T-bird and MD 20/20 money? I’m happy to see you on your feet o booger-eating thumbsucking bedwetting Santorum-stained dingleberry on an inbred buck-toothed Swamp Donkey’s ass, who sent the crane?


Chris Lyles? Who the Hell is that?

Oh, wait, I think he may be trying to quote Chris Kyle.

You would think if you’re quoting somebody you could at least spell the name right.



Hey, Claw! Don’t give the addlepated idiot any clues. He’s a douchewagon. Besides, he’s already been found.


Clean up in the Playground Department, please. Some 8 year old kid name Adler lost her marbles today.

fox adler

LOL Dave !! This soft spoken guy already got every single ass hole phoney on the meter ! They will never understand what a soft spoken guy with a good index finger is capable of…ha…I like Green Thumb comment: ” Nice Story” Ha ha !! Bunch of shit asses can be taken out with one finger !!


Threatening violence is the first sign your losing the war around here. You really should’ve done your research before you jumped in with this bunch. Downhill from here for you.

fox adler

I’m already in your living rooms and doin’ fly byes …and listenin’ to ya’ll echoes of nothingness in your silly brains…Ya’ll are already taken Out and don’t even know it Boys…


What does that mean??? Seriously. I’m really trying to get pissed off here, but you’re just not giving me anything.


Oh, you are such a twit, adler the addlepated.

How are we being ‘taken out’? You gonna do a driveby in my ‘hood?

fox adler

C’mon Boys… I’ll buy the next round !! Just 4 U !! H !


I give up. You’re not even trying now.


Now he thinks he’s some kind of a remote view sniper.

Here’s a hint, Fox. Those who stir the shitpot eventually end up licking the spoon.


O.K. Lars, give it up. You can change your name and email address but your unchanged diapers still reek.
Surely you MUST be related to Alfred Adler…his hypothesis fits you ABSOLUTELY to the letter.

fox adler

Amazing !! What a good Satelite and a good Computer can do…I already Zero in two of you guys… eBenefits might go off line for ya’ll ..and C P Claims frozen for 3 years,,,the Direct money …well… it must stop…some of you talk too much…and I have a happy index finger… lol


That’s real interesting, addlepated. Are you threatening people now? You do know that extortion is a felony, DON’T YOU?


I wonder if he’s talking to a soon to be disbarred lawyer or pUrPlEsLuRpEr




FFS…threats of satellites and hacking accounts? You couldn’t find your fat ass in a phone booth with both hands. The only place your index finger finds happiness is no doubt fondling your own swollen prostate.

Hack Stone

I recall a former senior executive from the Northern Virginia branch of All Points Logistics who threatened to have benefits that TAH commenters have earned cut off. Things did not turn out too well for him. To save us from driving by your house Fox, could you let us know upfront whether your mailbox has a door?


I’m in Slammintonio if that helps you any. You can come down here and extort me in person…


So what DO you do with that index finger besides stick it up your nose?

fox adler

Is anyone of you Boys runnin’ yet to eBenefits ?


So, how IS Big Spring for you these days?

Mite chilly today, ain’t it?

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Flops-BOY, a friend of mine talked to your Momma last night and she said she regrets not getting an abortion and that you were a car accident that happened in the back seat.


Adler. Are you sure that you want to play hardball?

Silentium Est Aureum

Apparently not. He’s a one and done troll.


Maybe not.

He could still be passed out after a Saturday night of MD20-20 and YoungMan Rodeo with Art.


Yep, I guess Fox Adler is a one and done troll.

See Jonn’s comment above at 3:42 PM.

Pretty sure Jonn banned him.