Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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Laura, please take your meds BEFORE posting.


Laura, you’re living proof of the need for a basic competency test for anyone wanting to post anything on the internet.
Or, as Skye said, you really, really need to take your meds.


richard wheeler,

Yeah, yeah, anyone who won’t drink your Kool Aid is a hater.

Want to see real hate, buy a mirror.



That’s right, it never happened, Obama never made it to the Legion ball.

All the Presidents over the last 54 years made it, but not Obama.

Again, you were accidentally honst when you admitted that Obama didn’t make it.



You too just diss’ed the MOH winner but demeaning 54 years of tradition which all those other Presidents respected but you and Obama don’t.

Thank God there are people like those MOH who protect your sorry ass while you trash them and their sacrifice.

Maybe if you and Obama had integrity you’d understand.

In the meantime, MoveOn and find someplace else to perform fellatio on your graven idol.



Ops….that post above isn’t for you.

Mea culpa, mea culpa.



Accusing people of being haters is fascist, which makes you a facist.

It’s a ploy to silence all but your opinion, to ruthlessly silence all other opinions.

BTW, I don’t like people like you who are racists.

Passing Through


You’ve continued to ignore my question, and the more you do so the more questions you generate:

1. You say dissent is patriotic, yet you avoid explaining how dissent was unAmerican during the Bush years. What changed? Is there a new definition of dissent now?

2. Now you’re saying that accusing people of being haters is fascist, when those opposed to Bush were accused of being haters, making Bush supporters fascists. I don’t understand your flip-flop points.

You seem to have taken the Democrat/liberal talking points of the past eight years and now embraced them as your own. Is that intentional?


Come on you folks bashing Obama over this ficticious ball thing. It does not exist. Of the 56 balls listed on numerous sites, including ticket sites that sell inaugural ball tickets, IT DOES NOT EXIST. With info easily accessable on the internet today, just take a minute or two to research these things before piling on. Use your voice and time to address and talk about things that matter, like the truth—instead of focusing on bogus stuff that fits ones agenda. Especially a skewed agenda fuled by false information that does our country and ourselves harm and injustice. Let’s get real and check out this bogus stuff before we pass it on and thus perpetuate our own mass ignorance. Don’t pass anything along unless it’s verified fact. I don’t before thoroughly checking it out first. We must all be good stewards of ourselves, our planet, AND our human dignity.

richard wheeler

Laura and Passing Through. You guys are right.Raoul has contracted Obama Deranged Syndrome.The symptoms are really ugly and will progress over the next eight years.Poor guy.


Dear #509 Anymouse

How are things in Never Never Land? Here in a little place we like to call “reality” there was a Ball for MOH recipients and other heroes held on Jan 20th in Washington DC. Obama didn’t attend. Every President since Eisenhower managed to get to it, but not the Messiah. If you would remove your head from your fourth point of contact you might actually learn to read and not embarrass yourself by preaching “research” when you obviously can’t do it yourself.

Tell Tinkerbell we send our best

Love and kisses

The gang at TAH



I think at the rate he is going, Obama may provide the 4 year version of the malady. 🙂

richard wheeler

Ray Ray Which of your losers do you think might beat him.Careful,sounds likr you too may have contacted the dreaded ODS.


Passing Gas,

He’s one of your buddies, Mohamad Shnewer, convicted of the planning to murder Soldiers at Fort Dix.

From a recent Philadelpha Inquirer article about his letter to the trial Judge:

In the recordings, Shnewer made numerous chilling statements about jihad and his desire to launch an attack on the military. … “My political views aren’t popular ones, but they’re my views and I have a right to have and express them.”

That’s what passes for patriotism from the left, an absolute, clear cut case of treason.



Sorry my friend, but I have been on numerous sites that list the balls which ran from the 17th through the 20th and just can not find the ball in guestion. The most comprehensive listing I’ve found so far is at http://www.washingtonian.com/blogarticles/people/capital/10034.html though there are many others. The ONLY place I have seen the ball in guestion is in anti-Obama Emails and blogs which are also anti-Obama. Just because some Emails or blogs claim the ball exists does not make it so. One can not beleive all that is circualted in Emails nor on blog sites. When I can find this ball listed along with all the other numerous balls over that four day period listed with an independent source that is trustworhty, then I can believe it. Why is it this ball, so far as I can verify, is only listed in Emails and blogs, but not with any independent trustworthy sources?



Anymouse lied:

“Come on you folks bashing Obama over this ficticious ball thing.”

It’s like saying there are WMDs and not finding any, in this case Anymouse says there was no ball and now there’s even a link from the Legion proving TSO is correct.

My, my a liberal that lies…go figure…it’s not like that NEVER happened LOL!!!


little dick wheeler and the voices in his head,

How about a group apology to TSO now that the Legion has proved that you lied?

That would be something an honorable person would do.

I’ll wait…


Anymouse The Lying Liberal,

“The most comprehensive listing I’ve found so far is at http://www.washingtonian.com/blogarticles/people/capital/10034.html though there are many others.”

You lied. That is not a comprehensive list. You must be illiterate and not understand the meaning of “comprehensive” or you are a deliberate liar. My money is on liar.

The Legion article proves you are a liar because you continue to push that lie even after the Legion published the story on their website.

“The ONLY place I have seen the ball in guestion is in anti-Obama Emails and blogs which are also anti-Obama.”

Again, that’s another lie. The Legion link has been here for a while now. Again either you are incompetent or a liar and the safe bet on that is liar.


Anymouse The Liberal Liar,

“Why is it this ball, so far as I can verify, is only listed in Emails and blogs, but not with any independent trustworthy sources?”

So the veterans in the American legion are not trustworthy?

Thank you for verifying for the public the anti-American and anti-military bias from the Hate America Left. I tell people about it but they find it hard to believe any American could be that ungrateful and deranged, but you have proved my point. If nothing else, you serve as a bad example.

richard wheeler

Drooling Raoul.Check my posts.I never questioned the existance of the ball.You never apologize for any of your mistakes so none expected here.


Hey Little Dick,

Why don’t you take your own advice and “MoveOn”…?

If you won’t, why should anyone else?


To those who still do not believe there was A Salute to Heroes Ball.. Pay attention.

I realize you are probably an ardent Obama supporter, and that’s great. I’m glad you could find a candidate who you could embrace and support. However, your denial of the existence of the Salute to Heroes Ball cannot be supported by a simple Google search. Please see these sites.


(note that the American Legion’s Salute to Heroes Ball is mentioned.)

(Note at the end of the article which ball this man attended)

(A letter to Obama from the American Legion on 1/15 (5 days before the ball). Note how it points out that every other President has attended. This was posted on Live link 5 days before the inauguration. )

So your contention that the ball does not exist is unsupportable. The reason the President did not attend may be debatable, but not the Ball itself. I found it to be unpardonable, but I am a Republican Veteran, and you can probably guess I did not vote for the man. However, I would have also been outraged if a Republican President failed to attend as well. From the accounts from 2001, the count of MOH recipients that attended this Ball has fallen by almost half. The youngest of these brave men are in their mid 50’s. For many of them, this was their last Salute to Heroes Ball, and THAT will be the one that was missed by the incoming President. How sad and unnecessary and disrespectful.




Attention Retards, specifically Laura:

I know reading is hard. Try reading all the posts before posting your redundant and previously disproven accusations that the Ball does not exist. For the record, this makes you look really, really stupid.

Yes, the Ball exists.

Yes, it happened this year.

Yes, Obama snubbed the largest gathering of MOH winners.

Here is the link. AGAIN.



Dick Dick,

Careful… It appears ODS cuts both ways. I voted for and supported President Bush, but NOT all of his policies. Questioning policies is what reasonable people do. Unquestioning hatred or support is the deranged portion of the program. I have yet to find ANY Obama policies/proposals I agree with… what would you have me do? Drink your Kool Aid? Sorry, ain’t gonna happen. Should he do something I agree with, I would support it… I’m not holding my breath waiting for that chance.


Oh… and sorry I can’t resist. It is better to be a Drooling Raoul than a Dripping Dick. 🙂



Dick believes that water unnecessarily delays gratification and eats the Obama Kool Air right out of the package.


Freebasing…. That’s just terrible. LOL



I’m going to use that line….”Freebasing the Obama Kool Aid”




The Stars and Stripes is a respected News source of credit and merit. And the Medal of Honor Recipients are pictured having a great night. Look, if all you want is another reason to hate, please Hate all over me! I could really use a few new Haters of my very own! But STOP using those great Medal of Honor Recipients as a mere tool to further your pettiness.
They weren’t forgotten, Skipped, Stood-Up, or Offended on inauguration night. They Were ALL Personally Invited to attended the Commander in Chief ball. Along with others in the Army, Marines, Airforce, and 300 wounded.

Thank you to all the Medal of Honor Recipients, and Thank you to All the Great Men and Woman that have fought, bled, and died for this country. Welcome Home!! …and for those that have not yet made it home, We Remember you. Keep your head down and Come Home soon!
And if this Hideous Rumors reach you on the field, where every second, thought and action counts. If these rumors give you doubts and angers please pick up a copy of your Stars and Stripes Newspaper and you will feel better.
If Obama had gone to that other ball, No One would have been there, because all of the military and Medal of Honor Recipients were waiting for him at the Commander In Chief Ball.
I appreciate all of your responses :O)
I felt special!! Yall are Awesome! Crazy as Hell, But still Awesome!

richard wheeler

Raoul and Ray Ray and Raoul.You guys are such an adorable,madcap pair.Comedy needs a little work.Maybe some dueling banjos would be sweet.


Laura, I have found a new theme song for you.

I could while away the hours, conferrin’ with the flowers
Consultin’ with the rain.
And my head I’d be scratchin’ while
my thoughts were busy hatchin’
If I only had a brain.


Sorry Dick. We don’t swing that way… but I’m sure you and your life partner can do the piq squeal without us.

richard wheeler

Ray Glad I didn’t have to hear you sing that song to Laura.For the record I have a beautiful South American wife.How bout you.I promise not to tell Raoul.



I have a lovely wife and 3 kids thanks. And for your information I went to college on a voice scholarship… you don’t know what you’re missing.



Do you hear that whining noise?


Did you ever notice that when they’re rude and obnoxious it’s reasoned debate, and when we have fun they accuse us of being rude and obnoxious? (which may be true… 🙂 but hey, I don’t go to Kos and start shit) I noticed Dick pulled out the ol’ ball and chain in defense of his hetero status right after trying to paint us gay.

Poor Laura. She thinks we hate her. I don’t hate her… hell, I don’t even know her. I just think she’s a dipshit. I’m sure she’s a very NICE dipshit… but still…


LoL! I’m not worried that you’re hating on me! I love all of my hating followers!! You give me a new laughs with each post~ I love reading Cinderella cry about a ball and all the other Pumpkin stories! Disney could bring this one to the Bank. Ray could star as my favorite character The Fairy Godmother! If this alleged ball was so important to you then you should have been there. Poor Ray, don’t worry there will be others, and The Real Ones are always better anyway.

airborne injun

Damn ,you gotta purty mouth!!!


Dip…. Shit

Laura, I have come to the conclusion that you are being intentionally obtuse and trying to keep a lie circulating. I am done being nice. No could be this stupid and have a brain that could still generate enough electricity to move their legs. Laura (or should I say Bethany?)has been kind enough to post her e-mail address in the web site block. I urge all my fellow TAH regular readers to do with it what you will. I am done with the bitch. bethanya2001@yahoo.com

airborne injun

Ray….Did you ever notice that liberals are just like hemmoroids,they only bother you when sit down or if you try to do anything?


Well i do not use working email addresses for blogs. I use old addresses that were disabled years ago. So yes do with it what you will. Just as you like to use links from sources with out creditable merit. You never were “Nice” Ray. You can’t Stop being something that you never started. Or are you too ill witted to have realized that by yourself?
And I never circulated a “Lie”. I was just one out of many that wanted to expose that lie for what it was.
Go sale out on Disney movies Ray. I prefer to get my News from quality sources,and by them can I form quality opinions. Your just pissed your sister wouldn’t loan you her dress for that pretend ball.


Here is the myspace page associated with the yahoo email “Laura” used to post on this blog:


Funny, this myspace user uses the same names as said poster. Coincidence? Decide for yourself.

Laura/Bethany is a 28 y/o former “army brat” in Augusta, GA……

airborne injun

Laura, thanks for the clarifacation,all these years of brain damaged liberals trying to tell me how to live,act, and think has nothing to do with that little problem at the Little Big Horn involving You know who and my ancesters.What a relief.


Nice! You took the time to look me up! that still doesn’t change the fact that the email address is no longer a working account that i know of. because i haven’t actually used it for 4 years. I use Gmail. You wanna look me up on that too please take the time.
I Love all your hate directed towards me, I could eat it for breakfast.
Yea I guess I am a Little Big Horn! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. You didn’t have to go all out of your way for me tho. Can’t say I would ever do the same for you.
I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life man. You Do What You Do!


Actually I have been nice Laura/Bethany. If you look at post 522 you will see the e-mail I sent to your old account that I discovered when I tried to view your site. I altered it so it was addressed “generally” and then removed the part that pointed out to you to not place your e-mail in the website box.

But I guess the Indianapolis Star and the Jackson Herald aren’t “credible news organizations” either hey? Not to mention the American Legion’s homepage and the letter to Obama from the Legion 5 days before the event. You know…. the one you say didn’t happen.

Instead of reading that and realizing you are mistaken, you continue bullshit fantasies and personal attacks. No problem. I don’t need to convince you. It happened, its a fact, and no amount of denial by some dumb broad in Augusta will change that.

As for me attending the Ball, I would be honored beyond words to be able to break bread with and talk with men like that. Should I need 2 idiotic evil stepsisters to accompany me, I will contact you as with your dual personality you can play both. Just post the lot number of your doublewide and I’ll stick a note on your trailer park bulletin board. Don’t forget to let Madam Ethyl know you’ll be out of town for “$5.00 a Pop” week so she’ll have enough time to replace you with a piece of warm liver and a scratchy towel. Well… at least the towel will spread less disease, and the customers will leave better satisfied.



The only followers she has have either a subpeona or a judegement from a collection agency in their hands.


Yea see that’s where you have misled yourself.
Ball or no ball the truth is I don’t live in a doublewide, or anything else with southern siding. But I do know some honorable Vietnam vets that do, so if you’re trying to knock lifestyles your target is way off. Crossing friendly fire lines even by your views.
And about me living here in GA, this is only 1 place out of a dozen that i have lived in my little Army Brat Life so I’m not worried about that either.
i have a copy of the Stars and Stripes newspaper in hand. Although you can also read it online.
I don’t need to get 100% of my resources from the internet.
Too much bullshit to swim through, oh but i guess you would know about that!
I wouldn’t accompany you! i don’t have that kind of time to be wasting. I’ll throw you a reply when i get bored, because it looks like you just can’t get enough of them. So keep it coming!



I think the only followers she would attract can be driven off with some Rid shampoo and body wash. (Don’t forget the nit comb.)


Ray, too funny man, way too funny. And I think you’re giving “Laura” way too much credit for being able to afford a double-wide. Maybe “Laura” can check out the story that must be a lie about the ice storm in Kentucky and how the Zero’s FEMA hasn’t responded. After all, Bush lied, people died, right “Laura”? How about “Obama dozed, people froze”? H/T to Redstate for that one.