SGM John Letuli: info request
We received this last night through various dependable channels. The Sergeant Major in the middle of these Sergeants Major pictured above is SGM John Letuli. He’s wearing a Special Forces combat patch in this picture. According to the folks at Professional Soldiers, they’ve contacted the Special Warfare Center and he’s never served with a Special Forces unit. Letuli is currently an operations sergeant in the North Carolina National Guard.
According to the people who emailed us yesterday, several investigations into this sergeant’s background have begun, but the various commands involved seem to want to sweep this under the rug. Apparently they won’t even respond to an Army Times reporter.
Of course, because he’s currently in the service, we won’t be able to get his OMPF through our usual channels in order to set the record straight, so we’re asking you guys for any information you can provide us. Someone out there knows this guy and can verify or refute his claims. You can contact anonymously with the form at the “Contact Us” link in our header our at the email address.
ADDED: I am aware of all of the possibilities that might have led to the SGM wearing an SF combat patch, I, myself, am authorized to wear either the 1st ID or 2AD patch for the same combat tour. Apparently these possibilities have all been negated by the folks at Professional Soldier, the SWC and the SOCOM CSM.
2nd ADDED:Seems that is not only the thing that is in question.
Besides the SF tab, he’s wearing the Soldier’s Medal and the Purple Heart.
Category: Military issues, Phony soldiers
AP Hill… Yuck. During my enlisted days I stayed at the enlisted barracks at Benning’s airborne school (for those that were there over the last decade you know what I’m talking about). Fort Campbell and Iraq later, AP Hill still for whatever stands out to me as crappiest of them all.
Sorry, navigating through the lame sock puppet antics only focused me on the rare AP Hill reference.
Funny how North Carolina National Guard SGM John Letuli (by the way is that your real name, Letuli?) has not told me he’s going to sue me for defamation, cause one of us is a liar and a scumbag.
Do you hear me you spineless punk?
Why don’t you sign up at and make these same comments, there’s a few hundred “real” Green Beret wearing soldiers that need a laugh.
The next story we break is going to be about the Sr Samoan Army Enlisted that KNEW you were a fraud and a liar and allowed you to stay in uniform anyway, yeah, they are next.
Have a good day you spineless coward.
Team Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Special Forces (ret)
AP Hill has its pros and cons over Pickett, I trained at both (usually AP Hill) while in The Old Guard. AP Hill has its little shoppette and that’s it. We’d have to drive off-post for anything else, and Bowling Green is not very big. The barracks were older and not very conducive to privacy but at least the toilets had stalls. No doors, but a poncho fixed that for those that cared.
Pickett is a ARNG base since BRAC de-federalized it. It at least had a theater and bowling alley along with a slightly larger PX and Blackstone is a bit bigger than Bowling Green. Then again, the barracks at Pickett are even more primitive than AP Hill. No dividers in the toilet area.
As for the CSM, whoever keeps posting the comments from the same IP, keep it up. It is keeping me amused, at least.
He is still a POS, hope they slam his ass.
fucking Poser, dirt bag.
I know John, I deployed with him, by reading some of those comments with same IP Address it sounds just like him. Favorite saying he always says *suck it* He was great NCO while on deployment he stood up for alot lower enlisted.. but if what is said here is true that hes a poser and liar then he mines as well go stick his head in a hole or something.. what a disgrace to the Army and national guard itself.. Ive ask around no one knows where he is last time they checked he was doing medical evalutaions up in Virginia.. (crazy)
Before you attempt to beat the odds, be sure you could survive the odds. Some people dream of success while other people live to crush those dreams. For every winner there are dozens of lossers, “opos are you one of them” You aren’t going to be able to do it, no matter how hard you try, so why bother??
For all of you second guessers…UCMJ Article 134 Wearing of Unauthorized Decorations- it’s cut and dried. This is not a “pick and choose military” on what we can wear whether it was earned or not. Busted! Now throw the book at him. The higher up you go… the higher the standards! What a moron!
Wise words from the California Department of Corrections. Let me guess which side of the wall you’ll be sleeping on tonight.
You know…Like right in front of you. Whats the worst that could happen?? “WHARRGARBL” It’s just like that intense. Will not end well. A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction. No matter how bad you think you’ve got it. Someone always has it worse. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. But it rocks absolutely too. Never assume that just because someone holds a license, they know what they are doing. The journey of thousand of miles sometimes end very very badly. Don’t you get it now??
Capital of California, aside from typing mindless incoherent drivel, is also using the California correctional system’s internet, we can only guess whether Mina Seumanu goes home at night or not.
Its like some weird code for the frnch resistance. I think he’s telling us to meet aty midnight to blow up the nazi bagel station.
I really just can’t believe all that I am reading about John Letuli… Even some of the people that have personally known him have had disrespectful things to say. I spent 6 years under John Letuli and I honestly cannot say that I believe one word of any of whats being said. The comments that have posted from the same IP address, probably the recruiter on-site at the Sanford National Guard Unit, Delta Co. 30th CAB (919)776-1212, get to calling and talking junk. Set up a face to face, ask these questions to the man… If he is deployed, interview his wife, his son is a pro football player. Call him and request an interview. All of this guys info concerning civilian life is public domain. I’m not trying to be sly here, but its fairly easy to do what we are doing right now on this computer, when a minute portion of these bloggers know the man, have served with the man and know his family. I havent seen or talked to John in over 2 years, but he is the real deal. No, I dont have copies of any of his records, but I have sat in his home and office enough to see proof of everything you are questioning here. He was SF at one time, and yes, he has been involved in many conflicts from Panama, Grenada, Bosnia, to Iraq. There isnt any one of you that could possibly think that one man alone can fool the entire military and continue on with a 30 year career with nothing but promotions. Does everybody in uniform just love him so much they will put their career on the line, lie for him, forge documents, all over an SF Patch?
“No, I dont have copies of any of his records, but I have sat in his home and office enough to see proof of everything you are questioning here.”
What did it look like? I’m having a hard time imagining what kind of “proof” you could see just sitting in his home and office, that wasn’t his records. Are we talking medal citations or pictures of the SGM in camo paint which he said were taken during his SF days? (Not that both couldn’t be faked, but one would be more compelling than the other).
I’m with Scott here. Using your style of argument I would also ask; ‘Would a man as professional as the SGM is supposed to be, have records that were so incomplete that they didn’t include some of his most important training and affiliation information?’ Personally I think not, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary I think the SGM is one of a particular breed of soldier I have unfortunately had contact with frequently during my career, a dissatisfied poser.
Special Forces Military Freefall wings, Purple Heart! What a hero!!!!!
(What is that above the Purple Heart? I cannot make it out? I need a High Definition copy of that DA photo!!!!!)
Well, except this liar has never been assigned to Special Forces, never went through the Special Forces Qualification Course, and has never gone to Military Freefall MFF school (we know, we checked the “book”.)
We had an update that this coward & scumbag was seen yesterday on Ft. Bragg wearing CSM rank.
“What is that above the Purple Heart?”
Could only be the Soldier’s Medal, unless he’s wearing it out of order. Nothing else higher than PH with quite that color scheme.
I have sat with John also….I’ve seen his records…nothing he wears is true…I’ve talked to him about the lies, and he would never answer. I did all this in 2001. I reported him, and the Battalion, and Brigade did nothing. He is a fake, has always been a fake and always will. He also claims to me a Prince, and pro-power lifter.
This is crazy… there isn’t a chance in the world you sat down with Letuli and “talked to him about his lies.” That’s the most fraudulent statements yet! Anybody that even knows the guy knows you dont sit down and talk to him about shit, its the other way around. This guy comes out of the blue and says he “has seen his records.” Yah fucking right… I find it hard to believe that a single man can defy these thousands of peoples voices online with high connections and friends, much less the countless special forces brass that encounter John daily… The notion that you, a single person, checked the “book” and can blog about it is highly unlikely… If you know somebody and checked up on John, you wouldnt say so online because you are going to have to reach for that info, not just National Guard buddy… It is 2010, if he is not authorized to wear the patch in any way shape or form, then why is the man steady climbing rank like it’s nobody’s fucking business? 2003 Ssgt Letuli/ 2010 CSM Letuli… Think about it.
and a picture with Noriega…
DUexposedsoldier, the Samoan SGM, fake and fraud known as letuli has been busted, he’s done, this is a fact. What we do not know is why he’s not currently in jail, but we’ve heard rumor the bottom feeding scumbag is playing the “I’m mentally ill” card and because of that no one will throw him in prison, for now……
We’re onto you letuli, you samoan coward and bottom feeding scumbag, your name and picture will live on in infamy. You may play the I’m mentally ill card but it will not cut it with us, you will always be the samoan scumbag coward.
Well buddy, your “facts” must be bullshit, b/c I called battallion and talked to him yesterday dick. He’s at the Fayetteville Armory, HHC, 30th CAB. Call the fucking switchboard in Raleigh and asked to be transferred, it’s just that easy…
And if it does somehow “come out” that he is a fraud is some way, then you might tighten up your postings. People put him where he is today, not him alone. Stop associating Somoan with scumbag for that purpose… Your hatred for him should also fall on the countless soldiers that took the oath just as you may have, but allowed, and possibly even pursuaded a fruadulant situation to continue and grow. There are high ranking brass that john is very friendly with, not just in nc. Embassy work in a war zone provides for many avenues of escape if the situation in ones personal life may occur, especially when your pal Paul Bremer will take care of things… And that wasn’t a joke… If anything does come out of this, you wont know it, and neither will I. If you do know something, it’s only what they want you to know.
I suppose we’ll have our answers as soon as he’s retired and his full records are available under the Freedom of Information Act. He can’t keep this stuff buried forever. 🙂
I think a certain Army SGM is hearing footsteps, and is trying desperately to find a hidey-hole.
Time to man-up, SGM. There’s no place left to run and hide.
I just do not understand why you think he is “running and hiding”… The man works at the Fayeetteville Armory and on Ft. Bragg, everyone sees him. He is hiding from nobody. Still in his same position at Batallion. You guys are a joke. I’m just some guy that happened upon this board googling several of my former units members… I had not talked to him in over two years until I read these message boards and within 3 days I had his home phone number and address as well as 4 digit extension at Batallion. I have talked to him, he is there everyday. Man up, do something, put the keyboard down and stop waiting for uncle sam to take action. If you feel so strongly about it, use your resources to find the man you hate so much, and speak your mind to him. This text on the screen is meaningless in his realm. You are nothing but an IP address until you are boots on ground in front of the issue, handle it my boy.
The Freedom of Information Act dont mean shit if you know the right people. You people are going to drive yourselves crazy over this… It’s so funny because if you knew the guy and everyone he knows, you might realize you are in for the long haul if he is guilty. You think you can just submit a paper to the government and the will give you what you ask… funny stuff people.
POWNetwork is also on the case:
Play with a little more DU there buddy, if you believed half of what you yourself are spouting here you wouldn’t feel the need to defend this guy. Too funny.
DU’s last comment reads like every e-mail ever sent to POW Network by arrogant outed fakers.
Nah, you both are far off course… All my comments read like a veteran who worked very closely with this guy, and is really just astounded by the “news”. You might think what I say is bullshit, but hey, we did do security for Paul Bremer on our first deployment. We escorted him and other diplomats from the airport down rt irish, to the greenzone, then the embassy… But hey, since the shit is so unbelievable you must have had a lousy enlistment, or have never done anything you thought was important in a worldly view. As much as I dont want to believe it, everything you have said prior to me joining this board might be truer than not… I contacted several other soldiers who work at brigade level, and nobody will even say a word about john… I have been hung up on and told to mind my own business. I’m just having trouble grasping the reality of the situation, but you can gladly go fuck yourself Jacobite. What I say is unbelievable to you because you are a nobody in the military and a nobody in life. That comment summed up the type of human you are. Everyone else, i apologize for defending a man that very well might be a fraud. But Jacobite, you are a piece of shit. Talk shit about Depleted Uranium if you want, you may know a 26 year old Veteran one day who is dying of cancer too… There are a lot of young soldiers coming home with depleted uranium toxicity and then getting some of the rarest forms of cancers, then dying. Live this situation Jacobite, then you will see how the unbelievable becomes very true. I have been trying for a year now to obtain my gamma radiation levels on paper, no go. Not going to happen. When I hired a private attorney and filed a claim about the matter, the VA just connected me at 100% totally disabled, unknown illness and set up a followup appointments 14 months from now. I have cancer, it is documented, but the… Read more »
Paragraphs. They are your friend. Use them. And oh yeah–looks like your boy Letuli already has at least one IG investigation against him, and will soon be having at least one more.
Yah, I didn’t realize it was going to look that way on screen, I use voice to text, sorry. He’s not ‘my boy”, just a member of my previous unit. I’m sure he has IG Complaints against him, some of these boards online date back to 2006. It is 2010 and the IG still has their hands full? Come on now, 4 years to investigate fraud, they bust people in days or weeks if it simply a paperwork issue to prove the fraud. If it is true, doesn’t it make you wonder why he is getting away with it?
DUexposedsoldier: John Letuli does not work at the Fayetteville armory has never work at the Fayetteville Armory and is currently still on title 10 Active duty orders pending this investigation. YES, I have seen his records looked at his DD 214 from 1983, and looked at his enlistment documents from 1989 into the National Guard. He got off active duty as a E3 in 1983, joined the Army Reserves in 1985, made E4, joined the National Guard as a E4, went to 19K school, PLDC, and BNCOC in the National Guard. Then he was hired in 1999 or 2000 AGR E6, then went to Active ANCOC. He was promoted in 2001 or 2002 to SFC, then in 2005 or 2006 was promoted to MSG. Tell me this: how does a E4 go to Special Forces School, jump master, pathfinder, HALO, air Assult, and Ranger School all within 1983-1989 as a E4. His DD 214 shows that he went to Jump school in 1980. He has pictures in his office of that, but nothing else from any other school. you said “This guy comes out of the blue and says he “has seen his records.” Yah fucking right” guess what I have. I know more than the average person.
19K? He was an airborn assault tanker? Dang, I always wanted to do that… 😉
Bwaahahahaha, whatever. I’ve lost both friends and family to cancer, I’ve also lost friends and family to other un-natural and natural causes, including various chemical exposures in Vietnam. Go cry in someone else’s beer. You want to wish me ill? Fine. I accidentally handled expended DU rounds on two different occasions while over there, I also slept in the powdered remains of tons of asbestos on more than one occasion, so did the majority of soldiers I served with, so maybe you’ll get the opportunity to piss on my own premature grave, but here’s a difference between you and me, I don’t go around using a moniker that screams ‘feel sorry for me’. And while I could, I don’t ‘name drop’ in an effort to inflate my self importance in the company of strangers. In contrast to your uninformed opinion of me, I’m very, very pleased with my career, and very happy with the contributions I made over the course of 20+ years in uniform, and it is in fact that which leads me to be angry as hell with two bit posers who inflate their image based on the deeds of greater men than me, who’s feet said posers are not fit to wash.
I’m a nobody in your estimation? Watching how you have comported yourself here, the ease with which you apparently allowed yourself to be hoodwinked, the difficulty you have in letting go of a cherished fantasy in the face of damning evidence, and seeing as how you have no idea who I am or what I’ve done, you’ll pardon me if your estimation fails to impress or upset me.
Heheheee. Well dang it, wish they had offered that to us 19Es back in the day…………. lol 😉
Well obviously you have achieved filling up more of the screen than me, but I could care less. You write so well. It was actually a very nice read… Yah, evidence does seem damning and credible.
Let’s see, in our individual posts you used approximately 1524 words to my approximately 438 words, but I ‘achieved filling up more of the screen’ than you? Ok……………………
Thank you for the compliment otherwise.
Looks like CSM Letuli is still wearing everything on his uniform that has his face on this blog. Yes, he still has his rank and NO, nobody is going to do anything about it. None of you nor anybody you know can or will do anything about it. He WILL retire with full benefits and zero action taken against him over these claims. It’s to the 33rd Degree, even in Somoa.
Just wanted to add my two cents: I worked with SGM Letuli during both the 30th HBCT’s 2004 OIF tour and the 2009 OIF tour.
During the OIF 2004 tour, he was a E-7. I remember him being a good mentor and senior NCO. Remember, most of the junior NCO’s at that time (at least in this particular unit) had no real experience since the war was just starting. During the most recent tour he was a staff SGM for the BDE and although he tried to come off hard he still was a good mentor to many young soldiers.
Regardless of whether or not his tab is real; he did do some outstanding things with younger and junior soldiers; and for that he can be commended.
Now, as for his tab(s) issue(s); I do not know. I’ve heard it both ways. In fact, I’ve just been recently told that he has been demoted to E-8; but again this is all here-say.
Earlier in the thread, people were discussing the SSI-FWTS (combat patch), and how you can wear that even if you didn’t serve with the unit; and how that applied to the Tab. For those who are reading this thread and don’t understand; unit patches are just that; they are temporary and change with the unit of assignment-however a soldier can wear the combat patch of a unit that he/she deploys with permenantly if awarded the SSI-FWTS. Tabs, badges, medals and ribbons are permanant awards that once received are always worn. So in short, no, you can not get to wear the TAB if you were in a unit. The TAB is earned, permanently, by completion of a special skill school.
I sent email to just want to make sure somebody reads it, the email provides additonal info pertaining to the CSM Letuli SF qualifications so to speak, I am sure sooner or later cause i am still in the service i ll be questioned if you know what i mean, let it be known i am the type that has nothing to hide.
I know this man since 1983.
Funny, you can tell when Letuli is pretending to be someone else…his written English is slightly off and all of his verbage looks the same.
Hey Letuli you Ahole, from a qualified SF CSM to a poser, get a freakin life and why not use your original name….
Like many have said, Letuli will just walk. A SGM wearing awards and decorations he never earned. He is not SF Qualified, never attended the Q course but likes the look.
The NC Guard will not uphold any standards in this regard I suspect because many in that unit do the same thing and they don’t want any type of investigation.
To “Rob” what part of “North Carolina National Guard john letuli the Samoan Coward” has NEVER been assigned to a “Special Forces” unit don’t you understand? (or are you actually “Jonn Lilyea” aka the coward john letuli?)
@DUexposedsoldier: Do you need more proof?
Another fraud exposed. (A Special Forces tip, don’t wear medals you didn’t earn!)
” (or are you actually “Jonn Lilyea” aka the coward john letuli?)”
Team Sgt: “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”
Jonn: “Germans?”
TSO: “Forget it, he’s rolling.”
I’ve been reading the traffic about CSM Letuli, and what is the most disturbing thing to me, aside from the fact that he is walking around wearing accolades he may not have earned, is that now this has given the NC National Guard a bad rap. I was on this last deployment with the 30th BCT in Iraq, and knew people that spoke highly of CSM Letuli. I’m not surprised in the least that the senior leadership of the NCNG will sweep it under the rug, because one thing they excel at taking care of their own..”the good ole boy” system is strong here. As a junior NCO, it just makes me more ashamed to call myself a guardsmen, which is why I’m looking to get out of the guard and go Civil Affairs. Its not hard to make your own “paper” career, because there’s NO oversight whatsoever in the guard.
I can’t reconcile this quote:
“Regardless of whether or not his tab is real; he did do some outstanding things with younger and junior soldiers; and for that he can be commended.”
Yeah, justify unethical practices by providing anecdotal evidence about how good he is with Soldiers.
It’s like saying,
“Yeah, he might be a pedophile…but damn it, he loves the kids.”
All: this guy is a loser. Letuli is an NCO who has lied and failed himself and everyone around him. He is a disgrace and a sorry NCO. His spelling is 3rd grade for an American. I have worked with foreigners and 3rd world nationals with better spelling. He is a sorry excuse for a man; let alone a NCO. Mentoring? What can we all learn from a pathological liar? Next thing he would have done is screw his subordinates? His lazy and sorry 3rd world attitude in a modern world are incompatible. Go back to where you came from and rot. You have further eroded the NCO corps with you sorry standards.