Election money

| December 3, 2024 | 11 Comments


Well, the dust has settled and even Hillary has conceded. Kamala lost. Not sure how big a ‘victory’ Trump really has, so many people vote against their most hated candidate instead of for someone they like (I sure as heck didn’t vote FOR him, but definitely voted AGAINST her – think there are five million voters out of 200,000,000 who did that? Wouldn’t bet against it, Jack. I think at least 10 million of those famous 81 million Biden voters are better described as not-Trump voters.) No matter what, elections cost money –  and in this supposedly foreshortened election, cost quite a bit. “Made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast” – sound familiar?

In just one race, the Dems blew through the $1,400,000,000 Kamala raised – and left the campaign $20,000,000 in debt. Basically a hundred day campaign, at what, 14 million plus a day. And this doesn’t count the lower races, some of which cost millions on their own. Maybe Howard Baker (R, TN) was right long ago- since the rich guys are the ones that run for most offices, make them unpaid across the board. But back to Kamala, who did what all politicians do – run through the money till it’s gone, then run through some more.

Democrats want Vice President Kamala Harris to stop asking her supporters for money after she reportedly raised $1.4bn for her campaign and ended it with $20m in debt.

It’s not uncommon for presidential candidates to end their campaigns in debt. Hillary Clinton ended her 2008 campaign with $25m in debt and Barack Obama ended his 2012 campaign with $6.8m. The debts were settled in 2013 and 2018 respectively.

The emails to supporters are raising cash for a joint fundraising committee affiliated with her campaign. The money will first go through the DNC, then the campaign’s recount account, and then to state parties, according to Politico. The committee will pay for expenses before the transfers happen.

Democratic watchers worry that Harris could be destroying relationships with donors by asking them to give her money after she raised millions within the first week of her campaign, eventually bringing in more than $1bn.

Send us money! Send us MORE money! We blew everything you sent us before – so send us more! I can think of several songwriters who could riff on that pretty well.

The funny part to me is that many Democrats are saying it sounds like begging, and used phrases like “eroding trust” and “eroding relationships”  – what, they think the donors feel like they didn’t get a good deal for all the dough?

Maybe, just maybe, if they had actually been honest with their supporters and admitted old Joe has doddered over the crest and his cheese is aging itself off his cracker, they would be in a better state. ‘Course then, they’d have to explain why Kamala was selected, not elected, as the candidate.



Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election, Kamala

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