Jerry A. Vroombout; Yet another phony SEAL

| August 15, 2013

Jerry Alan Vroombout

See, this is what the SEALs get for all of those books and movies – they’re like fleas. Jerry Vroombout’s records were sent to us by OEF Veteran and he ran them by our friends at SOCNET. But he’s sharing this DD214 with anyone who’ll look at it;

Jerry Fake DD214

A couple things about the DD214 – the separation date (block 12b) is November 1982, unless the dude time traveled 12 years ahead, the Kuwait Liberation Medal wasn’t offered to US personnel until July 1994, because we had to fight that whole liberation of Kuwait first. I’ve never seen the Basic Airborne Course called “Static Line Parachutist”

OEF Veteran says that when asked about his class number for BUD/S, Vroombout said “98” which would have been the wrong year for his DD214, he missed it by a number. “99” might have been correct. Here’s what he wears in public;

Jerry Rack

And here’s what his FOIA says about his career;

Jerry Vroombout FOIA

Here’s what WIKI says about that “Battle “E”” thing;

The Battle Effectiveness Award recognizes sustained superior performance in an operational environment within a command.[1] To qualify for Battle “E” consideration, a ship must win a minimum of four of the six Command Excellence awards (Maritime Warfare (Black “E”), Engineering/Survivability (Red “E”), Command and Control (Green “E”), Logistics Management (Blue “E”), CNSF Ship Safety (Yellow “E”), Efficiency (Purple “E”)),[2] and be nominated by their immediate superior in command. Eligibility for the award demands day-to-day demonstrated excellence in addition to superior achievement during the certifications and qualifications conducted throughout the year. A ship’s performance during training exercises, weapons inspections, and tactical readiness examinations are among the 16 different areas that are considered in the competition.

So, it’s not what it sounds like to us drier service members. I guess it’s like a year-long AGI.

Category: Phony soldiers

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2/17 Air Cav

@48. Hey Chief. I know that the stuff you’re finding is public info I get that if he is willing to publish self-promoting lies, you are happy to publish deflating truth. Still, he’s not a candidate for wickrehood yet. Just a thought.


@45 Only one Good Conduct and no RMSM is maybe the reason his Crow is Red and not Gold. Bag of Ass. No National Defense it looks like.
Great a F-ing Bee acting like a POS. That just made my day, but I do plead the Airdales had him first and trained him to be a stain.


CBSenior: FOIA reply from NPRC doesn’t list a GCM – only the NSDM, Sea Service Ribbon, and Battle “E”.

The ribbon rack shown seems to be, to be polite, mostly bullsh!t. The only things on it that look correct are the Battle E ribbon and (maybe) the inboard ribbon on the 3rd (next to bottom) row – that might be a NDSM with the thin blue stripes “washed out” by glare/false color. (The one next to it might be a Sea Service Ribbon, but the colors in the photo would have to be way off for that to be the case.) Per the FOIA reply, he doesn’t rate any of the rest of the stuff he’s wearing.


Senior, looks like he was POS before he went to Seabees. I wonder if he wore any of that shit while in the reserves ? Surely someone would have given him the once-over when he arrived or changed his rating from AE to CE.


NMCB-14 is the Reserve Battlion in FLA.


@ 51 … pithy observation …. I am just trying to help the guy out.

Based on my (our) activty today … check this out!

I love how the Google.Net works …

I think the employees at Google count how many hits a certain subject gets, like for example: Jerry Vroombout.

And then it collect all the bad data and pushes it up the line.

Damn … Al Gore you are the best! You know Al invented the internet.

Go to the Google thingy and type in: Jerry Vroombout

Press the Search BUTTon and watch what happens!

Jerry Vroombout is now friggin’ famous or infamous depending how you look at it!


He went into the CB’s as an APG based on his civilian occupation and FL Master Electricians License.


Just contacted their Alumni Ass. to see if anybody remembers him.

Green Thumb

His company is staying silent on the issue.


Green Thumb …did you call?

The Chief

Looks like a relative (probably son) Brandon works there too. He’s on FB. Didn’t see any pics of Daddy though.

Green Thumb


Everything goes to voicemail.

Left messages with senior staff seeking clarification and explanations of his SEAL claims.

Have not heard back.

Doubt I will.

We will see.


I am calling now!


17 years and not even one good conduct out of all that? And not even one NAM? No warfare specialist designation on record? How the hell did he make first class?


@64…during the late 70s and early 80s warfare devices were still optional. I’ve known Master Chiefs who retired without them. They were the tie breakers for Chief the . Now they’re mandatory.

AW1 Tim

Anyone else note the green circled part up top on his fake DD-214 that says “Combat Diver/Operations Specialist” ?

Anyone else peruse his list of schools and NOT find a Navy Diving School listed? You do NOT get to be a diver without going through the school. Everything gets listed.

If I were a homebuilder in Florida, I’d be checking tout suite to see if this guy did any electrical work on my home and, if so, I’d be demanding his company send someone out gratis to check on the work. If he’s lied about his service, what else might he have lied about?


Jerry V. Bedwetter

Not Smitty

Guys like this really make me mad. Trying to mooch on other people. When I was in Iraq in 2004 you know back when we were still shooting I never asked for thanks, I never talked about what I did (except to get laid). I saw burning trash, bootleg DVDs, crappy haji knock-off gucci bags. It was terrible and you know what I never asked for thanks for watching those crappy haji DVDs. This guy makes me so mad. We should force him to go to Iraq and watch those knockoff DVDs with terrible camera angles.


@18 and 21…it’s a NUC (Navy Unit Commendation.) The MUC is green on the outsides and has the yellow/blue/yellow/red as you work your way in outside to center.

I’ve got both, and what we had to do to get the NUC was, shall we say, “interesting” to say the least. Jorge posts here and can verify that, since he was on the same run.

And yeah, Battle “E” was one of those “I was there” command ribbons. On the boats, get an above average for ORSE/TRE, don’t step on your dick, and you’ve got a pretty good shot at getting the squadron award for that year.


One thing that really stands out to me on the 214 is the lack of NECs awarded and the amount of time he held them. Unless he was an “all balls”; i.e., “0000” for his rate, it should show what he was awarded (like combat diver, etc.,) and how long he had it.

This isn’t even a good fake. Jesse MacBeth could come up with something better than this douchetool.


The Hair hasn’t arrived on deck, has he? He’d be blowing and going by weeks end. Since I’m a landlubber, I will at predict there will at least hurricane force winds to 100 mph with ten foot swell…lol. Sorta makes me glad I only signed up to scrub floors, push brooms, police cigarette butts, mow/trim the SGM’s grass (don’t you dare bend one blade), drive wheel barrows and then go play cops n robbers (or was it the other way around) for 8 hrs +. Yep, sucks to be a SEAL phony….named Jerry A. Vroombout, 1 ea.


I saw that as well, AWTim. “combat diver”? Stepping down, back in my lane…Have at him water dogs.

katt massey

Jerry’s wife’s name is Dawn Marie Vroombout. She was on my friend’s list until almost a year ago. We had a disagreement and parted ways. Jerry was allegedly diagnosed with prostate cancer. I blocked her back then so I’m not sure she or Jerry are still on FB. I was not very surprised to see his name here.

Good luck.

my FB is Katt Massey-Troops.

Just an Old Dog

“Jerry was allegedly diagnosed with prostate cancer.”

Another despicable characteristic of phonies,,,, they always claim they have some sort of fatal disease. Anything to get attention and sympathy. I’m guessing shortly before he was “diagnosed” he did something to piss people off.
Ron Mailhan pulled the same shit after he was outed on here.


It does show the 8375 H2 LAMPS NEC awarded.


umm that Smitty above is not me


Have to say, 69 is funny though


I want to point out this. To obtain an electrical Licence in NC, OR FL you must be “Of good Moral Character”. He sits on a code making panel. Im going to call the NCBEEC. and the FL professional Board.


@69 smitty

Admit it! You STILL watch those movies today …

You know I think I’m going to be a phony SEAL for Halloween and go to Don Shipley’s house for trick or treat 😛

Don – “oh what are you dressed as?”
LOTI – “phony SEAL” *waits for Don Shipley’s reaction*



@76–which is what got me going on NEC’s. Every school that awarded me an NEC (and if he were a SEAL, BUD/S would be one) was listed on my 214, along with length of time I’d held it.

Also, the 214 in question lists a NDSM, which wasn’t awarded until 1991.


@69 smitty

Admit it!! You STILL watch those movies we know you do ..

I think I’ll dress as a SEAL phony for Halloween and go trick or treat to Don Shipley’s house

Don – “what kinda costume is that?”
LOTI – “phony SEAL! BUD/S class 131” *waits for Don’s reaction*

😛 LoL!!!


Stupid phone double post 🙁


@80- I’d pay good money to see that on video.


@84 I would totally do it too if I wasn’t scared of Don ripping me in half 😛 but might even try he seems to have good humor so … 😛

Mr. Sharkman

Master Chief and Chief Warrant (and some others);

I know it’s all in good fun and a well deserved internet beating, but I would humbly suggest you guys not clarify specifics of DD-214 errors ‘in the open’.

Future scumbag phony Teamguys could take advantage of your professional knowledge to ‘get it right’.

They might be scumbags but it doesn’t mean they are all stupid. I have seen illegally altered DD-214s and resume blocks copied/stolen from Real Deal Teamguys on fraudulent resumes.


Dammit, Florida! Go home you’re drunk!

So many posers coming out of Florida lately, I’m not even sure it’s a “real” state. I’m going to have to ask to see some proof.


Btw. light Airborne Multi-Weapons Systems (LAMPS) was a Seasprite helo (if I recall). We had them on FF 1096 and 1055.

The Chief

Scumbags could take notes all day long, but they still won’t get a DD214 right. Most of the errors are pointing out the discrepancies between the pictures and what’s actually on his DD214. If anything this blog is a deterrent (not an aid)

Just an Old Dog

I’ll go with the Chief on this one. Dumb ass Posers are usually so far gone that they don’t even realize how far they have gone. The ones that never served just throw crap together like they see in the Movies and the ones that embellish don’t know, don’t care and are confident they can bluster everyone, since only a small % of people have served. The constant change in uniforms, regulations and awards ( not to mention different service regs) make it very confusing. I have not the slightest clue on any uniform regs, other then those in the Marine Corps from 1980-2000. Unless a guy was wearing a mish match of service uniforms and had 20 or more awards or way out of reg grooming I couldnt tell if he was a jackwagon right off the bat. If someone REALLY wants to research regs and forge a DD214 they can find WAY better sources then TAH.
The Most convincing fake I ever saw was Larry Gugle. He made false entries in his SRB when he was in and wasn’t caught for years. He was busted, forced to retire then popped up again, again with a perfect uniform and documents. It wasn’t until people that knew both his record of fraud and veterans of the unit that he claimed to part of spoke out that he was outed again. He went as far as expertly photoshopping himself and awards to back his claim.


Sharkman–concur with what Chief said. They could take copious notes and still wouldn’t pass muster, because pulling of the SEAL bit takes so much more than just a fake piece of paper, and poorly done at that.

I’ve yet to run into any fake who had me going for more than 10 seconds. They’ve got to be one-up on anything anyone else has ever done. That’s usually what trips them up. Invariably it’s never, “our/us/we” but, “I/me/my.” That is usually the dead giveaway right there.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@86, actually, they can’t go and download the latest regs on proper uniform wear, so I don’t even see them coming here to find out what not to do with their phony DD 214’s.


@88 – Master Chief, the SH-2 SEASPRITE was a LAMPS MK I system that transitioned to the SH-60 SEAHAWK LAMPS MK III in the late ’70s.


@92, Navy uniform regs are readily available on the web. But, they still need to know the proper manner of formatting the DD-214 and even the experts can’t seem to get them right the first time. Many people have to have a DD-215 correction done after they get out.

BUT, your point is well taken. The more we tell them how we out them, the more the next guy learns. If I were the type to embellish or fabricate my bona fides, I’d be trolling the stolen valor sites, looking for what trips the other guys up. Invariably, most of these guys don’t have that much initiative or forsight, so I figure we’ll nail them eventually. Perhaps the more we out, the more will think twice about doing it themselves and having to be embarrassed when they get caught.


Perhaps the more we out, the more will think twice about doing it themselves and having to be embarrassed when they get caught.

That’s a very nice, succinct summation of this site’s mission, NavCWORet. Kudos.


@ Mr Sharkman: Have had a similar thought myself from time to time. Part of the divide among us tends to be generational, but not all. Have come to the conclusion that most of the phonies are not going to take the time and energy necessary to learn details here which would help them be better phonies. Those who might be have plenty of other resources at their disposal.

Still, sometimes I just grit my teeth at the amount and type of information which is being shared. Old habits die hard – some of us are very old school about what is discussed openly.


@74 Katt…she’s still on Facebook. She’s on my friends list as are you darlin.


@96–that’s another aspect to consider. Most of these guys weren’t exactly the brightest or most motivated of folks even if they did manage to serve, however briefly.

The concept of “attention to detail” did not exactly sink in with these folks. IOW, they figured if they just made up a bullshit story and stuck with it, people would eventually believe it.

In some cases, that actually DID work, particularly in the cases of guys like Gunny Lavue and some of our octogenarian phonies. Some might have mental issues, some were in fact crooks from the get-go and simply rode their lies to their graves, leaving their disbelieving families to deal with their malfaesance. We’ve seen that here time and again.

Trust me, it’s a rare individual who puts in any sort of effort to make a “believable” phony that would pass even the most rudimentary of checks. Most just have an Army/Navy Surplus store explode on their chests and walk around like an American version of Colonel Khadaffi, and because so few citizens have ever had first-hand experience with the modern military, they buy the bullshit.


I received further intel today that buries this guy even further in the hole. A friend of mine outsourced the SEAL verification at the start of this investigation. This guy has friends in places I don’t even wanna think about but I digress.

Anyway my friends query generated a response from a person who actually did graduate with the class that is listed on the DD214 above. He stated that nobody by that name was in his class and he would remember as the instructors would have had a field day with the name Vroombout.

Not that we needed further verification that he is lying but this is one more nail in the coffin.


In his mugshot, he looks like Bennett from Commando.