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10 years ago
The parade of idiocy continues. Actually, it’s more like a coast-to-coast convoy. This time, an individual whom I will not name (but we all know), is trying to get me kicked out of my hobby again. Yes, I say again because it has been tried before.
This in-duh-vidual believes that his little intimidation can actually sway a volunteer charity group which is run by a cop who is used to dealing with “his kind.”
Jason Ellenburg has said he is going to sue me. If he does, then I will cross complain and name the Cloud City Garrison as a cross defendant as he has made his death threats to me whilst serving in your organization. I will match up each post by him with when he was working for your organization at home or at a meeting, etc.
He also says that “it is in the bag” and that his temporary suspension has been lifted.
Proceed at your own legal peril.
Following are comments he has made and posted in his fake name flagwaver
Exhibit to complaint against Cloud City Garrison, business form unknown:
The remainder is a rambling mishmash of comments I have made here and on facebook from the past couple of years, most of which have nothing to do with this individual except in his own delusional mind.
Heck, 90% of it is in regards to my VA disability claim.
Oh, don’t mention any names, even if you think you know who this in-duh-vidual is. Yes, the information has been sent to all concerned parties. And no, this isn’t concerning as the guy who runs Cloud City is more amused.
Hey! Gunshots were heard outside his home yesterday! No bullets were found! No one shows up on the security videos! No one was arrested!
It was Biden! Biden! I win!!!
SFC Raikkonen
10 years ago
I would normally be thinking “retards” right now but in all honesty, this could have been a rug laid out in the K-9 unit area. That would be acceptable to me because truly, for a K-9 unit, in Dog they do trust.
SFC Raikkonen
10 years ago
I would normally be thinking “retards” right now but in all honesty, this could have been a rug laid out in the K-9 unit area. That would be acceptable to me because truly, for a K-9 unit, in Dog they do trust.
The parade of idiocy continues. Actually, it’s more like a coast-to-coast convoy. This time, an individual whom I will not name (but we all know), is trying to get me kicked out of my hobby again. Yes, I say again because it has been tried before.
This in-duh-vidual believes that his little intimidation can actually sway a volunteer charity group which is run by a cop who is used to dealing with “his kind.”
Jason Ellenburg has said he is going to sue me. If he does, then I will cross complain and name the Cloud City Garrison as a cross defendant as he has made his death threats to me whilst serving in your organization. I will match up each post by him with when he was working for your organization at home or at a meeting, etc.
He also says that “it is in the bag” and that his temporary suspension has been lifted.
Proceed at your own legal peril.
Following are comments he has made and posted in his fake name flagwaver
Exhibit to complaint against Cloud City Garrison, business form unknown:
The remainder is a rambling mishmash of comments I have made here and on facebook from the past couple of years, most of which have nothing to do with this individual except in his own delusional mind.
Heck, 90% of it is in regards to my VA disability claim.
Oh, don’t mention any names, even if you think you know who this in-duh-vidual is. Yes, the information has been sent to all concerned parties. And no, this isn’t concerning as the guy who runs Cloud City is more amused.
Bubblicious Brigid?
Booyah Bordeaux?
Come on, Flag, give us an idea, would you? I’m stumped. Stumped, I tell you!
I’ll give you a hint.
He once accused someone of threatening him because they posted a picture of Jesus.
Biden? (snortgigglef*rt)
Hey! Gunshots were heard outside his home yesterday! No bullets were found! No one shows up on the security videos! No one was arrested!
It was Biden! Biden! I win!!!
I would normally be thinking “retards” right now but in all honesty, this could have been a rug laid out in the K-9 unit area. That would be acceptable to me because truly, for a K-9 unit, in Dog they do trust.
I would normally be thinking “retards” right now but in all honesty, this could have been a rug laid out in the K-9 unit area. That would be acceptable to me because truly, for a K-9 unit, in Dog they do trust.