Weekend open thread

| April 18, 2014

Lunar Eclipse 04-14-2014

So, I’m out for the next couple of days taking my son to his grandmother’s house. So here’s a lunar eclipse weekend open thread, the picture sent to us by Ex-PH2. Knock yourselves out.

Category: Administrative

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Sparks, I do believe you live in my brain. I couldn’t have expressed the drive-thru sentiments any better. Things like that drive me crazy and makes my husband run for cover. Having said that, how do you feel about Walmart? Every single one in Colorado Springs has 10 screaming kids and 2 check out lanes open. And the speedy lanes AREN”T.


Pam…Walmart…Gives me mental shivers as I write their name. Yes, mom, dad and 8 kids. The kids all running amok. I turn to get a jar off the shelf and three seconds later there’s a kid in MY cart…no crap! I look at mom and/or dad and say “HEY…little help here”. They feign not knowing English then come get Juan outta my cart. No smile, no I’m sorry. Just a look more like, what the heck are you doing in the aisle where my kids are playing? That is why I always use the self checkout. It is a wonderful, wonderful, beautiful, lovely thing. Why? Because early into the self checkout program, the idjits, mental doofuses and Mexicans found out the self checkout would absolutely out smart them in a hurry. So I go there, swipe my items, run my debit and I’m headed to the door by the time the others have rounded up all their kids to be sure they block both check out lines! Yea, I need to wipe the handle on the cart with the sanitizer because I have put some teeth marks it it too. Silly seeing a old man like me, chewing the handle, red faced and cursing under his breath because he needs one item in the aisle and it is completely blocked by TWO families talking to each other and looking at me like “what you doin here, you got no food stamps!” Sometimes I want to look at them at the check out as they pull out the SNAP card and say, “HEY…by the way, you’re welcome!”. Okay I’m off the soap box now.

Toasty Coastie

Happy Easter and Ēostre/Ostara to everyone who celebrates.

/\/\ /\/\
. . . .
” “


And Gaia’s blessings on your head, TC.

Here are some thoughts about what is going on in the world and where we may or may not end up.

“If you want to know the future of the next 30-40 years, study the trends of the past five years, and especially the trends of August 2013 through May 2014. This is the time that the 30-40 year foundation of a world movement is being built. The events that happen now, and the political and banking decisions being made now, will shape our reality for the next 3-4 decades. And then we will start to shift again.”
3-31-2014 MMA Cycles weekly column.

Whichever way we cross, I think that will be the direction of the next 40+ years. Peace or war? The empowerment of the individual, or the final grab for power by central government leaders?
– 04-21-2014 MMA Weekly cycles report.

And this: “The last time there was a competitive devaluation of world currencies, it ended up where it did, in the Second World War.” – Delma Rousseff, President of Brazil, Wall Street Journal article from autumn 2010.

Still — Hallelujah, anyway!

A Proud Infidel®™

HAPPY EASTER to all the people of TAH!!


A Proud Infidel®™

It’s a pity it wasn’t traveling 100 +MPH, it was an Acela, an electric loco pulling that train.


In all seriousness, no matter what any of believe or don’t. I do. I am thankful to God He even considers a man such as me, much less gave His Son to die for me.

So again, no matter your beliefs, I care for each of you and though you may or may not believe it, I pray for each of you at one time or another. For God’s blessings in your health, your needs, you families and your joy in life. I keep a list to remember things and people to pray for. All of you are on it by screen name at least. Thank God that is all He needs, He knows who you are and that is enough.

So tomorrow, Happy Easter to each of you in all if its meaning a glory. Have a wonderful Sunday whether you are hunting Easter eggs, going to church, staying home or just kicking back and enjoying a great day off.

I care for each of you as brothers and sisters who served our country. That means a lot to me and I respect each of you for your service and what you gave of your lives and yourselves.

God bless and keep each of you ladies and gentlemen.


Sparks- You are such a very sweet person. I wish you a peaceful and love filled Easter!

Happy Easter to all, may you have a blessed day of love with your family tomorrow.

I’m hosting my very first Easter family gathering. I’m sitting here now putting off the rest of my cleaning shopping and cooking. Procrastination thy name is, I’ll tell you later.


Valkyrie…Procrastination thy name is…Sparks.


Valkyrie…and thank you for your kind and tender words. Have a wonderful Easter with your family!

3/17 Air Cav

EX-PH2…….I know your a old movie fan. Have you ever watched “A New Leaf”? Just finished watching it for about the fiftieth time. Walter Mathaeu.

Isaw it for the first time in 1971 on the jet coming back from R&R it’s a hoot but not widely known.


No, I have not seen ‘New Leaf’. However, one of my favorite Walter Matthau movies was ‘Hopscotch’, a spoof on spy movies. Glenda Jackson was his co-star. It was so well-done that it was completely believable as nonfiction, even though it was fiction.

John Robert Mallernee

Comrades in Arms: I hope all, or some, of you folks are thoroughly enjoying all of the nice compliments you’re receiving, as you show off your brand spanking new Easter bonnets, while strolling along in the parade down the avenue. And, of course, there’s also the joyous, squealing hordes of your own little army of young’uns, as they make themselves nauseous swallowing all those creme filled chocolate Easter eggs! Did anyone actually SEE the Easter bunny delivering all those lovely baskets? Gosh, gee whillikers, but, I stayed up all night long, hoping to see the Easter bunny! Alas, but that mean ol’ Easter bunny only put a lump of coal in my Easter stocking (which is why my feet hurt!), and a bundle of hickory switches under my Easter tree, AND besides that, I didn’t even get a brand spanking new Easter bonnet to wear in the parade down the avenue (which I can’t march in anyway, because of that lump of coal in my stocking!). Well, at least, I can still enjoy playing with my full-sized model railroad set, which is so conveniently located in our back yard here at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi. Ain’t that neat? Anyway, as I’m sure you’re already quite aware, yesterday, Saturday 19 April 2014, was the anniversary of “the shot heard ’round the World”, which began our American Revolutionary War for Independence (in which two of my ancestors, JOHN MALLERNEE, of Baltimore, Maryland, and URIAH HAWKINS, of Rhode Island, served!). Yesterday was also the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and sadly, it was the anniversary of the Waco Massacre (for which any of those federal agents have YET to be prosecuted). Anyway, I just now saw something on the computer Internet that I deem to be particularly worthwhile and informative. Thus, I urge you, for the sake of your own temporal welfare and safety, and also for the sake of your loved ones, to PLEASE go to this web site, “DUMP D.C.” , and there, peruse and bemuse the sage advice that the author, RUSSELL D. LONGCORE, has… Read more »


I used to enjoy Easter egg hunts as a kid because I got a tasty meal of hard boiled eggs that I didn’t have to share with anyone else.


John Robert Mallernee…Thank you for the post. Happy Easter Sir. God bless and keep you.


Happy Easter, and He is Risen on the third day, just as He said He would!

One of my most favorite Christian songs to play the guitar and sing:

He’s Alive by Don Fransisco.

Now off to Mass with HH6. Shalom!

Jon Not to be Confused with Jonn

He has Risen Indeed! Happy Easter All


I am not a particularly religious man but I do have allot of faith. I have no doubt that their exist a power much larger and stronger than any one person. I choose to call this power God.

I know for a fact that when a person puts forth the effort to do something great or small with enough work and faith it will be done. I know that it takes both to make anything happen, Faith alone is not enough, nor is work.

I am feeling a bit retrospective today. With that retrospection comes a touch of remorse but more so a sense of Joy.

I have spent the last three weeks with my oldest son and my Granddaughter. It has been over a decade since I saw him. For years I did not know if he were dead or alive.

My remorse is from the time lost, My joy is from Having my son back and from the energy of a three year old girl that calls me Poppa.

Happy Easter to all of you, Be happy.


Enigma4you…Happy Easter! I am so happy for you and your reunion. Enjoy and treasure the time my friend.


Here’s a meme for ding dongs that go full Wickre on us. 😀

You went full Wickre, man! Never go full Wickre! 😀


Toasty Coastie

Putting these here too..

Updated again…he sure is getting a lot of mileage out of his photoshopped head on Po Shep’s head…It is now his “wallpaper” and all references of TAH et al are removed.


These ones have been updated as well..however, they are just as bad as before.

Screenies needed.



