“Ron Paul is the choice of the military veterans”

| February 20, 2012


Well, that’s what Adam Kokesh told the crowd based on the number at this rally. If I had to guess, I’d say there were a few hundred participants, but less than a thousand, though. I know that won’t jibe with their numbers, but, I’m being generous. You can guess from this video of the crowd;

I talked with one guy who came from Florida, so geography wasn’t a factor in participation. This guy came in his police uniform and tolf the crowd that he is a Marine Corp veteran, his father is a veteran and supports Ron Paul and his grandfather, a veteran, supports Ron Paul, too, so that means all veterans support Ron Paul…that was the theme of the whole event – all veterans support Ron Paul. I guess I should have spoken up, but I didn’t.

I saw a lot of mixed uniforms but, this guy was completely decked out. I’m pretty sure that him wearing the uniform, whether retired or not, is against the regulations;


Then there were these dinguses;


I didn’t see any fund raising going on, but these guys were selling T-shirts with Ron Paul’s Air Force portrait on it;


This was the only guy I stopped to question because he was wearng Ranger shit everywhere, but he seemed legit. He was wearing a CAB, but he said he was a commo guy. He had star on his jumpwings, but he named the right jump for 3/75th in Iraq.


There were an awful lot of Air Force vets there, I don’t what that means, but I thought I’d throw it out there for discussion. There were also some hobo-looking MFers hanging around the periphery. One was especially ghastly smelling, I was afraid to get his picture because that smell might have seeped out into the blog.

I have more pictures at my Flickr Photostream, if you’re interested.

Category: Ron Paul

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Wow… You’ve come a long way from “where’s the courtesy to a fellow vet” from post 16. I guess this only applies to Republican candidate Paul supporters and not any other vets. Funny, I don’t recall hypocrisy in the NCO Creed. But then again, you were a discipline case who couldn’t uphold those values anyway.


If you were still in I wouldn’t have any problem serving with you. I’d still think you were an idiot and an asshole, but I could put that behind me while we were in uniform. I guess we’re different that way.


Heh, Ron Paul trolls. We’re gonna need some more !11!!!!1 up in this hizzie.

Ron’s a douche who either wrote anti-semitic and antiblack shit in his newsletters, or had some other asshat writing them and didn’t bother to point out that the shit was nucking futs. I couldn’t care less about Romney and Santorum either, but then again we don’t get overrun with Romnians telling us to Read a Book!!!!11!1!

A pox on all their houses, I’m just rooting for some senate wins.


Good Grief!! Can you people be any more sanctimonious? I am sorry I am not as righteous as all you guys who have never violated AR 670-1 the UCMJ and everything else.. Now if you will excuse me I have some muff diving to do..


DUIDave….Hopefully you won’t fuck up that muff diving either?


By muff diving, he really means getting off on some of Ronpaul’s racist and anti-Semetic hatemongering newsletters.


Personally, I don’t give a hoot about Vets supporting Ron Paul, but wearing uniform pieces, and looking half assed and ate up is appalling.

I wear items that ID myself as a Vet when at PGR and ALR functions (not friggin political rallies). It’s a civilian cap and some pins on my rider vest; no BDUs, ACUs, patrol caps, dress blues and so on.

DUIDave, you wanna support Paul, go for it. But if you show up at a rally in DC, expect your picture to be taken, your actions to be videoed, and don’t whine if you end up on a blog, Youtube or the local news. That’s what a rally in DC is about.


Time to feed said troll: DUIDipshit: I would posit that the good NCO’s live the creed daily, are moral and upright people, and don’t have discipline issues. I have been in the Army for a few months shy of ten years, and while I was a straight fuckup as a PVT, I fixed that by SPC, have never had an NJP/Article 15, enjoy taking care of Soldiers and mentoring, and try to live my life on the level, and act upon the square. I highly doubt you were EVER SF. I doubt you ever walked your happy ass anywhere near Gruber and Ardennes, or spent any quality time near Smoke Bomb Hill. I severely doubt you were anywhere near JFKSWCS(A) and am pretty much calling you out as a sorry sack of human garbage. Eat my shorts you miserable disgrace for a has-been pusillanimous fartpacker. From our very posting name I can infer that you were kicked out for an issue with the drink….

Yat Yas 1833

Ooooh, sanctimonious, what a big word! Maybe we’re just people that believe in something and won’t back down. This “You’re not a real NCO unless you’ve had a couple of Art 15s” is a total crock. When I graduated from the NCO Academy our guest speaker was Sgt Maj Mararo(?) SgtMaj 1st Marine Division who said we, as NCOs, must lead by example. I can’t imagine he meant getting Art 15s.

AW1 Tim

God, I wish the mother-fucking mothership would PLEASE come down and take all the Ronulans back to whatever planet or dimension they escaped from.

Between here, my own blog, and FaceBook, I’ve had to deal with these human toejams all frikkin’ day long.


Who the fuck is stupid enough to wear their uniform while attending a political rally?

Paulbots, that’s who.

Sergeant Spliff

Hey Dave don’t take any shit off these faggots, especially not JAGoff, or that polesmoking piece of shit Fucky, I mean Lucky. Every single one of these cunts has done something deserving of an article 15 at some point or another, the difference between you and them, is they didn’t get caught. Like them, I’ve managed to avoid getting any article-15s or worse, but believe me brother, I’ve done plenty to earn one a thousand times over, and I’m not gonna get all sanctimonious and start throwing the NCO creed around. Speaking of which, anyone who says they live that creed to the letter everyday of their life is also full of shit. I’m sure you know that already. I’ve met plenty of NCOs who embodied what that creed stands for, but none of them went around with shit-covered noses in the air, and cheese encrusted dicks in their pants, yammering on about it like these fucking clowns. Enough ranting, I gotta be up for PT in a few short hours. Keep your head up Dave and as for the rest of you, get bent.


PT ain’t much fun with a hangover, is it Sarge?

Yat Yas 1833

Splitt, you’ve proven yourself. When all else fails make personal attacks, traditional tactic of the libertards. Sooo sad.

Cedo Alteram

Ron Paul the legend continues… but only in the minds of his own followers.

The choice of military veterans again huh? Same disproven schtick, no matter how many times it’s knocked down, they and their buds in the media will never accept it. Neither circumstantional numbers point to this(like rallies) or the accounting tricks his followers use to mask the origions of his donations. Just like they can’t accept that the overwhelming membership of the Republican party can’t accept him either. That opposition is regards to his policies, which most conservatives find repugnant.

Doc Bailey

Ah yes our weed smoking retarded NCO. Funny how he seems to show up on threads like this one. Never any serious policy issue ones, just the fringe stuff where there are a bunch of slopped forehead looking mo-fos trying to gin up their cause and not realizing they are beclowing themselves.

Ron Paul is a clown. His time as an AF Vagina Doctor doesn’t really impress me on his vast knowledge of military issues. He wasn’t a Pecker Checker or Chanker Mechanic, probably didn’t “Rod” anyone off the range (which for the record sucks. You all are such babies when it comes to things going in your pee hole) if Ron Paul was ever in any danger I’m sure it was from explosive births (damn things are like a zit popping out!).

So as a Military Medical Professional I think its a load of crap to accept that Ron Paul knows, can know or more importantly wants to know diddly squat about the business of actually fighting wars. Now if Ron Paul starts warning of Vagina Dentata starting to creep up. . . I STILL wouldn’t listen, but I could make a firm bet that his followers would never have sex again. . . you know that’s a good Idea. Hey everybody, did you hear how Ron Paul was warning about Vagina Teeth? I swear. You Paulbots need to be careful not to have sex. Women will bite your dick off.

Old Trooper

@48&49: Wow; it’s our old buddy billy badass. Tell me, oh great and powerful Oz; what does being a weapons tech on Cobra and Apache helicopters have to do with it? Yeah, you use the term POG to cover your ass, because everyone knows that those in the infantry serve in a different part of the Army than everyone else and if you don’t have at least 1 Article 15 on your record, then you aren’t a real NCO. You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Being a problem child doesn’t make you a better soldier or a better person. Just because I didn’t step on my dick while I was in doesn’t make you any better than me and in fact makes you more of a moron. An NCO for 7 years? Yeah, what was your rank when you got out, besides crusty?

Let’s ask the other infantry types on here how many article 15’s they got; shall we?

You can take your special ed…. I mean special forces tough guy routine and shove it straight up your ass.


Wow, I leave the computer off for a day and miss THIS?

Seriously, Dave, on what fucking planet does a “good” NCO have to get an Art. 15, “Office Hours”, or “Captain’s Mast”? You sound like the dipshits in the goat locker (no offense, QMC) who said if you wanted to make SCPO or MCPO you had to have been through rehab.

And Spliff, seriously, why does anyone ever give you the time of day?

Bottom line, Paultards–uniform and service regs PROHIBIT wearing of uniform in ANY political function. JAGC can expound on what activities are allowed, but for my money, while I was on AD I was pretty much apolitical. I served the country, was subject to the orders of my chain-of-command up to and including the Commander In Chief, be he Reagan, Bush, or Clinton, in my case.

And TSO–yeah, I’d like to see Obama out, but it’s MORE important that the GOP take control of the Senate from that dipshit Reid. We’ve also got to consider that in the next 4 years we’re looking at 2 and possibly 3 SCOTUS retirements. Give us Obama and a Democrat Senate, and we’re well and truly fucked.


So how is life in the UK today, Spliffy?

Nice try. But if you “have to be up for PT in a few short hours” you already overslept. England is on Zulu time during the winter. You posted above at roughly 0200 EST – which is 0700 in the UK.

Perhaps you need another spot of tea to get your fried brain going today?


Old Trooper: I wonder if our friend DUIDave talked bad about those “helicopter mechanics” when he was flying to/from one of his deployed locations. Or when they were bringing him supplies by air, or flying cover/providing support.

If he ever actually deployed, that is. I’m still not convinced one way or the other about that.


SGT Spliff, good one. But there are those rare individuals that actually believe in and follow that ‘crap’ the Army puts out, the Core Values, Warrior Ethos, and NCO Creed. I emphasize WARRIOR in Warrior Ethos, because it doesn’t just mean to be down right scary and ferocious on the field of battle, as an NCO, you should be ferocious and scary when it comes to taking care of your people. You should provide top cover for them, help with their Sent career, and set the standard for them. How pre tell can you set any standard of behavior with an Article 15 and a rep of failing to follow orders? Bell one of my best Specialists is ETSing, and after talking to him, instead of all that stay Army crap, since he wants to go LE, I pulled connections with CBP and a couple local LE agencies for LEIsure he could talk to, and have helped him with his applications and will help him study. That’s what being a good NCO is about….

Old Trooper

@Hondo: I don’t know if he deployed, or not, either, however, to me that’s not the issue. The issue for me is some jackwagon telling others that you aren’t a good NCO unless you have been busted at least once. He says that to make himself feel better about his own fuckups.


Old Trooper: possibly. The other possibility is that he actually believes that shit. I’ve met individuals like that. — break — DUIDave: You know, fella, there’s an old saying you might want to keep in mind. “Better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” Alternatively, perhaps you might want to refrain from posting when you’re 2 or more sheets to the wind. That takes the edge off both reading comprehension and the ability for critical thought. Numbnuts, let me spell it out to you. These folks were in a public location and participating in a political rally. They have no expectation of privacy, so there’s no reason for anyone not take or post their picture publicly. Further, there are regulations that still apply regarding the wear of the uniform, irrespective of whether or not they are retired/discharged/still serving. And if they’re acting like unprofessional assclowns, people here have every right to call them out regarding same. POG mentality? Hardly. Just the mindset of a professional soldier – something many of the assclowns at the Paul rally have apparently forgotten – if they ever possessed it in the first place. Yeah, JAGC is an officer. No shit. He said as much in an earlier post on this thread. If you’d bothered to read it and been able to comprehend it, that is. Speaking of unprofessional assclowns: above, all you did was to recite a few of the obligatory anti-authority talking points of the misfit. We’ve heard it all before – many times. I first heard that “every real NCO has a couple of Article 15s in their files” bullshit at Bragg back in the early 1980s. It was already pretty much bullshit then – and if it had any scrap of credence at the time, it has certainly become absolute bullshit since. In fact, it was pretty much total bullshit by the mid- or late-1980s. It has been ever since. Hell, I’m not sure that it was ever true, even during and before the Vietnam era. I knew many… Read more »


@71 I am pretty sure you said you were CA and a reservist which tells me you know nothing about being an NCO or a Warrior. If you were interested in such things you should have went 11 series active duty, oh well the Army needs JV


@71 I am pretty sure I have read that you’re a CA reservist which tells me you don’t know anything about being an NCO or a Warrior. If you were interested in such things you would have went 11 series active duty.. Oh well enjoy the JV team.


Ya know, the more I read of DUIDave, the more he reminds me of our little departed troll Richter. Same shitty attitude, same bullshit claims, same alcohol issues…

Just sayin.

Old Trooper

Jonn Lilyea Says:
February 21st, 2012 at 2:21 pm

…Same neighborhood.

Oh really? You mean it might be the toad himself? Bwaaahaaaa! Sphincter’s back! He’s bad! He’s a one man sooper trooper badass mofo!! Now he’s claiming SF on top of it? Keep dreaming, numbnuts.

Old Trooper

Yeah, but now that you’ve outed him; is DumbassDave gonna change his name, again, Jonn?


It looks like CW4(Ret)Parks is a DAC GS-13 at Rucker.


And if so, that’s a big, “Aw, shit” moment.


Bobo: might or might not be the same guy. An AKO hit doesn’t necessarily prove one way or another.

AKO wasn’t mandatory until the mid- or late-1990s. That guy looks to be in his mid-60s or older. He also doesn’t seem to have any SWA medals on his ribbon rack, or a service star on his NSDM. So if his decorations are legit his only NSDM has to be from the Vietnam Era. Based on that and apparent age, I’d guess that he retired before the first Gulf War.

If so, he retired before AKO accounts were mandatory and may not have an AKO account. Someone who joined in their teens and retired 30 years later as a CW4 could be in their late 60s or early 70s today if they retired in early 1990, so it’s possible. Without a photo or someone who knows him personally, it’s impossible to tell if this is the guy from Rucker.

‘Course his rack is also kinda jacked-up (his NSDM and RVN Gallantry Cross w/Palm are out of order, and he’s wearing a couple of ribbons that I can’t ID). So going by his rack here isn’t necessarily “all good”.


All true, but Department of the Army Civilians have to have an AKO account. I’m also guessing that he’s retired based on his wearing Warrant Officer brass and shoulder boards vice the aviation ones that he should be wearing with a 670-1 change. I’m also willing to bet that the number of aviation CW4s named Parks who ever served in the Army is small enough that Mr. Parks at Rucker and CW4 Parks in DC this weekend are either the same or there was someone else wearing his uniform.



You could well be correct. But with 900+ hits on the last name in AKO today – and several CWX Parks, some with dual status – a double “hit” on same rank/lastname isn’t beyond the realm of possibility.

Gonna call out someone by name, need to be correct. However, if someone knows the supervisor of the guy on AKO, a quick call to him/her – followed by mailing the url for this thread to said supervisor – can give us the definitive answer.


You guys are a bunch of shitbags if you are really trying to get that guy in trouble


Telling comment, DUIDave. Potentially we have a retired CW4 who’s intentionally thumbing his nose at federal law as well as military regulations and discipline, and who may also be a DA Civilian (and thus is also bound by those same laws and regulations) to boot. But you think WE’RE “shitbags” because we might try get him “in trouble”. What part of “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time” don’t you get?

Please leave – now. You’re a disgrace three times over: to the Army, to the NCO corps, and to the Special Operations community.

If you were actually ever any of the above, that is.


Uh, Dave? Anyone who was in long enough to make CW4 knows the rules, and high on the list of “aw shit” moves is to bring shame to the uniform. Nobody twisted his arm and forced him to wear his uniform. Any pain inflicted visited upon him is solely of the self-inflicted variety.

Oh, and for the record, if you’re “retired”, you can, under certain circumstances (this being one) be subject to the UCMJ for LIFE. But any NCO worth two shits already knew that, right m’boy?

Sergeant Spliff

You are such an absolute faggot. I bet you know all about all of your Captains’ Masts, amirite?


Up early today, eh Spliffy? You posted the above at 6:05AM UK time.

I understand London’s going to be 9C and rainy today. Sounds wonderful. Enjoy.


All of my Captain’s Masts. Wow. Just wow. I guess those Good Conduct Medals of mine are phony too, right?

STFU and go suck start a shotgun already, you ri-tard.


I think he was calling us individuals who follow a certain alternative lifestyle, Spliff, wow bud, did your Momma not peg you enough as a child? Please just cut slingload and go away.


Hmmmm. It certainly is interesting that the stories about phonies garner soooo much attention from those who seem to be impersonating human beings.


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