Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender

| June 10, 2012

Mary at POW Network sends us their research on Derek Kent Rose who was arrested in Virginia last week for receiving stolen property and not registering with the sex offender registry. Apparently, he was also caught forging his DD214 a while back and using the Wounded Warrior program telling the tale that he was in a HMMV accident which killed four of his fellow Marines and he caught a TBI while they died in his arms. Here’s the DD214 he began to alter with an X-acto knife;

And how it ended up;

Really? It takes Marines a 4-week course to learn night land navigation? And at least he didn’t go for Force Recon or Scout Snipers and just made himself an MP. That ought to make you MPs feel a little better.

But here are his assignments from his FOIA, so unless he was a traffic control MP in the DFAC chow line, it doesn’t reflect any possibility for his self-awarded Combat Action Ribbon;

So, as with most of these phonies, he’s guilty of other stuff besides forging his records;

POW Network has several examples of the little perv embellishing his record, and wearing uniforms and phony finery that he bought but didn’t earn. you should check it out.

Category: Phony soldiers

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that guy

like i said pick those reading glasses up GUY my sisters not her daughters can you C O M P R E H E N D got to bed its past you bed time old man

that guy

one lives in jersey and the other in ohio! why are you guys so mean to her she only was worried about what the children will eventually read now you are you are all attacking her like she is the convict. she would give her life for any child. you should all be ashamed of yourselves for attacking a mother just looking out for the kids in this.

that guy

lol he went to bed, night stalker, old man, stupid lady, stalker number 2, supposed firefighter, o and derek who is behind bars where you belong leave my mom alone and that gay wink face again 😉 good night


Damn you’re stupid.

that guy

you might call me stupid i call you ignorant you call yourself a man yet you sit on the internet reading dumb ass thread posting things about my mom that you don’t even know what your talking about . all she wants to do is get through that thick, and i mean thick skull of yours posting stupid remarks because when you get of your job all you want to do is go home look this stupid drama that has nothing to do with you and comment to someone when all she is doing is standing up for what is moral in this situation. put your dentures in that glass filled with that fizzing shit turn your lights off and kiss that lady next you that you can’t even have sex with, without viagra, and go to bed.

that guy

idk why you call yourself a vet they just let gays in the military now that i think about it


Agrees totally and wholeheartedly with #55. If you dont like it ‘that guy’ leave this thread….no one is forcing you to stay.

that guy

no one asked for you response 58 mind your own business btw why are you all on a a thread about a child molester whom forged document. don’t you have a life of your own I’m not defending him but I’m defending my mom. it just occurred to me why your even on this thread….your balls haven’t dropped and your mom still has you stuffed away in the closet and your not ready to come out yet. i know this takes time but you’ll get over it…ok I’m tired of continuing with this I’m going to do “grown men things” so all you children can leave your comments but when it comes to it you wouldn’t say shit to me in person. good night and 😉 thats for you redacted1775…ps don’t put your birthday on the internet people steal identities on this miracle called the internet takes time to get used to…don’t forget you have a alzheimer’s appointment in the morning

that guy

start treating women with more respect

that guy

you probably beat your wives, with the way you attack my mom. leave her alone!

that guy

please don’t call yourselves retired military, its a disgrace to those who cherish the american way of life!


#59: You just proved my point that Redacted made. This isnt about a child molester, get your head out of your 4th point of contact. This is about Stolen Valor. You obviously have never served ,so I will give you a pass at that. Again..if you don’t like it..leave.

BTW, your obviously immature personal attacks do nothing but make you look even less credible. Taking a page from your Mom’s posts… GROW UP

Yat Yas 1833

@ 55 Redacted 1775, you hit it Bro! @ 48 he says, “…you dont even know what the fuck your talking about…” yet @ 54 I’m a “supposed firefighter”. I have no idea who this person is and I will swear he doesn’t know me. I also think B-Ridiculous is full of hot air. @ 7 she said, “My son longs to join the Marine Corp, and is currently in a University with a double major. Pre med being one of them.” No one this illiterate could possibly be in college and there’s no way he could pass the ASVAB. Reread his posts. Notice the lack of syntax, the lack of punctuation and the complete misuse of homophones. Finally @ 56 he proves his own stupidity. He doesn’t know the deference between ‘stupid’ and ‘ignorant’ and of course the use of profanities and personal attacks throughout seals it.

Yat Yas 1833

This asshat is turning out to be more fun than Gunny Driveway!

Jonn, are there any “at large” bids available to the “McSoulpatch StolenValor Tournament”? Granted, he’s not a vet but his sheer stupidity and immaturity has to be worth something. C’mon tell me if he could con his way in to the military he wouldn’t be just like his father.


So there’s a family of trolls out there vigilantly guarding the internet against anything that may offend some sensitive youngster at a future point in time? It’s like the a pre-emptive censor squad. I’d think that posts on TAH would be much less damaging that some of the websites you can find with 2 minutes of effort and a vivid imagination. Oh, and “that guy”….I hear playing in traffic is fun this time of year. Just saying.


Uh, “that guy” . . . I think Jonn spells his name J-O-N-N. No “h”.

If you’re going to insult someone, it’s generally best to insult the right person.


Great parenting skills, B-Responsible. You admonish us for daring to state that this guy has lied about his service record, because that knowledge could somehow hurt children. When people disagree with you, you go off the deep end and threaten Jonn with lawsuits. Then, because you care oh so much about what your children see on the internet, you bring your son in to troll the site. Classy.

Handle this privately, B-Responsible, so you can protect your child like the pinnacle of motherhood you claim to be. After all, we wouldn’t want him to pick up any bad language, or form bad habits, like slandering people by calling them gay.


Now we’re “stalking” her. AFAIK, nobody has sent her an e-mail aside from Jonn. She’s using sock puppets, her “kid” who supposedly knows nothing of his father, but is in college, is acting almost with the same psychotic abandon as mommy. And none of these trolls knows how to construct a sentence worth a shit.

Fuck I hate when school’s out.

Hon? Nobody knows your name, nobody knows your address, unless YOU gave it up, and frankly, nobody here gives a shit. IP addressing can be notoriously inaccurate, particularly if using corporate servers, proxies, dynamic IP addressing, etc. It’s semi-useful to determine a rough geographic location or server admin/owner, and sometimes not even that if the user is using a proxy network like Tor (right, Dewald?)

Rose is a fuckstick, a walking shit-filled meatsack who is looking forward to many years of being ass-plowed by Bubba. Take heart in this knowledge. The fact he’s a rapist is serious, but the whole point of the original thread was the fact he’s a lying phony fuckstick as well.

But nobody is stalking you, sweetheart. Go back to playing World of Warcraft or whatever the fuck you and your buddies do when not huffing glue.


Hey “Guy” thats right, they lifted DADT, now you can join and be your “fabulous self”. Like I said before, you’re fucking stupid.


And the trolls, having baked their wee little brains on 4Loko and shitty herb, sulk off to their lairs to sleep until the crack of sunset, unencumbered by reality or the prospect of employment.


I am shocked! While reading this I see a mother asking first for all of you to respect that this mans children will someday come across this and asking you to be responsible with your words. To her dismay you have continued to bash her, her character, her intentions, and her family. You have insulted her, taunted her, harassed her, and if you indeed contacted her through her personal email (due to information provided to you through tracing her IP address and information provided with the promise of confidentiality) to threaten her, and continue to harass her you are in violation of local stalking and harassment laws. And because its via internet, those violations may extend to a federal level. You call yourselves defenders of our freedoms, yet you have disgraced the military and our country by allowing this behavior to continue. In your sites “ABOUT US” you speak of honorable service, protecting our freedoms and those of the less fortunate, yet you have shown in this thread that you and your comrades are far less then honorable. Im disgusted with the way you have treated this mother and her child and how you have chosen to allow it, not just to continue, but you are the ring leaders. You in my eyes are just a disgraceful as the man you have featured on this site. You all should be ashamed. Men of your character are not credible.


Well, her son IS kind of an asshole.


DO YOU BLAME HIM? He is defending his mother. Wouldn’t you do the same for yours? He obviously is upset with the way you have treated her. It seems her intentions are genuine to me. I didn’t read anything from her where she is attacking you or anyone else personally.


I read her father is/was a military judge. A fellow “comrade”, and this is how you treat his daughter? I read he served in 3 branches of the military, her mother a fellow Marine. Just leave her be man. This is not how we treat each other. We support each other, we defend each other, we protect each other.


This wasn’t about his mother until she (and him) made it about her. And besides, I wouldn’t have to do that for my mother because she’s not a psychopath and actually, you know, DID THE PARENTING THING. If she’s worried about some kids seeing what’s on here, then she should do something to make sure they can’t see it, not blame us.


Actually, they’re BOTH kinda assholes. No, wait–they’re not kinda assholes. They’re real assholes.

And as has been pointed out, mommy ain’t doing Junior any favors. She claims he’s in college, meaning he’s above the age of majority and can do as he pleases, including searching for his birth parents should he so choose. And if he finds out that daddy is a lying, thieving, rapist? Is that somehow our fault for showing other publicly available information?

Or should his ire be directed 1–towards said rapist lying thief daddy and 2–mommy who SHOULD have told the truth but chose instead to lie herself? Finally, Junior’s actions aren’t exactly resonating with the mature crowd, if you read his posts. I see that and I’m pretty much of the “fuck ’em” crowd.

So yeah, mommy is butt-hurt because someone is going to tell the truth and she doesn’t think Junior is capable of handling that. Nobody is stalking her, nobody is threatening her, nobody gives two shits about her for all intents and purposes.

Have a nice day.


And when one of our own conducts themselves in a way that is prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the armed forces(also known as fucking up), we hold them accountable. Could have sworn I read that somewhere….yeah. Who her family is should not be used as an excuse for her conduct.


Why do you care, why do you continue? I don’t see her blaming anyone for anything. You just made my point. DISGRACEFUL, DISHONORABLE, DISGUSTING.


Maybe you can read the original post. Tell us where the OP or any posts between then and “mommy” showing up were disparaging to her or any of her family.

Then you can kindly piss up a rope. And yes, she has accused people here of stalking and threatening, neither of which is true. My extent of questioning her story is wondering what contact she has had with Mr. Rose when she lives quite far away from him, and as such, it is incredibly unlikely that these children would be exposed to any media stories should they go looking for them. IOW, her jumping our shit for what are in fact publicly available records is kind of silly, wouldn’t you agree?

Unless, of course, “mommy”, “son”, and now you are just a bunch of bored 14-year old trolls who can’t find enough hentai pron on 4chan and have to piss your days away here. You pick.


DISGRACEFUL, DISHONORABLE, DISGUSTING. Yes, they are, along with Mr. Rose. I agree completely.


Aw, SNAP!!!

Guess I was closer than I thought with the 4chan crack.


First, thank you “Shocked”, second, let me make myself clear. My child speaking to you last night was ONE of my children, NOT Dereks. He is the brother of Dereks child, and an adult. Free to do and say whatever he wants. My child with Derek IS in a University double majoring. And he is all any parent could ever want. All of you have taken this too far! Im NOT, nor have I EVER personally attacked you or anyone on this thread. @ Shocked…I am pursuing criminal charges as we speak. And the fact that this is still up actually has helped me. So I don’t mind if they continue. Because once criminal charges have been filed and the owners of this blog have been arrested for harassment, I will then pursue a civil action.


This site has the very best trolls.


You guys are sooo full of shit, and absolute liars!! When will you ever stop!


HERE COMES LIBELSLLLLLLLLLLLLANDER!!!!! Like we haven’t heard THAT one before….


Identify the lies, B-Responsible. All I’ve seen is opinions with which you seem to disagree.


John, why wouldn’t you provide me your attorney’s number? You claim and are sure your not harassing me, go ahead and provide me with the information so we can get this ball rolling.


Yeppers. Three different personae by my count. (smile)


Ya called it, Redacted1775. Anyone remember what the over/under was? 80? or was that another thread?


She doesn’t know any more about criminal/civil actions, than she does about computers.


I am pursuing criminal charges as we speak.

Why would you turn yourself in for being a dumbshit? I mean yeah, it’s annoying and inconvenient, but not illegal last time I checked.


Pinto–maybe she can follow up with Blue Falcon and see how his ethics complaint to the MA State Bar is going.


Your attorney”s number? How bout a name…lets start there? Lets see whom is full of hot air….in all fairness, I don’t actually need it for criminal charges, my local police dept will take care of it. Then you can say hi to Derek.



this is getting good.

screw All My Children


We need to have a competition for the best troll now. Seriously.


Troll–let me know how long that phone call to the PD lasts, and whether they hang up on you or you get tired of hearing them laugh their asses off at you and you just hang up.

And “B”? My attorney works at the law firm of Dewey, Chetham, and Howe. They’re in the book.


B-Responsible: how about you just realize you’ve been acting like an irresponsible fool and “b-gone”?


Let me make a suggestion John, contact your attorney first, provide him this thread, and the emails you have sent to me and see if he doesn’t raise his brow and tell you that your in violation of 2 states harassment and stalking laws….and if I have a case! DO that.


Might have been another thread Hondo, not sure, but this is the most active I’ve been on here in awhile.