Today’s “WTF?” moment
My buddy, Bev Perlson, sent this video this morning. Fox News’ Judge Napolitano interviews Adam Kokesh as if Kokesh is just another guy off the street running for office without mentioning that Kokesh was/is a member of IVAW;
If Napolitano had done his research, he’d know that his endorsement of Kokesh’s candidacy is fairly misplaced. Kokesh was busted by the Marine Corps for smuggling an Iraqi pistol back to the States – does that sound like someone we need in Congress? He misrepresented his character of service and continued to call himself something he’s not – and oh, he bullied bloggers.
He has admitted to drug abuse on his blog (which has since been altered since he started his congressional campaign but not before TAH captured it). Remember Kokesh when he teamed up with Jon DeWald to disparage veterans? Remember when Kokesh tried to start some violence on GWU’s campus by tacking up handbills around campus that were obviously racist, but were blamed on a conservative student group?
Remember when Kokesh was arrested for posting anti-war handbills in Lafayette Park after the police told him to stop? Remember what Kokesh told the officer when the character of Kokesh’s discharge was being determined? And, oh, at that same link is Kokesh’s recounting of an incident in Germany when he tried to organize active duty soldiers against the war on base.
You can see Kokesh’s DD214 here because TAH will always be there when Kokesh shows up in public.
Is that who Napolitano is endorsing? A chameleon who changes his politics with the direction of the political wind? While the anti-war movement was deteriorating, Kokesh changed horses in midstream to become Paulian and now he’s a Republican candidate in New Mexico. Last March, Kokesh was marching with communists, anarchists and socialists in the ANSWER march on the Pentagon. Today he’s instructing us on his commitment to the Constitution on FOX NEWS as a REPUBLICAN candidate. In just ten months.
I don’t know how Napolitano can call Kokesh a “Constitutional candidate” when IVAW encourages servicemembers to violate their oath to the Constitution.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects
Wait a minute, that logic fails miserably. If Answer is the sponsor of a parade, and someone marches in it, it implies that the marcher identifies with the group. But the logic does not extend the other way. For instance, a Veterans Day parade. Marching in it implies you support the aims of the larger body, but the veterans day parade organizing committee doesn’t usually vet every position of each individual marcher, right?
As for your thing with teapartiers. The idea on them is limited national leadership. If the Larouchites show up, it doesn’t imply that the tea partiers endorse the Larouchites.
And, I really don’t think you believe that either.
Put another way, if I marched in a parade supporting gay marriage, does that imply I support gay marriage, or that the gay marriage folks support outting phony veterans on a blog?
Occam’s razor applies.
Debra, I attended AW “A” school when it was located at Millington, TN, in 1976. August, I believe. Long time ago, though. I can get exact dates if you need them, but it’ll take a day or two while I dig though some boxes.
AW1, oh no, don’t do that. What I really wanted to know was just what year it was and what base. Obviously they moved the AW school, and all the navy aviation technical schools, to Pensacola at some point in time, though I don’t really even know the history to know off-hand what year that was.
It was in 1976 when I went active in the Army (on Deleyed Entry in 1975), so we must be about the same age.
Well, email me if you like and I’ll tell you more about why I was curious. (I can be emailed at debbie.clark7 at
TSO dear, let me explain things to you. The overwhelming majority of the people who participate in protests sponsored by ANSWER do not subscribe to their ideology or goals. I have seen antiwar protesters literally booing ANSWER speakers at antiwar rallies. It is well known within the peace movement that the communists are better than anybody at organizing stuff. I could only wish that libertarians could get their shit together like that. But by no means whatsoever does the group of people who show up at a march organized by ANSWER, or that ANSWER is involved in, share a common ideology. Even among the different Communist groups, there are divisions and differences in the ideologies; that’s why they have so many different left-wing groups. And the groups are not entirely left-wing anyway. A few libertarians would show up sometimes at large protests in DC; sometimes even an occasional Republican or two would show up with a sign identifying himself as a Republican against the war. Granted those might be exceptions to the overwhelmingly left presence, but their presence has been there nonetheless. There is no one voice and nobody I have ever known of within the peace movement thinks that you agree with ANSWER just because you march in a protest sponsored by them. What is assumed if you participate in an antiwar march is that you are marching AGAINST the war. That is all; nothing more. As you said, Occam’s Razor applies. 😀 I should also say, however, that as time went on and I learned more about the way things really are, I did reach a point where I finally just would not attend any more protests sponsored by ANSWER and I would just outright tell my fellow VFP members in my own chapter that I’m not going because it’s sponsored by ANSWER. However, truthfully, that decision didn’t really amount to anything in the larger picture, though, because the various factions of the hard left permeate everything within the antiwar movement; there is no escaping it. Trying to escape the communist presence in the antiwar movement would be… Read more »
No way I am reading all that, but I reject the first paragraph entirely.
If you march in a parade, then you support the goal of the group. Or, at least you abrogate any denying that you support it. You can’t march with the Klan and claim you did it because you support Halloween, and you can’t march with Communists and then claim to be a Constitutional Defender.
Well, TSO, you’re wrong.
Huh? You’re kidding, right? Wrong? If you lie down with dogs, you get fleas. Period. You don’t see a whole lot of straight politicians marching in Gay Pride parades regardless of their support for gay rights because of the implications of walking down the street with some guy in a gimp suit getting cornholed on a float next to you by a guy wearing chaps and a Gestapo hat. They don’t march with them because marching with them implies that they are gay. No straight man wants to align himself with that fringe and if they do, well, they probably smell pretty musky on their backsides if you catch my drift.
You go to a clan rallies and take their side, you support the clan. You go to the Republican National Convention and cheer for Sarah Palin, you’re a Republican. You go to an alumni dinner without a date, you’re probably an alum. And if you hang out with anti-war douchebags… well, you get my drift.
Debra Clark said: Well, TSO, you’re wrong.
I did read your #56, and found it confusing: because the various factions of the hard left permeate everything within the antiwar movement; there is no escaping it.
Yet earlier in the same paragraph you said: I did reach a point where I finally just would not attend any more protests sponsored by ANSWER
While I do respect your decision I am puzzled as to why you’ve expended so much time and energy defending your earlier participation?
Looks to me as though you’re admitting it was a mistake. Pretty much everyone here has been saying that and you wrote pages calling us ignorant for saying so?
We already knew that the anti-war groups are/were permeated with communist types.
Now I see why people here act like I just popped in. Nobody reads what I write even when it’s just a few sentences. I already addressed the issue of lying down with dogs and getting fleas. To recap, I never said I didn’t get fleas. What I deny is that I’m a dog or turned into one.
Sniper, thanks so much for explaining this, in less than 4000 words, or lebenty seven paragraphs of verbiage. Succinctly put.
When someone says “TSO, Dear” and then purports to tell me I am wrong and what I should think, I decline the opportunity to read anymore than 1 paragraph.
Brevity being the soul of wit and all that.
The Sniper wrote, “You go to a clan rallies and take their side, you support the clan. You go to the Republican National Convention and cheer for Sarah Palin, you’re a Republican. You go to an alumni dinner without a date, you’re probably an alum. And if you hang out with anti-war douchebags… well, you get my drift.” I didn’t go to antiwar rallies and take the side of left-wingers. I went to antiwar rallie and organized antiwar events to protest the war. To protest the war, not to protest the military. To protest the war, not to protest free market economics. To protest the war, not to protest the US Constitution. To protest the war, not to protest freedom. To protest the war, not to demand socialized medicine. I protested the war as a registered Republican, as a life member of the Libertarian Party, as a Constiutionalist, as a veteran, as a Christian, as a mother, as a grandmother, as a pro-lifer, as the mother-in-law of a ROTC student, and none of these things changed…except that the ROTC student is now a Navy pilot…and I have fallen silent about the war and am surrounded by military. But I still am who I am in my heart. Against the war, against communism and socialism, against overweening government, against socialized medicine, against anything that poses a threat to my family, to our freedom, and to our national soveriegnty…for life, for liberty, and for peace. You may continue to insult me if you choose, however, I am not who you any of you say I am, and I am not going to respect your insults. Jesus associated with prostitutes and tax collectors and was harshly criticized by the scribes and Pharisees for doing so. But the reality is that Jesus accepted them as they were and did not himself turn into a drunkard or glutton or prostitute, as they alledged. And TSO….I had NO idea you were so sensitive. I’m here in the Deep South and nary a day goes by that I don’t get called honey, darling, sweetheart, sweetie, dearie, or… Read more »
And what’s so bad about IVAW? Do you really believe we should be policing the world?? That’s not what our constitution says and you know it….if you’ve read it. It’s time to wake up and get someone (like Mr. Kokesh) who knows the constitution and actually gives a damn about our country.
Just so I’m clear, “Mr.” Kokesh was kicked out of the USMC for trying to sneak home an illegal war trophy (a pistol he supposedly purchased, if I remember correctly), in contravention of military law. Sounds to me as if “Mr.” Kokesh has a problem understanding essential principles like “hey, asshole, don’t try to sneak home war trophies or they’ll court martial you.”, so I’m thinking his deep comprehension of the Constitution might be a tad questionable…I’m just sayin’.
Gina–funny how you extrapolate protecting our national security interests to becoming world police. Of course, in your world, the Navy would stop at the 12-mile limit.
Debra, when you start a screed with “let me explain it to you” I hope you realize what a pompous, ego-centric, condescending fool you make yourself look to be. If you want people to listen to you and take your views seriously then arrogance is not the way to go about it.
Kokesh is a POS of the first order. This site has exposed him for what he is seveal times: an opportunistic weasel that is in it for himself. He has no core beliefs. He melds them to shape the circumstances to get himself ahead. I have confidence that the good people of New Mexico will see through this jacka** and elect his opponent.
Claymore you are correct. He was busted down in rank, tried to go back to Iraq and The Corp said “don’t call us we will call you” then ended up asking him to leave. Funny it was at just that time he “discovered” his anti-war beliefs. Kinda sounds like a little kid mad at someone and trying for a little revenge.
By the way – he is not a Marine as much as he tries to claim it. They told him to go away and washed their hands of him. The Corp no longer claims him as one of their own.
JP, thank you for your comments and advice. However, I have never had any hope of anyone here listening to me about anything in the first place. For the most part, I feel I’ve been treated with extreme arrogance, disrespect, and rudeness by the majority of the people here since I first began posting here last spring, regardless of how polite I might be. I can think of few times in my life where such a steady stream of contempt and abuse has been hurled my way. In this particular case, in the comment of mine you are complaining about, I was taken far too seriously when I joking addressed TSO in that manner. Sorry you are so humorless. It is abundantly clear to me that there is never going to be any communication here regardless of what I say or what words I choose and I’m really very tired of the never ending negativity and criticism. So I will look for some other source of entertainment now as this is definitely not working out for me.
“The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know. ”
A quote I have always found appropriate in these situations Deb.
Many of the people here are of your and my age group and when you say “anti-war”, they don’t see what you see, they see 1968. You are not battaling some superficial idea, your attempting to overcome a very real and viscarel feeling, and that feeling isn’t a positive one. I have no idea why I’m wading into this because I’m not a fan of the anti-war movement. Hell, I have a very nice scar on the back of my head where I got clocked with a ketchup bottle thrown by a protester after I got back from Desert Storm. But you seem a decent sort and have tried to articulate your position so I thought a more nuanced approach might prove more productive.
BTW: I’m a man of the South, sweetie and honey are just fine by me darling.
Thank you for your kind efforts, Finrod. Much appreciated. However, I feel the problems are greater than merely being disagreed with. I’ve been disagreed with by many people who I continue to be friends, associates, and family members with. I’ve complained of this before to no avail. It is just the fundamental disrespect and the whole depersonalizing approach that I find disturbing.
There is another quote, “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you’re not.” In my case, however, here at TAH, for the most part, I am neither hated for what I am, nor loved for what I’m not, but rather hated for what I’m not. And then slammed again when I try to show who I am am.
Again, I think I need to find another source of entertainment. Nonetheless, I appreciate your concern, Finrod, and I’m very sorry to hear about the ketchup bottle. It was probably a communist anarchist sort. Where did this take place? I can’t imagine that somebody would be so stupid as to do that at an airport.
It was a parade. Really! We were in San Fran doing a parade after Desert Storm. We had a Bradley, M1, M88, Hummers, a M109 and a M113, all painted desert tan. We road down some main street and it was the most bizaare experience of my life. One side of the street (left side oddly enough) was pro folks, the otherside was the anti crowd. As we rolled down the street waving and such one side cheered the other threw stuff. A guy dressed as a priest tried to chain himself to the 88 as it was moving so we had to stop. When we stopped a cop ran up to my brad and yelled something. I was in the commander’s hatch and had to pull off my cvc helmet and bend over to hear him over the racket. It was then that I felt something really hard hit me in the back of the head. It was a Heinz glass ketchep bottle. It didn’t even break till it hit the street, which in retrospect is kinda funny. Seems a very enthusiastic young woman had thrown it from a second floor window. I had to take their word for it, I was too busy getting 8 stitches put in my head. I haven’t been to San Francisco since.
That’s really horrible that the other side threw stuff at you all. They should have all been arrested and charged with assault and battery.
San Francisco is a little extreme for my taste. I marched in an antiwar march there one time in 2003, I think it was, and there was a guy marching near me who was absolutely stark naked and the police were right there, acting like it was a perfectly normal, everyday occurance. All I could think of was that this would NEVER go down in Atlanta. He wouldn’t have made it half a block.
On the other hand, I always found it interesting that the commander of the American Legion post in San Francisco – or a past commander anyway – was an antiwar activist, LOL (though absolutely not one who would in any manner approve of antiwar activists throwing things at war veterans – I’m shocked to hear about this, actually).
I’m also sorry to hear about the ketchup bottle. That is really horrible. But how could you have wound up with 8 stitches if it didn’t break on your head? Seems to me that it would have taken a sharp edge to cause a laceration like that. Did you get knocked out when it happened? Do you ever wonder if you had any TBI from the incident? (I wonder sometimes if I did from getting kicked in the head by a calf when I was about 7 years old.)
Well, I hope the lady who did it was arrested for aggravated assault. Was she?
I was told she was arrested but I didn’t even see her. I think the bottom edge caught me and good genetics have given me a very hard head so there is a greater chance that such a blow would have a positive effect as much as a negative one. I wasn’t knocked out as I was entirely too busy cussing at the top of my lungs when I felt that nasty warm wet feeling on the back of my neck and realized a brand new nomex suit was being ruined.
I can’t believe this is still going on!
I’ll make it short and ask a question:
Has anyone here actually looked up the sponsors of the Veterans Day parades, or St Paddy’s Day parades when they went to them?
Also, Sniper, I’ve marched in marches for gay rights without being gay. Though TSO did think I was a gay man at first.
Trust me, AS is not gay. Judging by the dirty e-mails she keeps sending me, I’d say she’s got great taste. hahaha j/k
Yeah, I’ll admit that I thought Army Sergeant was a gay man before I found out she is a woman.
Finrod (#76), I like your positive outlook on your injury. I’m sure that must be the case with me, also. 🙂
About Army Sergeant being mistaken by Jonn and TSO for a gay man, that reminds me of a gay male friend of mine – and he is totally gay without a bi-bone in his body (LOL, unintended pun…) – we are kind of soul mates, in a strange way, and he told me one time that either I should have been a guy or he should have been straight. It does kinda make me wonder what went wrong though…
OhhhhhhKaaaay… Wow, 80 comments (about 30% on subject LOL) and since I was just sitting here being bored while waiting to see N.O. be humiliated (joking… don’t really care. I’m just watching it for the commercials) I have slogged thru every one. After doing so, I have some thoughts and would like to clarify something.
1: Deb needs to be forced to respond using one finger on a sticky keyboard. It will encourage her to be brief.
2: Deb, you may not realize it, but I was one of the PGR members riding behind your group in 07 and you have no idea of the comments we made among ourselves about your group’s “message”. Suffice to say… We would have rather followed the horses. The only reason we didn’t complain is the same reason we ignore the Westboro shitbirds… The parade was not about you, and we refused to MAKE it about you. Don’t mistake our lack of protest over your group’s participation as approval of your presence.
3: (and last) Koosh will never withstand any real scrutiny of his actions. I doubt he has a snowball’s chance in Hell, but I agree we must be aggressive in pointing out his past to make sure.
Oh… and Fin? It’s possible to get a head lac from a blunt object if it hits you hard enough. Sorry that happened to you Brother. I would like to extend to you a belated “Welcome Home”.
You may now resume your regular programing. 🙂
Hey Ray, we were just happy you all didn’t kick our ass. 🙂
Pro Ghey Rodeo?
ROTFL! I’ll leave that to Ray to respond..
Hey dutchboy, pretty keyboard brave there. You are welcome to come to any Patriot Guard Riders event and make that suggestion.
Just be sure you have good health insurance. 🙂
Hey, Ray,
Come on down to Colorado Springs and look me up. You can find me on AKO as I am active duty Army with just a few years under my belt. Try to grow a sense of humor, dumbass.
OK… Try to say something funny and I’ll try to laugh.
Deb, After reading your blog (quite a good one imho) and re-reading your comments in that light I apologize for my comments if you were offended by them. I am a libertarian myself as well as an Army Vet and find myself much closer to your point of view than I had thought. I, however, cannot allow myself to be seen with anti-war groups as they seem to be comprised primarily of anti-military leftists that truly do not like our country. You are able to put that part of their message aside and concentrate on the anti-war part but I cannot. I was unsure of whether we should have gone into Iraq without a formal declaration of war as our constitution requires but the fact that we are they renders this argument moot. Haphazardly pulling out as this administration and the anti-war left wants would lead to catastrophic consequences to the entire region and more importantly our national interest. After attending a number of anti-war rallies it was clear that the groups such as ANSWER, Code Pink and others of that ilk were motivated primarily by hatred of President Bush which is evidenced by the lack of protests and silly stunts such as crashing Congressional Hearings that were commonplace during his term in office. This unreasoning hatred was exacerbated by hatred for our military and those that served in it. I was unsure of Iraq but one thing I am very clear on: I support our men and women in the armed forces wherever they go and will not do anything that would undermine their moral and these rallies were designed with just that purpose in mind. That is why is could never stand or be seen with them. Mr. Kokesh had no such problem. From attempting to enter a military base in Germany to try and convince our soldiers to go awol to his marching with these nutcases to the silly IVAW “winter soldier” hearings redux his every action was designed to undermine our nations support for our military and to raise himself above others for the purpose of… Read more »
Dutch: you are free to come to PGR Missions here in NC also. I would advise you, however, to not throw around your take on the initials but if you feel the need to then it might be interesting.
JonP, thank you for your response and nice remarks about my blog. Believe me, I completely understand your point of view regarding the antiwar movement. In an attempt to avoid writing a long comment here, I refer you to my latest blog post that you inspired, I would also like to add, as I’ve mentioned before, one of the main guys who helped me get the Atlanta chapter of VFP started is a libertarian and Vietnam vet. Because I enjoyed such support and encouragement from him, I actually didn’t realize back then how rare and unusual that was in the overall scheme of things. So it seemed pretty normal to me in that context in my relatively protected bubble in the beginning, before I really got my feet wet and fully immersed myself in the larger movement…which was very disillusioning. I think that the path a person goes down is often very strongly connected with the environment in which one finds oneself. At that time, besides that I was working in the civilian world at a university completely apart from the military, I also was in the Atlanta area where there is a deep heritage of civil rights and widespread acceptance of dissent and opposition to war stemming from the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Indeed, we often held press conferences on or adjacent to the grounds of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center (depending on the mood of the park police on any given day…heh), which I’m sure is still occurring, though probably in a smaller way, and enjoyed the support of a number of prominent black ministers and leaders, some of whom were affiliates of Martin Luther King, Jr. Finding myself in this environment, combined with having found a very honorable Vietnam vet who was a libertarian like myself in strong disagreement with the politicians who started this war, led really very naturally to my involvement in the antiwar movement. In my current environment and family circumstances, the same simply would not have happened; my disagreement with the war would have emerged in a far different… Read more »
I know for a fact that at an event held for Rand Paul, I heard the Ran Paul people trying to keep Kokesh off the stage, Kokesh was practically screaming at these young volunteers then Kokesh ran up on stage anyway. They where screaming back stage at each other saying that they were going to get reamed for letting that guy by them. The MC of the event couldn’t believe that kokesh got on the stage and didn’t know his name to announce him. Don’t know if the judge knows kokeshs real story or not.
[…] running as a Republican candidate for Congress in New Mexico. And, believe it or not, he is getting positive exposure on at least one Fox News show. He has the backing of Ron Paul, the Republican Liberty Caucus, and the 9/12 […]
A call for help!
Some of you with more info on Kokesh should put some effort into his Wikipedia article.
For some reporters, Wikipedia is the first place they turn to bring them up to speed.
Keep in mind that you’ll need references.
What is the big deal with being antiwar? Maybe the war really is wrong. Maybe we could protect our country and our borders in other ways without killing 1 million Iraqi civilians. Okay, I’m sure some of you could care less about those civilians even though some may be helpless children.
What about our troops? Do you care about them? Do they really need to go over there whole and then come back in pieces mentally & emotionally committing suicide because they can’t bear the memories anymore and our govt is unwilling to give them what they need. Could this be why so many of our good men & women turn to drugs & drink? I thought you supported the troops. Why do you slander this one for the frailties of being mortal in the face of war?
What about the Depleted Uranium that is littered all over the ground & in the water? Oh that’s right. This is a casualty of war. Does it matter to you pro-war sheeple that children now and for generations in Iraq will be born with horribly disfiguring abnormalities?
Oh that’s right. It’s not about them. It’s about us. Then maybe it is important to you to remember that our men and women serving are also being exposed to this depleted uranium. That they will come home and have problems with infertility or even worse know the pain of having children that are so hideously deformed that people make jokes and say they look like space aliens. What about the soldiers’ health care needs as a result of this. I have heard that our govt that loves us so much that they would send our troops into these conditions, does not want to cover the care for the life long diseases of depleted uranium’.
Ah yes, our green government that with one hand wants to create green jobs while taxing the hell out of us with Cap N Trade, while the OTHER hand pollutes our same earth with depleted uranium.
What about the Depleted Uranium that is littered all over the ground & in the water?
Thanks, that the best way to let me know that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. It saved me the time of reading the rest of your infantile regurgitation of anti-war talking points.
Depleted Uranium is just that: depleted uranium. And the 1 million civilian deaths? C’mon man, try doing some actual rese4arch instead of lip-synching the lies and myths from your leftist buddies.
It’s gone from laughable to pathetic watching you nimrods try and keep the DKOS talking points going. You’re all a bunch of tools, unable to see the truth right in front of your own faces.
Try lithium, I am told that it may actually help folks like you.
[…] running as a Republican candidate for Congress in New Mexico. And, believe it or not, he is getting positive exposure on at least one Fox News show. He has the backing of Ron Paul, the Republican Liberty Caucus, and the 9/12 […]
Funny thing, they welded extra depleted uranium on my tank….then I handled hundreds of depleted uranium rounds. Some might consider me horribly disfigured but that was pre-uranium. Came home, got married, had children who are remarkably non-disfigured. All my old tanker buddies came home and had kids too. They are all above average kids, most likely because there fathers were in the military. No one commited suicide either….you on the other hand, are a tool…
Jonn Lilyea Says:
“What about the Depleted Uranium that is littered all over the ground & in the water?”
“Thanks, that the best way to let me know that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. It saved me the time of reading the rest of your infantile regurgitation of anti-war talking points.
Thanks, that the best way to let me know that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. It saved me the time of reading the rest of your infantile regurgitation of anti-war talking points.”
What do you mean I don’t know what I’m talking about. Depleted Uranium has been used in munitions in the Gulf War and recently in “Operation Iraqi Freedom” and has been linked with an increase in birth defects.
If you are going to disagree can you at least say why or regurgitate some pro-war talking points? Otherwise it looks as though you haven’t really thought about it one way or the other.
If you have time to watch the video above kindly tell me which part of it regarding depleted uranium is bogus and why?
I guess you didn’t have time to read Old Tanker’s comment above. Please do. This is a milblog – all of our authors and most of our readers have real life experience in the drivel you try to pass off as facts.
I’m not finding peer reveiwed studies that suport that. CBS is not “peer reviewed” research, but this link is…..
Old Tanker
I am glad that you and your friends/family are healthy. You cannot deny that many soldiers do not comeback from war as lucky as you. Everybody is different and the experience you had in Iraq are not the same as what another soldier may have had. You cannot deny that many come back with mental/emotional issues including PTSD, some resulting in suicide.
Depleted Uranium is a toxic heavy metal and does have health issues associated with it just as lead or aluminum do.
In regards to your remarks about my being a tool could you please tell me for who or what. Henry Kissinger himself said, “Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” Are you sure that it is not our soldiers who are not the tools?
@JustHearSay: Funny, the only source I can find for that quote is;
Henry Kissinger, as quoted in Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW’s in Vietnam (1990) by Monika Jensen-Stevenson and William Stevenson, unidentified chapter/page
When you can source it, come back and show me. ‘k?
I’m glad you think it’s “luck” that brings soldiers back from war alive. Me? I credit our leadership.
Oh, and your idiot article about DU in Fallujah; since DU is an anti-armor round, how many al-Qaeda tanks do you think our troops faced in Fallujah? Are you just that gullible?