UPDATED: You’ll never believe who is still calling himself SF, despite all proof that shows he isn’t…

| September 26, 2012

Well, actually maybe you can guess.

Bear in mind that he’s now been tossed from the Special Forces Association for being a weapons grade asshole and a liar, but this myth of his, by hook or by crook he’ll keep repeating it until you believe it.  It’s downright Orwellian, wouldn’t you say?

Once a day I check in on him at his multitude of haciendas, just dying to hear what is going on in his dreadfully important life.  Has he painted the house?  Posting pictures of the kids he ignored for year?  These are the questions that plague me.

So I was happy to note that he now has a 5th website I can track his insanity on, the http://stolenvalorhuntershomophobes.weebly.com/index.html

For the record, I am not a homophobe, just ask any of the guys at St Jacquestober fest last weekend when I was handing out hugs like Wittgenfeld hands out candy in his windowless van down by the creek.

 For those who are not retarded, kindly compare MOS 18E with MOS 05B.


Holy Sheep Shit, get a load of this “No shit there I was story….”


You know what this calls for?  A Claymore-esque style phony war story competition. 

There I was on the path, wearing facepaint and a banana hammock with only my AK47 standing between me and certain death……

OK, now you finish it.

Category: Politics

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Hack Stone

dang, Air cav, you killed me on that last part of post #50.

Hack Stone

If you listen to the background music very carefully, you can pick up the “Morris Code” sending Charlie’s position to the gunships.


You all need to stop picking on the Hero of the Gays in the Military movement “Dildo Dallas”…for him S.F. does not stand for Special Forces”, oh no, for him it stands for “silicone Fallas” he wrote the book on cleaning and operation of such.


@18 (Hondo) – This guy has gotten SO much attention lately, I thought I’d just sit back and watch the comments post and get caught up (for amusement purposes). Dallas’ exploits in places like Big Lie and Phuc Yu, with plastic little thingy’s on the tip of his weapon, are beyond me. Now, I’m no SF guy and have never been to Airborne School, so I must rely on the Army folks that chime in who can educate the rest of us. I must say that with all the exposure he’s gotten over the past several months (years), anyone with any sense can GOOGLE his name and come up with more INVALID claims of his than VALID ones. This guy will never go away.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t those first-generation blank adapters on the end of those M16A1’s? And if I’m not mistaken, that’s a range tower in the background. I didn’t know there were so many VC in Fort Polk, Louisiana in the 1960’s…

Old Trooper

I’ve noticed that Dallas has definitely lost what was left of his mind. I went over and read the stuff on his new site and he really has lost it. I think it’s time for some professional intervention. He claims to be armed, so it should be taken seriously, and with his latest ramblings, to include the above and his new site, he should be evaluated for mental illness. He refers to himself in the third person, like some left over sports figure from the 80’s/90’s, as “our hero”. The cheese has slid straight off that boy’s cracker.

All you have to do is notice the third person references and his juvenile artwork on Mr. TSO’s pictures, his general obsessive behavior towards TSO and you have the makings of a made for tv movie. Q: Who creates 5 websites in order to say the same things? A: Someone who is completely nuts.

I’m serious about this; the boy needs to be evaluated and soon, for his safety and the public’s.

Marine Warrior0369

I see from the posted pic and seeming to remember this assmaggot’s date “in country” his unit was the first to have the Armalite….Is this true Dilly Dally? You being the war hero you call yourself I think you should tell all that you are directly responsible for the testing and introduction of the M-16 rifle….We’ve been searching for years for the idiot that took our M-14’s…….What a tool!!


No shit, there I was – in BNG’s back yard for the annual St. Jaquestoberfest. I had recently come from Morris Code training, where we learned the intricacies of communicating enemy movements through Morris Dancing. Badass shite my friends, DARPA developed it by watching BEES!

Anyway, I had apparently confused St. Jaquestoberfest with Slapsgiving (like you do) and after I had initiated the traditional form of greeting (two slaps to the face, followed by an awkward pause, followed by one additional slap that everyone regrets) TSO greeted my in his traditional fashion of a forward, bearhug takedown (NO HOMO!)

Let me tell you, there was nothing gay (or graceful) about that takedown, but I think we all enjoyed it.

Afterwards, three blasts on a set of bagpipes were heard, the traditional warning that Morris Dancing is about to begin and anyone remaining to witness the debacle has only themself to blame, and things sort of broke up.

It’s my memory of the war that I think I cherish the most.


DW reminds me a little bit of Captain Kangaroo.

There I was, and this is no shit, ankle deep in a river of blood and guts. Enemy dead were lying all around in heaps, yet still their brothers swarmed over the ridge like a wave to crash again and again into the perimeter of the embattled firebase I had sworn to protect. My CO had informed me days before that we would only be up against a division of VC, but as it turned out they were a full regiment in strength and teamed up with six additional NVA divisions. Now here I was, all alone outside the wire and armed with nothing more than a pipe wrench and the elastic waistband from my underwear; facing off against an enemy that would not give up.

Old Tanker


Holy shit!!! Spew alert!! I was waiting for him to start fellating the sardine!


So Dallas is now the cat whisperer.


“Cat whisperer”, eh? Figures. With his “winning personality”, that’s probably the only way Wittgenfeld ever gets any pu- . . . , um, companionship.


#62 I see what you did there. 😉


Oh also, the facebook screen shot from the link in the article is about someone that a couple of us grunts stationed where I’m at outed. The “child” that Dallas is saying we harrased is a 29 year old former Arty guy that gave a forged ERB to a 17 year old girl that he was stalking in order to impress her so he could get in her pants. If you saw the ERB you better not be drinking anything when you start reading.


@ #59: Not quite sure what you are getting at there, but at least Bob Keeshan spent his lifetime denying reports of his heroism during WWII. He did serve, and by all reports honorably, as a Marine. His behavior following certainly was honorable.

I will assume that you were simply referring to his appearance? Still, it is rather insulting to a good Marine.


@#65 OWB: Wittgenfeld’s mustache reminded me of Captain Kangaroo for some odd reason. I was unaware of Mr. Keenan’s military service until I read your post (and looked him up on Wiki). I’m sorry if my post came off as insulting. That was never my intention, I assure you. :O


*Keeshan, not Keenan.

Joe Williams

BooWoo I did not make the list either.


In #64 I was talking about the POWNETWORKS BLACK WIDOW portion.


@55 I think you are right. Additionally, he’s got pictures where he is talking about his LRRP buddies in Vietnam (I always post pictures my army buds where I am not present doesn’t everyone?) but they are wearing what appear to be BDUs. I could be off on my history but Vietnam ended in the early 70s. The first BDUs appeared in the early 80s and hadn’t fully replaced the ODs until the tail end of that decade…. I am sensing some serious detachment from reality with this one. I am starting to feel some small twinge of pity for this guy.


…it was only momentary.


Old Trooper

@71: I believe you are correct. I know BDU’s didn’t arrive until the end of 1981 and that Rangers in Vietnam wore the “Tiger Stripe” camo when in the field, same as the SF guys (maybe that’s where he thinks he was SF?).


Everyone has noted I hope that his profile picture is of the 75th Ranger Regiment, which he has helpfully informed us in the graphic is “Special Forces.”

Um, that proves it to me. mea culpa.


“Going on a LRP mission in Viet Nam … I am the guy on the right with half my head cut off. How I was cut in half is a matter of history … a tragic story that is only highlighted by the skilled actions of Army medic who saved both halfs of me.

It was after mid-night and were we on a LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL. The enemy (or as I refer to them as … Gooks) were all around us … but I had my AK-47, jump wings, an outstanding military education in turning radios on and off, a Purple Heart patch, and sweet dreams of sleeping in my very own barracks room at the ready.

Suddenly a Gook jumped out of the jungle and started waiving a large machete at me … I think the weapon is called a Gook Machete.

I employed hand to hand combat techniques that I learned at the Hand to Hand Combat & Knife Fighting Training Course at Fort Bragg. However the Gook got me with the Gook Machete and split me right down the middle.

Now I had that Gook right where I wanted him … this Gook had to deal with two of me now.

Between the two of us we scored two SINGLE HANDED victories against the Gooks. We killed them all and took Gook trophies.

When we returned to our base the commander shouted “Wittgenfeld” and we both reported. The right side saluted with the right hand and the left side .. well you know. The commander congratulated both of us for killing all the Gooks and ordered us to report to the Army medic who stitched us back together. I got a Purple Heart for that one … it is my favorite”.




You’ll find me on that list 2x. LOL That list and that page is an old one. The list came from a Facebook page entry that the Doucherocket and his Pretty Princess Poser pals had created. That page got shut down a while back but it was still funny reading what was said on it.

As for the Doucherocket and his Pretty Princess Poser crowd (hereafter designated P3) they are just seriously butt hurt. The Doucherocket got a serious boot up his ass when he got kicked from the SFA and some of us suspect it was for his shenanigans with Mary at POW Network. That being said the Doucherocket is about to have another wake up call so stay tuned and bring the popcorn.


#71 & #73: Re BDU’s. In the 1/101st & 3/82nd in Dec 68, we wore the uniform that his CO is wearing in that picture. A sterling picture of me in mine is in the Member’s Gallery. I think we called them Jungle Fatigues?


Wigetfield called his uniforms NGU’s:



@77 Good info. Thanks for the check fire.

Old Trooper

@77: I don’t think Dallas was part of either of those units, though.


This is like shooting fish in a barrel.


One more comment…..the other photos I’ve seen of him on the internet with all his finest look like he’s mid to late 50s maybe 60ish but this photo he posted on the website ( http://stolenvalorhuntershomophobes.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/6/9/12697419/9096185.jpg ) makes him look like he’s mid to late 70s and got one foot in the grave. Maybe he (hopefully) really is on death’s doorstep.


I thought the olive greens in the 1960s and 1970s were called greens or utilities or just fatigues. It’s like chambray shirts and dungarees and boondockers, work clothes for messy jobs, or in that case, jungle bunny work. But my recollections may be marred by the passage of time.

2-17 AirCav

@83. Yep. We all called them fatigues (shirt, trowsers, and jacket.) All olive drab. I think that the alert for action in the ME (1973) started people asking, “Hey, do we really want to put our green stuff against a desert backdrop?” We need a quartermaster here who can give us the timeline for the changeover.


Uh # 82 Chip, That is a photo of my recently deceased Father. He passed away this past May 5th. dilly dallas & clan posted it claiming it is me trying to rile me..R.I.P GM Eugene B. Hughes, USS Roanoke Jun 48 to Jun 52………..12/5


I remember BDU’s from 1981. I also remember 05B’s (and 05C’s…I was one at entry in the early 70’s) was one of the MOS’s that could be modified with an SF Qualifier. The 18E designation is (from my perspective) relatively modern.

You know, there’s an awful lot of distance (and difference) between “then” and “now”. A little research between “Visual ID” and “FIRE” might reduce a bit of “blue on blue”.


As a lifer SigO, I had a bunch of O5B’s and C’s, in my kingdom in the 1/101 and 3/82nd. None were Snake Eaters. Great, professional, Airborne Troopers, but not SF. And, BTW, in that era, being SF was not necessarily a good thing.

TSO: greetings from El Cid ’63.

Yat Yas 1833

Ex-PH2, Marines called their sateen greens “utilities” or “sats”. I think I was one of the last Plts at MCRD to be issued them. They soon after started issuing the Woodland cammo pattern utilities which we called “cammies”. A sad day when “utilities” were no longer authorized for wear. 🙁 NOTHING looked better than a set of ‘board stiff’ starched “sats” with a cover that had sat on a “block” overnight and a pair of highly shined boots. *Sniff* Old Corps…


I notice Gettfucked hasn’t been popping his cockholster in here lately (maybe lurking?) which is a shame.

I haven’t kicked a puppy in days, and I really need to hear that good hurt yelp when he gets a 10 1/2 Double-E planted firmly in his ass (figuratively speaking) for being a gold-plated douchenozzle.

2-17 AirCav

@90. Sorry, Yat Yas. I forgot there is another service other than the Army and that you fellas would certainly have different names for the same or similar things.


TSO: I love El Cid. Thank God for the young lass that wanted me to sign up for there before I could explore her underwear. I never appreciated El Cid until eons later when the Army sent me to Gator Land in Gainesville FL. I quickly realized that I would have been thrown out of UofF after the first quarter. PS: in my era, there were no women at Cid.


Not QM, but my memory’s not shot – yet. (smile) Changeover from fatigues to BDUs indeed happened in the early 1980s. I was wearing fatigues when I arrived at Bragg (late 1970s). If I recall correctly, when I went to Korea I was wearing BDUs (late 1983). Don’t remember the precise transition date, but it was sometime during that 4 year period.

However, SJ is also correct. There was indeed a Vietnam-era jungle fatigue uniform that was still used by a few units in the late 1970s for training environments. It was made of lightweight, rip-stop fabric similar to the newer camouflage fatigues of the late 1970s/early 1980s (worn by SF and a few other units) and the later Hot Weather BDUs, but was solid OD green vice camouflage pattern.


As a geezer here, let me geeze: In ’63-’68 at Bragg and other places I wore “fatigues”. Yellow and black “US Army” tape and black on white name tape (and a Fidel Castro hat). In Dec ’67- Dec ’68 in VN with the 1/101, we wore what I think we called “jungle fatigues”. Picture in the members gallery. Lots of pockets and baggy.


Now you are making me wish that I’d written dates on all the uniform pieces! There were soooo many variations upon a theme, and some authorized for this but not for that. Then when you factor in the ANG being at least a few years behind everyone else, it got ugly.

Funny uniform story here. The issued dress skirts were hemmed pretty long and custom measured and fitted back in the dark ages when I went through basic. Except that the seamtress took a shine to me and hiked mine up completely out of regs and much higher than I had ever worn a skirt, much less had planned to wear my uniform. I had the shortest skirts at Lackland! And not a thing I could do about it. Crazy!


YatYas, I used to put my bucket hat on a roll of toilet paper overnight to make sure it maintained the right shape. A little spray starch on the sides of the crown didn’t hurt, either. Never wore my garrison cap; I thought it made me look too much like a PanAm stewardess.
Yeah, nothing looked sharper than dress blues with spit-shined shoes, Mickey Mouse gloves and my bucket hat.

Joe Williams

Ex-PH2 ,are calling a dixie cup a bucket hat ?


Joe, no, no, no. The dixie cup was the sailor’s cover. The bucket hat is the WAVES’ dress uniform hat with a white cover and a light blue cover.



Not sticking up for Dullass here…BUT…

LRRPs (and SF) did indeed have that (and a few other patterns) of camo at times.



The issue with Dullass has never been his ACTUAL service. We know from his records he WAS in Vietnam and WAS in a LRRP unit (as an RTO), the issue has been with his claims of being SF, CIB, tan beret, full out douchebaggery and constant threats of “incenduaries, rifels, and procecution”

I don’t understand his need to embellish…dude had a pretty damn honorable time in service.