Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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“On Tuesday I will have an update from NRH and TXDPS on the progress of my criminal charges againt the cadre”.

So he is procecuting the alligators …

He is conducting background checks …

He will be posting information about individuals who wishe to remain private …

And he has stated this on the internet …

Not a good move Chevy.

Are you familiar with the privacy laws in all 50 states?

Are you licensed to conduct background checks?

Are you a LEO or officer of a court conducting business within the confines of your authority?

If not, I will be the first one to caution you!

Such activity WILL have you in a boat load of trouble in TX and NY and about 34 other states.

You put your life out there with your name on it. The manner in which you decide to live your life does not mean that you can make a person who wished to remain private your public project.

Think twice about the road you claim to be paving!

3/17 Air Cav

MCPO…..Your asking him to think twice. Hell, I don’t think he’s thought once thru his whole dog and pony show!


No worries, MCPO NYC, he’ll “update” his blog to erase any mention of his self-imposed deadline of “Tuesday”, or he’ll come up with some excuse as to why no one got a warrant served on them.
If he actually manages to get some sort of demand letter sent out, he’ll find that the attention he’s currently getting is nothing in comparison to what he’ll get then.

Open Channel D

Team Dennis? Are you fuckin’ kidding me? The only thing keeping him from giving himself a courtesy reach-around is his fat ass and stubby arms.


Team Dennis sounds like something from Twilight too. Dennis once again fails on empty promises. Lie after lie…he just enjoys burying himself.


Just an Old Dog


Oh crap! So Pennis is going to out our criminal history? I knew that one speeding ticket I got 10 years ago was going to haunt me forever. I sure hope he doesn’t alert my employer (kids) about it, I’d hate to be fired from all the cooking and cleaning! I’m shaking in my leather lined flannel thong I’m so scared.

Just an Old Dog

Denny sees your flannel lined leather thong and raises you a meat shield.


Dennis is a meat shield alright. His mouth shields every homeless cock it can find.


I though he was a meat gazer?

Doc Savge

Denny..let me save you the hassle.

Those 6 visitors from Afghanistan on your counter??

Yeah, that would be me and a few friends here..I took great pride in spreading the word about you….You really are famous over here now…you have been elevated to the porta potty wall of fame on Kandahar Airfield.

The cheese jokes are now side by side with a few world famous “chuck Norris-isms”

Congrats, Denny…you finally made it to the big leagues.


Doc Savge…thank you for serving there. Keep yourself as safe as possible brother.

Green Thumb



I suppose Dennis has blocked all but his “team” from posting because he hates even having to think about the questions that were asked by folks here. I always followed his rules for his blog, rules he himself wouldn’t follow. He refused to post several of my comments and questions. So anyone who reads his mess should know that he doesn’t want a debate. He doesn’t want to answer hard questions. He simply wants to rant and rave like a lunatic and post lies to defend himself. I know he was banned from here because he couldn’t follow the rules he would set for everyone else, but I would love to see him back. The more exposure the twat waffle gets, the more people will see him for what he really is, a narcissistic, pathetic little man with a huge ego who’s accomplished nothing worthwhile in his life, who feels he must lie and intimidate to get the respect he hasn’t earned but thinks he deserves.


You are not the only one. Plenty of people he blocked. He also selectively chose some of my comments, not sure why he did. So I decided to email him direct. Just like GT says, he is a coward. He refuses to answer emails or phone calls now.

Thats just how spineless this little turd Dennis really is. Dennis if you are reading this…grow some balls, boy.


Wow. It’s Wednesday morning and no one has been ‘outed’ yet, right?

I haven’t been ‘outed’. But then, I lead a boring life so ‘outing’ me wouln’t be worth the effort.

Besides, that wifebeater dennis the pennis has nothing but threats and bluster, and I can get the same things from a tornado warning, and have a lot more fun.

In case you guys hadn’t figured it out yet, DB Coop is a shortened version of D. B. Cooper, the infamous and officialy dead hijacker who jumped out of a commercial airliner with a bagful of money about 45 years ago adn was never found.

This asswiper can’t even make up imaginary friends for himself. And he’s BORING, too.

Just an Old Dog


Denny has been busy irritating the nieghbors of the roach motel he is infesting.

Green Thumb

Denny is looking for a little meat to slap on that cheese between his buns.


Where are those warrants? I want mine and I want it NOW! The local constabulary knows where I live, so that can’t be why I haven’t seen mine yet.

Must be like everything else in Denni Penni’s world – imaginary.

Just an Old Dog

If anyone is REALLY bored check out some of his letters of recommendation and “referals” on his site.
Other than him having a pattern of short term employment and the standard “would rehire” ( although surprisingly enough no one did) there is a few other patterns.

1. There is one particular indivdual who has been tied to Cheese-slayer’s antics for years that penned a few of these letters.

2. If you look up the indivduals that wrote him a review you will get a feeling that at least one of them is an even bigger bullshitter than Denny.

Pineywoods NCO

Well, I needed something to make me sit down and read…

I find that one individual listed is supposedly under Dennis in another group, but pens a letter for him. Ok, and I find it funny that a website linking them together is not working….hmmm.

A police officer for a group that currently has a active staff of four (yes, 4) officers and three reserve officers. And it’s growing?? hmmm..

Wilmer? Not going to say anything there. That’s been bashed enough.

Marshall Creek? Now, being formerly from near there. I have new curiosities. Why would an “Assistant Chief of Police” write a letter of any sort on a Air Force unit letterhead? Second, Marshall Creek was smaller than Garrett. Key word being “was” as Marshall Creek does not exist anymore. It was consolidated into Roanoke in 2007, due to poor city management. Now, in 2000, Marshall Creek had a population of 431. So it makes me wonder just how big the police force was, if one even existed. Again…hmmmm..

Metropolitan Police Department? I am tempted to call bull on it because there is no such thing in the state of Texas..and I can say that with some degree of certainty as being originally from near Marshall Creek. And by the way, what’s a “Senior Corporal”??? Hmmmm……

The letter from the Acting Chief of Police in Marshall Creek? Hmm…what format was used for that? It looks pretty jumbled up. Hmmm…

And finally, the two letters from Oak Point look fairly decent, but extremely similar. Hmmm…. Another point that catches my eye is that “Rickey Adams” of Oak Point is spelled incorrectly. Hmmm….

Just pointing out things that go “hmmm….” and make me wait in line to get answers.


I was wondering what “perfect attendance” means in those letters. In the first one from Oak Point it says he’s “only missed 5 days in the last 6 months” but the next letter states “perfect attendance”.


I started to go to Pennis’ blog,and got an “blog is for adults” warning. I’ve never seen that before, has anyone else? I decided that it would be more fun to read the shampoo bottles in the bathroom than his blog’o lies.

Pineywoods NCO


I been getting that same message the past two weeks. So I think it is to warn the intelligent people such as you and me that it is full of something worse than Limburger.


The warning should have read, “This blog made by a moron.” Reading can be hazardous to the brain cells of intelligent people.”

Pineywoods NCO


Every time I have gone to that site…I swear I feel dumber.


Oh hell, another brain cell just died.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Originally Posted By Dennis H. Chevelier Co-workers and friends come forward and ok the release of reference letters for use here Below are some more references from LinkedIn… Connie Hedrick has recommended you on LinkedIn Connie Hedrick PRESIDENT/ Connie’s Custom Quilts and Wallhangings April 26, 2014 8:12 PM Connie Hedrick has recommended your work as a Law enforcement/ protective services at .. Dear Dennis, I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users. Details of the Recommendation: “Dennis is a very detailed oriented person who is very knowledgeable about his field, and is also very passionate about his work and subject matter. He is a fantastic man and also feels strongly about the work he does, and I am totally impressed with the job he does. I would always recommend his for the job!” Elonzo D Coleman, MBA has recommended you on LinkedIn Elonzo D Coleman, MBA Creative and marketing professional April 26, 2014 1:03 PM Elonzo D Coleman, MBA has recommended your work as Lt. Col., Retired at Civil Air Patrol. Dear Dennis, I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users. Details of the Recommendation: “I have proudly known Dennis for over three years and readily endorse his patriotism, work ethic, and commitment to completing the job from concept to completion. His prior military experience seamlessly transitions to his civilian capabilities as a private investigator and weapons trainer. In addition, his experience with the Civil Air Patrol and Texas State Guard underscore his commitment to providing the necessary solutions integral to the industry. Dennis is a reliable source for clients seeking a qualified investigative and weapons training resource.” Service Category: Investigator/Combative weapons trainer and sales Year first hired: 2011 Top Qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity Harry “Rip” Ratliff PMP has recommended you on LinkedIn Harry “Rip” Ratliff PMP Location Manager at RedRiver Oilfield Services April 24, 2014 10:26 PM Harry “Rip” Ratliff PMP has recommended your work as Owner at Chevalier and Associates. Dear Dennis, I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users. Details of… Read more »

So now he’s also claiming to be a quilter? Among other things.

And does everyone see that he is STILL rocking the lie about military service? But he will probably claim that the writers of the recommendations made that part up, not wrote it because denni penni had told them that he learned this or that in the military.

Really, denni penni, you need to pay attention to such details. But thanks for proving the original objections we had with you for us. Again.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Where’d I put those chest waders? Man, it’s getting DEEP over there at Cheeseslayer’s blog.

A Proud Infidel®

Chest waders, nothing!! It’s more like we’ll need SCUBA gear to if it gets any deeper!!

Mr. Blue

Bring out the socks!


HOW THE HECK DID YOU FIND A RECOMMENDATION FROM HERCULES TAKIS SIFONAS RECOMMENDING DENNIS FOR ANYTHING???? Does Herc know he “wrote” a recomm for Dennis? They never worked together and from what I understand, they NEVER MET!!!!!! (granted, i don’t know everything, so I may be all wet…but what do I know.)


Hell, he de-friended hercules and disowned the guy I thought.

Just an Old Dog

He also said the TSG crewed him over, yet he has LOR from his time with them.

Open Channel D

That’s the saddest shit I’ve ever seen–recommendation wise. 52 years old and that’s the best he can do? President of a quilting and wall-hanging company? Fo’ real? Cuz I guess they know the skilz necessary to compete in the rough and tumble world of lot security. He probably sweet-talked her with a discount coupon to Cinnabon so she figures she owes him.

Teeny-Tiny-Denni-Boi, don’t you have any law enforcement or PI clients that you can get to pony up an endorsement? I mean real ones, not the ones in your head.

When I was stationed in Key West in the 70’s, there was a tow lot on Big Coppitt Key off in the mangrove swamp. There was a guy who lived in a trailer on the lot, who had one pair of pants, one shirt and some suspenders. He had two mutts and an ancient .32 H&R revolver with a duct-taped grip to keep the boneyard safe. His name was Crazy Tom.

Crazy Tom had 15 months in Vietnam in the middle to late 60’s and he was legit. Which is more than you’ll ever be.


Damn shame that Dennis still trying to fight this and live in denial.


Still criminally rocking the PhD lie as of 2013. Who’d a thunk it?

That Guy

I like his list of people he teaches. Especially ATT line techs. So impressive.
More likely, he had a person from those organizations come once.

Open Channel D

Wow. Dennis “No One Else Does This” Chevalier.
No one else for sure, Dennis. Well, the Round Ranger and Bernastypants, and about a couple of thousand other folks, but outside of that, NO ONE ELSE DOES THIS (except the fucktards exactly like you).

Just an Old Dog

Yeah He lists the US Navy and US Marines as his students. I am sure the DOD is going to fork over money to pay you to teach someone how to shoot in your garage.


Don’t forget, the Marines owe him a huge favor because they accidentally shot down his EC130-H. He’s got em by the nutz.

Just an Old Dog

You might want to check out that Hercules guys Linkedin profile,,, He lives Greece so Im sure he has a lot of first hand knowledge of Denny’s capabilities.
Hes got quite the resume of education and experience as a Special Forces Greek Soldier himself, enlisting at the age of 45.


Thats the guy Dennis blocked and Dennis was jealous of? Amazing how much information is out there Dennis and still being dug up.

Just an Old Dog

Not sure is they had a spat or not… looks like they like to stroke each others … egos.


About the time Dora up and left dennis, she had ‘facebooked’ Herc about what was going on…Herc went on dennis’ fb page and told him that dennis “had fucked up” with Dora to make her disappear, and to cut the crap (sic). Shortly thereafter, dennis “blocked” Herc from posting on his FB page. That was around the same time dennis “blocked” me from posting and questioning his statements. {Granted, I have never personally met Herc, but we did occasionally message on fb for awhile. HE is a pretty awesome fella, from all the stuff on HIS fb page! Herc IS a LEGIT fella.}


Yeah… you never know. Might be legit. I thought Dennis was making shit up about having a surveillance van, until I saw this. Now, I am a believer.

A Proud Infidel®™

GDC, ARE YOU SURE that he’s scowling in front of the Blobfishmobile®™? Can he afford something like that on a “Rent-a-Fuzz”‘s wages? Methinks he drives something more like an at least twelve year old Chevy minivan!!!

Mr. Blue

I’m sensing a ’94 Lumina “dust buster” with terminal transmission disease, for some reason.

A Proud Infidel®™

You’re being nice to him, I was thinking he runs around in either a worn out minivan or an at least twenty year old Camaro that leaves a smoke screen which would make either James Bond or an old Moonshiner jealous!!


Love all the recommendations re his Texas state Guard time. Oooops, he got canned from that volunteer organization.

Just an Old Dog

A lot of them mention his retired LT Col CAP status,,, how long ago did he leave that lash-up?


Early 2000s huh. Retired LT Col CAP stuff is just sickening.


BTW, I thought Tuesday was going to bring smoke on TAH. All you usual suspects seem to still be here.


Nah, Tuesday was just the day he was going to delete his post. He is probably laying on his dingy couch right now dreaming of cheese.


What could be more dangerous than ex-CPL Chavalier with a collapsible baton (that he is an authorized instructor for)?

An ex-CPL Cheavier with a DRONE! Yes, I think I just wet myself.

No matter the case demands, we have the training, and certifications to provide court-defensible investigative primary as well as backup support.

Special investigative aviation support is available with the DJI Phantom Vision 2 RC Quad Copter RTF w/GPS, Camera, FPV to obtain the almost impossible video on subjects keeping a low profile while defrauding the insurance carriers. http://caacsir.blogspot.com/2014/04/welcome-to-new-site-for-chevalier-and.html

Drone photo here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1UQRMjm9OYM/U1E40LS12hI/AAAAAAAACNk/QFGGtlXVzyo/s1600/dji-phantom-2-vison-plus-big.jpg

I will hire Dennis and his drone the next time I am trying to catch one of those low profile subject insurance defrauders… that you can count on!


On a serious note, I think because of all the grief we have given his moronic pathetic ass, he has finally mastered Spell-Check. Gone are the days of “purger” and “Sweaden” apparently…. ah the good old days. We knew him when.


His last blog on evidence page was a mess still. I think he still has fat finger problems.

Dennis is trying to live his life I guess now, surprised he is still running that CSIR horseshit.


CSIR nor Chevalier and Associates are not registered business entities with The State of Texas. I don’t know how he gets away with that. Nor do I get how he maintains an FFL while hopping from apt. to apt. to hotel etc.


We should have known he was a fly-by-night operation. Nobody in that area probably knows where his “shop” is…so they can’t report him with all those addresses and moving.

356 visitors on that CSIR shit, probably 20 to 30 percent of those visitors are TAH folks.


I bet his business card says: Have (mini) Van, will travel.

Pineywoods NCO

Oh God…

What’s that smell???

It smells worse than stale Limburger.

Someone needs to be dumped into the Trinity River, after getting hosed down by liquid soap.

A Proud Infidel®™


Just an Old Dog

Drone? I wouldn’t trust that fat fuck to throw a paper airplane across a room,

A Proud Infidel®™

The moment I see something like that flying and hovering around Infidel Central HQ®™ without my approval will be the moment I will find out what #6 buckshot (Perfect for Pheasant hunting) will do to a contraption like that!!




It says Chevyliar and “Associates”. Wonder who they are? You’d think he’d tout their creds.

Currahee John

Heh. “Low profile” “aviation support,” with a quadcopter that has a range of a few hundred feet, flight time of around 10-12 minutes, and sounds like a small lawnmower going overhead.


A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Have at it kids 😈


A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

CheezeBlob’s new reference letter lmao 👿


Not buying it. The Wilmer chief says no SWAT. Dennis only served a year as a reserve officer. So how could he have been the department trainer and SWAT?

Toasty Coastie

Sure looks legit to me….Not!

No signature, no letterhead logo, no fold creases…

Yep that’s some real deal reference letter there. Sparkle Pony.

Mr. Blue

Give the poor guy some slack- he’s a busy guy, and can only write his own refrence letters just so fast. Not the easiest thing when thumbing through the thesaurus.

Toasty Coastie

Good point lol…

His probably scouring the interwebs looking for a diploma showing he graduated from a real Police Academy.

Just an Old Dog

Dietrich P. Whisennand is an actual person, and a buddy of Denny’s.
Mr Whisennand, since you apparently decided to jump to your buddy Cheeseliar’s defense perhaps we should cite some of your credentials, as you have posted yourself.

LTCOL CAP (deputy commander for Irving composite squadron) Its a high School JROTC group.

you have numerous CAP awards…

You also are a member of the US Army reserve (Major) ,, with

National Defense Medal with one bronze star

Air Force Comendation Medal

Armed Forces Reserve Service Medal with Silver Hourglass

Army Reserve Service Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters

In addition you have attended the following schools.

USAF Security Police Academy
USAF Command NCO Academy
Army AMEDD Officer Basic and Advanced Courses
Army Combined Arms and Services Staff School
USAF Squadron Officer School,
USAF Air Command and Staff College.

Your education includes:

AAS in Criminal Justice, Community College of the Air Force
BS in History and English Literature, Excelsior College
ND in Naturopathy, Trinity College; DD in Divinity, Pathways Seminary

Some of your missions you have commanded were

Local Incident Commander, Space Shuttle Columbia disaster relief mission in Texas;

Ground Team Leader, Hurricane Katrina Ground Search and Rescue at Stennis MS;

Incident Commander, Hurricane Rita Aerial Search and Rescue in Houston, Texas

Impressive resume Mr Whissenand.

Just an Old Dog

oh and he is a retired police chief as well

Toasty Coastie

Hmm…maybe an FOIA needs to be done.

Just an Old Dog

From his Veterans history project interview.

Biographical Information

Dietrich Packwood Whisennand
State of Birth:
Home State:
American Indian and Alaskan Native
War or Conflict:
Persian Gulf War, 1991
Dates of Service:
Entrance into Service:
Branch of Service:
Air Force
Unit of Service:
136th Tactical Air Command, Airlift Wing; 135th M.A.S.H.; 424th Group
Location of Service:
Kansas City, Kansas; Dallas, Texas
Highest Rank:
Technical Sergeant
Prisoner of War:
Service History Note:
Veteran served as Incident Commander in Dallas/Fort Worth area during the Columbia disaster (2003). Veteran served in the Army where he achieved the rank of Captain. Veteran served in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) where he achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Veteran currently serves in the Reserves, and his rank is Major.

Dennis - not chevy

Sorry I’m late in noticing this: the Air Force doesn’t use the MASH name. Mobile and “tent city” hospitals were referred to as Tactical Hospitals, e.g. 655th Tactical Hospital, 656th Tactical Hospital, etc. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital would not be the name of a USAF Hospital. Why is there no mention of the Army in the “branch of service” block?
Do I smell a poser?


Perhaps Mr. Whissenand can give us the particulars of Chevy’s shooting incident? Him being a retire police chief and all, he probably has first hand knowledge of it. Maybe even independent information to pass along – like the basics of when and where this LOD injury occurred. That would be public info except that lists of such injuries just don’t seem to have denni penni’s name listed for the 80’s. Or any other decade that posters here have found.

As a retired police chief he surely can understand the concept that such details need to be verifiable from a third party with no stake in the veracity of the information.


Oh my dear Lord.

Where to begin?

First, the image is in a png file. That’s really odd for a scan that one wants to put on an internet post.

The size of the image is 7.875″ X 7.375″ That means he trimmed 5/8 of an inch off the width and 3 5/8″ off the long axis. Once again, he has no clue as to how to present evidence in its original form.

As others have said, no creases, signatures or headers on the “letter.”

The other thing that should be noted is that “Pathways Seminary” and “Trinity College” are both online diploma “mills.”

The last thing of interest is that a bio of Dietrich Whisennand can be found here: http://cap-usafa.org/biowhiz.htm

Notice at the bottom is a warning from the webmaster (or whomever) saying “Warning: The information you are receiving is protected from interception or disclosure. Any person who intentionally distributes, reproduces, or discloses its contents is subject to the penalties set forth in 18 United States Code Section 2511 and/or related state and federal laws of the United States.”

18 U.S. Code § 2511 can be found here: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2511

It deal with the interception as in wiretaps, recording without notice etc. It has nothing to do with any information that someone puts out on a publicly viewable website. Who are these guys who think that normal IP fair use and copyright laws don’t apply to their site? It is almost some sad state of people who don’t know what they heck they are talking about but trying to bully people with their stupidity.

Toasty Coastie

Here’s my shocked face at the diploma mill info….

😯 😯 😯 😯 😯


This guy looks like a goofball. Him and Dennis flock together.


I emailed you at your gmail address with some background information…hopefully it helps.


His bio at the Veterans Hostory Project states that he deployed to the ME for DS/DS, yet he isn’t wearing the “I was there” medals that everyone who participated received.


I can assure you he was not the Incident Commander at the cited disasters.

Pineywoods NCO

Excuse me, but what *CENSORED* relief mission in Texas? Can you specify where there was a relief mission? Pardon me while I call bullshit on this.


Dennis has blocked actual email addresses from looking at the blog now LOL. Wow….

Toasty Coastie


Zig me an email would you please? Admin can put you in touch.


Will do! LOL I wonder if I switch google addresses will I get in.


I can’t imagine that he has the capability to do that. It is far more likely that he is blocking the IP of your computer. But I could be wrong.


Surprisingly he blocked my gmail address. I guess he had enough of me. I got on my other Gmail account and I was able to access his page.

He got angry because I responded to his craigslist ad.


I think he can do it because blogger is part of google experience. google plus accounts can log on to it.


Ah. Well, that is your first mistake…. using Google+.


Just kidding.



lol well that and he blocked me because I posted on his site.

Surprised he didn’t block Mr. Maynard though.


LOL…I asked if there would be complimentary/free cheese and whiiine offered to students.

Just an Old Dog

Dennis may want to tell Mr Whissenhand that it must have been really hard for hi to serve with him in the Wilmer PD from 1990-1992 AND Serve in Desert Storm in 1991.


Strange is it says his highest rank was E-6 but then in biography part he talks about being a Major or something in the Army?

Just an Old Dog

The way Im reading it he claims to have joined the military in 1982 and been an AF Tech Sergeant in Desert Storm, then gotten an Army reserve commission, all the while doing police work in Texas.


That is hell of a lot to do for any man.


Yet, as you mentioned, he claims to have been on the Wilmer PD with Chevyliar from 90-92. There’s also no mention of any OCS or ROTC in his bio.


For what it’s worth, he checks out on AKO.

Organization: 965th Dental Co (AS), Medical Service Corps, Army Reserve

Just an Old Dog

I’ll be damned, I guess he is involved in the AR.I wonder about the DS clams vice WPD


No idea about that, but let me know if you want what I was able to dig up. Just emailed gitarcarver the same.

Just an Old Dog

The Letter Dennis posted up with Whisennand’s name says he was with him in the WPD from 1990 to 1992.
Whisennands Veteran interview says he was an AF E-5 in the persain Gulf war 1991

Just an Old Dog

Disgusted. Email me what you have at jumpallupint (@) Gmail (dot) com

Just an Old Dog

correction jumpallupinit.


Roger, just sent.


I hope his diploma mill BS isn’t in his OMPF.


I think it is.
Both Trinity College of Natural Health and Excelsior.

Just an Old Dog


He is the xo/opso of a reserve unit accordng to this


It might be worth asking him directly whether he wrote that letter in support of Dennis and if he knows why/how the letter is being used. I wouldn’t put it past the cheesegobbler to forge more evidence.


I agree. Chevyliar may be forging documents. Would anyone be surprised? There are just way too many inconsistencies between his bio and the letter he supposedly wrote.


Another Doctor eh?


Well, sort of.

One is a “Doctor of Divinity” from a mail order school.

The other is a “naturopathic doctor” from another mail order school. Both set him back about $4,000 for each.

I have great respect for doctors in general and also men of the cloth. In this case, I don’t think I would call him “Doctor” for the ND, or “Doctor” for the divinity studies.

But that is just me.


Oh, and the Excelsior degree – a BS (?) in History and English Literature comes from a brick and mortar school that offers online courses. As the school is in Albany, NY, I have a feeling that this “degree” was done online as well.


A serial gingivitis profiler? Awesome!

Just an Old Dog

It looks like the billet that Whisennand is filling is an administrative one that doesnt require him to be a DDS.


So is he a doctor of gums, or just a dental cleric?


Man, I go off to do some convoy training and this thread blows up some more! You would think this dude would just give up. I have a little down time so I’ll have to catch back up on this thread. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Sometimes hard work is its own reward, and other times (like in this thread), it’s pure pleasure.



“Mustang1LT”, eh?

Congrats, amigo.


Thanks Hondo. I received the promotion order yesterday.


Thanks Hondo. I received the promotion order yesterday. Looks like I’ll have a duplicate post since my phone decided to add a space to my new handle.


Nice new name there. May I abbreviate it to simply “#1?”

(OK, OK, I’m gonna do it with or without your permission, but as a consolation prize, I give you the appearance of having some input into that decision. 😉 )

Pineywoods NCO

Congrats, Sir!


Mustang1LT…Glad to see you back Sir. Glad you got through training safely.


Mustang1LT…Hey! Sorry Sir, I missed that! 1ST LT. Congratulations Sir! Here-Here.


Congrats, LT!


Congrats, LT!! Now you know what to do with a map and compass.


Three comments I made in this thread got deleted without explanation.

I wonder who I ticked off?

Seriously, I respect the fact that I post here as a guest and I have tried to maintain a decorum that is similar to that of if I were in your home. I am not going to raise the stupid idea of “free speech!” or “First Amendment!” in what is not my place and not being hosted on my dime. I respect and understand that my posts may be deleted. However, if I do something wrong that requires the admins to delete my posts, please let me know what I did. My email address is always given and easy to determine. It would be appreciated.

Thank you.

PowerPoint Ranger

I doubt that your posts were deleted, but they might have gotten caught in the site’s spam filter for some odd reason. It’s happened to a few of us over the years.



Thank you.

I thought they were deleted as they had originally appeared on the blog and one even garnished a response.

Thanks for bringing them live.

As I said, if I ever tick you off to the point where you feel the need to delete something I said, let me know. I am a firm believer in “your house, your rules” when it comes to commenting on blogs.

Thanks again.


Would like some detail on his being deployed “to” Desert Storm. That implies being in theater, right?

As far as I know, NO ANG Security Forces assets were in theater. Yes, some were doing active service at home station and some other duties as onesies and twosies hither and yon, but not IN theater.

Memory could be failing me on that. And it appears from the ribbon rack that Whissenand is not himself claiming in theater Desert Storm service.

Could just be another case of denni penni exaggerating HIS support from real deal people. Or he could have found another poser, or something else entirely.

Not yet prepared to declare that this one is also a poser, but sure am curious why denni penni is shining light on this particular individual. We know that he has a history of throwing people who are trying to support him under the bus. This may just be another instance of that and nothing more.


I’m waiting for one from his TXSG CO, Col Palmer (or was it Parker). The one that canned him from a volunteer org.


I know I haven’t participated extensively in the cheeseslayer’s egregious exercise in self-promotion and DOR (denial of reality), but it’s only because I was intent on keeping my brain cells from imploding.

He’s getting desperate now. Anyone can see that. He has to make up more and more stories about his non-exploits and concoct more and more imaginary friends. It’s a good effort, but I don’t think he’ll beat burntwit bernutsky’s efforts to win the crown of Stolen Valor.

dennis the pinhead, you still look like that slug that lived in an aseteroid in ‘Empire Strikes Back’.

Mouth breather.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Well looky here!

Our fake LtCOL, NON TxSG member’s letter of reference has been altered to NOW include a signature….

And what an interesting signature it is too.. Good thing thre is a copy of the original out there huh?



Toasty Coastie

Originally posted by Dennis H. Chevelier

Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members

Get ready to gasp and claim foul when I move it to the section where my friends and co-workers have come forward on my behalf.

Go ahead get ready to LIE AGAIN!
I have busted EVERY GOD DAMN BULLSHIT LIE of yours about me and am continuing to do so on MY TIMETABLE not yours!

I have allowed you to see my blog in hopes that you could understand factual evidence that anyone could obtain but thanks to your childish behaviors we now all see how you attack ANYONE that tells the truth about me.

You are all PATHETIC buffoons.

Oh dear, Sparkle Pony is out of cheese again and the weekend has just started…,Oh and take a gander at the new “reference letter:. It has now acquired a signature lol 😛


OIF '06-'07-'08

Well,,, but,,, damn, what happened to all those criminal warrants and back ground checks that were supposed to have been issued last Tuesday? Like they were supposed to have exposed all us here.

If any one can truly personify the statement “don’t piss on my leg and then claim it is raining”, certainly is Dennis.

As I have asked in the past, what is he hoping to accomplish with his blog and the uber stupidity that he post on it? My life has not been changed in any way shape or form over CheesFlake’s empty threats and promises. He sure as hell cannot figure out who any one is other than the admins, yet when they tell him to contact Jonn’s lawyer, he slinks off to post even more outlandish lies that come to no fruition. Oh to live the life of Dennis Chevalier is one experience I am glad to never experience.

Toasty Coastie

You got that right OIF!

Between him and Bernath, we should all be cowering in our sad little hovels waiting for the police to arrive and arrest us lol.

I honestly don’t know what his point is. He keeps trying to prove points that were not questioned. But because of his shennigans we have dug deeper and have debunked his whole life.
But, I suppose, when your make your whole life out of lies and then get caught in them, one is desperate to keep at least some semblance of it together no matter how ridiculous you look.

Unfortunately, because he won’t quit and has doubled downed on teh stoopid, more people are going to get caught in the web of truth. Just take a gander up above in this thread and see who has now been put under a microscope and why.

The horror of his world crashing down is sending him clear over the edge…

The real shame is, this could have been over and done with if he had just come clean 3 months ago.


I wonder how many of those people actually now Dennis is posting documents in their name that they supposedly wrote as a reference for him. I’d be willing to wager that most, if any, know anything about it.

Pineywoods NCO

Please define this “factual” information?

And again….Dennis has friends that wear socks, not are socks?


What is of interest to me is that the paper is still cropped from a paper size of 8.5″ X 11″.

In fact, this incarnation is cropped MORE than the other “original” letter he posted.

Furthermore, this new version is different in content as well. Notice the “/dw” under the signature. That was not on the original posted the other day.

This leads to the question of “which is the actual document? The one posted the other day? Or the one posted today with the added signature and note of authorship (which is done incorrectly and contrary to standards) under the signature block?

Did he lie the other day by saying that this is the evidence that I served? Or is he lying now by presenting a different document?

It is my opinion that this guy doesn’t understand what “evidence” is, never stepped in a courtroom to present evidence, or failed “Evidence 101” when he allegedly attended a diploma mill to get a “degree” in law enforcement.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, messes with documents, scans and images and expects them to be taken as honest and truthful evidence.


I’d be wiling to bet that neither document is authentic from the supposed author.


I love the “letter” from yet another diploma mill, “Dr” Dietrich Whisennand. I looked at his extensive bio page from the CAP site. While he loves to put every award, ribbon, clasp, propeller, class, degree and everything else on his bio page he says he has ever, EVER earned, no where to be found is duty in the Wilmer PD during the years he wrote in the letter supporting Dennis’ claim. Now I would think a guy as full of himself with an “I love me” bio like that one, would never, ever forget to add that he was part of the Wilmer PD and especially that he, “trained in SWAT” with Dennis. Another ass hattery letter Dennis generated for his own behalf. By the way the contact email in his bio does not match the one Dennis used in the “letter”. Could be a home email, who knows. A letter of “high importance though” and rock solid, nailed down and countersunk, proof of all things Dennis claims /sarc/. You’d also think a DR. would have a letterhead of some sort. But that would be too creative an endeavor for Dennis to bother with.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Any bets as to how long before this “evidence” disappears or is altered?

How about when said “Reference Letter Author” shows up all in a tither?


A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Oh and just in case it does disappear or is altered, both have been saved for posterity. 😀


No letter there now.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Its still up SJ, its under his “Friends and Co-Workers Come Forward” section where he has his other “reference letters”.

A Proud Infidel®

Somewhere at the bottom of life’s Ocean, THE BLOBFISH Chevalier still lurks and scavenges for scraps to fall from above!!
Hey it’s the first day of the month, Cheesy McBlobfish, your five pound block of cheese should be ready to pick up!!


Ol’ Dennis “Cheeseslayer” Chevyliar must be angry and depressed because he hasn’t been getting any attention from us for a few days. Don’t worry fromage fucker, we haven’t forgotten about you. It’s just that there are much more pressing and important things to deal with than a liar and coward at the moment. Don’t worry your empty head though, we’ll be back to you shortly.


As Colonel Potter would say in this situation….

We need to give him a 7 pound melted cheese high colonic and send him on a 10 mile hike.”

Just an Old Dog

DENNIS CHEVALIER wrote on July 1, 2000

City and State: FT. WORTH TX

Not sure if this gem made it up or not,,,



Service or Relationship: –

Comments: USS Chevalier DD-801 Gearing class,USS Chevalier DD-451 Fleatcher class, patch, ship photos

Pineywoods NCO

The early musings of a bullshit artist….proof that if you believe the stupid long enough, you are bound to be the stupid.

Just an Old Dog

Wonder what his excuse for this one is?

Pineywoods NCO

I give it about an 80% chance that he will claim he was hacked.


Top ten list:

10. I was simply asking for information on my father.

9. The cancer meds were making talk crazy.

8. Someone at TAH (yeah you GDC) posted this by traveling back IN TIME!!!!

7. Show me more!!!!

6. “JP” who was an enemy to me posted this. That is why I sued him ($12.50 later). He was supposed to take it down!!!!

5. My ex-wife couldn’t keep her knees together!!!!!

4. Another ex-wife who didn’t have knee problems was a manic-bi-polar-drug-addict!!!!! She had a job!!!!!

3. Don Shipley’s wife posted it to keep me away from her husband!!!!

2. Sweadish Special Forces that I worked with on a drug interdiction mission in Texas with posted it as a joke. Ha Ha, those Sweades. Good one guys!!!!!

and #1…


Just an Old Dog

GD, it looks like the reason for his post was he was seeking a memento of the ship ( patch or photo) to hang on his I love me wall. I’m sure he would have come uo with a yarn to go with it.


You forgot the flood.


I find it interesting that it was written in 2000. Wasn’t his first “retirement” from CAP in 2003? Linda (RIP) said that his first “retirement” was due to Cancer, and Dennis himself claims that he wasn’t diagnosed until 2004. Timeline will trip a fat boy up every time….

Old CAP Gal

Well. He could probably get in a much bigger boat load of trouble if they knew about his antics in 1988 at Bergstrom AFB while with CAP at the NCO leadership school.


Wait for it ….

(this ought to be good… I’m fixing popcorn)


Please……do tell. More of his antics? At an Air Force Base? Don’t keep us in suspense!

*Shakes Jiffy Pop over the stove*

Just an Old Dog

“Well. He could probably get in a much bigger boat load of trouble if they knew about his antics in 1988 at Bergstrom AFB while with CAP at the NCO leadership school.”

Bet it involved:
Tale tales of Heroism
A 7 pound block of Cheese

old CAP gal

Probably adultery, but there was no ring.
No alcohol.
Tales of his greatness.
Didn’t see any cheese.
Teenage girls…


*Munch Munch*
Teenage girls?!?
*Spits out popcorn*
That’s it. We have to get confirmation on this. This is no longer funny, just pathetic and disgusting. If this is true, this guy has crossed a big line from creepiness to predator.


Dennis H. Chevalier writes:

Its amazing to watch a group feed on its self. One tells a lie prompting another to lie and so on.

With nothing real to report on me they continue to write fiction in hopes of causing me more grief.
What they didn’t count on are the people that know me and the facts of my life; reporting to me on their activities and in turn reporting to their friends on their blogs across the nation that has resulted in a massive decline in respect for TAH members and their blogs.

You would think that a site that purports to out liars would be careful to not lie themselves into a hole they cannot get out of yet…well, their work speaks for its self. Too bad their so-called “investigators” can’t find this out before they are kicked out of their own social circles.(American Legion and so on)

Brandon was able in 1min and 17 seconds to verify my police service through TCLOE in Austin, TX yet TAH claims I was never a cop because THEY cannot independently verify it.

DB Cooper was able in 13 min and 3 seconds to verify I was retired twice from CAP and issued I.D. cards to that fact yet TAH claims I was never a Lt.Col. because THEY cannot independently verify it.

Darcey L. pointed out that since I was asked repeatedly about being in the USAF and my replies were always no, (their own stolen photo of me from my FB page shows this as well) that it is TAH that claims I am a USAF Lt.Col. and not me.

Thanks Darcey, I had hoped someone would notice that little fact .

and the lists go on and on.

They are idiots led by idiots and followed by idiots with way too much time on their hands.

Translation: All Dennis is saying is bullshit as usual. DB Cooper reference yet again. Darcey L. And Brandon who?

Mr. Blue

Darcey L and Brandon are the newest addition to Dennie’s sock drawer.

Pineywoods NCO

Enough already, Dennis.

You have to realize something about us.

One, we’re not stupid. We have listened to your stories, your comments, your lies, your attempted (and failed) retoolings of everything that is found about you, and again, as before, found each of them invalid, useless and worthless.

Two, you made a claim that some of us have been on your site hundreds of times each. Guess what..just because we do not comment means we do not visit. We visit to determine what lies and hypocrisies you are sending out. We know better than comment because we know that you will come back blazing full of arrogance and hate and more spewed and skewered.

Three, you and you alone have refused to answer every question every asked except to refer to people or facts that can not be confirmed independently by anyone except by you, which is not independent but rather biased. You keep claiming things that do not exist or have been falsified or rewritten to suit you. Every question we ask, every discovery we make, bodes more questions, no answers, no conclusions, just incoherence and babbling.

And now this new development…while I do not know what may come out of this, I do know this….it does not look good for you.

Enough already, just come to grips that you need to grow out of the lies, out of the disgrace you have brought onto others and yourself and clean up the mess.


I personally do not see it happening. Not in the slightest, in fact, not at all. And that is rather sad. In the end, many have lost and…

You, Dennis Chevalier, will lose it all.

Old CAP Gal

He claimed to be a cop in ’88. The picture of him in the cockpit of the plane? I’m fairly certain that was taken at the NCO Leadership school. We all got to sit in the plane (we were kids and that was the ultimate cool then. For an adult to take that picture and spread it around to look like he was a pilot is ridiculous). He did get to ride along as a passenger in one of the trainer jets, but to my knowledge never was a pilot at that point. Looking at his DOB he was around 26 – 27 years old at the time and made no mention of ever having been in the Air Force.
He flirted with all of the girls, even the under 18 set, even though he was 8+ years their senior. seeing all of this now, I’m quite certain he was married- but no mention of a wife at home was ever made.
The thing is, we were all young and swooned over the attention from an older man. Too young and naive to understand that it was all lies, young enough to believe what people told us then. If it had been now, I’d spot him miles away. Unfortunately for me and my classmates at NCO School that year we were too young and too dumb to know better…


Oh crap….NOT COOL!


You know what Doc Chev likes about high school girls?

He gets older but they all stay the same age….

Toasty Coastie

His claim of being a cop was never in dispute. His claim of being a SWAT Lt is however, as he was ONLY a RESERVE, PART-TIME peace officer for a period of time. In no way could he have been a SWAT TEAM Lt let alone a member when he worked a year or less at 9 different small town PD’s.

There have been no records confirmation that he attended a Police Academy or ever attended the training of SWAT. Taking a combat arms training course giving to the public does not a SWAT TEAM member make. Not to mention, that the PDs that he worked at were too small and did not have a SWAT TEAM.

AS to his alleged shennigans with under aged girls, while good information to put out there, there’s nothing we can do about that.


I go into hospital today at 1300, so this may be my last post for a couple of days. Depending on how things go and if they let me have my laptop, I may or may not being able to pop in until later this week.

Take care everyone and please keep the heat on Be-Sparkled Blob Fish 🙂


Take care TC. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. We’ll hold down the fort for you.


Take care, TC, get well soon!


*Blows kisses to TC*

Sending Happy Healing energies your way!


Good luck TC.

Pineywoods NCO

Prayers, Toastie. Get taken care of, see you soon.


Take care TC, hope things go well for ya


TC: Take care, I hope for a speedy recovery.


TC get well quick and hurry back here. Don’t stay extra just to get the ice cream. We need ya! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


TC…I hope and pray for you that all goes well. I know this is coming late as I just saw your post. Take care and know you are being thought of.

Just an Old Dog

Has Denny ever posted anything on where he got his pilot’s license from? He is claiming a lot of flight hours ( of course now he says hes physically incapable.)
The guy could have gotten a light plane license, just wonder if he did.


He and Bernasty got a 2 for 1 deal from a cereal box.


my J didn’t register.Sorry Jonn.


I do not believe he has.


I have seen e-copies of his FAA certs via the FAA website.

Third class medical date of 8/1994
Certificate: Commercial Pilot
Date of issue 4/6/2010
–Airplane Single Engine Land
–Instrument Airplane

Certificate: Ground Instructor
Date of Issue 4/6/2010
–Ground Instructor


Seems like he claimed somewhere or another that he got his license at NAS Dallas at their flying club, or some such. Not certain what exactly he said, but there was a claim about flying out of NAS Dallas mixed in with all this mess. It was one of those silly things he said while trying to address one of many questions which no one asked.


Just to jump into a days-old post, but did anyone happen to notice that Dietrich P. Whisennand’s Squadron Commander is Lt Col Cynthia S. Whisennand? He’s Deputy Commander and she’s Squadron Commander. WTF.

No offense to the wonderful women out there, but damn, having your wife as your Commander too? Talk about whuuuped. Also – isn’t that illegal in the “real” military? And I thought the National Guard was bad about keeping it in the family. This pair has got them all beat.

Just an Old Dog

Their CAP “Squadron” is a High School JROTC unit of about 15 kids.


I guess that makes sense now. I was really wondering what the hell “Deputy Commander for Seniors” was. I was picturing a bunch of old retired Air Force geezers with propellers straped to their walkers wandering the halls of some old folks home.

I guess I can wipe that vision from my brain now. Much appreciative.

Just an Old Dog

If you look at the Squadron page you’ll notice that there are numerous bilets, usually held by the same people. Cheese-slayer was the safetyy officer.

Hack Stone

He was the Safety Officer? What’s the matter, he couldn’t handle the responsibilities of Tool NCO?


That’s downright spooky. I’m a Safety Professional in the civvie world now and I wouldn’t let that pedophile looking SOB show someone how to use a safety pin, let alone be in charge of a safety program.

Just an Old Dog

Looking at douchebag’s Cheveliar and Associates page he has a photo og him standing with a group of uniformed security officers, giving the impression that they are his “associates”. Pretty sure he never had a large group of anyone that worked for him… Think he may have had one assistant, who he let go.


Well it seems that The Cheeslayer has restricted his “evidence” blog to invite only. Can’t even read it unless you live in his sock drawer.

In other news, Dr. Lt. COL Dietrich Whisennand is a retired Police Chief. Yeah, no shit. http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/ambassador/profiles/Dietrich_Whisennand.htm

Just curious, does he look Alaskan Native/American Indian to you?

Two peas in a pod if you ask me.

Pineywoods NCO

Good that he restricted it.

I (speaking for myself but I wouldn’t be surprised if others agreed) was growing very tired of reading the SSDD coming from the dirty sock drawer.


Oh, does he have a blog? 😉

Pineywoods NCO

I think it’s more like a garbage scowl, OWB.


I’m Toasty Coastie’s husband.

She made me promise earlier today to come by This Aint Hell to let you know how her surgery went. Doctor is optimistic and if all goes well, there is a chance she will be home by Wednesday.

We thank you good people for your kind thoughts and prayers. I will try to come in and give an update when I have more information. Right now she is resting more or less comfortably.

She also said to tell you to please keep “the glitter flying”. I guess you all know what that means.

Thank you again.


Godspeed to your wife sir. Thank you for the update. Tell her all hell has broke loose and we need her back ASAP!


Thank you for the update – it is very much appreciated.

Hang in there, and tell TC to TRY to not make her recovery any more difficult than is absolutely necessary! 😉

Pineywoods NCO

Thank you and God Bless you both.

Just an Old Dog

Thanks for stopping by, hope she recovers quickly, we miss her rapier wit.

Open Channel D

Let her know she’s a Big Deal here and we miss her already. Tell her to heal fast, get back to the fight–we need her.


Thanks for letting us know. Prayers your way.


Best wishes to you both, SCPSU. I’ve been there.

Waiting while a loved one has surgery – when you can do absolutely nothing but sit and wait – is the worst experience I’ve ever had.

I’ll ask CINC-ALL to keep an eye on you both. He reputedly always listens, and He never asks of us more than we can handle.

Please keep us posted.


Thank you for taking the time out of a very busy day to update us. It’s good to hear the news and I join everyone here to in hoping she’s able to return quickly.


Best wishes to you both!


Dang – she’s married??? There’s goes my fantasy dream date!!!

No really – pass on to her that everyone is glad that all is well and we miss her wit and “gentle” barbs. Thanks for keeping us in the loop and take care.


Why all of a sudden we have to sign into google, to see what nonsense, cheese head has been spewing? Would anyone know that answer?


He wants to ID his detractors. Having you access his blog with a Google account he thinks will help him toward that end. It also helps him in preventing post his SSN again along with his DOB and TXDL# to the general public (because he is an idiot). My guess is that the NRHPD told him to get lost as far as getting our ID’s for him, so now he has to rely on his own pathetic methods. He’s got mad skills…all these years thinking that Jim Parker and Larry Parker were brothers, despite the fact they were from different continents. He’s a prize winner. At least the teenage girls used to think so.

Mr. Blue

Will the fact that nobody will go through the trouble of signing in to look at his psychotic ramblings finally convince the fat, delusional cheese munching loser that nobody really cares about him?

Of course not. He’ll be writing himself little love letters as fast as he can type them… and believing every single word.

Old CAP Gal

He’s probably got some pretty awful things to say right now and doesn’t want anyone to see it. Frankly I’m glad I can’t see. All it proves is that he is psycho. At some point you have to just shut up. The more you protest, the more guilty you look- if said protesting is coming back with tons of fake information against people.
He knows what he did was wrong. He knows that he had no business using his rank in CAP the way he did. If you are a leader of CHILDREN (and that’s what CAP is, kids being led by adults who are teaching them skills.)you don’t ever stray from being a professional. And that’s taking advantage of your position and authority.
Heck, most grown men would never WANT to be alone with teenage girls.

Mr. Blue

The funny thing is that the whole reason he started the “evidence” blog in the first place is to have a venue to answer the charges posted here.

However, Dennis himself typically would provide even more proof that he was a liar, a serial exaggerator, and an idiot… thus, the “evidence” tag was appropriate, but not in the way he thought.

I guess Dennis finally figured out what was happening… if only in a limited sense.


He went from showing the word to denying anyone a look. Sign of guilt and embarrassment.

Dennis - not chevy

Old CAP Gal:
I think all members of the Civil Air Patrol, cadets and seniors, who use their ranks or positions to coerce, harass, abuse, or do anything else that’s criminal to a cadet should have an “under authority” enhancement added to their criminal charges.

Old CAP Gal

It was certainly coercion. And he certainly said he had been in the Air Force and was at that time a police officer in Dallas. Seeing this makes me think about how much worse it could’ve been. Someone like that should never have been around teenage girls. I can’t imagine there were only a few, he obviously exhibits a pattern.

Just an Old Dog

Heavy Chevy had six wives and looks to be agling for number 7. He has established a pattern of infidelity and abuse in his relationships.
That he would be a deviate/predator is certainly within the type of personality he displays.

Old CAP Gal

Knowing what I know now (in all of my “older” wisdom) he knew who to target. CAP is a great group, but sometimes it’s where the people who don’t quite fit in end up. The ones with less than great backgrounds. It gave me courage, independence and leadership skills when I needed them so badly because of lack of guidance at home. But also because of that it’s the perfect place for a predator- one that knows what to do or say to make someone who is impressionable with insecurities and the like do what he wants. It’s a dangerous set-up. Much like extremists prey on the kids that are lost souls looking for something where they are successful and someone praises them. Dangerous, dangerous situation. I certainly hope this pattern didn’t continue with the girls of CAP, unfortunately I bet it did and I bet if you questioned a few it would come out. Luckily I am no longer an insecure, scared child and can see these situations before they happen. Perhaps it has caused the pendulum to swing the other way, as in trust NO ONE – EVER. Yep, the damage one can reap on a person in their formative years can be immense…