Kamala gets fact checked… and it ain’t pretty

| September 16, 2024 | 17 Comments

For all of you that love to dump all over Kamala Harris, today is for you. Hell, it’s easy for us – go to Fox, pick a few articles, and go at it, right? Well, today, let’s try a different direction – CNN and the NY Times.

The @KamalaHQ account, which has more than 1.3 million followers on the X social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has made a habit of misleadingly clipping and inaccurately captioning video clips to attack former President Donald Trump.

An August 17 post from @KamalaHQ strongly suggested Trump had gotten confused about what state he was in during an event in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The post said, “Trump: Would that be okay, North Carolina? (He is in Pennsylvania).” It included a six-second video clip in which Trump said, while pointing to his left, “Would that be okay, North Carolina? I don’t think so, right.”

The full video of the rally shows that earlier in the speech, Trump had pointed to the same spot on his left to acknowledge and then speak to a group of ardent supporters from North Carolina, eventually saying, “Thank you very much. North Carolina!”

KamalaHQ says Trump is mental… objectively they cropped it selectively to make it appear so. They did the same thing when he did a broadcast speech in Arizona in which he referred to illegals in Pennsylvania –  again selectively editing.

A Friday post from @KamalaHQ said, “Trump says ‘nothing was done wrong’ in Charlottesville in 2017 when neo-Nazis chanted ‘Jews will not replace us’ and killed an innocent woman.”

But the full video of Trump’s California comments shows that the Harris campaign deceptively cut the clip right before Trump made clear he was not claiming that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville did nothing wrong or that the murder of innocent Charlottesville counterprotester Heather Heyer was not wrong.

Defending the @KamalaHQ post, the Harris campaign said in an email: “He’s saying he did ‘nothing wrong’ in relation to him saying ‘very fine people’ who did what is described in the tweet.”

There are two problems with this. The post itself did not acknowledge that Trump’s “nothing wrong” comment was about his own previous remark. And while there’s a solid case that this 2017 “very fine people” comment was about some white nationalists, there’s no basis for claiming it was about Heyer’s murderer in particular — much less that Trump’s “nothing wrong” comment on Friday was about this murderer.

How about Vance’s comment that he would consider privatizing VA health care? Uh, no…

On Thursday, the @KamalaHQ account posted a nine-second video clip of Sen. JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, speaking in an interview. The account wrote: “Q: Would you consider privatizing veterans health care? Vance: I think I’d consider it.”

But Vance did not actually say “I think I’d consider it.” A close listen to the clip reveals Vance actually said “I think I’d consider — and…”

The extended Vance quote shows he said he would consider giving veterans greater flexibility to use private health care but that he does not want to eliminate federal health care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  CNN

When CNN says a liberal is lying…that’s noteworthy. Then there is this tidbit from the Times:

“Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison,” Trump said during Tuesday’s presidential debate.

It needs context! It needs fact checking! She’d being misquoted! Except…

Times health reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg provided a fact-check as part of the paper’s live coverage of the debate that ruled Trump’s claim “needs context.”

Except the context her fact-check provided just further confirmed Trump’s claim. In addition to quoting the ACLU questionnaire and Harris’ response, Stolberg wrote, “she said she supported using taxpayer funds to give access to gender-affirming care to transgender and nonbinary people, including those in immigration detention and prison.”  NY Times

Worth reading the links…me, I may be bookmarking them. Have a few far-left friends (yes, I do – I refuse to pick my friends based on ideology or sainthood; I’d have damn few if I did) who are going to hear about it next time they talk about senile lyin’ Trump and Saint Kamala.

Category: 2024 Election, Democrats, Kamala Harris

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