Shots fired on Capitol Hill
Apparently the shooter is in custody and the Capitol is locked down. According to the live stream at ABC7, WJLA sent to us by Chief Tango. PintoNag sends this link;
The United States Capitol was placed on lockdown Thursday afternoon after shots were fired in the vicinity of the chamber. At least one Capitol Police officer was injured, officials said
The FBI was responding to the scene, and a helicopter landed in front of the Capitol. A message from the Capitol Police ordered anyone in a House office to “shelter in place.”
UPDATE: ABC is reporting that a FEMALE shooter was killed.
Fox says the Capitol is no longer locked down. Might have been the conclusion of a car chase from outside the Capitol.
Something about trying to ram the White House gates before the chase began. Had a child in the car?
Law enforcement says that she didn’t try to ram the gate, that the woman is in custody (not killed), eye witnesses say she didn’t fire any shots, other says that she did. The car had non-DC plates on it. What a cluster.
Suspect was shot, but capitol police chief doesn’t know if she was armed or not yet. Injured officer wasn’t shot. It sounds to me that she tried to ram a gate behind the Treasury Building (quite a way from the White House – you can’t even see the White House from there) and then turned around and headed south towards the Capitol on Constitution Ave followed by the police.
I have to think that it was just a frustrated driver in DC.
Category: Breaking News
Dianne Feinstein and Piers Morgan say the woman was driving a Black AR-15
See? That’s what I’m saying, TN.
So my guess is that she had a hair up her backside about something and was expressing an opinion, which the police didn’t agree with.
We need to ban dangerous looking (painted black) assault vehicles with large capacity engines.. What does a normal commuter need with a high-powered sports coupe.
Well, having seen the pictures linked above, I can successfully conclude that the officer injured in the car crash was indeed black skinned.
The damage on the Police Car vs. the damage to the black (?Infinti?) Sedan does not appear to be from a common impact. The police car hit something, or was hit, with a great deal of force, while the sedan’s driver’s fender and door have minor scratches.
It appears that the black sedan received fire through the driver’s side rear window, which is consistent with reports that the Police shot at her car at close range while it was headed away from them.
((If a civilian shot rounds inside the city, much less that close to a child, they would be charged with reckless endangerment.))
May I suggest that our next betting pool be if it is a rental vehicle or not?
Hold on there, Sean. They claimed it was a black, new fangled AR-shotgun thingy… 😉
The vehicle was not a rental.
Some senior LE are attempting to craft a press release and conference that was not covered in the cirriculmn at the FBI National Academy.
“Ah, today, ah, there was, ah, and then, ah …”
You know what comes next …
“And tragicaly an innocent woman was killed, I would like to thank all the respinding agencies …”
I’ll take $1.00 on that, OWB.
I’m waiting for the actual facts to come to light on this.
Whatever, I’ve been ‘willing AIDS’ on them for a couple days now. Pretty hard for me to be upset given that.
Wait a minute–that’s what I get for checking the news before it has 24 hours to figure itself out.
Whoa. Stop the Presses! Did you see the video in this post? Yeah, up there. When the uniforms had her, she used her car as a weapon and it is at that point that her car should have looked like Bonie and Clyde’s. But I didn’t see any shots fired.
Okay, I watched it again. There looked to be no shots fired for good reason. Uniforms were moving and were in front, on either side and otherwise near one another. Tough call.
Ah …
And you never know, AC, just when they saw the kid in the car. It will be interesting to find out how many officers were shot, though.
Someone (my apology for being too lazy to check out just who said it) earlier in the comments here also observed that the rear windows were shot out first, indicating firing upon the car as it fled rather than cross firing on each other.
Woman was from Connecticut? Hmmm. Sure hope she was not trying to find the WWII Memorial to meet her grandfather, or some such.
Watching the newser on Fox: How many 4 stars are there in the DC area police depts? A young trooper would be saluting and pissing his pants all the time! I would not cross the DC Metro Police Chief: she’s a fox but would bust your balls I guess.
She is HARD core. I have worked with her. I was ATFO at Navy Yard in 2002. And she was a top dog then.
Anyone who bet againt my senario can send the cash to:
No gun. So, is it bad driving, or mental instability that is punishable by death these days?
I didn’t notice any bullet holes in the windshield. So how would the MSM respond had an Iraqi woman been shot to death by Troops running from a checkpoint with her 1 year old in the back seat?
Opps. She wasn’t a honkie Tea Partier with an evil gun. This will disappear off the front pages ASAP.
“The suspect — a dental hygienist with a history of mental issues, according to sources — had an 18-month old daughter with her who was not hurt, police said.
One Secret Service officer was struck by the woman’s car, and a Capitol Police officer was injured when he slammed into a barricade during the pursuit.
The U.S. Capitol was placed on lockdown following a car chase and shooting involving a woman who attempted to ram the White House gates.
All the shots fired came from the officers involved in the pursuit, and the woman — identified as Miriam Carey, 34, of Stamford, Conn. — did not have a gun, law-enforcement sources said.”
Okay, now she’s been identified and categorized (hygienist, history of mental issues, no gun) without politics involved.
So I’m glad her little girl is okay, and I hope someone in the family will be retrieving that child, but the police could have shot out the tires and blocked her in with four cars instead of using bullets on her. They could have hit that kid.
@49 Wasn’t expecting to see anything funny in this exchange, but that comment cracked me up. Comic relief, I guess.
Ex-PH2: from my perspective, I agree. Absent a clear view of her having a gun, one officer keeping her covered (but not shooting) while another uses a tazer to subdue if necessary seems a bit more apropos to me.
I’m not LE, so that’s just an ignorant layman’s take on the matter.
Again … for lost bets on this!
And buy tickets while they last!
Hondo, can’t shoot a tazer through a car window. They had no idea what her intentions were and if she’s using her vehicle as a weapon to run officers over, I’m not so sure I want to start throwing ideas that they acted inappropriately until we have more information.
Wouldn’t be surprised if we found out the female was GS-5 or a federal employee who has snapped.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was just lost in DC and panicked when dozens of armed people came running at her car screaming at her when she made a wrong turn.
Did you see the car speeding insanely through city streets? I did. Did you see the pics of pedestrians moving away from danger? I did. Did you see the police go toward the danger? I did. Did you see the police who had position themselves around the car with guns drawn? I did. Did you see the car suddenly accelerate and nearly strike the police officers? I did. Did you see them hold fire, presumably because their fellow officers were positioned in harm’s way? I did.
At some point, I’m not sure where, police were able to fire successfully at the nutjob and stopped her. This ended the threat she posed to potential victims and may have saved her own child’s life. I’d say that was a damn good job.
Well, Gatekeeper and Bubblehead, if you had bothered to read my post @71 above, you’d see that both of you were wrong. So I’ll fix that for you.
It’s okay. I’m used to dealing with children.
Piggy-backing on Ex-PH2’s comment in cmt 71, I heard the family reported the woman suffered from Post-partum depression. Not to make light of it, but does this mean that after childbirth, women are just as dangerous as veteran’s who return home from war? /sarc/
USMCE8Ret, we wimmins are ALWAYS dangerous.
Jes’ ask MCPO NYC Ret.
Wasn’t me. Jes’ sayin’!
@81 – That fact has been well established. Thank you, ma’am. 🙂
@27: You said the following: “1. Lost or confused driver happens upon south east gate area of WH and an innocent wrong turn causes incident.”
So what will you send us if we email you since you got it wrong? After all, you revised your “crazy lady” scenario to the one above.
Her family is trying to understand what went wrong with this woman.
But I will repeat that I think the cops could have shot out the tires of that car and disabled it. They could also have done a better job of blocking her with squad cars.
Ex-PH2. Shooting out the tires is okay on TV shows but, in the real world, doing so doesn’t stop a vehicle and certainly doesn’t stop one safely. An out of control, whacked out driver is more dangerous on two or three tires and a car with all four tires out means metal rims on pavement, little traction, and much danger. The 3,000 missile can go anywhere and hit anything. And the police weren’t–so far as I know–aware she did not have a gun.
Ya hear Sheila (Queen, not a prostitute) Jackson Lee blamed incident on gubbmint shutdown (read: The GOP)? I’m surprised she didn’t breakout the BWD race card during her ranting…
Yeah, AirCav, after I posted that, all those car chases I’ve seen on TV reminded me that it’s worse that way than with tires.
But the police did have enough squads there to have blocked her from driving at all.
2/17 Air Cav: I’m reluctant to second-guess LE. But as far as I know, they also had no indication that she had a gun, either. It was their working assumption and turned out to be wrong.
From my non-LE perspective, it appears this one might – again, might – have escalated to use of deadly force without exhausting the available and feasible alternatives. I’m not LE, so I could well be wrong.
@87 – Looks like Sheila Jackson is full of ‘it.
There is some thought that the woman in the car thought that Obama was stalking her, per this article.
I do love how some squawking egofeeder like Jackson jumps right to that line labeled ‘conclusion’ without getting full info. Looks like that old cow was wrong again.
The next time “Queen Shelia” is right will be the first time.
Hondo. SHE escalated the situation to deadly force. That car of hers was blocked in the rear, at one point, and officers on foot were around the remaining three sides. You can be 100% certain that they were shouting verbal commands to her to turn off the car and, even if they didn’t, the situation was clear that that’s what she was expected to do. Instead, she accelerated the vehicle and thereby placed the lives of the public and the officers in immediate danger. I am absolutely confident that it was a good shoot and was consistent with agency policy for employment of deadly force.
Cav: While I have respect for the mission and dangers of the job of our brothers in blue, I am growing increasingly concerned with the policies of their agencies, as well as the results produced in the streets and the attitudes of LE officers, and hence the lives and deaths of citizens.
A few examples:
The LA Police manhunt for one of their ex members. It resulted in thousands of rounds fired by the agency, at at least 3 targets, without ever having positive ID of their target, shooting up at least 3 neighborhoods, 2 non-related vehicles and burning down of a home of a victim of the suspect. In the end: the suspect was killed by his own bullet.
Widespread policies to use traffic infractions as a source of revenue, while ignoring burglaries of less than several tens of thousands of dollars. I know of municipalities that have taken this to the extreme of writing tickets for 1MPH over.
The NYC police shooting that injured multiple bystanders.
Policing for profit exposed by channel 5 (WSMV) Nashville, in which drug enforcement task force was using bullying tactics to seize cash of drivers that had committed no known crime, with no greater probable cause than the individuals had a few thousand (or more) in cash in their vehicles.
While a vehicle can indeed be a deadly weapon, the car was departing from the police, not heading towards them when they fired. This is akin to the police shooting a person who has holstered their weapon, or a homeowner shooting an intruder in the back who is exiting their house. I think we can both be certain that the DC police would arrest the homeowner in the latter scenario.
And while I realize these policies are written by the political overlords of the departments, the negative effects are on the people.
#79 That still doesn’t give any detail as to where she worked. And don’t call anyone a child, seen some of the material you right on here.
79 – Add on top of that most of the people’s post is speculation. So not even sure why you lumped me in with bubble fella anyways.
Wait – it’s okay for you to give a snotty reponse, but nobody else? Oh, that IS childish, sport.
And in response to your #96 post, I had posted the information provided by the media that were based on FACT, not on speculation, and I SAID that some of the woman’s background (dental hygienist with a history of mental issues) was already corroborated. It also said she was from Stamford, CT.
You just didn’t bother reading it.
Actually, you’re right – I shouldn’t have lumped you in with Ray.
He’s smarter than you are.
Generally I would agree with you, my personal opinion is that police officers have become more adversarial in the last few decades than is either needful or prudent. Being a cop used to be about creating strong positive community ties and ‘shepherding’ the flock as it were, now it seems to be more about biting the sheep and less about herding them.
That said, I don’t have much of a problem with the shooting in DC. As Cav pointed out, this woman had already displayed a willingness to use the maximum amount of force available to her to try and defeat law enforcement efforts directed at her, and a 3000 pound car represents a great deal of deadly force.
Could a different tact have brought the event to a more peaceful conclusion? There’s no way of really knowing.
You point out that she was driving away and not toward them when they started shooting, correct, she was driving away and potentially putting other innocents in danger after showing a willingness to run over the police trying to stop her.
And it’s not similar to a homeowner shooting someone in the back either, a homeowner is not invested with the public’s trust to protect the public from a suspect that no longer directly threatens them, a police officer is.
At the end of the day this looks like a ‘good’ shoot, and I see no reason why those involved should feel guilty for their actions.
Adding on to what TN, AC, and Jacobite are saying – the simple fact is that the daily rules of engagement are quite different in the few square miles where this event occurred than any other place in the country. Stop at all cost is something contemplated there when it would never be contemplated any other place.