Governor Gavin Newson signs a law cracking down on AI-generated political deepfakes

| September 20, 2024 | 14 Comments

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People have leveraged AI to generate deep fake videos. One type of AI generated material became the focus of California lawmakers. Governor Gavin Newson signed a law aimed at cracking down on AI generated deep fake political videos. Elon Musk responded by sharing a parody video along with his comments. Videos with disclosures appear to be exempted.

From Forbes:

While speaking with Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff on stage at the company’s “Dreamforce” AI convention Tuesday, Newsom signed three bills targeting deepfakes in political ads.

Assembly Bill 2839, which goes into effect immediately, makes it illegal to distribute “materially deceptive audio or visual media of a candidate” 120 days before an election and in some cases, 60 days after.

The law allows candidates to seek a court order to pull down any deepfake ads and also sue the person who distributed them–although parody and satire that includes a disclosure are exempted.

Assembly Bill 2655, which will go into effect next year, requires online platforms like X and Facebook to take down such political deepfakes and Assembly Bill 2355 requires campaigns to make a public disclosure if they run ads with AI-generated or altered visuals.

Additional Reading:

Ray, S. (2024, September 18). Musk attacks Newsom, says California’s new anti-deepfake law makes ‘parody illegal’. Forbes. Link.

Category: 2024 Election

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